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ANNOTATION FEEDBACKIN EDMODO ONSTUDENTS’ PROCEDURE TEXT (A Quasi-experimental at One College in Bandung, Indonesia).


Academic year: 2017

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(A Quasi-experimental at One College in Bandung, Indonesia)


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Degree of Master of Education

Program Study of English Education


Fahmi Hidayat







Alhamdulillahhirrobbil’alamin.. All praise to Allah SWT, the most gracious and the most merciful. This thesis could not have been completed without support and assistance of many people to whom I would like thank and appreciate deeply.

Firstly, I would like to extend my deepest gratitude and appreciation to my supervisors, Dadang Sudana, M.A, Ph.D and Pupung Purnawarman. M.S.Ed, Ph.D. who have been tremendous mentors to me. I have been guided, challenged, and attended very well and patiently throughout the completion of my thesis.

Secondly, I also would like to thank all the lecturers at English Department of the School of Postgraduate Studies of UPI who have been instrumental in providing knowledge and ideas, particularly to my research.

Thirdly, my future appreciation goes to kang Azis who is allowing and helping me for conducting the research in his class and all participants who are willing to share their precious time during the process of the research and learn together with me.

Fourthly, a special thanks to my Awesome-class friends in the English Department in the School of Postgraduate UPI (TITOZ), and my superb friends at Asrama Mahasiswa Demang Lehman.



Dengan ini sa a Men atakan ahwa tesis dengan judul Annotation Feedback in Edmodo on

Students pro edure Te t ini eserta isin a adalah enar-benar karya saya sendiri. Saya tidak melakukan penjiplakan dan pengutipan dengan cara-cara yang tidak sesuai dengan etika ke ilmuan.

Bandung, Oktober 2015


Fahmi Hidayat, 2015

ANNOTATION FEEDBACKIN EDMODO ONSTUDENTS’ PROCEDURE TEXT Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \.upi.edu perpustakaan.upi.edu


This study investigated the effect annotation feedback in Edmodo on students’ procedure text in one college in Bandung, West java, Indonesia. The annotation feature in Edmodo used in this research was teacher indirect feedback as defines by Ellis (2008). The study aimed to provide evidence that the students gained more interest and confidence in writing by using technology. The study used quantitative approach employing a quasi-experimental design. The quasi-experimental design was carried out by using an Independent t-test design. The study involved 44 participants divided into two groups (Experimental and Control groups). The data were collected by using three types of instruments including pre-tests and post-test, assessment format, and questionnaire. Pre-tests and post-test were conducted for both the experimental and control groups; students were given the same instructions and scored by using the same scoring rubric. Students were asked to write a procedural text for at least one paragraph length. In order to assess students’ text, the assessment format used in this study assessed the content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics of the texts. In the end of the program, the questionnaire was carried out after the post-test, asking students’ attitude toward Edmodo. The study resulted in the following findings; (1) students in this study were successful in correcting their errors and improving their writings after the teacher gave annotation feedbacks for their pretest. However, their writings still need improvement since the same problems and even the new problems were still found in students’ posttest. First, the students did not use correct words in describing their thought. Second, the students did not use correct verbs. Since the genre of the text was procedure, the students were required to use action verbs without any subject preceded. Third, the students did not use punctuation mostly at the end of their sentences. (2) The students had positive attitudes towards collaboration, sharing ideas, and maintaining relation via Edmodo in producing a text. Therefore, the students have motivation to write, easy to get ideas, and interested in improving the writing. Likewise, they feel comfortable in writing, know how to organize sentences or paragraphs, and provide the exposure in increasing vocabulary. Further, the study recommends that a study with applying various features of Edmodo and different types

of feedback to improve students’ writing.


Fahmi Hidayat, 2015

ANNOTATION FEEDBACKIN EDMODO ONSTUDENTS’ PROCEDURE TEXT Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \.upi.edu perpustakaan.upi.edu


First, Take a bucket for intercepting and retainingfalling water. Next,take a towel to moping the floor. Afterthe rain has stopped, we can check the roof and thanlooking the leak roof. And the next leak roof replace with new roof. So that the roof long endure, we can add with paint. And don’t forget the wall whom broken must repair. And finally the condition in home has come back to normal.

The text above shows the progress of a middle achievement student. In terms of content, the text is quite knowledgeable since it gives rich information to the reader related to the topic. It is also substantive and relevant because there are no ideas that out of topic. The writer even gives a suggestion to repair the wall which is also broken by the leaking.

In the term of organization, the procedure of repairing the roof leaking is quite clearly described, however the ideas still lack of the detail for each procedure. For example, the writer does not mention how to replace the roof properly. The repetitive use of ‘and’also needs to be corrected since it is disturbed the organization of the text.

In terms of vocabulary, the text above shows errors in words orderand wrong choices of words. In several sentences, the students still use wrong order of words such as in sentence four. It shows the arrangements of the vocabularies are jumbled but the meaning is still recognizable. The uses of conjunctions are also not in order and not in the right form.

In terms of grammars, the text has problem in misused of signal words. This problem can be seen through the use ‘so that’ in sentence four. It also misses some of the signal, the student still got the tendency to repeatedly uses ‘and’.


Fahmi Hidayat, 2015

ANNOTATION FEEDBACKIN EDMODO ONSTUDENTS’ PROCEDURE TEXT Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \.upi.edu perpustakaan.upi.edu


Fahmi Hidayat, 2015

ANNOTATION FEEDBACKIN EDMODO ONSTUDENTS’ PROCEDURE TEXT Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \.upi.edu perpustakaan.upi.edu



This chapter describes the conclusion to the study. It covers the statement of Research questions and purposes, conclusions to the study, highlighting the findings and implication, limitations recommendation for future research.

5.1 Research Questions and Purposes

As stated in chapter I, this study was conducted in order to answer the following research questions:

1. To what extent does of the use of annotation feedback in Edmodo affect

the students’ procedural text?

2. What are the students’ attitudes toward the use of Edmodo for feature annotation feedback?

Further, the study was carried out in order to attain the following purposes: (1) To

find out to what extent the students’ improvement can be achieved through the

utilization of annotation feedback in Edmodo for their procedure text; (2) To

investigate students’ attitudes toward the use of Edmodo in learning process.

5.2 Conclusion


Fahmi Hidayat, 2015

ANNOTATION FEEDBACKIN EDMODO ONSTUDENTS’ PROCEDURE TEXT Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \.upi.edu perpustakaan.upi.edu

teacher written indirect feedback can be applicable in different learning environments, not only in face-to-face but also in blended-learning and distance learning environments. However, it should be advised that providing teacher written corrective feedback is a laborious process, especially in large classes,

demanding teacher’s dedication and passion for the success of student learning.

When deciding to provide teacher written corrective feedback using technology at a distance, careful planning should be made far in advance accompanied with backup strategies in case the process does not go as it is planned. This provides an opportunity and a challenge for instructional designers and instructional technologists to come up with sound and reasonable solutions to accommodate

student’s need for teacher’s indirect feedback and to facilitate teachers in providing indirect feedback.

5.3 Limitation of the Study

This present study is limited in some ways. First, this is limited in terms of content and time. As mention in chapter three, this study was conducted only in

the college students’ classroom. Therefore, the result cannot be generalized to

other contexts.

This study is also limited in terms of content coverage for it only focuses

on teacher’s indirect feedback in using annotation in Edmodo for education. In this case other types of feedback have not been covered by this present study. Finally, the empirical study result is also considered as limitation to the study. The result of this study cannot be used to claim whether the use of annotation in Edmodo for education is beneficial for writing since this study only provides

conjectures of the benefit of annotation feedback on students’ procedure text.

5.4 Recommendations


Fahmi Hidayat, 2015

ANNOTATION FEEDBACKIN EDMODO ONSTUDENTS’ PROCEDURE TEXT Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \.upi.edu perpustakaan.upi.edu

different types of feedback in improving the students’ writing in terms of grammatical accuracy and writing quality in general. In the present study, both

Edmodo’s features and Microsoft Word’s comment and track changes features were used as a tool to provide teacher written indirect feedback on students’ text

used as a medium to deliver the feedback from the teacher. Additional research

focusing more on the use of other Edmodo’s features of word processing software

and email, electronic discussion groups and message boards, social networking sites and blogs, as feedback tools and media may be needed to determine their effectiveness in facilitating teacher feedback for learners in various learning environments including face-to-face, or distance learning. As the findings of this study showed that there were significant differences among the fourth of students’ text during the revisions.

Last but not least, the present study used indirect comments approach in providing feedback and was focused on the use of content, organization, good vocabulary, language use, mechanics. Additional research may be needed in


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