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Academic year: 2017



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Dian Citra Natalia Zebua Reg. Number 408131043

Bilingual Chemistry Education Studies Program


Submitted to fulfill the requirement for getting the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan





First of all the writer would like to devote his greatest thankfulness to The Almighty God, is The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful for His blessing, guidance, strength, health and His favor which have been given so that the writer could finally finish this thesis with entitled: The Effectiveness of Quantum Teaching Model with Multimedia to Increase Student’s Achievement on Topic Hydrocarbon in Bilingual School (RSBI).

In this opportunity, i would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Dr. Retno Dwi Suyanti, M. Si., for her exccellent guidance, times, caring, patience, and providing me with an excellent atmosphere for doing researc. I also thank for Prof. Dr. Suharta, M.Si., Drs. Rahmat Nauli, M. Si., and Dr. Simson Tarigan as my examiner for their advices, suggestions, guidance, and constructive critics in the process of completing this thesis. Not forgetten, for Drs. Asep Nugraha, M.Si., as my instruments validator for his times and suggestion for my istrument and for the wonderful experiences have been shared.


The Effectiveness of Quantum Teaching Model with Multimedia to Increase Student’s Achievement on Topic Hydrocarbon in Bilingual School (RSBI)

Dian Citra Natalia Zebua (408131043)


This research aims to know the effectiveness of quatun teaching model with multimedia to increase student’s achievement on topic hydrocarbon in bilingual school (RSBI).

The type of this research include as quasi experiments. Population in this research is all students class X, semester II SMA N1 Lubukpakam, that consist of 9 class, with 243 students. Sampling was done by simple random sampling by taking two classes from 9 randomized, that is class X-1 as the experimental class and class X-6 as the control class, total number of sample is 42 from two classes. The instrument that used to know student’s achievement is multiple choice question with 18 item test that have been tested the eligiblity before used as instrument test. Based on reability test is obtained that rcount > rtable, with value

rcount is 0.843 and rtable is 0.361

Result of research give the average value of pre-test from experiment class is 28.83 ± 7.57 and average value from control class is 80.14 ± 6.46. From normality test of all samples, known χ2

count is 10.86 and χ2table is 11.07, so is

obtained that χ2

count<χ2table, that means the data from samples is normally

distributed. From homogeinity test known Fcount is 1.14 and Ftable is 2.12 or

Fcount<Ftable, that means the samples comes from a homogeneous population.

Then, each sample is given a different treatment, experiment class is taught by quantum teaching model with multimedia and control class is taught by expository method. After treatment, post-test are distributed to all class, and the average value of post-test from experiment class

2 χ

is 80.14 ± 6.46, and control class is 72.50 ± 7.94. The average value of normalized gain, for experiment class is 0.72 and control class is 0.60. The normality test and homogeinity test is prequisite of hypothesis testing nd obtained or normality test a f


d analysis (C4) is 0.66.

count (4.05) 2

χ table(11.07), for homogeinity test χ2count(2) < χ2table(2.12), it means that data of

normalized gain is normally distributed


and homogen. From hypothesis test using t-test right side, with using data from normalized gain it give result count is 3.1749

and ttable is 1.684, so obtained that tcount > ttable, it means that Ha is received and




Ratification Sheet i

Biography ii

Abstrac iii

Acknowledgement iv

List of Content vi

List of Figure ix

List of Table x

List of Appendix xi


1.1 Research Background 1

1.2 Problem Identification 5

1.3 The Scope of Research 5

1.4 Problem Statement 5

1.5 Research Objective 5

1.6 Research Significance 6

1.7 Operational defenition 6


2.1 Theoritical Framework 7

2.1.1. Defenition of Learning 7

2.1.2. Student’s Achievement 8

2.1.3. Factors that influence the Student’s Achievement 8

2.1.4. Quantum Teaching 9 Defenition of Quantum Teaching Model 9 Main Principle of Quantum Teaching 10

(7) Quantum Teaching Model 11

2.1.5. Expository Learning Method 14

2.1.6. Education Media 14 Undestanding of Education Media 14 Function and Benefit of Learning Media 15 Principles of Media Use 16

2.1.6. 4. Microsoft power Point 17

2.1.7. Bilingual Schoool (RSBI) 18

2.1.8. Hydrocarbon 19

2.1.9 Framework of Design Quantum Teaching 30

2.2 Conceptual Framework 31

2.3 Hypothesis 32


3.1 Research Location and Research Time 33

3.2 Population and Sample of the Research 33

3.3 Research Variable 33

3.3.1 Independent Variable 33

3.3.2 Dependent Variable 33

3.4 Research Design 33

3.5 Research Procedure 34

3.6 Research Instrument 35

3.6.1The Validity of Item Test 36

3.6.2 The Reliability of Test 36

3.6.3 Difficulty Index 37

3.6.4 Different Index 38

3.7 Data Collection and Analysis 38

3.7.1 Test of Analysis Requirements 38 Normalized Test 38

3.7.2 The Homogeinity Test 39


3.7.3 Normalized Gain 40


4.1.1. Validty 41

4.1.2. Reability 41

4.1.3. Difficulty Index 41

4.1.4. Discrimination Index 42

4.2. Description data of Research Result 42

4.3. Analyzing Data of Research Result 43

4.3.1. Normality Test of Data 43

4.3.2. Homogeinity Test 44

4.3.3. Hypothesis Test 44

4.3.4. Normalized Gain 45

4.4. Cognitive Domain 46

4.5. Research Findings 47

4.6. Discussion 47


5.1. Conclusion 50

5.2. Suggestion 50




Table 2.1 The Name of Molecular Formula of Alkane 21

Table 2.2 The Name of Molecular Formula of Alkyl 22

Table 3.1 The Design of Research 34

Table 4.1 Result of Average pre-test and Post-test from Sample Class 43

Table 4.2 The Normality Test 43

Table 4.3 The Homogeinity Test 44

Table 4.4 Hypothesis Test 45

Table 4.5 Result of independent Sample Test using SPSS 17 45




Figure 3.1 Flow Chart Overview of Research 35




Appendix 1 Lesson Plan (Experiment Class) 53

Appendix 2 Lesson Plan (Control Class) 64

Appendix 3 Lattice Questions About Hydrocarbon Topic 72

Appendix 4 Lattice of Instrument 73

Appendix 5 Researcch Instrument 89

Appendix 6 Questions Answer 99

Appendix 7 Instrument for Pretest and Postest 100

Appendix 8 Calculation of Test Validity 106

Appendix 9 Calculation of Reability Test 109

Appendix 10 Calculation of Difficulty Index 111

Appendix 11 Calculation of Discrimination Index 113

Appendix 12 Data of Pre-Test and Post-Test 115

Appendix 13 Calculation of Normality Test 117

Appendix 14 Calculation og Homogeinity Test 120

Appendix 15 Calculation of Hypothesis testing 122

Appendix 16 Calculation of Normalized Gain 124

Appendix 17 Gain of Cognitive Domain 126

Appendix 18 Value of Chi Squere (χ2

) 127

Appendix 19 Value of R Product Moment 128

Appendix 20 The List of Value in t-distribution 129

Appendix 21 List of Percentile Value for Distribution F 130

Appendix 22 Documentation 131



Education is one of efforts to develop the intellectual life of the nation

and to improve the quality of human resources (HR). Therefore, education plays

an important role towards the progress of a nation. This has been recognized both

by the government where so many efforts have been undertaken to improve the

quality of education in Indonesia. Such as curriculum improvement, teacher

quality improvement, provisioning the International/ Bilingual schools that have

the ability to competing and so forth.

Therefore, researchers and other educators give the considerable time to

do a study on improving the quality of education, particularly in improving the

quality of teachers. As Slameto (2010) states that "the role of teachers has

increased from as a teacher, became a director of learning process. As director of

learning process, duties and responsibilities of teachers are more increase,

including increasing the function of teachers as lesson planning, learning

managers, appraisers learning outcomes, learning motivator, and as a mentor ".

Chemistry is one of the most important subjects to be understood by

students, where this knowledge has an important role in the development of

technology and everyday life. Chemistry itself is composed of many materials and

concepts that are interconnected with each other. But apparently the result of

observation of students' understanding in chemistry topics is still low, it seen from

the lack of involvement of student in teaching and learning process in class and

the ability of student in answer the questions that given (interview with teacher in

SMA N 1 Lubukpakam).

According to the results of interviews and observations during the

researcher running the PPL (Experience Field Program) in SMA N 1 Matauli

Pandan, the student considers that the chemical was “a scary” lesson. This means

that students are worried that chemistry will make them not exhaustive and does

not enter science classes for class X, and for class XII students, they worried if it


chemistry is hard to understand, complicated, too much rote, a lot of material, dull

and uninterested. From that, seen that a gap between teachers and students, the

teacher as a teacher only to deliver the material without seeing aspects of the

students, such as interest, understanding, difficulty, and so forth. And from the

students, they see the teacher as an addition to the burden for them, even as the

enemy. Of course students do not have a strong interest and motivation to learn

the material being taught, so do not be surprised if they have low achievement of

chores and daily tests. According to Bandura (1988) in Bobby De Porter (1999)

"The Beliefs of someone about his/her ability was very influential on the ability


That condition above demands hard work from various parties, especially

the teachers as educators who deal directly with students. Teachers are required in

designing creative learning process, the selection of learning resources, media and

learning methods that appropriate to the topic being taught. This is supported by

Sagala (2003) that "Teachers should be able to maintain student interest in

learning, steady their motivation and lead the process of learning occurs naturally

follow from the experience. So that teachers have to be wise and creative in

determining the appropriate model for learning, so that learning process can take

place effectively and efficiently ". Thus the thing that we often encounter in which

the students as a generation of country feel very tired, not interested, and under

estimate in chemical class can be overcome.

A teacher has the right to determine the model and methods of learning,

learning media and allowed his class to design freely, provided that the learning

process can be carried out effectively and efficiently. Be aware that the problems

mentioned above could have been caused by the atmosphere of learning that is not

exciting and fun for students, the lack of interest media, the tedious method of

learning, so that it result the gap between the teacher and the students. In Arsyad

(2009), there is two very important elements in the process of learning that is

method of teaching and learning media. The selection of teaching methods will

affect the appropriate of media, the media itself greatly helped the effectiveness of


students' motivation and interests, enhance understanding, the present data with

interesting and reliable. This is supported by Hamalik (1986), when students are

less interested in following the lesson one the caused is the method that used by

teachers may not be appropriate. He added also (Hamalik: 2003) that the use of

instructional media in teaching and learning can rise the new desire and interest,

rise the motivation and learning stimulation, and even bring psychological effects

on students. Therefore, the teacher must be observant and creative in designing

classroom and the learning process.

Quantum Teaching as learning model with use multimedia can be a solution

and a bright spot for teachers and students, especially for Bilingual School (RSBI)

where the school facilities are adequate. This model is one of selectable learning

model that can be used so that the learning process be effective, efficient and


Learning model that developed by Bobbi De Porter based on "Bring their

world into our world and deliver our world into their world". Where the teacher

must first enter the world of students and attract students to understand their belief

that this is something important and interesting, and also easy. Thus will arise the

spirit, motivation and the passion of students in learning. According to the results

of interviews conducted of students, that the main reason there is no interest in

learning because the student thought that teacher doesn’t understand them (Porter,

1990). This learning model also known with 5 steps, that are: Encourage,

Experience, Name, Demonstrate, Repeat, and Celebrate. This steps will create the

curiosity and motivation in students, so students will be more active, make the

lesson more meaningful because students will be invited to experience its own.

The using of multimedia in this learning process is to make the effective

learning process and to make easier in transfer the message, rise the motivation

and the interest of students (Arsyad, 2007). Moreover with using the multimedia

the students could learn independently with reply the topic out of time school. the

Bilingual School or RSBI is one school that has the ability to compete with other

school, in academic field, information, facility, teacher quality, and also the


Therefore, the teachers have to prepare their self and have to able to use all the

available facilities maximally to reach the aim of teaching and learning process.

The multimedia that used in in this research is software of microsoft power point,

that has the ability to design text, color, picture and is combined with macromedia

flash that suitable with the producer.

Hydrocarbon is a chemical material that learn in the first grade in senior

high school. There is so many abstrac concept in Hydrocarbon topic, so it need the

appropriate the teaching model and using of appropriate media so that the students

can master the lesson well.

Quantum Teaching Learning model is also give a positive impact on

teaching and learning activities which in a study conducted by "Romian" (2010)

on the subject of Salt Hydrolysis, Dini Anggraini (2007) in topic Atomic

Structure, Manik (2010) on the subject of Newton's Laws, Tumanggor (2011) in

topic rate reaction And in using of multimedia also give the positive impact that

has proved by Gultom (2010) in teaching Colligative Properties topic, Butar-Butar

in teaching Hydrocarbon topic, and also Leonardo (2008) in teaching hydrocarbon


Based on above explanation, the researcher interests to combine

Quantum Teaching model with multimedia to improve students achievement by

conducting research by the title The Effectiveness of Quantum Teaching


1.2. Problem Identification:

To give the direction of this research, the problem statements in this

research are as follows:

1. The low of student achievement on chemistry topic

2. There is the gap between teacher world and student world

3. The teaching and learning process not grow the enthusiasm from students

1.3. Scope of Research

In order to keep this research become more focused and directed, the

researcher limit the problems as the following:

1. The learning model that used in this research are Quantum Teaching

model with multimedia and expository method.

2. This study will limited from the grouping of Hydrocarbon compounds,

nomenclature of Hydrocarbon, physical properties of Hydrocarbon and

isomer of Hydrocarbon.

3. The research subject is class X in SMA Negeri I Lubukpakam as

Bilingual School (RSBI).

1.4. Problem Statement

The problem statement of this research are:

1. Is the student's achievement in Hydrocarbon topic with using quantum

teaching model with multimedia significant higher than expository

learning method?

2. Which is cognitive aspect will be improved by implementation quantum

teaching model with multimedia in teaching of Hydrocarbon topic?

1.5. Research Objectives

The objectives of this research are:

1. To know the better method in teaching Hydrocarbon topic to get the best


2. To know the cognitive aspect that will be improved by implementation

quantum teaching model with multimedia in teaching of Hydrocarbon


1.6. ResearchSignificance

The significance that will be gotten in this research are the following:

1. Getting the learning models that can increase student achievement in

Hydrocarbon topic

2. Quantum Learning model with media in this research can bridge a gap

between teacher and student

3. The result of this research can be used and implemented as a learning

model for other chemistry topic in the high school curriculum.

1.7. Operational Definition

1. Learning model is a pattern of overall approach used by a teacher for

designs the learning process (Nasution in Peronika, 2011).

2. Quantum Teaching is one model of teaching for effective learning and

enjoyable by using elements that exist in students and their learning

environment through the interactions that occur in the classroom (Porter,


3. Learning media is media that bring the messages or information that has

instructional aim or consist of the aim of learning process. Multimedia

interpreted with various combination of graphic, texts, sound, video and

animation , where together present information, messages, and the content



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Table 2.1 The Name of Molecular Formula of Alkane
Figure 3.1 Flow Chart Overview of Research


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