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RINGKASAN Pengaruh Economic Content, Resource Content, dan Social Content


Academic year: 2021

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Pengaruh Economic Content, Resource Content, dan Social Content terhadap Kepercayaan, Kepuasan dan Komitmen serta Relationship Intention Debitur

Bank Sumut di Sumatera Utara

Bank Sumut adalah bank yang dimiliki oleh Pemerintah Daerah Sumatera Utara. Bank ini diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu sumber penerimaan asli daerah (PAD) Provinsi Sumatera Utara dan memberikan dukungan bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi di Sumatera Utara. Bank ini harus berusaha memenuhi tuntutan ini walaupun menghadapi persaingan yang sangat ketat yang ditunjukkan dari banyaknya bank yang beroperasi di Sumatera Utara. Oleh karena itu Bank Sumut harus berusaha terus menerus memperbaiki pelayanannya dan menjalin hubungan jangka panjang yang saling menguntungkan dengan para nasabahnya dengan berusaha menciptakan kepercayaan, kepuasan, dan komitmen sehingga diharapkan para nasabah tersebut ingin menjalin hubungan jangka panjang (relationship intention) dengan PT Bank Sumut. Faktor penting yang dapat mengembangkan kepercayaan, komitmen dan kerjasama yang efektif dalam pemasaran relasional yaitu economic content, resource content, dan social content. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksplanatori yang membahas masalah relasi antara bank-nasabah. Secara komprehensif, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh variabel economic content, resource content, dan social content terhadap kepercayaan, kepuasan, dan komitmen serta relationship intention nasabah Bank Sumut. Populasi penelitian adalah debitur Bank Sumut yang menggunakan produk kredit untuk kegiatan usaha yang ada di Sumatera Utara. Jumlah debitur yang dijadikan sampel penelitian ini adalah 180 orang. Data nasabah diperoleh melalui penyebaran kuesioner di kantor cabang terpilih dengan metode systematic random sampling. Adapun teknik analisis yang digunakan untuk menjawab hipotesis dalam penelitian ini adalah Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dengan menggunakan paket program AMOS 5

Hasil dari penelitian dan pembahasan terhadap data yang ada, diperoleh temuan teoritis dan empiris sebagai berikut:

1. Pengaruh economic content terhadap kepercayaan nasabah memiliki koefisien jalur sebesar 0,203 dengan tingkat probabilitas sebesar 0,031. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa hipotesis satu yang menyatakan bahwa economic content berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepercayaan nasabah Bank Sumut. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa bank mampu memberikan manfaat ekonomi kepada nasabah dan ini menunjukkan bahwa bank memiliki kemampuan yang tinggi dan ini akan membuat nasabah akan percaya untuk membangun, mengembangkan dan mempertahankan relationship dengan bank.

2. Pengaruh economic content terhadap kepuasan nasabah memiliki koefisien jalur sebesar 0,237 dengan tingkat probabilitas sebesar 0,011. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa hipotesis dua yang menyatakan bahwa economic content berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan nasabah Bank Sumut. Hasil ini


nasabah dan ini membuat nasabah puas dan bersedia menjalin hubungan dengan bank

3. Pengaruh resource content terhadap kepercayaan nasabah memiliki koefisien jalur sebesar 0,205 dengan tingkat probabilitas sebesar 0,001. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa hipotesis tiga yang menyatakan bahwa resource content berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepercayaan nasabah Bank Sumut. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa nasabah percaya bahwa Bank Sumut memiliki sumberdaya yang dapat dihandalkan dan tidak akan menimbulkan masalah bagi mereka.

4. Pengaruh resource content terhadap kepuasan nasabah memiliki koefisien jalur sebesar 0,122 dengan tingkat probabilitas sebesar 0.039. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa hipotesis empat yang menyatakan bahwa resource content berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan nasabah Bank Sumut. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa Bank Sumut memiliki sumberdaya yang mampu memenuhi keinginan dan harapan nasabah sehingga mempengaruhi kepuasan nasabah.

5. Pengaruh social content terhadap kepercayaan nasabah memiliki koefisien jalur sebesar 0,115 dengan tingkat probabilitas sebesar 0,042. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa hipotesis lima yang menyatakan bahwa social content berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepercayaan nasabah Bank Sumut. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa social content dapat membuat nasabah memahami kemampuan bank dan karyawannya secara benar sehingga nasabah lebih mudah untuk mempercayai bank.

6. Pengaruh social content terhadap kepuasan nasabah memiliki koefisien jalur sebesar 0,136 dengan tingkat probabilitas sebesar 0,017. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa hipotesis enam yang menyatakan bahwa social content berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan nasabah Bank Sumut. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa interaksi sosial akan membuat karyawan dapat mengetahui kebutuhan nasabah secara benar sehingga mereka dapat memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut dan ini akan menimbulkan kepuasan nasabah.

7. Pengaruh kepercayaan terhadap komitmen nasabah memiliki koefisien jalur sebesar 0,232 dengan tingkat probabilitas sebesar 0,000. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa hipotesis tujuh yang menyatakan bahwa kepercayaan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap komitmen nasabah Bank Sumut. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa nasabah mempercayai bank Sumut dan memiliki keyakinan yang tinggi kepada bank yang pada akhirnya akan berpengaruh terhadap komitmen nasabah untuk menjalin relationship dengan bank.

8. Pengaruh kepuasan terhadap komitmen nasabah memiliki koefisien jalur sebesar 0,292 dengan tingkat probabilitas sebesar 0,000. Hal ini menunjukkan


9. Pengaruh komitmen nasabah terhadap relationship intention memiliki koefisien jalur sebesar 0,334 dengan tingkat probabilitas sebesar 0,008. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa hipotesis kesembilan yang menyatakan bahwa komitmen berpengaruh signifikan terhadap relationship intention nasabah Bank Sumut. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa nasabah yang komit memiliki ikatan emosional yang kuat dengan Bank Sumut dan akan ingin membangun relationship dengan bank. Hal ini berarti bahwa komitmen merupakan kunci bagi pengembangan pemasaran relasional jangka panjang dan komitmen hanya ada ketika relationship dipertimbangkan sebagai hal yang penting.



The Influence of Economic Content, Resource Content, and Social Content toward Trust, Satisfaction, Commitment and Relationship Intention of Bank

Sumut Debtors in North Sumatera

Bank Sumut is owned by the Government of Sumatera Utara. It is a source of revenue of North Sumatera Province and supporting the economic development in North Sumatera. In the same way, it should be tried to encounter challenges even though the competition is highly tight indicated by a number of bank operating in North Sumatera. In addition, Bank Sumut should continuously improved it services and build long term mutual relationship with its customer by creating customer trust, satisfaction and commitment so they would also like to build relationship intention

This research can be classified as an explanatory research expounding about customer-bank relational. It intended to test the effect of economic content, resource content and social content to the customer trust, satisfaction, and commitment as well as customer relationship intention of the Bank Sumut in North Sumatera.

The population was debtors of Bank Sumut at the branch offices spread out all over North Sumatera who took its product for business activities. The number of sample was 180 respondents. The answer from the respondents were analyzed by using the structural equation modeling (SEM) with the package program AMOS 5 to obtain causal relationship among variables in the model

The research result and discussions empirical finding are as follow:

1. The effect of economic content on trust has the path coefficient of 0,203 with the probability level of 0,031. in fact, the first hypothesis stated that economic content had a significant effect upon the trust of Bank Sumut customer in North Sumatera is accepted. This shows that the bank was able to grant economic benefit to its customers means the bank had high capability and it will make lively atmosphere to build, develop and maintain their relationship with the bank

2. The effect of economic content on satisfaction had the path coefficient of 0,237 with the probability level of 0,011. in fact, the second hypothesis stated that economic content has a significant effect upon the satisfaction of Bank Sumut customer in North Sumatera is accepted. The result prevailed that the bank was able to rant economic benefit to its customer and make its customer satisfied so they have willing to build relationship with the bank


4. The effect of resource content on satisfaction has the path coefficient of 0,122 with the probability level of 0,039. This indicates that the fourth hypothesis stating that resource content has a significant effect upon the trust of Bank Sumut customer in North Sumatera is accepted. This result shows that the bank has reliable resources that can satisfy the customer needs and expectations so they influence customer satisfaction

5. The effect of social content on trust has the path coefficient of 0,115 with the probability level of 0,042. This indicates that the fifth hypothesis stating that social content has a significant effect upon the trust of Bank Sumut customer in North Sumatera is acceptated. This shows that social content can make customer understand the capability of the bank and its employees. This understanding can influence the customer confidence

6. The effect of social content on satisfaction has the path coefficient of 0,136 with the probability level of 0,017. This indicates that the sixth hypothesis stating that social content has a significant effect upon the trust of Bank Sumut customer in North Sumatera is accepted. This shows that social interaction will make the bank employees able to asses its customer needs, so they can fulfill these needs and will generate customer satisfaction.

7. The effect of trust on commitment has the path coefficient of 0,232 with the probability level of 0,000. This indicates that the seventh hypothesis stating that trust has a significant effect upon the commitment of Bank Sumut customer in North Sumatera is accepted. This shows that customer trust the bank and have high confidence to create relationships with the bank

8. The effect of satisfaction on commitment has the path coefficient of 0,292 with the probability level of 0,000. This indicates that the eighth hypothesis stating that satisfaction has a significant effect upon the commitment of Bank Sumut customer in North Sumatera is accepted. This shows that customer of bank are highly satisfied and have high commitment with the bank continually satisfied customer will have a positive impact to good relationship maintenance.

9. The effect of commitment on relationship intention has the path coefficient of 0,334 with the probability level of 0,008. This indicates that the ninth hypothesis stating that commitment has a significant effect upon the relationship intention of Bank Sumut customer in North Sumatera is accepted This shows that committed customers have strong emotional tie with the bank and will create good relationship. It means that the commitment is key factor to develop long term marketing relationship. Commitment will be formed only when relationship consider as the important



The Influence of Economic Content, Resource Content, and Social Content toward Trust, Satisfaction, Commitment and Relationship Intention of Bank

Sumut Debtors in North Sumatera

Bank Sumut was facing rapidly competition. It had led to a situation in which Bank Sumut must be tried to be more effectively serving the business customers which is at present existing continuously much options. In addition, Bank Sumut should be created and maintained long-term relationship.

Relationship marketing should be relevant in industrial and service markets, based on long term relationship. It focuses on mutual exchange and fulfillment of promises that lead to customer relationship intentions as the successful relational exchange outcome.

The objective of the research was tested the effect of economic content, resource content, and social content toward trust, satisfaction and customer commitment as well as relationship intention of Bank Sumut in North Sumatera.

The population was debtors of Bank Sumut at the branch offices spread out all over North Sumatera who took its product for business activities. The respondents were the 180 debtor residing in 19 cities and towns in North Sumatera where the branch offices of Bank Sumut are operated. The technical analysis applied to test the research hypothesis was Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the support of Amos 5 Program.

The result of the research prevailed that there were positive and significant relationships among economic content and trust, economic content and satisfaction, resource content and trust, resource content and satisfaction, social content and trust, social content and satisfaction, trust and commitment, satisfaction and commitment, and commitment and relationship intention.

Benefit of this research can be used as scientific information regarding the variables of economic content, resource content, and social content, customer trust, satisfaction, commitment and relationship intention. Moreover, it can be used as a basis to motivate improvement of the customer satisfaction, trust and commitment at banking industry, particularly in North Sumatera.

Keywords: economic content, resource content, social content, trust, satisfaction, commitment, relationship intention


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