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Kumpulan Abstrak Jurnal Psikologika Nomor 15 Tahun VIII Modal Sosial dan Kualitas Masyarakat


Academic year: 2021

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Kumpulan Abstrak

Jurnal Psikologika Nomor 15 Tahun VIII - 2003

Modal Sosial dan Kualitas Masyarakat

Djamaludin Ancok Universitas Gadjah Mada


Tulisan ini bermaksud membahas tentang modal sosial dan kualitas masyarakat. Modal sosial merupakan sarana agar terjadi keikatan yang kokoh dalam membangun suatu masyarakat . Ada dua kategori dalam modal sosial yaitu yang menekankan pada jaringan hubungan sosial dan menekankan pada karakteristik yang melekat pada diri individu yang terlibat dalam interaksi sosial. Modal sosial sangat diperlukan oleh masyarakat agar terjaga kelangsugnan hidupnya dalam menghadapi gelombang yang dasyat dalam era teknologi informasi. Meskipun tatap muka sudah semakin jarang, komunikasi diharapkan masih tetap ada melalui jalur multimedia. Kualitas masyarakat yang modal sosialnya tinggi diwarnai oleh adanya konsep, kompetensi, koneksi, kredibilitas dan kepedulian. Beberapa upaya penting utnuk meningkatkan modal sosial yaitu melalui pelatihan dalam setting kelompok, pendidikan karakter, silahturahmi, pendidikan sekolah dan keluarga.


Program Lisrel:

Aplikasi Analisis Model Persamaan Struktural

Syamsul Bachri Thalib Universitas Negeri Makassar


Secara umum deskripsi ini bertujuan memberikan pemahaman yang komprehensif tentang analisis model persamaan struktural (Structural equation modeling atau disingkat SEM) dalam program Lisrel (Linier structural relationship) dan aplikasinya dalam penelitian psikologi dan ilmu-ilmu sosial lainnya. Program Lisrel dirancang untuk penelitian non-eksperimen yang dimaksudkan utnuk menguji model, mengestimasi efek variabel eksogen terhadap variabel endogen secara langsung maupun tidak langsung, efek variabel endogen terhadap variabel endogen dan kesalahan pengukuran.Program Lisrel lebih sesuai digunakan untuk menganalisis data hubungan kausal atau struktural yang melibatkan kombinasi variabel laten dan variabel indikator. Program Lisrel mencakup analisis regresi struktural, analisis lajur, analisis faktor konfirmatori dan full structural equation modeling.


Penggunaan Computer Based-Test di Indonesia: Utopia Atau Keniscayaan?

Arief Fahmie Universitas Islam Indonesia


The use of computere technology in psychology has been increasing rapidly. Commonly, computer is used at research activities, exspecially for analizing data. Computer using should be increased in application of psychology in Indonesia. In other countries, many psychologists are using computer when they are testing, councelling, or building research (not only for analizing data). Computer-based test is one of applied technology in psychological testing. Actually, the application of computer-based test has big opportunity in Indonesia because people have good appreciation on computer technology development, and they use computer in some activities. Amount of CPU (Computer Personal Unit) has been increasing both in institutes of education and government, as well as in bussiness organizations. On the other hand, there are some problems in applying computer-based test which must be solved. Breaking the intellectual rights is the big difficulty to protect the new technology. Government must uphold the laws. The other problem is innovation of psychologists both on academic and application area at low degree. It must be developed with personal way as well as organizational way continously. If it can not be conducted, developmental of psychology in Indonesia will be left behind rather than the other countries.


Hubungan Antara Computer Self-Efficacy dan Kecemasan Menggunakan Komputer


Ratna Syifa’a Rahmahana Retno Kumolohadi Universitas Islam Indonesia


This research is aimed at describing the relationship between computer self-efficacy and computer anxiety. The hypothesis of this research was there are the negative relationships between computer self-efficacy and computer anxiety.

The partisipants of this reserch were 86 students. The sample consisted of 38 males and 48 females, have graduated from senior high school and aged 18-30 years at one of Computer Education Course in Yogyakarta. Participants were asked to complete the 43-item of computer self-efficacy scale and 46-item of computer anxiety scale. The result showed that computer self-efficacy was be a very negatively significant related to computer anxiety (r= -0,777 ; p= 0,00 – 0,001). The data of this research were analized with product moment from Pearson in SPSS vertion 11,00. The contribution (R-squared) of computer self-efficacy in reducing computer anxiety was 60,4%.


Validitas Prediktif Tes UPCM Dengan Prestasi Belajar Mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi UII Angkatan 2000

Mira Aliza Rachmawati Universitas Islam Indonesia


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bahwa tes UPCM mampu memprediksi perstasi belajar mahasiswa fakultas Psikologi UII angkatan 2000.

Subjek penelitian yang digunakan dalm penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi UII angkatan 2000 sebanyak 178 subjek yang memenuhi syarat sebanyak 170. Cara pengambilan datanya dengan menggunakan metode dokumentasi yang diperoleh dari PUSKOM UII untuk UPCM sedangkan IPK diperoleh dari Bagian Akademik Fakultas Psikologi UII.

Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah korelasi product moment dari Pearson. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah antara total UPCM dengan IPK ganjil diperoleh koefisien korelasi sebesar r = 0,268 sedangkan koefisien korelasi antara total UPCM dengan IPK genap sebesar r = 0,263, koefisien korelasi yang diperoleh kurang dari 0,30. Hal ini menunjukkan suatu hasik yang tidak memuaskan karena koefisien korelasi yang dianggap memuaskan apabila lebih dari 0,30 (Azwar, 2000).


Perbedaan Orientasi Tujuan Berprestasi Belajar Pendidikan Jasmani antara Siswa Etnis Jawa dan Etnis Tionghoa


Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Abstract

This research is aimed at knowing the goal orientation difference of learninf achievement in physical education between students having Javanese ethnic background and those having Tionghoa one. The population of this research were the SMU students in Yogyakarta City. The cluster random sampling technique was used by taking 320 students as the sample. The “TESQ” which developedby Duda & Nicholls (1989) was employed as the data collecting technique to reveal variabel, of the goal orientation of learning achievement in physical education.Then student demography data was used to reveal variabel of ethnic background. The calsulation result using Ttest statistical analysis was t = -14.294 and p = 0.000. The result constituted the significant difference of the goal orientation of learning achievement in physical education between students having Javanese ethnic background and those having Tionghoa one. It means that the SMU students with Tionghoa ethnic background had higher goal orientation of learning achievement in physical education than those with Javanese ethnic background. Also, the students with Tionghoa background had higher goal orientation of learning achievement in physical education than those with Javanese ethnics background.


Hubungan Budaya Perusahaan Dengan Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan Pada PT. “X”, Yogyakarta


Universitas Proklamasi 45 Yogyakarta Abstract

Study was carried out with the objective to find outthe relationship between corporate culture and working satisfaction of the employees. Hypothesis was postulated that there is a positive relationship between the corporate culture and working satisfaction of the employees. The study used methodology comprising of 120 persons were taken as samples from 512 people total employees of “X”, a tanning factory who hade been worked at least for 6 months, and minimum level of junior high school education. As tools for data collection were questionnaire for corporate culture measurement and modified Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire for working satisfaction determination. Regression analysis of the data was applied for testing the relationship. Result of regression analysis showed that very significantly positive relationship. (r= 0,863 ; p = 0,000) between corporate culture and working satisfaction was found. In conclussion there is a positive relationship between corporate culture and working satisfaction of the employees.


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