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Alat Pembasmi Kanker Payudara dan Otak


Academic year: 2018

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Warsito P. Taruno, Ilmuwan Pencipta Alat

Pembasmi Kanker Payudara dan Otak

January 30, 2012

JPNN.com – Warsito P. Taruno, Ilmuwan Pencipta Alat Pembasmi Kanker Payudara dan Otak Butuh Waktu Sembuh dalam Hitungan Bulan

Warsito P Taruno, dosen Universitas Indonesia (UI) dan staf khusus Menristek saat ditemui di kantornya Ruko Modernland Tangerang, Banten,

Awalnya, karir Dr Warsito P. Taruno sebagai peneliti dibangun di Jepang. Di Negeri Matahari Terbit itu, reputasinya sebagai peneliti cukup diperhitungkan. Dari tangan dinginnya, tercipta sebuah alat pembasmi kanker otak dan kanker payudara.

Tak sedikit peneliti Indonesia yang lebih suka berkarir dan bekerja di luar negeri ketimbang di dalam negeri. Sebab, di luar negeri lebih menjanjikan. Tapi, itu tak berlaku bagi Warsito P. Taruno.

Semula, Warsito merupakan salah seorang peneliti Indonesia yang berkarir di Shizuoka University, Jepang. Di kampus tersebut, pria 54 tahun itu juga menjadi salah seorang dosen. Selama berada di Jepang, hidup Warsito lebih dari cukup. Apalagi, pemerintah di sana sangat memperhatikan dan menghargai para peneliti.

Tapi, itu semua tak menghalangi tekad Warsito untuk pulang kampung. Dia lantas merintis pendirian Ctech Labs (Center for Tomography Research Laboratory) Edwar Technology yang bergerak di bidang teknologi penemuan.


Kini Warsito dan timnya tengah mengembangkan alat pembasmi kanker otak dan kanker payudara. Alat tersebut berupa teknologi pemindai atau tomografi kapasitansi listrik berbasis medan listrik statis (electrical capacitance volume tomography/ECVT).

Dengan alat tersebut, Warsito yang asli Karanganyar itu menciptakan empat perangkat pembasmi kanker payudara dan kanker otak. Perangkat itu terdiri atas brain activity scanner, breast activity scanner, brain cancer electro capacitive therapy, dan breast cancer electro capacitive therapy.

Brain activity scanner dibuat Warsito sejak Juni 2010. Alat tersebut berfungsi mempelajari aktivitas otak manusia secara tiga dimensi. Bentuk alat tersebut mirip helm dengan puluhan lubang connector yang dihubungkan dengan sebuah stasiun data akuisisi yang tersambung dengan sebuah komputer.

Alat itu bisa mendeteksi ada tidaknya sel kanker di otak. “Dengan alat itu, juga bisa dilihat seberapa parah kanker otak yang diderita pasien,” jelas Warsito.

Sementara itu, breast activity scanner diciptakan pada September lalu. Sedikit banyak, dua alat itu memiliki kesamaan, yakni mendeteksi adanya sel kanker di tubuh. Selain dua alat tersebut, Warsito melengkapinya dengan membuat brain cancer electro capacitive therapy dan breast cancer electro capacitive therapy. Dua alat itu berbasis gelombang listrik statis dengan tenaga baterai. Dua alat tersebut terbukti dapat membunuh sel kanker hingga tuntas hanya dalam waktu dua bulan.

Warsito telah membuktikan keampuhan alat ciptaannya kepada kakak perempuannya yang menderita kanker payudara stadium IV. Terdorong oleh kondisi kakaknya, Suwarni, alumnus Jurusan Teknik Kimia Shizuoka University, Jepang, tersebut menciptakan breast cancer electro capacitive therapy yang berbasis listrik statis.

Bentuk alat tersebut dibuat mirip dengan penutup dada yang mengandung aliran listrik statis di bagian dalam. Penutup dada berwarna hitam itu terhubung dengan sebuah baterai yang bisa di-charge. “Sengaja dibuat mirip dengan penutup dada biar mudah digunakan,” papar Warsito.

Warsito pun mengenakan alat temuannya itu kepada kakaknya selama sebulan. Penutup dada tersebut harus dipakai selama 24 jam. Pada minggu pertama, terlihat efek samping dari alat itu. Namun, efek tersebut tidak sampai menyiksa seperti proses kemoterapi. Hanya, keringat penderita yang menggunakan alat tersebut berlendir dan sangat bau. Urine dan fesesnya (kotoran) pun berbau lebih busuk. Menurut Warsito, hal tersebut menandakan bahwa sel kankernya tengah dikeluarkan.

“Bau busuk itu berasal dari sel kanker yang sudah mati dan dikeluarkan lewat urine, keringat, dan feses. Tapi, si penderita tidak merasakan sakit, hanya gerah,” paparnya.


Untuk brain cancer electro capacitive therapy, suami Rita Chaerunnisa tersebut mencoba mengenakannya kepada seorang pemuda berusia 21 tahun yang menderita penyakit kanker otak stadium lanjut. Bahan dasar yang digunakan mirip dengan breast cancer electro capacitive therapy. Namun, bentuknya disesuaikan dengan bentuk kepala sehingga menyerupai pelindung kepala.

Serupa dengan metode yang diterapkan kepada sang kakak, Warsito mengenakan alat tersebut kepada pemuda itu selama sebulan pada September lalu. Karena alat itu dipakai di kepala, pasien

akan merasakan gerah pada bagian kepala.

Pada tiga hari awal pemakaian alat tersebut, tingkat emosi pasien akan meningkat. Setelah itu, muncul gejala-gejala keringat berlendir hingga feses yang baunya lebih nggak enak.

Warsito menceritakan, awalnya pemuda tersebut mengalami lumpuh total. Dia tidak bisa bangun dari tempat tidur, bahkan tidak mampu menelan makanan. Sel kanker telah menyebar di area pangkal otak penderita itu. Namun, setelah seminggu pemakaian alat tersebut, pemuda itu sudah bisa bangun dari tempat tidur serta menggerakkan tangan dan kaki.

Setelah dua bulan pemakaian, pemuda tersebut sudah dinyatakan sembuh total. “Dua bulan sudah bersih. Sel kankernya sudah hilang,” papar dia.

Setelah keberhasilan dua pasien itu, Warsito menerima banyak pesanan. Bahkan, jumlahnya mencapai ratusan. Saat pesanan membeludak, para staf Warsito terpaksa bekerja ekstrakeras hingga larut malam. Sebab, setiap pasien tidak bisa menggunakan alat yang sama. “Alat terapi itu harus dibuat sesuai dengan kondisi pasien sehingga tidak sama antara satu dan yang lain,” jelasnya.

Karena masih tergolong riset, harga alat terapi itu tergolong sangat terjangkau, hanya sekitar Rp 1 juta. Saat ini alat pembasmi kanker tersebut telah didaftarkan di Kementerian Kesehatan untuk mendapat izin edar. “Kalau sudah ada izin, bisa segera digunakan oleh masyarakat luas. Harga bisa berubah, tapi pastinya masih terjangkau,” ucap dia.

Keberhasilan Warsito tersebut ternyata juga menjadi perhatian dunia internasional. Salah satu di antaranya, The University of King Abdulaziz, Saudi Arabia. Universitas yang berlokasi di kota Jeddah itu sudah memesan breast activity scanner dan brain activity scanner. “Dan satu lagi alat scanner untuk perminyakan yang menggunakan sistem ECVT 128 channel,” jelasnya.

Sebuah rumah sakit besar di India pun sudah memesan sejumlah alat terapi kanker payudara ciptaan Warsito. “Ya, baru beberapa hari lalu kami melakukan clinical test di India,” imbuh dia.


NASA menggunakannya pada pesawat ulang alik. Teknologi tersebut memungkinkan untuk melihat tembus timbunan material di dinding luar pesawat ulang alik. “Kalau ada timbunan air di bagian luar pesawat, dindingnya bisa terbakar,” jelasnya.

Tidak hanya itu. Saat mengajar di Ohio State University pada 2001, dia berhasil mengembangkan tomografi kapasitansi listrik berbasis medan listrik statis. Paper yang menjelaskannya dimuat di jurnal Measurement Science and Technology. Artikel tersebut menjadi paper yang paling banyak diakses di penerbitan online oleh Institute of Physics (London).

Teknologi tersebut dipatenkan di Amerika pada 2003. Saat masih aktif mengajar dan berkutat dengan sejumlah riset di Ohio State University, Amerika Serikat, Warsito malah memilih pulang ke Indonesia pada 2003. Pilihannya untuk kembali ke tanah air tidak direstui pihak institusi tempatnya mengajar waktu itu. Masih banyak kewajiban yang harus dipenuhi Warsito.

Alhasil, dia pun terpaksa bolak-balik Amerika-Indonesia selama kurun waktu 2003?2006. Pada 2005, Warsito mulai mengajar di Jurusan Fisika Medis Universitas Indonesia.

Namun, pada 2006, pihak Ohio State University yang selama ini mendanai riset Warsito menghentikan aliran dananya. Warsito yang kala itu sudah membangun perusahaan di Indonesia terancam bangkrut. Selama dua tahun dia berupaya menutupi semua biaya risetnya dengan berbagai cara. “Habis-habisan pokonya,” jelasnya.

Namun, di balik kesulitan finansial yang membelit, Warsito berhasil melakukan sebuah pencapaian. Pada akhir 2007, dia berhasil menciptakan sistem tomografi empat dimensi pertama di dunia. Institusi tempat dirinya bekerja dulu, Ohio State University, langsung tertarik membeli sistem tersebut.

“Tapi, saya maunya mereka membayar 100 persen di muka. Awalnya mereka pikir-pikir. Tapi, setelah saingan mereka Washington State University juga tertarik membeli, mereka langsung oke,” jelasnya.

Dari situ kondisi keuangan Warsito membaik. Tanpa bantuan pemerintah, dia mulai bisa menciptakan temuan-temuan yang lain. Di antaranya, temuan yang dinamakan Sona CT Scanner. Alat tersebut adalah scanner berbasis ultrasonik untuk tabung gas bertekanan tinggi. Alat tersebut merupakan pesanan PT Citra Nusa Gemilang, pemasok tabung gas bagi bus Transjakarta.

Berkat sejumlah temuannya, Warsito pernah diganjar beberapa penghargaan. Di antaranya, penghargaan rintisan teknologi industri, Kemenperin; penghargaan inovator teknologi, Kemenristek; hingga penghargaan Achmad Bakrie pada 2009 untuk teknologi.


rachma yuniawati

sekedar informasi untuk yg membutuhkan :


Mohon ma’af, Kami tidak menjual alat, dan belum komersialisasi. Hanya bagi mereka yang benar2 membutuhkan dan tidak ada alternatif lain, silakan datang ke:

CTECH LABS Edwar Technology

Jl. Hartono Raya R-28, Modernland, Tangerang

(Telpon sementara sulit masuk karena terlalu banyak yang telpon).

Data yang diperlukan: 1. Fotocopy KTP (Ybs Wali)

2. Surat pernyataan volunter ingin memakai alat (dikenai biaya pembuatan alat) dan surat rekomendasi dokter.

3. Hasil scan (CT, MRI, PET, USG, dsbnya), keterangannya difotokopi. 4. Fotokopi hasil lab.


ctech labs edwartechnology


English :

Warsito P. Taruno, Scientist Creator Tool Breast Cancer and Brain Busters Need Recovers in Time Counts Month

Warsito P Taruno, lecturer University of Indonesia (UI) and the special staff of Research and Technology met in his office during office Modernland Tangerang, Banten.

Initially, the career of Dr. Warsito P. Taruno as researchers built in Japan. Sunrise in the Land that, his reputation as a researcher is taken into account. From cold hands, creating an exterminator brain cancer and breast cancer.

not a few researchers from Indonesia who prefer a career and working abroad than at home. Because, outside the country is more promising. But, it does not apply to Warsito P. Taruno. Initially, Warsito Indonesia is one of the researchers that a career in Shizuoka University, Japan. In college, men 54 years it has also become one of his professors. During their stay in Japan, living Warsito more than enough. Moreover, the government there is very attentive and appreciate the researchers.


Over time, the agency is growing rapidly, while based at the shop in the area of housing Modernland, Tangerang. A number of systems and tools Warsito successfully created and is now the target of an international world. “I wanted to go to Indonesia and do their own research,” explains Warsito when met at his office, CTECH Edwar Technology Labs.

Now Warsito and his team are developing a brain cancer-fighting tools and breast cancer. The tool of the scanner technology or electrical capacitance tomography based on a static electric field (electrical capacitance volume tomography / ECVT).

With these tools, the original Warsito Karanganyar repellent device that creates four breast cancer and brain cancer. The device consisted of brain activity scanner breast scanner activity, brain cancer capacitive electro therapy, and breast cancer capacitive electro therapy.

Brain activity scanners made Warsito since June 2010. The tool works studying human brain activity in three dimensions. Form of such a device similar to a helmet with dozens of holes with a connector that is connected to a data acquisition station is connected to a computer.

The device can detect the presence or absence of cancer cells in the brain. “With the tool, it can also be seen how severe brain cancers suffered by patients,” said Warsito.

Meanwhile, breast scanner activity was created in September. To some extent, the two devices have the same, ie, detect the presence of cancer cells in the body.

In addition to these two tools, Warsito complete with electro makes brain cancer therapy and breast cancer capacitive capacitive electro therapy. Two wave-based device with a battery-powered static electricity. Two such tools are proven to kill cancer cells to completion in just over two months.

Warsito creation tools have proven efficacy to his sister who had breast cancer stage IV. Encouraged by her sister’s condition, Suwarni, alumnus of the Department of Chemical Engineering Shizuoka University, Japan, is creating a breast cancer therapy based capacitive electro static electricity.

Form of the tool chest is made similar to the cover containing the flow of static electricity on the inside. Topless black was connected to a battery that can be in-charge. “Deliberately similar to the breastplate let easy to use,” said Warsito.

Warsito was wearing a finding that his brother for a month. Cover the chest must be worn for 24 hours. In the first week, visible side effects of the tool. However, the effect is not as painful to the chemotherapy process. Only, the sweat of patients who use these tools slimy and very smelly. Urine and feces (droppings) even more foul-smelling. According to Warsito, it indicates that the cancer cells are being issued.


Warsito findings proved successful. Within a month after use, laboratory test results stating that his brother has cancer negative. A month later, his brother was cleared of cancer cells that almost claimed the lives it.

For capacitive electro brain cancer therapy, such Chaerunnisa Rita’s husband tried to wear it to a 21-year-old boy who suffered from advanced stages of brain cancer. The basic material used is similar to the capacitive electro breast cancer therapy. However, the shape is adapted to the shape of the head that resembles the protective headgear.

Similar to the methods applied to his brother, Warsito wearing such a device to the young man for a month in September. Because the tool is worn on the head, the patient will feel hot on the head.

In the three days beginning the use of such tools, the patient will increase the level of emotion. After that, the symptoms appear until the stools are slimy sweat more really bad smell.

Warsito told, the young man initially suffered total paralysis. He could not get out of bed, could not even swallow food. Cancer cells have spread in the area of the patient’s brain stem. However, after a week of use of such tools, the young man was able to get out of bed and move his hands and feet.

After two months of usage, the young man had been declared cured. “Two months is clean. Cells her cancer had gone,” he said. After the success of two patients, Warsito received many orders. In fact, amounted to hundreds. When orders membeludak, Warsito staff were forced to work extra late into the night. Therefore, every patient can not use the same tools. “The tool that therapy should be made in accordance with the patient’s condition so that is not the same between one and another,” he explained.

Because it is still classified as research, it is classified as a therapeutic tool prices are very affordable, only about $ 1 million. Currently cancer-fighting tool has been registered at the Ministry of Health to receive authorization. “If we had permission, could soon be used by the public. Prices may change, but certainly still affordable,” he said.

The success of these Warsito was also the international attention. One of them, The University of King Abdulaziz, Saudi Arabia. Universities located in the city of Jeddah was already booked breast activity Brain activity scanners and scanner. “And one more tool that uses a scanner to petroleum ECVT 128-channel system,” he explained.

A major hospital in India had already ordered a number of tools of creation Warsito breast cancer therapy. “Yes, just a few days ago we did a clinical test in India,” he added.


NASA used it on the shuttle. Such technology makes it possible to see through heaps of material on the outer wall of the shuttle. “If there’s heaps of water on the outside of the plane, the walls can be burned,” he explained.

Not only that. Currently teaching at Ohio State University in 2001, he successfully developed the electrical capacitance tomography based on a static electric field. Paper that explained it was published in the journal Measurement Science and Technology. The article became the most accessed paper in the online publication by the Institute of Physics (London).

The technology is patented in America in 2003. While still actively teaching and struggling with a number of research at Ohio State University, United States, Warsito instead chose to return to Indonesia in 2003. The choice to return to the homeland is not sanctioned the institution where she taught at that time. Still a lot of obligations that must be met Warsito.

As a result, he was forced back and forth on American-Indonesia during the period 2003? 2006. In 2005, Warsito began teaching at the Department of Medical Physics, University of Indonesia.

However, in 2006, the Ohio State University who has been funding research Warsito stop the flow of funds. Warsito who was then already built a company in Indonesia threatened with bankruptcy. For two years he attempted to cover all research costs in various ways. “Out-out pokonya,” he explained.

However, behind the financial difficulties that convolute, Warsito managed to do an achievement. In late 2007, he succeeded in creating a four-dimensional tomographic system first in the world. Institution where he worked first, Ohio State University, directly interested in buying the system.

“But I wants them to pay 100 percent up front. At first they think about it. But, after their rival Washington State University were also interested in buying, they just okay,” he explained.

From there Warsito financial condition improves. Without government assistance, he began to create other findings. Among other things, the findings of CT Scanner called Sona. The tool is based ultrasonic scanner for high pressure gas cylinders. Such a device is orders of PT Citra Nusa Gemilang, supplier of the gas tube for bus Transjakarta.

Thanks to a number of findings, Warsito been rewarded several awards. Among others, awards pioneering industrial technology, Ministry of Industry; technology innovator award, Kemenristek; to award Achmad Bakrie in 2009 for the technology.


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