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Students’ Perception of the Implementation of Cooperative Learning in Learning Reading Skill: A Case Study at eleventh grade of SMKN 9 Mataram in Academic year 20172018


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Students’ Perception of the Implementation of Cooperative Learning in

Learning Reading Skill: A Case Study at eleventh grade of SMKN 9 Mataram

in Academic year 2017/2018


Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Bachelor Degree in English Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Mataram



E1D 111 129





An article entitled “Students’ Perception of the Implementation of Cooperative Learning in Learning Reading Skill: A Case Study at Eleventh Grade of SMKN 9 Mataram in

Academic Year 2017/2018by Suryani has been approved on 2 Juli 2018 by:

First Advisor

Dr. Muhammad Amin, M.Tesol



Students Perception of the Implementation of Cooperative Learning in Learning Reading Skill: A Case Study at Eleventh Grade of SMKN 9 Mataram in Academic Year 2017/2018


The purpose of this study is to know the students’ perception and the kinds of problem

teacher have on the implementation cooperative learning. The subject of the study is in the

eleventh grade of SMKN 9 Mataram in academic year 2017/2018. This research used qualitative

method. The data in this study are gained through observation and questionnaire to the objects

based on the Kagan’s theory. A Likert scale questionnaires were given to students,. The result of

the study showed that among the seven categories most students need social skill and basic

principle. In social skill, the students in the group are able to help each other and in basic

principle, students need mutual respect and positive relationship, so that each student can feel the

success in the team work to achieve the learning goals. The problem faced by the teacher, the

teacher cannot manage the class well, when the teacher asks them into a group, the students

noisy and they interfere each other.


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui persepsi siswa dan jenis-jenis masalah

yang dimiliki guru dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran kooperatif. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa

kelas XI SMKN 9 Mataram tahun ajaran 2017/2018. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode

kualitatif. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui observasi dan kuesioner pada objek

berdasarkan teori Kagan. Kuesioner skala Likert diberikan kepada siswa . Hasil penelitian

menunjukkan bahwa di antara tujuh kategori sebagian besar siswa membutuhkan keterampilan

sosial dan prinsip dasar. Dalam keterampilan sosial, para siswa dalam kelompok dapat saling

membantu dan dalam prinsip dasar, siswa membutuhkan rasa saling menghormati dan hubungan

positif, sehingga setiap siswa dapat merasakan keberhasilan dalam kerja tim untuk mencapai

tujuan pembelajaran. Masalah yang dihadapi oleh guru, guru tidak dapat mengelola kelas dengan

baik, ketika guru meminta mereka ke dalam kelompok, para siswa ribut dan mereka saling



1. Introduction

Reading skill is necessary, for those whose mother tongue is not English, to

access knowledge and information in their daily lives. Several research reports agree that

there is a strong correlation between reading and academic success. So this is reason why

reading skills are important.

Based on Patel and Jain (2008: 113 – 114) states “reading is an important activity

in life with which one can update his/her knowledge. Reading skill is an important tool

for academic success. Reading is the most important activity in any language class.

Reading is not only a source of information and a pleasurable activity but also as a means

of consolidating and extending one’s knowledge of the language. Reading is very

necessary to widen the mind, again and understanding of the foreign culture”.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher is interested in conducting study

about students’ perception of problem that they encounter in reading skill by using

cooperative learning methods. Cooperative learning is a essentially group discussion

model. Cooperative learning gives a chance to the students to find and their idea share

with their friends in group to achieve their learning goal in which they work together to

share their understanding of the text. This method employs student-centered activities

rather than teacher-centered activities

2. Research Questions

1. What are the students’ perception on the implementation of cooperative learning?

2. What kinds of problems do teacher face on the implementation of cooperative


3. Objective of the study

1) To know the students’ perception on the implementation cooperative learning.

2) To know what kinds of problem teacher have on the implementation of cooperative


4. Review of related literature

According to Ahen (2009: 7) perception is defined as something that is being

observed and what is said about it. The researcher also mentioned that perception is a

process where one will form an impression about someone or something. Based on the

definition, perception is constructed as a result of individual observation towards certain

things or events occur around them which will produce certain perception.

Bojovic (2010) Reading skill is cognitive ability which a person can use when

facing written text. Reading skill is considered as an essential skill as well as other three

language skills. Reading is essential because through reading activity, the students can

improve knowledge, information, news, attitudes and wise in thinking. Although reading

is a familiar activity for the students, this skill is still not easy to be mastered.

Cooperative learning is a generic term for various small group interactive

instructional procedures. Students work together on academic tasks in small groups to

help themselves learn together. Haycraft (1978: 17) states that “to give more practices in

spoken English to your class, break them up into pairs or small groups”. Kagan (2009:

4.1) states that students have the opportunity to do what most students want to do,

interactive in positive ways with their peers. He adds that students should feel included,

that they become part of a community of learners and they experience joy in working and


According to Kagan (2009: 5.1) there are seven keys for success in cooperative

learning that are structures, team, management, Classbuilding, Teambuilding, Social

skills and basic principle.

5. Previous Study

The first previous study relating to cooperative learning was investigated by Andas

(2016), entitled students perception on the use of cooperative learning to improve their

speaking ability. Her study found that the speaking activities were difficult and not all the

students have courage to speak in classroom. She stated that it was necessary to provide

learning strategies that might increase students’ activeness in using English. The strategy

used in this study was one of CL-Structural called Three-Step Interview. It aimed to find

out the influence of Cooperative Learning (CL) in students’ speaking ability. This study

applied qualitative method, the participant of his study were 6 (six) EFL intermediate

students in the Progress English Course Centre. They were selected by using purposive

sampling technique. The instruments of this study were questionnaire, observation sheet,

researchers’ field diary, and interview. The result showed that the students perceived that

there was an improvement on their speaking ability since they were taught through CL.

This indicated that applying cooperative learning in speaking class affected students’

ability in speaking English. They were be able to communicate easily in a group,

understand their friends’ idea clearly, and participate well in a group discussion.

The second previous study was investigated by Remillard (2015), entitled the effect

of cooperative learning on middle school math students. The purpose of this study was to


grades sixth through eighth. The researcher examined student perception of cooperative

learning, implementation process and the overall impact of cooperative learning groups.

The researcher used results from MAP tests, overall grades, observations and students

pre- and post- questionnaires. The study found that in the classrooms where cooperative

learning was implemented, students had academic growth in math that exceeded the

national average, they built strong relationships with their classmates, and they enjoyed

working in the cooperative groups. Students in these classrooms expressed a positive

impression about math.

6. Method

In this research, the researcher is using observation and questionnaire as a method

of collecting the data. The questionnaire consists of close-ended questions. Close-ended

questions will apply to get students’ perception about cooperative learning. The number

of questions are 14 questions, the questionnaire administered in a Likert-scale form using

a five point scales ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. While observation to

obtain the teacher problems in the implementation of cooperative learning. The

questionnaire is designed by the researcher based on the Kagan’s theory where 25

students get the questionnaire.

7. Discussion

There are two categories need by the students, that are social skill and basic

principle. In social skill, the students in the group are able to help each other. The

students have to know how to motivate their teammates when their are down. They have


rejection gracefully when their idea is not selected. They have to know how to take turns

and politely disagree.

In basic principle, students need mutual respect and positive relationship, so that

each student can feel the success in the team work to achieve the learning goals. In basic

principle, there is positive interdependence that means they have to rely on their

teammates. If it is impossible to achieve a goal or be successful at a task without the help

of another, then there is no strong interdependence. The strongest form of

interdependence occurs when contribution by every teammate is necessary for the success

of the team, everyone has to do their part. The students know their success depends on

their teammates.

From observation, the researcher emphasized on the problems faced by teacher

related to the implementation of cooperative learning. The teacher said that they cannot

manage the class well. When the teacher asks them into a group, the students noisy and

they interfere each other. Moreover, the time allocation for English learning is

diminished, therefore the time for learning, discussion is not quite sufficient by

managing the students noisy in the class while allowing the groups. So the teacher’s

teaching plan for more one hour in teaching and learning process is not properly

adequate. In fact, the teacher needs good management to manage the students in

teaching and learning process and anticipate the appropriate situation while dividing the


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