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The analysis of the exocentric compounding from the new entry words of Oxford Dictionary from May 2014 to May 2015.


Academic year: 2017

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LEIHITU, STEFANIE NAOMI. The Analysis of the Exocentric Compounding from the New Entry Words of Oxford Dictionary from May 2014 to May 2015. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2016.

Vocabulary is very important thing to make a good conversation. We cannot have a good conversation if the one who speaks with us does not understand what we talk about. Vocabulary relates to the phonetic transcription, without knowing the phonetic transcription we cannot pronounce the word correctly, so that another person do not understand it. For example, we would like to say “heart” but we cannot pronounce it well, so that another people can hear it as “hurt”. Vocabulary also relates to the exocentric compounding. The most exocentric compounding contains 2 words and the meaning is not literally but it uses the connotative meaning. The writer chose this topic because the writer would like to analyze the relationship between the exocentric meanings of the new entry words in Oxford dictionary from May 2014 to May 2015 with the morphology scope and also to increase the knowledge about differentiating between the endocentric and exocentric meaning.

There are 3 problem formulations: analyzing the part of speech of the exocentric compounding, analyzing the contribution of the morphological process in each new entry word, and finding the exocentric meaning of each new entry word. The object of the study is taken from the new entry words in Oxford dictionary from May 2014 to May 2015. The writer found the data from the Oxford dictionary from the Internet. It is because most of the exocentric compounding contains two words and it cannot be found in printed dictionary. Therefore, the writer found the data from the Internet.

The method of the study starts from collecting the data that are taken from the Oxford dictionary from the Internet and the data themselves are the new entry words on May 2014 to May 2015. From the first problem formulation, the writer would like to analyze the part of speech of each new entry word by checking it on the Oxford electronic dictionary. Then, the writer uses the morphological process also to make the result being more significant between the result of the part of speech and the meaning of those data. The writer also finds the exocentric meaning of each word and making the conclusion from the findings.


LEIHITU, STEFANIE NAOMI. The Analysis of the Exocentric Compounding from the New Entry Words of Oxford Dictionary from May 2014 to May 2015. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2016.

Kosakata merupakan hal yang penting untuk dimiliki agar mendapatkan sebuah percakapan yang bagus. Kita tidak dapat memiliki sebuah percakapan yang bagus jika lawan bicara kita tidak mengerti apa yang kita bicarakan. Kosakata berhubungan dengan transkripsi fonetik, tanpa mengetahui transkripsi fonetik tersebut, maka kita tidak dapat melafalkannya dengan benar, sehingga orang lain tidak mengerti apa yang kita bicarakan. Kosakata juga berhubungan dengan exocentric compounding. Sebagian besar dari exocentric compounding terdiri dari 2 kata dan kata- kata tersebut tidak diartikan secara harafiah tetapi diartikan berdasarkan makna konotasi. Penulis memilih topik ini karena penulis ingin menganalisis hubungan antara makna exocentric dari penemuan kata- kata terbaru di kamus Oxford pada bulan Mei 2014 hingga bulan Mei 2015 dengan ruang lingkup morfologi, serta penulis ingin memberikan pengetahuan mengenai perbedaan dari makna endocentric dan exocentric.

Terdapat 3 rumusan masalah: menganalisis jenis kata dari exocentric compounding, menganalisis kontribusi dari proses morfologi di setiap kata yang baru dan menemukan makna exocentric dari setiap kata baru. Objek dari studi ini diambil dari kata- kata baru kamus Oxford pada bulan Mei 2014 hingga Mei 2015. Penulis menemukan data dari kamus elektronik Oxford. Hal ini karena sebagian besar dari exocentric compounding terdiri dari 2 kata dan itu tidak dapat ditemukan di kamus cetak. Oleh karena itu, penulis menemukan data tersebut dari Internet.

Metode dari studi ini dimulai dari mengumpulkan data yang diambil dari kamus Oxford di Internet dan data tersebut merupakan kata- kata baru pada bulan Mei 2014 hingga bulan Mei 2015. Rumusan masalah yang pertama, penulis akan menganalisis jenis kata dari setiap kata- kata baru dengan memeriksanya di kamus Oxford di Internet. Kemudian, penulis menggunakan proses morfologi untuk membuat hasil menjadi lebih siknifikan antara hasil dari jenis kata dan proses morfologi itu sendiri. Penulis juga menemukan makna exocentric dari setiap kata dan membuatnya ke dalam kesimpulan dari penemuan- penemuan tersebut.


The Analysis of the Exocentric Compounding from the New Entry

Words of Oxford

Dictionary from May 2014 to May 2015


Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of SarjanaSastra

in English Letters


Stefanie Naomi Leihitu

Student Number: 124214114


Stefanie Naomi Leihitu

Student Number: 124214114





The Analysis of the Exocentric Compounding from the New Entry

Words of Oxford

Dictionary from May 2014 to May 2015


Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of SarjanaSastra

in English Letters


Stefanie Naomi Leihitu

Student Number: 124214114


Stefanie Naomi Leihitu

Student Number: 124214114




August 11,2016


The Analysis

of the

Exoeentric Compounding


the New



of Oxford

Dictionary from May








Member 1

Member 2

Member 3

Yogyakarta, August 3



Faculty of Letters





Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Sanata Dharma


: Stefanie Naomi Leihitu



: 124214114

Demi pengembangan


pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul

The Analysis of the

Exocentric Compounding


the r{ew



of Oxford

Dictionary from


ZAl4 to



beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan

kepada Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam

bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan

secara terbatas,




intemet atau media


untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta


kepada saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Dernikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal 10 Agustus 2016


I certify that this unciergraduate thesis contains no material r,vhich has been previously

submitted for the award of any other degree at any other university, and that, to the



my knowledge, this undergraduate thesis contains no material previously written by any other person except where due reference is macle in the text of the

undergraduate thesis.




Hubbard-A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what

seemed hopeless, failure may turn to glorious success

-St. Clement of

Alexandra-If you do not hope, you will not find what is beyond your



Vaughan-Dream big and dare to fail


12:12-Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in



21:19-Stand firm, and you will win life


4:6-Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation,

by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your



For my…

greatest family

beloved parents

honorable lectures

crazy friends


all people who always support me

whom I cannot mention one by one

Love you all




For the first place, I would like to express my gratitude to my Lord, Jesus Christ who always helps me in my process of finishing this undergraduate thesis.I thank for the guidance and strength that He has given me. I know that without His blessing, I cannot finish my undergraduate thesis and college well.

I also would like to express my gratitude to the honorableDr. B. Ria Lestari, M.S.as my thesis advisor who always guides me when I finish my undergraduate thesis. She also gives me some ideas and helps me to solve the problems in writing the undergraduate thesis.Then, I also would like to express my gratitude to my beloved co. advisor, Arina Isti'anah, S.Pd., M.Hum, because of her help and motivation, I can revise my undergraduate thesis to make it better.

I would like to say thank you to all of my family, especially my handsome father, Adriaan Leihitu. Because of his patience, I could hear his advice and always remember his words. I also would like to say thank you to my beautiful mother, Yunaeti who always keepsreminding me in high tone to do my undergraduate thesis. Therefore, I could be rather afraid of her and as soon as possible I finish my undergraduate thesis. Both of them always support me in their different own ways. Therefore, I could pass the college in time.



be bored and lazy about my undergraduate thesis. Another special man who always supports me is Mr. X who does not want to be mentioned. Thank you for always reminding me to do at least a little part of my undergraduate thesis almost everyday. Although we are not close to each other physically, you still contact to remind me about my undergraduate thesis and also give me spirit.

The last one is for my great friends at Syantikara dormitory. This is for Kak Martha, Paskal, Gratia, Kak Sandri, Kak Dewi, Kak Monic, Ririn, and PPT. Big thanks for you all, you are the second biggest motivators when I was writing my undergraduate thesis after my parents. They keep supporting and reminding me, especially when I know that most of them have passed their college and almost finished their undergraduate thesis. I feel that I must finish this college as fast as possible, so that I will not live alone at the dorm without my besties. Until now, I believe that the result will never betray the effort.

God bless you all













ABSTRACT ... xiv



A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Problem Formulation ... 5

C. Objectives of the Study ... 5

D. Definition of Terms ... 6


A. Review of Related Studies... 8

B. Review of Related Theories... 9

1. Morphology... 9

a. Rightmost Morpheme... 10

b. Compounds and Compounding... 10

c. Morphological Operation ... 10

d. Tree Diagrams Theory ... 11

e. Derivational and Inflectional Theory ... 11

2. Theory of Meaning ... 11

a. Endocentric and Exocentric Meaning ... 12

3. Theory of the Writing in Exocentric Compounding ... 13




A. Object of the Study ... 17

B. Approach of the Study ... 17

C. Method of the Study... 17


A. The Distribution of the Data ... 20

a. Part of Speech ... 20

b. Writing of the Data ... 20

B. Discussion ... 21

a. Double Morpheme Words... 21

1. Easy-breezy ... 21

2. Empty-netter... 22

3. Algorithmic trading ... 23

4. Challenger bank... 25

5. Crony capitalism ... 26

6. Economic man... 27

7. Data scientist ... 28

8. Bioprinting ... 29

9. Cord cutter... 31

10. Network marketing... 32

11. Shiny bum ... 33

12. Trigger warning... 34

13. Canadian tuxedo... 35

b. Double Compound Words ... 36

14. Digital footprint ... 36

15. Keyboard warrior ... 38

16. Total football... 39

17. Teachable moment ... 40

18. Bedroom tax... 41

c. The Words Without Double Morpheme and Double Compound... 42

19. Concern troll ... 42

20. Kill switch... 43



23. Brain fade... 46

24. Cyberwarrior ... 47

25. Lamestream... 48

26. Upvote... 49

27. Downvote... 50

28. Soft key ... 51

29. Fire hose... 52

30. Superpipe ... 53

31. Bro hug... 54

32. Side-eye... 55

33. Binge watch ... 55

34. Live-tweet ... 56

35. Flash crash ... 57

36. Man crush... 58

37. Misery index ... 59

38. Secret Santa... 60

39. Shabby chic... 61

40. Tech wreck... 62

41. Neckbeard ... 63

42. Hot mess... 64

43. Hot mic... 65

44. Side boob ... 65

45. Humblebrag... 66

46. Subtweet... 67

47. Duck face ... 68

48. Food-borne... 69

49. Food diary ... 70

50. Camel case ... 71

51. White pizza ... 72

52. Fan fiction ... 73

53. Time suck... 74





Appendix 1:The Data of the New Entry Words On May 2014 to May 2015 ... 81

Appendix 2:The Classification Based on the Part of Speech (Noun)... 82

Appendix 3:The Classification Based on the Part of Speech (Verb) ... 84

Appendix 4:The Classification Based on the Part of Speech (Adj) ... 84

Appendix 5: The Classification Based on the Writing (Separated)... 85

Appendix 6:The Classification Based on the Writing (Hyphen)... 87





Table 1: The Distribution Based on the Part of Speech ... 20




LEIHITU, STEFANIE NAOMI. The Analysis of the Exocentric Compounding from the New Entry Words of OxfordDictionary from May 2014 to May 2015.

Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2016.

Vocabulary is very important thing to make a good conversation. We cannot have a good conversation if the one who speaks with us does not understand what we talk about. Vocabulary relates to the phonetic transcription, without knowing the phonetic transcription we cannot pronounce the word correctly, so that another person do not understand it. For example, we would like to say “heart” but we cannot pronounce it well, so that another people can hear it as “hurt”. Vocabulary also relates to the exocentric compounding. The most exocentric compounding contains 2 words and the meaning is not literally but it uses the connotative meaning. The writer chose this topic because the writer would like to analyze the relationship between the exocentric meanings of the new entry words in Oxford dictionary from May 2014 to May 2015 with the morphology scope and also to increase the knowledge about differentiating between the endocentric and exocentric meaning.

There are 3 problem formulations: analyzing the part of speech of the exocentric compounding,analyzingthe contribution of the morphological process in each new entry word, and finding the exocentric meaning of each new entry word. The object of the study is taken from the new entry words in Oxford dictionary from May 2014 to May 2015. The writer found the data from the Oxforddictionary from the Internet. It is because most of the exocentric compounding contains two words and it cannot be found in printed dictionary. Therefore, the writer found the data from the Internet.

The method of the study starts from collecting the data that are taken from the

Oxford dictionary from the Internetand the data themselves are the new entry words on May 2014 to May 2015. From the first problem formulation, the writer would like to analyze the part of speech of each new entry word by checking it on the Oxford

electronic dictionary. Then, the writer uses the morphological process also to make the result being more significant between the result of the part of speech and the meaning of those data. The writer also finds the exocentric meaning of each wordand making the conclusion from the findings.

The results of the findings are there are 54 new entry words from Oxford




LEIHITU, STEFANIE NAOMI. The Analysis of the Exocentric Compounding from the New Entry Words of OxfordDictionary from May 2014 to May 2015.

Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2016.

Kosakata merupakan hal yang penting untuk dimiliki agar mendapatkan sebuah percakapan yang bagus. Kita tidak dapat memiliki sebuah percakapan yang bagus jika lawan bicara kita tidak mengerti apa yang kita bicarakan. Kosakata berhubungan dengan transkripsi fonetik, tanpa mengetahui transkripsi fonetik tersebut, maka kita tidak dapat melafalkannya dengan benar, sehingga orang lain tidak mengerti apa yang kita bicarakan. Kosakata juga berhubungan dengan exocentric compounding. Sebagian besar dari exocentric compounding terdiri dari 2 kata dan kata- kata tersebut tidak diartikan secara harafiah tetapi diartikan berdasarkan makna konotasi. Penulis memilih topik ini karena penulis ingin menganalisis hubungan antara makna

exocentric dari penemuan kata- kata terbaru di kamus Oxford pada bulan Mei 2014 hingga bulan Mei 2015 dengan ruang lingkup morfologi, serta penulis ingin memberikan pengetahuan mengenai perbedaan dari makna endocentric dan


Terdapat 3 rumusan masalah: menganalisis jenis kata dari exocentric compounding, menganalisis kontribusi dari proses morfologi di setiap kata yang baru dan menemukan makna exocentric dari setiap kata baru. Objek dari studi ini diambil dari kata- kata baru kamus Oxford pada bulan Mei 2014 hingga Mei 2015. Penulis menemukan data dari kamus elektronik Oxford. Hal ini karena sebagian besar dari

exocentric compounding terdiri dari 2 kata dan itu tidak dapat ditemukan di kamus cetak. Oleh karena itu, penulis menemukan data tersebut dari Internet.

Metode dari studi ini dimulai dari mengumpulkan data yang diambil dari kamus

Oxforddi Internet dan data tersebut merupakan kata- kata baru pada bulan Mei 2014 hingga bulan Mei 2015. Rumusan masalah yang pertama, penulis akan menganalisis jenis kata dari setiap kata- kata baru dengan memeriksanya di kamus Oxforddi

Internet. Kemudian, penulis menggunakan proses morfologi untuk membuat hasil menjadi lebih siknifikan antara hasil dari jenis kata dan proses morfologi itu sendiri. Penulis juga menemukan makna exocentric dari setiap kata dan membuatnya ke dalam kesimpulan dari penemuan- penemuan tersebut.

Hasil dari penemuan adalah terdapat 54 kata baru dari kamus Oxford di



katayang merupakan inflection dan terdapat 6 kata yang merupakan derivation.Arti





A. Background of the Study

Vocabulary is the basic thing to have a good conversation, especially for non-native speakers of English, without knowing the vocabulary we cannot speak English well and the conversation becomes awkward because the one who speaks with us does not understand what we talk about.Non-native speakersof English here mean people who do not speak her first language or mother tongue, and the language is English (http://www.oxforddictionaries.com).


the same meaning. “Large vocabularies, and speed and depth of vocabulary knowledge, appear indispensable to the development of good performance in any language skill and it is now possible to enumerate the scale of vocabulary that is needed for the communicative performance” (Milton, 2000: 57).

Vocabulary also relates to exocentric compounding, which usually contains two words and the meaning is not literally but it uses the connotation meaning. For example, green house, the meaning is not literally the house which is painted green, but the meaning is a glass building in which plants that need protection from cold weather (http://www.oxforddictionaries.com).Compound here is consisting of two or more main clauses (Merriam- Webster Dictionary). Therefore, vocabulary is very important to identify the meaning of the exocentric words as the data of this undergraduate thesis.

The topic is about the exocentric compounding that can be seen in new entry words of Oxford dictionary from May 2014 to May 2015. Exocentric compounding is “a compound where the referent does not denote a subset of the set of objects denoted by the head noun” (Benczes, 2005: 4).Another meaning comes from Bauer“it is not a hyponym of one of its elements, and thus appears to lack a head or perhaps to have a head (or ‘centre’) external to the compound itself”(Bauer, 2009: 1). It means that the meaning of the most exocentric compounding itself followsthe head, not only the meaning, but also the part of speech.


May 2014 to May 2015 and the morphology scope. Besides that, the writer would like to increase the knowledge of every people, especially about the new entry words from Oxford dictionary by differentiating between the endocentric meaning and the exocentric meaning.

The data of this undergraduate thesis are taken from the Oxford dictionary. Dictionary relates also to the vocabulary. We can find the meaning of some words in dictionary. The writer chose Oxford dictionary because Oxford updates existing entries and add new words every three months. “The 20-volume historicalOxford English Dictionaryis the largest record of words used in English, past and present” (http://www.oxforddictionaries.com). Oxford dictionary is also written by dictionary editors and specialist authors. Oxford dictionary is also used by many people like students and teachers, they are using theOED (Oxford English Dictionary) for researching, studying, and teaching.


etc. As we know that the user of the social media is not only the teenager, but also adult, even parents.

The writer uses the dictionary of Oxfordfrom the Internet to find the data. In this new era, people are usually looking for something which is faster. The Internetis very useful for people to search some informationquickly; even searching for meaning in electronic dictionary becomes trendy nowadays. The Internet also helps the writer to search the new entry words by typing the keyword. The exocentric compounding words that the writer found mostly consist of two words. In the printed dictionary, people cannot find the meaning of the exocentric compounding words at once. They must find the meaning one by one. Therefore, the dictionary from the

Internet helps people to find the meaning at once. “The compound words recollect a similar meaning to their meaning as lonely words, but with certain boundaries; for example, a noun in a compound will have a general rather than a referential function” (Downing, 1997: 3).It means that the compounding words have similar meaning if those words stand alone. However it is based on the boundaries, for the example, not all the man who takes the garbage is a garbage man; it is something like an “epithet”.


grouping the category of the morpheme. Bracketing and grouping the morpheme is something like allowing the derivation. “Allowing the derivation tofollow the compounding in order to produce word like daredevilness” (Napoli, 1996: 232).

B. Problem Formulation

1. What are the parts of speech of the exocentric compounding from Oxford

dictionary in May 2014 to May 2015?

2. How do the morphological processes contribute in each new entry word? 3. What is the meaning of each exocentric compounding?

C. Objectives of the Study

These objectives of this research are finding the new entry words that can be seen in Oxford dictionary from May 2014 to May 2015. Here, the writer finds the new entry words by searching it from the Oxford electronic dictionary from the

Internet. New entry words here mean that the words that the writer found are in the last two years, 2014 to 2015 from Oxfordelectronic dictionary. Those words have not listed yet in the Oxford printed dictionary. Therefore, those words can be found from the Internet. The writer analyzes those new entry words from Oxford dictionary as the exocentric compounding words.


and the tree diagram are and also the using of the morphological process and the tree diagram itself.

The next objective of the study is to explain and analyze deeply about the contribution of the morphological process and the tree diagram of each new entry word. Every new entry word that can be found in Oxford electronic dictionary from May 2014 to May 2015 will be analyzed by using the morphological process and the tree diagram. Therefore, people will understand the meaning of those new entry words as the exocentric compounding words by using the morphological process and the tree diagram.

D. Definition of Terms

There are some terms that are used in this research: compounding, exocentric compounding, and endocentric compounding.

The first is compounding. Compounding is the process of forming new words from the already existing words (Akmajian, 2001: 32).It means that the individual word can join together and it makes the new word and it can be the exocentric compounding. For example, the word over as the preposition and the word dose as the noun can join together becomes overdose.


words has connotation meaning. For example, duck face, the meaning is not the face of the duck, but it is the human’s face that likes a duck by thrusting the lips.





A. Review of Related Studies

The writer would like to review the related studies from other writers by comparing and mentioning the differences between this undergraduate thesis and another thesis which has similar topic. There are five related studies that the writer would like to compare.

The first comes from Benczes’ journal, entitled On the Analysabilityof English Exocentric Compounds, 2004. In his journal, there are some differences and similarities. The similarity is Benczes here also talks about the issue of endocentricand exocentric compounding. “In endocentric constructions, the compound is the hyponym of the head element: armchair is a kind of chair”. In the case of exocentric compounds, the compound is not a hyponym of the head element:

blue-stocking does not denote a kind of stocking but refers to a well-educated woman” (Benczes, 2004: 5). The difference is Benczes talks more about the metaphor and the kinds of compounding, which are transparent and non- transparent compounding.


The third comes from Korzen’s journal, entitled Endocentric and exocentric verb typology: Talmy revisited – on good grounds.From his journal, it can be seen the similarity of his and this undergraduate thesis. Korzen talks also about the endocentric and exocentric. The difference is the data of Korzen’s journal focuses on the endocentric and exocentric verb typology based on Talmy’s lexicalization patterns.

The fourth comes from Tuggy’s journal, entitled Abrelatas and Scarecrow Nouns: Exocentric Verb-Noun Compounds. As Illustrations of Basic Principles of

Cognitive Grammar.The similarity between Tuggy’s and this thesis undergraduate is discussing the endocentric and exocentric, while the difference is the data of Tuggy’s is about the Spanish endocentric and exocentric verbs.

The last comes from Pearson’s journal. In Pearson’s journal, the similarity that the writer got is about the exocentric. However, Pearson does not talk about the endocentric. The difference is Pearson uses semantics scope in his journal whereas this undergraduate thesis only uses the morphology scope.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Morphology


a. Rightmost Morpheme

The rightmost theory is one of the parts in morphology scope. It is termed the head of the compound. The function of the rightmost morpheme is to determine the entire word (O’ Grady, 1997: 146). The rightmost morpheme can also mention as the right- headed. “Most compounds in English are right- headed” (Napoli, 1996: 230).For example from the data is the word duck face, the meaning is not literary the duck’s face, from the right morpheme which is face, so it means the face which is almost similar with duck by thrusting the lips.

b. Compounds and Compounding

The writer also uses the compounds and compounding theory. Compounding theory is also one of some parts that is learned in morphology. The meaning of compounding itself is a process that produces new words by forming the already existing words which is individual word (Akmajian, 2001: 32). For example, the noun ape can be joined with the noun man, so that, it forms the ape- man. Another example is the adjective sick can be joined with the noun room and formed the


c. Morphological Operation


syntactic category of the words (Spencer, 1991: 9), for example, the word “cutter (N)”. The base of this word is cut (V). Cut (V) + ercutter (N). This is the example of derivational word; it changes from cut (V) into cutter (N). The inflectional word is “scientist (N)”. The base of this word is science (N). Science (N) + istscientist (N). It does not change the part of speech, so this is an inflectional word.

d. Tree Diagrams Theory

Based on Spencer’s theory, tree diagrams or syntactic structures analyzes the words that are added affixes defines the category of the resulting word, and for this reason is regarded as the head of the word. This approach is also supposed to apply to inflected forms (Spencer, 1994: 75).

e. Derivational and Inflectional Theory

Based on the book of Mark Aronoff and Kirsten Fudeman, the inflectional morphology does not change the lexical category of the word. For example, the word

slurp(V) which means eat or drink noisily. If it is written in simple present tense becomes slurps or simple past tense becomes slurped,it does not change the part of speech, it is still a verb. While the derivational morphology changes the part of speech. For example, the word glory(N) added by –iousbecomes glorious (Adj), the part of speech changes.

2. Theory of Meaning


“meaning of a word is the object it denotes, and the meaning of a sentence is the proposition it expresses. Every meaningful expression has meaning because there is something that it refers to, designates, signifies, or denotes. It is a symbol that stands for something other than itself. The theory is also called the denotative theory of meaning. A simple version of this theory claims simply that the meaning of an expression is that to which the expression refers. But a sense-reference distinction shows that two expressions can have different meaning but the same referent. A more sophisticated version of this theory, such as that developed by Russell, claims that meaning is a referring or denoting relation between a term and the object it picks out. This theory is the most influential one in the modern discussion of meaning and reference, but it has been challenged because of its theoretical requirement that there is something or other to which a word refers” (Bunnin, 2004: 1).

It means that every meaning is referring something. It most refers to the expression. The same word can have the different meaning, like mentioned that “two expressions can have different meaning but the same referent”.For example, the word “book”, it can be a noun that the meaning is a written or printed work and it also can be a verb and the meaning is reserve (accommodation, a place, etc.); buy (a ticket) in advance.Therefore, it relates between the term and the object.

a. Endocentric and Exocentric Meaning


depends on whether you think it is a kind of house. The major interest in the head of a compound relates to the fact that where there is a clear head, its position seems to be constrained; endocentric compounds tend to have heads in a language systematically on either the right (e.g. English) or left (e.g. Vietnamese, French) (Fabb, 2002: 66).

3. Theory of the Writing in Exocentric Compounding

The data that the writer found are consisting of three types of writing, those are hyphen, separate, and merge together.Compounds are not consistent since they are written as single words, or with an intervening hyphen, or as separate word sometimes. There is an important generalization to be made in terms of pronunciation (Anastasya, 2013: 1).

a. English Orthography

Another theory that the writer uses is English orthography theory. “The English orthography is not consistent in representing compounds since they are sometimes written as single words, sometimes with an intervening hyphen, and sometimes as separate words” (O’ Grady, 1997: 153).

It means that the English orthography is not consistent in giving the explanation to differentiate whether using the endocentric or exocentric meaning. The English orthography theory is divided into two; prominent stress and tense and the plural markers.


indoor garden, while greènhoúsemeans a house painted green, so do the word

blackboard, bláckboàrdmeans a chalkboard, while blàckboárd means a board which is black.

Other features are the tense and the plural markers. “They can typically not be attached to the first element, although they can be added to the compound as a whole” (O’ Grady, 1997: 154). For example, tense on the first component in a compound “The player [dropped kick] the ball through the goalposts.” This example is incorrect, the correct one is “The player [drop kick]edthe ball through the goalposts.” The plural marking on the first component is also disallowed, for example, “The [foxes hunter] did not have a license.” The correct one is “The [fox hunter]s did not have a license.”

C. Theoretical Framework

The first theory is the morphology theory. The writer reviews this theory because the scope that the writer uses to analyze the data is morphology scope. Morphology is about the word structure and the data that are taken will be analyzed about the exocentric meaning which includes in morphology scope.


Besides rightmost morpheme theory, there is compounding theory. The contribution of this theory is answering the first problem formulation which is about the exocentric compounding that the writer found. Exocentric compounding itself is produced from two words which are exist and have different meaning and the gather together and become exocentric compounding. It has only a part of speech and one meaning from those two words.

Then there is morphological operation theory that is divided into two main types: inflection and derivation. The contribution of this theory helps the writer to classify those words that have double morpheme. Inflection does not change the syntactic category of the words, while derivation causes a change in syntactic category of the words (Spencer, 1991: 9).

There is also tree diagram theory. This approach helps the reader to define the head of the exocentric compounding and it can be useful to define the inflected words or even the derivation words.

The last one from morphology is derivational and inflectional theory. This theory helps the writer to conclude whether the word is an inflectional or derivational word, because there are some words that have double morpheme.


In the theory of meaning, there is endocentric and exocentric theory. These theories are used to differentiate between endocentric and exocentric meaning in each word that the writer found in this undergraduate thesis.

The third theory is the theory of the writing in exocentric compounding. This approach tells the reader that compounds are not consistent since they are written as single words, or with an intervening hyphen, or as separate word sometimes. There is an important generalization to be made in terms of pronunciation (Anastasya, 2013: 1).





A. Object of the Study

The data that the writer uses are taken from Oxford dictionary from the

Internet; they come from the new entry words in May 2014-2015. The writer takes 54 words as the data. The words that the writer takes are the exocentric compounding which consistsof at least 2 words. This research relates to the morphology scope because the data are about the exocentric compounding which relates to the word formation.

B. Approach of the Study

The approach that the writer uses is morphology scope. Morphology talks about the structure of words. The data that the writer uses, the exocentric compounding from theOxford dictionary in the Internet,will be analyzed into the part of speech of those words, which are the use and function of the words. The parts of speech that existarenoun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection (Daniel,1995: 1).

C. Method of the Study


exocentric compounding is difficult to be found because exocentric compounding that the writer takes consists of two words.





This chapter will answer and discuss more the problem formulations. In the beginning, the writeranalyzes the part of speech of each word. After analyzing the part of speech, the next is analyzingthe morphological process of each word. Based on the data that the writer found, the writer will analyze about compounding, more specific is about exocentric compounding.

Besides analyzing the compound, the writer also analyzes the morphological operationthat is divided into two main types: inflection and derivation. After that, the writer will search for the meaning of each word. In this chapter, the writer also displays the tree diagrams in each word. This is used to make the readers be more understand about the word formation of each word that the writer found.


A. The Distribution of the Data

a. Part of Speech


Here, the writer would like to sum up the words which have the part of speech of noun, verb, or adjective by showing the table below.

Table 1: The Distribution Based on the Part of Speech

Part of Speech Total

Noun 46

Verb 5

Adjective 3

b. Writing of the Data

Besides displaying the distribution based on the part of speech, the writer also shows the distribution based on the writing of the data.

Table 2: The Distribution Based on the Writing of the Data

The Writing of the Data Total

Separated 38

Hyphen 6


B. Discussion

In this discussion, the writer would like to answers the 3 of those problem formulations. As the writer mentioned before, the writer would like to answer those 3 problem formulations into one part. The discussion starts from the double morpheme words first, than double compound words, and the last one is the words without double morpheme and compound.

a. Double Morpheme Words

(1) Easy- breezy(Adj)Easy (Adj) + Breezy (Adj)

The first word is easy-breezy. The part of speech of this word is an adjective. The morphological process is easy (Adj) + breezy (Adj) easy- breezy(Adj). The word “easy” here has double morpheme. The word “easy” has the root which is “ease”. The part of speech of the word “ease” is a noun. It has meaning: absence of difficulty or effort.Ease (N) + -yEasy (Adj). Therefore, the word “ease” is a derivation word, because it changes from noun into adjective. The word “breezy” also a derivation word, because it changes from breeze (N) + -ybreezy (Adj).The root of “breezy” is breeze (N): a gentle wind.

Easy-breezy has the exocentric meaning: simple or appearing relaxed. While the endocentric meaning can be defined by looking for the meaning of each word: easy (Adj): Achieved without great effort; presenting few difficulties; breezy (Adj):


meaning with the exocentric meaning itself.The word “Easy” has similar meaning also with the other exocentric meaning which is simple.

Here, the writer displays the tree diagram of the word easy-breezy. The function of this tree diagram is to make the reader clearer about the structure of the word of easy-breezy.

(2) Empty- netter(N)Empty (Adj) + Netter (N)

The eleventh word is empty-netter. The part of speech of empty-netter is a noun. The morphological process is empty (Adj) + netter (N) empty- netter (N). The word “netter” has double morpheme. The root of the word “netter” is “net (N)”. The meaning of net is a piece of open-meshed material made of twine, cord, or something similar, used typically for catching fish or other animals. Netter is an inflectional word because it does not change the syntactic category, it is still a noun, net (N) +-ernetter (N).


seeing the meaning of each word: empty (Adj):containing nothing; not filled or occupied; netter (N): a fisherman who uses nets to catch fish. From the exocentric and endocentric meaning, the change of the meaning is too far, from the exocentric meaning there is no relationship with fish at all, while from the endocentric meaning, from the word “netter” itself is having a meaning: A fisherman who uses nets to catch fish.

Here, the writer displays the tree diagram of the word empty-netter. The function of this tree diagram is to make the reader clearer about the structure of the word of empty-netter.

(3) Algorithmic trading (N)Algorithmic (N) + Trading (N)


and it is also an inflectional word because it does not change the syntactic category, it is still a noun, trade (N) + -ingtrading (N).

The exocentric meaning of algorithmic trading is automated trading by computers which are programmed to take certain actions in response to varying market data. The endocentric meaning of algorithmic trading is a trading that needs an algorithmic to calculate the things that is sold and bought. It can be defined by seeing the meaning of each word: algorithmic (N): a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer; trading (N): the action or activity of buying and selling goods and services. From the exocentric and endocentric meaning, the change of the meaning is almost similar especially in the part of the trading activity. However, the “algorithmic” word, in the exocentric meaning it is mentioned that it is a computer program to varying market data.


(4) Challenger bank (N)Challenger (N) + Bank (N)

The eighteenth word is challenger bank. The art of speech of challenger bank is a noun. The morphological process of challenger bank is challenger (N) + bank (N) challenger bank (N). The word challenger has double morpheme. This word is an inflectional word because it does not change the syntactic category, it is still a noun, challenge (N) + -erchallenger (N).

The exocentric meaning of challenger bank is a relatively small retail bank set up with the intention of competing for business with large, long-established national banks. The endocentric of challenger bank is the one who challenges someone else to go down to the bank. It can be defined by seeing the meaning of each word: challenger (N): a person who engages in a contest; bank (N): the land alongside or sloping down to a river or lake. From the exocentric and endocentric meaning, the change of the meaning is too far. It can be seen from the word “bank”, in exocentric meaning bank is a financial constitution and for the word “challenger” itself in exocentric meaning is a relatively small retail bank.


(5) Crony capitalism (N)Crony (N) + Capitalism (N)

The nineteenth word is crony capitalism. The part of speech of crony capitalism is a noun. The morphological process of crony capitalism is crony (N) + capitalism (N) crony capitalism (N). The word capitalism has double morpheme. The root of this word is capital. This is an inflectional word because it does not change the syntactic category, it is still a noun, capital (N) + -ismcapitalism (N).


close, advantageous relationship between business leader and the government officials.

Here, the writer displays the tree diagram of the word crony capitalism. The function of this tree diagram is to make the reader clearer about the structure of the word of crony capitalism.

(6) Economic man (N)Economic (Adj) + Man (N)

The twentieth word is economic man. The part of speech of economic man is a noun. The morphological process of economic man is economic (Adj) + man (N)economic man (N). The word economic has double morpheme. The root of this word is “economy”. It is a derivational word because it changes from economy (N) +

-iceconomic (Adj).


endocentric meaning, the change of the meaning is from the word “economic” in exocentric meaning it is not merely related with money or economics but it is about the behavior of a hypothetical person that is accordance with their rational self-interest.

Here, the writer displays the tree diagram of the word economic man. The function of this tree diagram is to make the reader clearer about the structure of the word of economic man.

(7) Data scientist (N)Data (N) + Scientist (N)

The twenty second word is data scientist. The part of speech of data scientist is a noun. The morphological process is data (N) + scientist (N) data scientist (N). The word scientist has double morpheme. The root of this word is “science”. It is an inflectional word because it does not change the syntactic category, it is still a noun, science (N) + -istscientist (N).


scientist is data that contains with the expert knowledge from a scientist. It can be defined by seeing the meaning of each word: data (N): facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis; scientist (N): a person who is studying or has expert knowledge of one or more of the natural or physical sciences. From the exocentric and endocentric meaning, the change of the meaning is from the word scientist. In exocentric meaning, it is more specific that the scientist is a person that analyzes and interprets complex digital data. Also, the word data in exocentric meaning is more specific, that is a digital data like statistic of website.

Here, the writer displays the tree diagram of the word data scientist. The function of this tree diagram is to make the reader clearer about the structure of the word of data scientist.

(8) Bioprinting (N)Bio (N) + Printing (N)


“print”. This is an inflectional word because it does not change the syntactic category, it is still a noun, print (N) + ing  printing (N).

The exocentric meaning of bioprinting is the use of 3D printing technology with materials that incorporate viable living cells, e.g. to produce tissue for reconstructive surgery. The endocentric meaning of bioprinitng is printing about biography of someone. It can be defined by seeing the meaning of each word: bio (N): a biography or short biographical profile of someone; printing (N): the production of books, newspapers, or other printed material. From the exocentric and endocentric meaning, the change of the meaning is coming from the word “bio”. In endocentric meaning, bio means a biography of someone, while in exocentric meaning it is not mentioned anything about biography, but it is a kind of 3D printing technology.


(9) Cord cutter(N)Cord (N) + Cutter (N)

The twenty ninth word is cord cutter. The part of speech of this word is a noun. The morphological process is cord (N) + cutter (N) cord cutter (N). The word cutter has double morpheme. The root of this word is “cut”. This is a derivational word because it changes from cut (V) + -ercutter (N).

The exocentric meaning is a person who cancels. The endocentric meaning is a cutter that is used for cutting a string. It can be defined by seeing the meaning of each word: cord (N): thin, flexible string or rope made from several twisted strands; cutter (N): a person or thing that cuts something, in particular. From the exocentric and endocentric meaning, the change of the meaning is coming from the exocentric meaning that says it is a person who cancels a pay television subscription or landline phone connection in favor of an alternative Internet-Based or wireless service, and from the endocentric meaning, the word “cord” can represent the cancelation of the television subscription payment or landline phone connection that is cut by a “cutter” and it represents a person who does that cancelation.


(10) Network marketing (N)Network (N) + Marketing (N)

The thirty fourth word is network marketing. The part of speech of network marketing is a noun. The morphological process of network marketing is network (N) + marketing (N) network marketing (N). The word network has double compound, net (N) + work (N) network (N). The word marketing has double morpheme. The root of this word is “market”. This is an inflectional word because it does not change the syntactic category, it is still a noun, market (N) + -ingmarketing (N).


and exocentric meaning is in exocentric meaning is more specific that the selling is using another term of pyramid selling.

Here, the writer displays the tree diagram of the word network marketing. The function of this tree diagram is to make the reader clearer about the structure of the word of network marketing.

(11) Shiny bum (N)Shiny (Adj) + Bum (N)

The thirty seventh word is shiny bum. The part of speech of shiny bum is a noun. The morphological process of shiny bum is shiny (Adj) + bum (N) shiny bum (N). The word shiny has double morpheme. The root of shiny is “shine”. Shiny is a derivational word because it changes from shine (V) + -yshiny (Adj).


too far. From the exocentric meaning, it is not mentioned about shiny or bum (a lazy or worthless person). It is just mentioned that it means an office worker.

Here, the writer displays the tree diagram of the word shiny bum. The function of this tree diagram is to make the reader clearer about the structure of the word of shiny bum.

(12) Trigger warning(N)Trigger (N) + Warning (N)

The forty third word is trigger warning. The part of speech of trigger warning is a noun. The morphological process of trigger warning is trigger (N) + warning (N) trigger warning (N). The word warning has double morpheme. The root of warning is “warn”. Warning is a derivational word because it changes from warn (V) + -ing

warning (N).


meaning of each word: trigger (N): a small device that releases a spring or catch and so sets off a mechanism, especially in order to fire a gun; warning (N): a statement or event that warns of something or that serves as a cautionary example. From the exocentric and endocentric meaning, the change of the meaning is almost similar. Both of exocentric and endocentric meaning are about the warning of something distressing like trigger.

Here, the writer displays the tree diagram of the word trigger warning. The function of this tree diagram is to make the reader clearer about the structure of the word of trigger warning.

(13) Canadian tuxedo (N)Canadian (Adj) + Tuxedo (N)


The exocentric meaning of Canadian tuxedo is a denim jacket worn with a pair of jeans. The endocentric menaing of Canadian tuxedo is a man’s dinner jacket from Canada. It can be defined by seeing the meaning if each word: Canadian (Adj): relating to or characteristic of Canada or its inhabitants; tuxedo (N): a man’s dinner jacket. From the exocentric and endocentric meaning, the change of the meaning is coming from the word “denim”, while from the endocentric meaning it is only a man’s dinner jacket.

Here, the writer displays the tree diagram of the word Canadian tuxedo. The function of this tree diagram is to make the reader clearer about the structure of the word of Canadian tuxedo.

b. Double Compound Words

(14) Digital footprint (N)Digital (Adj) + Footprint (N)


(N)digital footprint (N). The word footprint has double compound, it means it has more than one of words, footprint (N)foot (N) + print (N).

The exocentric meaning of digital footprint is the information about a particular person that exists on the Internet as a result of their online activity. The endocentric meaning of digital footprint is the trace of foot that can be analyzed by digital electronic. It can be defined by seeing the meaning of each word: digital (Adj): (of signals or data) expressed as series of the digits 0 and 1, typically represented by values of a physical quantity such as voltage or magnetic polarization. Often contrasted with analogue; footprint (N): the impression left by a foot or shoe on the ground or a surface. From the exocentric and endocentric meaning, the change of the meaning is too far, it can be seen from the word “footprint” in exocentric meaning is an information of someone who is exist in social media.


(15) Keyboard warrior (N)Keyboard (N) + Warrior (N)

The fourteenth word is keyboard warrior. The part of speech of keyboard warrior is a noun. The morphological process of keyboard warrior is keyboard (N) + warrior (N) keyboard warrior (N). The word keyboard has double compound, Keyboard (N)Key (N) + Board (N).

The exocentric meaning of keyboard warrior is a person who makes abusive or aggressive posts on the Internet, typically one who conceals their true identity. The endocentric meaning of keyboard warrior is a warrior or soldier who operate computer well that is symbolized by a keyboard. It can be defined by seeing the meaning of each word: keyboard (N): a panel of keys that operate a computer or typewriter; warrior (N): (especially in former times) a brave or experienced soldier or fighter. From the exocentric and endocentric meaning, the change of the meaning is from the word “warrior” in exocentric meaning it is not a real warrior but it is a person who makes abusive or aggressive posts.


(16) Total football (N)Total (Adj) + Football (N)

The sixteenth word is total football. The part of speech of total football is a noun. The morphological process of total football is total (Adj) + football (N)total football (N). The word football has double compound, football (N) foot (N) + ball (N).


Here, the writer displays the tree diagram of the word total football. The function of this tree diagram is to make the reader clearer about the structure of the word of total football.

(17) Teachable moment (N)Teachable (Adj) + Moment (N)

The twenty first word is teachable moment. The part of speech of teachable moment is a noun. The morphological process of teachable moment is teachable (Adj) + moment (N) teachable moment (N). The word teachable has double compound. The root of teachable is “teach”. This word is an inflectional word because it does not change the syntactic category, it is still an adjective, teach (V) + able (Adj)teachable (Adj).


the exocentric and endocentric meaning, the change of the meaning is similar that is an event that presents a good opportunity for learning something.

Here, the writer displays the tree diagram of the word teachable moment. The function of this tree diagram is to make the reader clearer about the structure of the word of teachable moment.

(18) Bedroom tax(N)Bedroom (N) + Tax (N)

The twenty eighth word is bedroom tax. The part of speech of bedroom tax is a noun. The morphological process is bedroom (N) + tax (N) bedroom tax (N). The word bedroom has double compound, bed (N) + room (N)bedroom (N).


income and business profits, or added to the cost of some goods, services, and transactions. From the exocentric and endocentric meaning, the change of the meaning is almost similar. In exocentric meaning it is an informal name that is introduced in the Welfare reform Act 2012, and it has almost similar meaning with endocentric meaning that is the amount of a tax in renting a bedroom.

Here, the writer displays the tree diagram of the word bedroom tax. The function of this tree diagram is to make the reader clearer about the structure of the word of bedroom tax.

c. The Words without Double Morpheme and Double Compound

(19) Concern troll(N)Concern (V) + Troll (N)

The second word is concern troll. The part of speech is a noun. The morphological process of the second word is concern (V) + troll (N) concern troll(N). As we can see, there is no any double morpheme in this word.


seeing the meaning of each word: concern (V): Be relevant or important to; affect or involve; troll (N): (In folklore) an ugly cave-dwelling creature depicted as either a giant or a dwarf.From the exocentric and endocentric meaning, the change of the meaning is not too far. It can be seen from the word “Troll” (an ugly creature) that can represent the person who has an intention to undermine the genuine discussion. It is such a bad habit or act.

Here, the writer displays the tree diagram of the word concern troll. The function of this tree diagram is to make the reader clearer about the structure of the word of concern troll.

(20) Kill switch(N)Kill (V) + Switch (N)

The third word is kill switch. The part of speech of kill switch is a noun. The morphological process of kill switch is kill (V) + switch (N) kill switch (N). Kill switch also does not have any double morpheme.


other living thing); switch (N): a device for making and breaking the connection in an electric circuit.From the exocentric and endocentric meaning, the change of the meaning isfar because from the endocentric meaning the switch is for killing someone, but the exocentric meaning is only a mechanism for switching abruptly in an emergency case.

Here, the writer displays the tree diagram of the word kill switch. The function of this tree diagram is to make the reader clearer about the structure of the word of kill switch.

(21) Self- soothe(V)Self (N) + Soothe (V)

The fourth word is self-soothe. The part of speech of self-soothe is a verb. The morphological process of self-soothe is self (N) + soothe (V) self- soothe (V). Self soothe does not have any double morpheme.


introspection or reflexive action; soothe (V): gently calm (a person or their feelings). From the exocentric and endocentric meaning, the change of the meaning is far. It can be seen from the exocentric meaning that is a young child who falls asleep on their own stop crying without being comforted by a parent or caregiver. The word a young child cannot be found in the word “Self- soothe”.

Here, the writer displays the tree diagram of the word self-soothe. The function of this tree diagram is to make the reader clearer about the structure of the word of self-soothe.

(22) Selfie stick(N)Selfie (N) + Stick (N)


a smartphone or webcam and shared via social media; stick (N): a thin piece of wood that has fallen or been cut off a tree.From the exocentric and endocentric meaning, the change of the meaning is not too far. It is same as a stick to help people take a selfie, but from the endocentric meaning the stick is mentioned made from a wood and from the exocentric meaning it is not mentioned from what it is made from.

Here, the writer displays the tree diagram of the word selfie stick. The function of this tree diagram is to make the reader clearer about the structure of the word of selfie stick.

(23) Brain fade(N)Brain (N) + Fade (N)


change of the meaning is almost similar. The meaning is the ability of the brain is decrease.

Here, the writer displays the tree diagram of the word brain fade. The function of this tree diagram is to make the reader clearer about the structure of the word of brain fade.

(24) Cyberwarrior(N)Cyber (Adj) + Warrior (N)


endocentric meaning, the one who is an expert of IT is the soldier while on the exocentric meaning is not mentioned that the expert is a soldier and the purpose is to sabotage of information systems for military purposes.

Here, the writer displays the tree diagram of the word cyberwarrior. The function of this tree diagram is to make the reader clearer about the structure of the word of cyberwarrior.

(25) Lamestream(N)Lame (Adj) + Stream (N)


Here, the writer displays the tree diagram of the word lamestream. The function of this tree diagram is to make the reader clearer about the structure of the word of lamestream.

(26) Upvote(V)Up (Adv) + Vote (V)

The ninth word is upvote. The part of speech of upvote is a verb. The morphological of upvote is up (Adv) + vote (N/V)  upvote (V). The exocentric meaning of upvote is (in an online context) register approval of or agreement with (a post or poster) by means of a particular icon. While the endocentric meaning is giving a vote to support someone or something. It can be defined by seeing the meaning of each word: up (Adv): towards a higher place or position; vote (V): give or register a vote. From the exocentric and endocentric meaning, the change of the meaning is not too far because it is also giving a vote but in exocentric meaning it is in an online context.


(27) Downvote(V)Down (Adv) + Vote (V)

The tenth word is downvote. The part of speech of downvote is a verb. The morphological process of downvote is down (Adv) + vote (V) downvote (V). the exocentric meaning of downvote is (in an online context) register disapproval of or disagreement with (a post or poster) by means of a particular icon. While the endocentric meaning of downvote is disagreement about something. It can be defined by seeing the meaning of each word: down (Adv): towards or in a lower place or position, especially to or on the ground or another surface; vote (V): give or register a vote.From the exocentric and endocentric meaning, the change of the meaning is not too far because it is also a disagreement about something but in exocentric meaning it is in an online context.


(28) Soft key (N)Soft (Adj) + Key (N)

The twelfth word is soft key. The part of speech of soft key is a noun. The morphological process of soft key is soft (Adj) + key (N) soft key (N). The exocentric meaning of soft key is a button on a mobile phone, computer keyboard, or other electronic device whose function can be changed programmatically. The endocentric meaning of soft key is a key that is not made from metal like key in general, but it is easy to be cut, or folded. It can be defined by seeing the meaning of each word: soft (Adj): easy to mould, cut, compress, or fold; not hard or firm to the touch; key (N): a small piece of shaped metal with incisions cut to fit the wards of a particular lock, which is inserted into a lock and turned to open or close it.From the exocentric and endocentric meaning, the change of the meaning istoo far because it can be seen from the endocentric meaning that does not have any relationship with the word “Soft key” itself. As we can see that the exocentric meaning, it is a button not a key.


(29) Fire hose (N)Fire (N) + Hose (N)

The fifteenth word is fire hose. The part of speech of fire hose is a noun. The morphological process of fire hose is fire (N) + hose (N) fire hose (N). The exocentric meaning of fore hose is a broad hosepipe used in extinguishing fires. The endocentric meaning of fire hose is a tube that conveys water to extinguish the fire. It can be defined by seeing the meaning of each word: fire (N): a process in which substances combine chemically with oxygen from the air and typically give out bright light, heat, and smoke; combustion or burning; hose (N): a flexible tube conveying water, used chiefly for watering plants and in firefighting.From the exocentric and endocentric meaning, the change of the meaning is having similar meaning that it is a tube that conveys water to extinguish the fire.


(30) Superpipe (N)Super (Adj) + Pipe (N)

The twenty third word is superpipe. The part of speech of superpipe is a noun. The morphological process of superpipe is super (Adj) + pipe (N) superpipe (N). The exocentric meaning of superpipe


Table 2: The Distribution of the Data Based on the Writing of the Data........... 20
Table 1: The Distribution Based on the Part of Speech


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