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An Analysis of Transitivity Shift of Barack Obama’s Translated Speeches.


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An Analysis of Transitivity Shift of Barack Obama’s Translated


A Research Paper

Submitted to the English Education Department of the Faculty of Language and Arts Education of the Indonesia University of Education in Partial Fullfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Sastra



Chayatun Nufus







Chayatun Nufus

A Research Paper

Submitted to the English Education Department of the Faculty of Language and Arts Education of the Indonesia University of Education in Partial Fullfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Sastra


© Chayatun Nufus 2014

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Agustus 2014

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Approved by:

Main Supervisor, Co-Supervisor,

Drs. Ahsin Muhammad, M.Ag. Susi Septaviana, S.Pd., M.Pd.

NIP. 195408171989031002 NIP. 197609042009122002

Head of Department of English Education

Faculty of Language and Arts Education

Indonesia University of Education

Prof. Dr. Didi Suherdi, M.Ed



TRANSLATED SPEECHES. The aims of the research are to investigate the transitivity shift in

the speeches and to analyze the possible meanings behind the shifts that occur. The research employed a qualitative method which attempts to define, classify, analyze, and describe the collected data. The researcher used transitivity of Halliday (1985) and transitivity shift of Calzada Perez (2007) as the tools of analysis. It can be seen that the transitivity shift occured in the speeches. In the first speech, it can be seen that modality shift is the most frequent shift. It indicates that the translator may ignore the author’s intention to avoid responsibility to the truth of a statement. In the second and third speeches, it can be seen that expansion is the most frequent shift. It is evident that the translators used more active clauses in the target text and use more than one processes in the clauses of the target text. The target texts are more understandable because it is explained clearer. From the findings about transitivity shift, it was found that the transitivity shifts happened in order to adapt the target language so that the translated text can be understood by the target audiences and it should be natural. In addition, it may be that the translators are unaware of his or her decision on making the shift. The translator may do it without any intentions. However, almost any decision in translation is consciously or unconsciously guided by translator’s background (point of view, ideology or cultural values). In conclusion, the translators tend to leave the reader in peace as much as possible by bringing the text as close as possible to the target text or home to the reader.



1.4 The Significance of the Study...6



3.1 Research Problem...31

3.2 Research Design...31

3.3 The Source of the Data...33

3.4 Technique of Collecting Data...35

3.5 Data Analysis...36

CHAPTER 4 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 Finding and Discussion...37

4.1.1 Transitivity Arrangement...37 Transitivity Arrangement and Shift of the first Speech...37 Expansion...39 Transitivity Arrangement and Shift of the Second Speech...52 Expansion...53 Transitivity Arrangement and Shift of the Third Speech...64 Expansion...65

(7) Dematerialization...68 Agency Shift...69 Voice Shift...71 Nominalization...72 Modality Shift...73

4.2 Discussion...76


5.2 Suggestion ...81






Ginori and Scimone (2001) state that languages vary with the persons who

speak them and the place where such persons live. Language and society are

related to each other because language is created when people come together. It

makes them need a language to communicate to each other. Thus, they must have

their own language. According to Wardhaugh (1986), language is defined as what

the members of a particular society speak, while society is defined as any group of

people who are drawn together for a certain purpose. Furthermore, Halliday

(1985) argues that language exists and must be studied in various contexts, such

as in professional settings and classrooms. However, as time goes by, people do

not only communicate with their society but they also need to communicate with

the societies outside them in order to adapt themselves with the era of


Speaking about the globalization era, English has become the main

language which must be mastered to convey information among modern societies.

Since communicating in English has become indispensable, translation is

becoming very important in any field of life, for instance in politics, economics

and health. According to Larson (1984), translation is a process of transferring the



Nida (1982) argues that translation is the process of reproducing the receptor

language to the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, both in

terms of meaning style. However, translators do not only transfer the languages

but also should pay attention to what the author wants to convey.

Nevertheless, errors in translating sometimes happen and can be

inevitable. Therefore, a translator should examine his reasons for choosing the

text and the potential for its use by the receptor language audience when

translating a text (Larson, 1984). When translators transfer the source text, they

should consider to the receptor audience. Sometimes the translator might make

‘mistakes’ intentionally as to the adaptation translation must relate to the receptor

audience in the intended country. In this case, the ideology of the receptor

audience is becoming a priority for the translators.

According to Newmark (1981), the dynamic of translation can be

guidelines for translators in improving their performance. It covers source

language writer, source language norms, source language culture, source language

setting and tradition, target language readership, target language norms, target

language culture, target language setting and tradition, the truth (the facts of the

matter), and translator. Moreover, according to Newmark (1981), good translators

should relate to the text with the dynamic of translation because translation cannot

be separated with ideology.

Ideology is defined as:


of statements which give expression to the meanings and values of an institution.’’ (Hatim & Mason, 1997,p. 83)

From the passage, it can be concluded that ideology refers to a way of life.

Ideology lives and influences some particular groups. Each group of people then

lives based on their ideology and sometimes they try to influence their ideologies

to each other. However, in translation, translators should concern about the

ideology. They should not only learn about the target language but also the

ideology of the country. There are some examples of lost in translation cases

recently that happened in Indonesia because of the ignorance on ideology.

One example is the controversy of Irshad Manji’s book. This book was

released in Canada in June 2011 and was translated into some languages including

Indonesian. This book made many contradictions in some Muslim countries. In

Indonesia, the discussion of Irshad Manji’s book was dispersed by Islamic

Defenders Front (FPI). As stated by Manji (2012), the book which is entitled

Allah, Liberty, and Love is a book that encourages Muslim women to keep

working and have spirit for struggling their rights without fear. Another book is

“5 Kota Paling Berpengaruh Di Dunia” which was published by PT. Gramedia.

The Gramedia publisher then burnt a book of Douglas Wilson. The publisher

recognized there is mistranslation in that book. The author wrote some words that

humiliated Muhammad as a prophet of Islam because the description of

Muhammad deviated from the fact.

From those examples, it is obvious that the role of translators is difficult to



ideology which must be different from one another. The only translators’ mistake

of the controversial books above is that the translators were not sensitive about the

ideology of Indonesia, especially the ideology about religion, and it made the

book were banned. In the same line, van Dijk (2008, p.183) states:

Ideological effects will differ in every case of translation-even in translation of the same text- because of the translator’s particular choices on all these various levels – on the levels of representation of the subject, as well as representation of the relevant locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary acts in his or her own name as translator.

From the passage above, it can be acknowledged that translators have an

important role as determiners. They can be the creators of a worldview or an

ideology which is appropriate with the ideology of the receptor audience or they

can make a worldview or an ideology that depends on the needs.

The last example occurred outside Indonesia, but it influenced in many

countries. It was about the Hiroshima and Nagasaki’s bombs in Japan. Those

tragedies occurred because of mistranslation. In July 1945, USA asked Japan to

give up without any condition or they would be attacked with a big power that

would destroy the country. Then, Japan said “no comment and will think the

offer”, but it was translated into “we do not care with that threat”. It made the

USA president angry. In the following 10 days after the statement, the prime

minister of Japan was fired. Hiroshima was then bombed and three days later they

bombed Nagasaki. This case proved how mistranslation can trigger to destroy the


Those explanations indicate the importance of a culture knowledge in

transferring a language. Thus, the researcher chose to investigate whether the shift

in translation may lead to different worldview or ideology of the text or not. The

researcher chose to analyze the written speeches of Barack Obama. According to

Hornby (2003), speech is a formal talk that a person gives to an audience. Speech

may influence and give a big impact to the audience. Nowadays, one of the best

orators in the world is Barack Obama, the president of the United States. He can

ensure the audience by his optimistic speech.

Through speech, there are some points of view that the speaker wants to

convey. In this case, the speeches were taken from the Internet. Nowadays, the

Internet is like an answer for many people to get information. It makes our lives

easier, but it has positive and negative impact. All information is not always true.

Therefore, readers have to be critical when they are reading pieces of texts. The

researcher selected the speeches of Obama because he is the president of USA

who has an important role for the international world.

Many speeches of Obama were translated in many languages and appear

on Internet. It happens also in Indonesia, people need an access to information

quickly now. Nevertheless, some of them may not understand English.

Consequently, translated texts appear in some websites or blogs. Thus, this study

attempts to investigate the transitivity shift in the speeches and to analyze the

possible meanings behind the shifts that occur. The researcher selects three

speeches of Obama. Using the speeches, the researcher selects random sentences



1.2 The Research Questions

The research questions of this study are as follows:

1. What kinds of transitivity shifts are used in Barack Obama’s translated


2. What meaning can be derived from the shift?

1.3 The Aim of the Study

Based on the research questions above, the aims of the study are as


1. To examine the transitivity shift which occurs in Barack Obama’s

translated speeches.

2. To reveal the meaning of the shifts occur in the translated speeches.

1.4 The Significance of the Study

The study aims to give some information about transitivity shifts in

translation. This study is expected to be beneficial for: academicians to conduct

study in this field of analysis, students who are interested in this field, translators,

and practicing.

1.5 The Research Method

The method which is used in this research is a qualitative method. The


The research conducts a qualitative method considering the characteristics of the

case study that deals with translation issues which does not involve to any statistic

formulas.Cresswell (1994) states that the qualitative method is an inquiry process

to understand a social or human problem, which is based on complex holistic

picture, words, and the detailed view of participants. In addition, according to

Maxwell (2005), the strength of a qualitative research derives primarily from its

inductive approach, its focus on specific situations or people and its emphasis on

words rather than number. In addition, this method has a strong point in the way

of revealing a phenomenon in detail with the intention which may enlighten

(Alwasilah, 2002).

In conducting the research, the researcher employs the following


1. Data Collection

The researcher obtained the data from the speeches of Barack Obama in

the source language (English) and the target language (Indonesian). The

researcher selected three speeches of Barack Obama namely “the President seeks

new beginning between U.S., Muslims based on mutual respect”, “Obama

Inaugural Address”, and “Obama Speech in University of Indonesia, Jakarta”.

Those speeches were taken from www.america.gov,

www.obama-mamas.com/blog/?p=2104, www.tempo.co, www.madeandi.wordpress.com, and



2. Data Analysis

To analyze the data, the researcher uses transitivity proposed by Halliday

(1985) and transitivity shift developed by Calzada Perez (2007) as the tools of

analysis. Those tools of analysis are used to investigate the transitivity shift

which happens in the speeches and to find out the meaning of the shifts that occur


1.7 Clarification of the key terms

1. Translation is the general term which refers to the transfer of thoughts and

ideas from one language (source) to another (target), whether the

languages are in written or oral form, whether the language have

established orthographies or do not have such standardization, or whether

one or both languages is based on signs, as with sign languages of the

deaf. (Brislin, 1976)

2. Functional grammars view language as a resource for making meaning. It

concerns not only with the structures but also with how those structure

construct meaning. (Gerot & Wignell, 1994)

3. Transitivity analysis investigates the clause which is composed of two

essential elements: the process and the participant(s). (Halliday, 1985)

4. Transitivity shift is made by Calzada Perez to categorize transitivity in

translation into several shifts such as expansion, contraction,

materialization, dematerialization, agency shift, voice shift,

nominalization, and modality shift. (Calzada Perez, 2007)

5. Ideology is set of beliefs and values which inform an individual or

institutional view of the world as to assist their interpretation of events,

fact and other aspects of experience which informs his definition of

discourse as ‘systematically organized sets of statements which give

expression to the meanings and values of an institution’. (Hatim & Mason,




1.8 Organization of the Paper

1. Chapter I (Introduction)

This chapter presents an explanation about background, reasons for

choosing the topic, research questions, aims of the research, limitation of

the research, the method used in conducting the research, the steps of

collecting and analyzing the data, clarification of the key terms and

organization of the research paper.

2. Chapter II (Theoretical Foundation)

This chapter provides the theories of translation for conducting the


3. Chapter III (Research Methodology)

This chapter includes the chosen methodology of the research and

describes the procedures of the research, the data resources and the reason

of choosing the procedures.

4. Chapter IV (Finding and Discussion)

In this chapter, the findings, the data analysis and the further discussion on

the data are discussed.

5. Chapter V (Conclusion)



This chapter describes the methodology of the research. The methodology of the

research is an important step that the researchers should achieve specifically. It covers the

research design which describes the theoretical framework used in the current study, source

of the data, technique of collecting data, and data analysis.

3.1 Research Problem

To undertake this present study, the following research questions were posed:

1. What kinds of transitivity shifts are used in the Barack Obama’s translated


2. What meaning can be derived from the shift?

3.2 Research Design

The present study used a qualitative method in analyzing the data. Cresswell (1994)

states that a qualitative method is an inquiry process to understand a social or human

problem, based on complex holistic picture, formed with words, reported detailed views of

participants, and conducted in natural setting. Additionally, Cresswell (1994) states that

qualitative method can be used as a method for revealing or understanding something beyond



Maxwell (2005) states that qualitative researchers rely on a variety of understanding

and corresponding types of validity in the process of describing, interpreting, and explaining

phenomena of interest. Furthermore, Jonker and Pennink (2009) emphasize that the essence

of a qualitative research is to identify the characteristics and structures of phenomena and

events which is examined in their natural context.

Maxwell (2005) also argues that the strengths of a qualitative research are derived

primarily from its inductive approach, its emphasis on words rather than number, and focus

on specific situations or people. This statement is similar to Jonker and Pennink (2009), who

argue that a qualitative research is a process of undertaking questions which can be obtained

by an inductive type and relates to the world of those involvement.

According to Maxwell (as cited in Alwasillah, 2002), states that there are five

characteristics of qualitative research:

1. Understanding the meaning of the participants of the study, the events, situations and

actions involved with the accounts of their life and experiences.

2. Understanding the particular context within which the participants act and the

influence that this context has on their actions.

3. Identifying unanticipated phenomena and influences and generating new grounded


4. Understanding the process by which events and actions take place


The data used in this research were the speeches of “Obama’s inaugural address”,

“The USA President, Barack Obama, on the President seeks the new beginning of the USA,

Muslims based on mutual respect”, and “Obama’s Speech in the University of Indonesia,

Jakarta”. Those speeches were taken from www.america.gov, www.obama-mamas.com/blog/?p=2104, www.madeandi.wordpress.com, www.vivanews.com and

www.tempo.co. The researcher chose the Indonesian transcription as a part of the data

because Indonesian language is the researcher’s native language. Thus, the researcher used

two types of data for the research: English and Indonesian transcription of the Barack

Obama’s speech. Some core issues of the speeches are explained below.

The first speech is about his gratitude for American people and the former president,

George W. Bush. Then, he spoke about the major issues that America face at the time. He

mainly discussed the economy, jobs, health care, education, and conflicts abroad. He

explained those one by one. He asked the citizens to think more globally and to build stronger

ties with the rest of the world, to offer friendship and to set a positive example.

He also reminded the citizens to set back the core values: honesty, hard work, courage

and fair play, tolerance and curiosity, loyalty and patriotism. Through these values, America

can face all challenges in the future. Lastly, he asked the citizens to unite and to tell the world

that America will face and survive together all the problems which may come in the future.

The second speech is Barack Obama’s speech in Egypt. His speech mostly showed

the relationship between America and Muslim countries. Obama was very clear and direct in

calling to a new beginning in the relationship between Muslims and United States. He also

tried to satisfy all Muslims of Middle East and in the world and told that they should work



addressing differences and similarities between U.S. and Muslim world. Therefore, he called

on all Muslims to focus on common ground and to decrease the differences between people.

The third speech is about Obama’s visit in the University of Indonesia. He gave the

general lecture for the college student in the University of Indonesia. Generally, he told about

the development, democracy, and religion between United States and Indonesia. Actually, he

spoke as the president of USA, but also he asserted that he was ever being a part of Indonesia.

In the first, he shared his childhood’s experience in Indonesia and related it to development,

democracy, and religion. In development, Obama said the good relationship between the

USA and Indonesia can increase the advantage development. He added that America has a

role in developing the economy and education of Indonesia and vise versa.

Obama asserted that the development cannot be separated with the democracy, even

though some people say democracy will obscure the development of economy. Fortunately,

he did not see it in India and also Indonesia. He explained how America could achieve the

democracy. He compared it also with Indonesia which experienced the same thing.

The last topic is a religion. Indonesia is a country that recognizes the existence of

religions. He focused on Islam as a major religion in Indonesia. He said that America wants

to start the new relationship between America and all of Muslims in the world. He ended his

speech with the phrase “E pluribus unum” and “bhinneka tunggal ika”. Those phrases have

similar meaning: unity in diversity.

The data were taken randomly without choosing the specific topic. The study focused

only on investigating the transitivity shift in the speeches. The researcher chose three

speeches of Obama. All speeches had been taken from the Internet because nowadays mostly

people find information through Internet. Nowadays, the Internet has an important role in our


on the Internet. It happens also in Indonesia, people need an access to the information quickly

now. However, some of them may not understand English. Consequently, translated texts

appear in some websites or blogs.

3.4 Technique of Collecting Data

In collecting the data, the researcher conducts some following steps:

1. Reading the original speeches and the translated speeches

The researcher read the three speeches to know the original version and the translation

version closely. According to Newmark (1981), comprehending a text to find a core

of message does not only need a general reading but also a close reading.

2. Identifying the speeches

The researcher identified and observed both versions of the speeches based on the

textual feature matters.

3. Selecting the sample

After identifying, the researcher selected the phrases or the sentences of the speeches

which contained of transitivity and transitivity shift.

4. Listing the sample

In this step, the researcher made a list of sample in form of table in order to analyze it


5. Analyzing and comparing the sample

The researcher analyzed and compared the sample to examine the transitivity shift

which occurs in the speeches and to reveal the meaning of the shifts occured in the



6. Drawing the conclusion

After all, the researcher made a conclusion.

3.5 Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, the researcher used transitivity and transitivity shift as the tools

of analysis. According to Hatim and Mason (1997), the act of translation is not an innocent

one, it happens because of the background of the translator. The cultural values or ideology

of the translator may influence the result of his or her translation. It may cause the translator

to “manipulate” the source text by making some additions, omissions, adaptations, and so on.

Therefore, in this study, the researcher used transitivity proposed by Halliday (1985) and

transitivity shift developed by Calzada Perez (2007).

This study was done in some steps. Firstly, the researcher divided the speeches into

clauses and then, chose some clauses which related to transitivity and transitivity shift. After

finding some clauses which related to transitivity and transitivity shift, the researcher

compared the clauses in both source texts and target texts. The researcher focused on those

clauses. Then, the researcher put the clauses into group of the transitivity shift categorized by

Calzada Perez (2007). After that, the researcher found out the most transitivity shift which

happened in each speech. The result from the process of analyzing the texts was used to find




This chapter consists of conclusion of the research and the researcher’s

recommendation in the field of translation.


As stated in the first chapter, the present study examined three speeches of

Barack Obama in English texts and Indonesian texts. The aims were to investigate

the tansitivity shift and to reveal the meaning of the shift occured in the translated

speeches. Based on the findings and discussions, the study undertook two research

questions. For the first question, the researcher concluded that in the first speech

modality shift is the most frequent shift. Then, in the second and third speeches, it

was found that expansion is the most frequent shift. From the findings above, it

indicated that the transitivity shift caused the shift of a point of view or an


There could be some reasons that the transitivity shifts happened. After

analysing the data, the researcher found that the transitivity shifts happened in

order to adapt the source language into the target language. There are no two



target language. Thus, the translated text can be understood by the target

audiences and it should be natural.

In addition, the researcher also found that the transitivity shift happened

because of the probable unawareness of the translators. The translators did it

without any intentions. Nevertheless, according to Nord (cited in Baker: 2009),

almost any decision in translation is consciously or unconsciously guided by an

ideology criteria. It shows that the shift of structure in the translation work is

guided by an ideology criteria.

5.2 Suggestion

This study investigated Obama’s speeches which used transitivity of functional grammar and adopted transitivity shift. For the further studies, the

researcher can use the other types of functional grammar such as thematization. In

addition, regarding the data, the researcher used the speeches of Barack Obama.

The obstacle of the researcher was the limited data of the translated speeches. It

caused the researcher to experience difficulties in finding the similar topic of the

speeches. Furthermore, researchers who are interested in this field can find the



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