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Academic year: 2017



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OR HEART ALBUM . Thesis English Department, Faculty of Humanities, the

State Islamic University SunanAmpel Surabaya.

The Advisor: Prof. Dr. Hj. ZuliatiRohmah, M.Pd

Key Terms: Figurative language, Figure of Speech, Album, Christina Perri, Head

or Heart

This study attemptsto analyses the use of figurative language used in

Christina Perri Head or Heart album.

Thisstudy focuses to the use of figurative language analysis in Christina Perri’s“Head or Heart” album. The data were taken from Christina Perri’s“Head or Heart’s”albums which consist of many types of figurative language by using Perrine’s (1992) theory. Descriptive method was appliedin this research, the data source from the research is song lyrics from Christina Perri’s“Head or Heart” album.

The writer found 57 sentences containing figurative languages in Christina Perri’s songs on “Head or heart”album. All of these terms are divided into six categories, They are, personification, metaphor, symbol, irony, simile and

hyperbole. The writer more often found types of figurative language that contains

hyperbole.There are 26 sentences that are almost found in every song from one


By reading this study, the writer hopes this research could give more

understanding in the analysis of figurative language to the reader. The writer

hopes this paper inspire for all students who want to conduct research in the same




OR HEART ALBUM . Thesis English Department, Faculty of Humanities, the

State Islamic University SunanAmpel Surabaya.

The Advisor: Prof. Dr. Hj. ZuliatiRohmah, M.Pd

Key Terms: Figurative language, Figure of Speech, Album, Christina Perri, Head or Heart

Studi ini mencoba untuk menganalisa penggunaan bahasa kiasan yang digunakan pada Christina Perri “Head or Heart” album.

Studi ini berfokus pada penggunaan bahasa kiasan yang digunakan pada Christina Perri“Head or Heart” album. Data diambil dari Christina Perri “Head or Heart” album yang di dalamnya mengandung banyak jenis dari bahasa kiasan. Dengan demikian penulis menerapkan strategi bahasa kiasan dari Perrine (1992). Metode deskriptif diterapkan dalam penelitian ini. Sumber data dari penelitian ini adalah lirik lagu dari Christina Perri “Head or Heart” album.

Penulis menemukan ada 57 kalimat yang mengandung bahasa kiasan di lagu Christina Perri pada album “Head or heart”. Semua istilah tersebut dibagi menjadi enam kategori. Yaitu, personifikasi, metafora, simbol, ironi, simile dan hiperbola. Penulis lebih sering menemukan jenis bahasa kiasan yang berisi hiperbola. Ada 26 kalimat yang hampir ditemukan di setiap lagu dari satu album.






In this chapter, the writer presents background of the study,

statement of the problem, objective of the study, significance of the study,

scope and limitation, and definitions of key terms.

1.1Background of Study

Music has been one part of our life since we were born. Some

people think that their life is more colorful when listening the music and

other say that nobody can live without music. According to Ningsih

(2011), music is an art form that is composed of sound and combination of

vocal, harmony, rhythm, and so on. It means that the one of daily need that

must be consumed.

Nowdays, music has grows up very fast in every corner of the

world. Music can be used for communication, ceremony and many more.

Music also has big influences in our life. For example, music can be used

to get our spirit, to get us stronger, to get happiness, and so on. Music has

many adventages for human beings when people listen or play the music it

is also can made the humans feel relaxed and not feel bored. In addition,

music can give human’s knowledge. For example, we can learn about



People are commonly attracted to a musician or a singer who has a

great lyric and nice song. A song lyric can reflect song writer’s

expressions and feeling. A good song does not only combine the nice

music but it also has the beautiful lyrics. Some songs use beautiful

language which is contrast with language that we used in our life since the

song writer has his/her own style in creating songs. There are many ways

for the song writer to deliver what messages that they want to deliver to

the listener. One way is by using figurative language or language style.

The use of figurative language can be found in song lyrics. All

people know that lyrics contain many aspect like rhythm, figurative

language and stanza. Sweeny (2010) adds that figurative language and all

types are used in writing to convey emotion, create mental pictures and

even replace reality. Usually the lyric in song uses figure of speech to

enable the researcher to gain a non-literal illustration.

There are some researches conducted on figurative language

analysis. The first research is a thesis entitled “Figures of Speech Used in

Hair Care Advertisements in Cosmopolitan and Cleo Magazines” (2007)

by Margaretha Mia, this previous research is analysis of figurative

language in Indonesian advertisement shampoo. She used qualitative

research, and she used theory of figurative language by Perrine and Arp

(1992, pp. 60-100) the types are simile, metaphor, personification,


understatement and irony. She also applied theory of stylistic by Verdonk

and Widdowson (2002).

The second research is from thesis entitled “An Analysis of

Figurative Language on the Lyrics of Westlife Selected Songs” by M Zen

(2011). His research used qualitative approach. He just analyzed some

songs from one album with types of figurative language: hyperbole,

personification, symbol, synecdoche, litotes, parallelism, para rhyme,

repetition, tautology and paradox.

The third research is “The Analysis of Figurative Language in The

Lyric of Adele Songs” From Zuliyatun Najziroh (2013). She used random

theory of figurative language. She was analyzed four songs that are

“Rolling in the Deep” “Set Fire to the Rain”, “Turning Tables”. “Make

You Feel My Love”

And another previous research on figurative language thesis is

done by A M Ritonga (2014). This previous research is an analysis of

figurative language in ten songs in Bruno Mars album, and uses theory of

figurative language by Kennedy and Gioia (2005). Ami analyzed the

figurative language, that is personification, simile, metaphore, hyperbole,

synecdoche, apostrophe and irony. Metaphor was mostly found in her


Another previous research on figurative language conducted by



Marie Claire and Gentlemen’s of the Quarterly Advertisements, and she

applied theory of figurative language by Perrine (1969). The method of

this research is descriptive qualitative. She found two types of figurative

language, they are, hyperbole and metonymy.

The researcher tried to analyze more different things from the

previous study because the researcher wanted to explain the figurative

language found in Christina Perri song lyrics and the message from that

songs. The similarities between previous study with my research is the

same in the theory used, which is, figurative language. The difference of

the previous study and my research is in terms of data source from which I

took the data. And one strong point in my research is that I analyzed one

full album of Christina Perri.

From these studies, the writer chooses Christina Perri’s songs as

the source of data because Christina Perri has a lot of achievement in the

intertainment, especially, in the music industry. For example, her debut

single "Jar of Hearts" charted after it was featured on the Fox television

show So You Think You Can Dance in 2010. The single went on to sell

over 3 million copies in the United States and was a hit around the world.

In the UK, it reached number three on the charts and spent over three

months in the UK Top 40 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christina_Perri).

In addition, there are a lot of figurative language making it easier for the

writer to analyze it. The writer is interested in analyzing Head or heart


figurative language that are very beautiful to be listened. Therefore, the

writer thinks that this album is very interesting to be analyzed.

The writer analyzes thirteen songs, namely :Trust, Burning Gold, Be my forever, Human, One Night, I dont wanna break, Sea of lovers, The Words, Lonely Child, Run, Butterfly, Shot me in the heart, I believe. The

writer analyzes these songs by using theory of Perrine (1992) who

classified figures of speech into 11 types, namely, metaphor, simile,

personification, apostrophe, synecdoche, metonymy, symbol, allegory,

paradox and irony. The writer also add Hyperbole theory from Perrine


The writer hopes that this study can give a lot of adventages and to

help the reader understand about figures of speech and the meaning in

Christina Perri’s album. And it helps the student of the English

Department how to learn stylistic to get understanding about figurative

language meaning.

Statement of the Problems

Based on background of the study, there are problems related to the

study, which will lead by following research question:

1. What figurative language of the songs are found in Christina Perri

“Head or Heart” album?

2. What messages of the songs are found in Christina Perri “Head or



1.2 Objective of the Study

Based on the statement of problems above, the objectives of the

research as follows:

1. To find out the figurative language of the songs that are found in

Christina Perri “Head or Heart” album.

2. To find out the messages of the songs that are found in Christina Perri

“Head or Heart” album.

1.3 Significance of the Study

The significance of this research is to enrich knowledge of

linguistics especially about figure of speech which for common people it

may be used for emphasis, for humor, or for poetic intensity. The writer

hopes this research can give enlightenment for the readers, and also this

research will give a lot of benefits to the students of English department in

conducting research of figurative language.

1.4 Scope and Limitation

In this study, this research conducts a research in figurative

language based on Perrine (1992) and supported by other theories from

other linguist such as Abrams (1957, p.64). The writer tries to analyze the

data in Christina Perri“Head or Heart” album by Perrine (1992). The writer limits the data by analyzing some types of figurative language,


language such as: personification, metaphor, symbol, irony, simile and


1.5 Definition of Key terms

1. Figurative language : is any way of saying something other than the

ordinary way (Perrine, 1992, p.610).

2. Christina Perri : is Christina Judith Perri (born August 19, 1986) is an American singer and songwriter

from Bucks County, Pennsylvania.


3. Head or Heart :is the second studio album by American singer and songwriter Christina Perri, released on April

1, 2014. It was originally expected to be

released on March 11, 2014, but was pushed

back to April 1, 2014




This review of literature is devided into two parts. The first part is the review of

related literature which is about stylisti cs and figure of speech. In the first part, the writer

uses the theory stylistic from Verdonk (2002). The second part, the writer uses the theory

of figure of speech from Perrine (1992).

2.1. Stylistic

The name „Stylistics’ appears from the word „style’ and stylistics means the study

of style in language. Stylistic according to Verdonk (2002, p.4) is a branch of linguistics

which analyzes distinctive expression in language and the discription of its purpose and

effect. It seems that stylistics comes to have the influence to the readers the pleasurable at

having imagination.

Style is the one that people use commonly in daily life conversation and writing

that does not seem to be problematic. It usually happens spontaneously and naturally.

People use style in order to let another people identify them through their style that they

use. This is often usen by writers to help the reader to understand a complex or abstract

point. We can know the style of language from the way people speak. It can be seen from

the native language itself because different country or different place can make different


2.2 Figure of Speech

In this point, the writer will describe figure of speech. The term of figure of

speech here is described as particular way for expressing ideas and feelings. The writer

has done some literature review on books, journal, and websites. Those terms include

figurative language that used in this thesis also definition of An Analysis Figurative

Language in Christina Perri song lyrics.

According to X.J Kennedy in Ovianti (2011) figure of speech may be said

whenever a writer or speaker, for the sake of emphasis of freshness, departs from the

ordinary detonations of words from above quotation. A figure of speech is an utterance as

an irony, hyperbole, simile, personification that use words in non-literal meaning or

unusual manner to add clarity and beauty and so on to what is said or written.

While Abrams (1957, p.64) states that figurative language is a departure from

what speakers of a particular language apprehend to be the standard meaning of words, or

the standard order of words, in order to achieve some special meaning or effect.

According to Perrine (1992, p.610), a figure of speech is any way of saying

something other than the ordinary way. Figures of speech based on Perrine’s theories are

metaphor, simile, personification, apostrophe, synecdoche, metonymy, symbol, allegory,

paradox, overstatement/ hyperbole and verbal irony.

There are some common types of figures of speech that we generally know as



2.2.1. Metaphor

Metapor is comparing thing that are essentially unlike (Perrine,1992, p.610).

Metaphor is an implied comparison between two unlike things that actually have

something important in common. A metaphor is a comparison in which one thing is said

to be another. It involves an implied comparison between two basically unlike things.

For example: “Library is science field”

A library is a place where people can find many kinds of books. It is compared with

science field because both library and science field have the same atribute that is they can

add knowledge. Other examples are :

“Business is a game”, “My love is a treasure” and “Violence is the cancer of modern


2.2.2. Simile

Simile is a comparison expressed by the use of some words or phrases, such as,

”like”, “as”, “than”, “similiar to”, “resemblers”, or “seems”(Perrine, 1992, p.610). A

simile “is usually” introduced by some words, such as “like”, “as”, “so”, which draw

attention to the likeness, but it is not necessary all that is neccesary to the simille is that

both sides of comparison is stated, for example, asblack as, as cool as, etc. Simile is

figure of speech in which a more or less fanciful.

For examples:

- Her skin is as white as snow

- My love is like a red, red rose

- Your eyes are as blue as the sky


2.2.3. Personification

Personification is giving the attributes of a human being to an animal, an object,

or an idea. (Perrine,1992, p. 612). Personification is a figurative that endows object,

animal idea or abstraction with human character of sensibility. One of the most familiar

kinds of comparison is personification that is speaking something which is not human as

human abilities. Personification is representing a thing, quality, or idea as a person.

For example: “When a heart is crying, it sometimes feels like dying and teardrops fall like

rain”. It means if your is heart crying, you’re feeling sick and died and your teardrop

bursting like rain. Other examples are:”The moon smile at us”, “The trees are waving to

the tiger”, “The wind touched my skin” and “The wind whispers in my ear”.

2.2.4. Apostrophe

Apostrophe is a way of addressing someone absent or something nonhuman as if

it were alive and present and could reply to what is being said.(Perrine, 1992, p.613). By

this type of figurative language, the speaker turns aside from his audience or the writer

from his readers and addresses himself directly to the person or thing that has taken

possession of his thought.

For example: “Ambition, you are a cruel master!”

2.2.5. Synecdoche

Synecdoche is the use of the part for the whole (Perrine, 1992, p.615). In

synecdoche one name is subtituted for another, whose meaning is less or cognate with its

own. It is a figure of speech that concerns with part and wholes.



“I won’t let him come under my roof” (I won’t let him come to my house)

2.2.6. Metonymy

Metonymy is the use of something closely related for the thing actually meant

(Perrine, 1992, p.615). Metonymy is used when someone wants to substitute a concrete

thing with another thing which is closely associated with it.

For example: “The White House decided new regulation. „White House’ in this sentence is associated or closely related to „The President’

2.2.7. Symbol

A symbol may be roughly defined as something that means more than what it is. (Perrine, 1992, p.628). It means that a symbol uses a word or phrase which is familiar in

society and has one meaning. To support the definition, (Perrine, p.629) give an example


By: John Boyle (1844-1890)

The red rose whisper of passion,

And the white rose breathes of love;

Oh, the red rose is a falcon,

And the white rose is a dove.

But I send you a crem-white rosebud,

With a flush on its petal tips;

For the love that is purestand sweetest

Has a kiss of desire on the lips.

In this poem, the author uses symbol as his language style. The symbol is “rose”


Allegory is a narrative or description that has a second meaning beneath the

surface one. (Perrine, 1992, p.636). This figure of speech is dificult to be interpreted

because the readers have to direct a message beyond other message.

For example: Andi goes with the children, and the second meaning is Andi goes with the

children but not his own children, and the second meaaning is Andi goes with the

children but not his own children. In that example, one sentence which has the second

meaning is called allegory.

2.2.9. Paradox

A paradox is an apparent contradiction that is nevertheless somehow true.

(Perrine, 1992, p.649). Paradox is a statement that seem contradiction, unbelievable or

absurd but that may be true in fact.

For example: There is a life after death. This sentence is a contradiction because some

people do not believe that there is life after death. Thus, this sentence include paradox.

2.2.10. Overstatement / Hyperbole

Overstatement / hyperbole is simply exaggeration but exaggeration in the service

of truth (Perrine, 1992, p.650). It is used to express something or state of condition in a

bigger way than real condition, or Hyperbole is an exaggerated statement.

Example : I have told you that a million times. That sentence contain exaggeration, because the speaker did not really mean to what he/she has said it is impossible for

human being to speak a million times.

Other examples of hyperbole:

- “She rushed out of the room in floods of tears” (it means crying a lot)



- “When she was in Mojokerto, she spent ton of money” (a lot of money)

2.2.11. Verbal irony

According to Perrine, verbal irony is saying the opposite of what one means.

(Perrine, 1992, p.653). In a simple form, verbal irony means the opposite of what is being


For example: “Your voice is so good so that makes me hurt.”

2.3. Christina Perri

Christina Judith Perri (born August 19, 1986) is an American singer and

songwriter from Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Perri was born in Bensalem, Pennsylvania.

She has an older brother, Nick Perri.Her father was from Italy. She graduated from

Archbishop Ryan High School in 2004.She taught herself how to play guitar as a

16-year-old by watching a videotape of Shannon Hoon from the group Blind Melon performing on

VH1. She frequently sang and acted in musical theatre as a child. Perri claims to have

learned to play piano and guitar because she missed hearing music being played in the

house when she moved away. According to Perri, whenever she played the guitar or piano,

she would sing and "all of a sudden these songs would appear.




The writer analysis figurative language in Christina Perri songs album. In this

chapter the writer tried to explain about how the writer collects the data during the

research. The writer explained the methods of the study in five parts: Research Design,

Data Sources, Data Collection, Instrument and Data Analysis.

3.1 Research Design

The writer conducted the study of figurative language analysis in the stylistic field. In

conducting this research, the writer used the descriptive method because the data collected

by the writer in the form of words and sentences in song lyrics. The writer chose to use

descriptive method because in analyzing the figurative language, the writer collected the

data by identified, classified and explained the data about figurative language in Christina

Perri song lyrics, and then the writer applied figurative language theory by Perrine (1992).

3.2. Data and Source

The data was taken from Christina Perri song lyrics from website in direct lyrics

(http://www.directlyrics.com/christina-perri-head-or-heart-album-lyrics-news.html), which

consist of many kinds of figure of Speech that expressed in the Christina Perri song lyrics

the lyrics are:

1. Trust

2. Burning Gold



4. Human

5. One Night

6. I dont wanna break

7. Sea of lovers

8. The Words

9. Lonely Child

10. Run

11. Butterfly

12. Shot me in the heart

13. I believe

The song lyrics is famous songs who get many awards and popular songs at this era.

The data of this study is straight from song lyrics from Christina Perri which many types of

figurative language.

3.3. Research Instrument

The instrument which suitable for this research is the writer himself. The writer

himself as a researcher instrument because the writer does the research by identified,


3.4. Data Collection

In this study, the writer collecting the data by doing the following steps:

1. The writer opens the website

http://www.directlyrics.com/christina-perri-head-or-heart-album-lyrics-news.html. The writer thinks that directlyrics website is having complete


2. The writer begins choose the Christina Perri’s song lyrics “Head or Heart” album from

the website.

3. The writer downloads the thirteen lyrics “Head or Heart” album from Christina Perri as a


4. The writer choosing sentences that contain figure of speech

3.5. Data Analysis

After getting and collecting the data, the writer takes the next step which is to

analyze the data. The steps that the writer takes in analyzing the data are as follows:

1. Identifying data from the song lyrics.

In this part, the writer begins to identify which utterances can be categories as the

figure of speech with neon colored the song lyrics. After that, the writer gives a number

on song lyrics. The number is number one until thirteen on each song lyrics to facilitate

the writer to identify. The following is the example of song lyrics which has been gives

neon colored, numbered and the example of table of identifying types of figure of speech.

The function giving neon colored, numbered on the song lyrics and creating table is to



These pictures are the example how the writer mark the data which contained

figurative language used neon colored.

Data no 3


Than the writer make the table to identify the data that contains figurative

language. We can see the example bellow

Table 1.1: Identifying types of figure of speech

Number of song

Lyrics Types of figure of


1 Like the winds, blowing Simile

2 Looking for an exit in the world of



3 We’re on top of the world Hyperbole






2. Classifying the data from the song lyrics.

The writer classifies the song lyrics that contained figure of speech based on the

Perrine’s theory (1992). The writer used table to make it easier for reader to understand

Table 2.1: Classifying types

No Types of figure of speech

Number of song, number of lyrics

1 Personification 2.2, 2.4, 2.6, 2.24, 7.4, 7.6, 7.16……

2 Metaphor 2.17, 3.34, 3.35, 4.18, 4.21 ……




3. Explaining the data from the song lyrics

After the writer identifying and classifying the types of figurative language, the

next step is the writer explaining the result of the identification and classification by

analyzing meaning of figurative language in Christina perri “Head or Heart” album based

on Perrine’s theory of figurative language (1992). The classifications of data are putting

into the table of frequency to make the pie chart.

Table 3.2 Figure of Speech from Christina Perri song lyrics.

Figure of Speech



A Personification

B Metaphor

C Symbol

D Irony

E Simile

F Hyperbole


After analyzing the meaning of figurative language, the writer discussed and


This photo is the example of analysis data hyperbole




This chapter consists of finding and discussion. The finding includes data description

and result of analysis. The analysis has a purpose to answer the research problem. Then the

discussion has a purpose to discuss the result of data analysis.

4.1. Findings and analysis

After collecting the data from the source, the writer classifies the data based on

Perrine (1992) theory on the kinds of figurative language used in Christina Perri’s songs in

Head or Heart album. After the writer classifies the data and finds some figurative language used in the album, the writer concludes that there are some types of figurative

language to be analyzed.

After identifying data in figurative language, the writer puts the data into the pie

chart so the writer can count the number of figurative language that are mostly used by

Christina Perri Head or Heart Album.


In this pie chart are kinds of figurative language and percentage that contained in

the songs from the Christina Perri “Head or Heart” album which will be analyzed in the


From the pie chart above the writer finds some type of figurative language in

Christina Perri’s album, they are personification, simile, metaphor, irony, hyperbole and

symbol. The type of figurative language that has the highest frequency is hyperbole.

The writer does not find figures of speech mentioned by Perrine (1992), they are,

apostrophe, synecdoche, metonymy, allegory and paradox. After identifying and putting

the data into the table of frequency in figurative language, the writer classifies the data

based on Perrine (1992).

From the fifty seven data of figures of speech the writer found six kinds of figurative

language, they are personification, metaphor, simile, symbol, hyperbole, irony.

Personification (18,6%)

Metaphor (18,6%)

Symbol (8,4%)

Irony (1,6%)

Simile (5,0%)


25 Hyperbole

1. Looking for an exit in this world of fear (Burning gold, line 1)

The writer found hyperbole in the first sentence in the song “Burning Gold” and

the lyric is “Looking for an exit in this world of fear”. This contains hyperbole because

these words exaggerate things and make the reader imagine that the meaning is any exit

door in the world when something happened like fear. But according the interpreted from

the writer it happens when the singer finds a solution to a problem and the singer was

afraid that she cannot handle it.

2. We’re on top of the world (Be my forever, line 1)

The next song that the writer found as figurative language is in the “Be my

forever” song in first lyric. The writer found hyperbole in this lyric is “We’re on top of

the world“. This lyric exaggerates words and make that the readers imagine that the

singer and her boyfriend go to the top of the world, but in the reality there is no top of the

world. The writer interprets that this lyrics describe that the singer is falling in love with

her boyfriend and feel is so happy and expresses that they are on top of the world.

3. So can I call you, you're mine now darling for a whole lot of time (Be my forever,

line 5)

The next hyperbole that the writer found in the “Be my forever” song is in line 5,

and the lyric is “So can I call you, you're mine now darling for a whole lot of time”. This

clearly shows a hyperbole because exaggeration is used to emphasize a point. And the

words “whole of time” is used. It makes the reader imagine that she wants to be a couple

forever until end of time. But here the meaning of it is that they want to be a couple until


4. You're perfect in every way (Be my forever, line 18)

The writer also finds hyperbole in the “Be my forever” song and the lyric “You're

perfect in every way”. This includes hyperbole because it exaggerates words. The best

meaning according to the writer is that the singer’s boyfriend is very perfect, he is

handsome, kind, faithful and loves her very much. In fact, no one is perfect. This lyric is

found in line 18.

5. Baby you're my life (Be my forever, line 36)

The next figurative language that the writer finds in “Be my forever” song is, the

lyric “Baby you’re my life”. This lyric exaggerates words because the life is not just our

couple. Our life is made by our dream and effort. And how to bring the dream can be

realized. This lyric is found in line 36.

6. I can bite my tongue (Human, line 2)

The next hyperbole that the writer found in the next sentence is “Human” song. “I

can bite my tongue”. This is also categorized into hyperbole because it shows something

which exaggerates words. It is impossible for people to bite their tongue. This sentence

means that the singer does not want to speak and she just wants to be silent. This lyric is

found in the second sentence.

7. I can stay awake for days, If that’s what you want, Be your number one (Human,

line 3,4,5)

One more example of hyperbole in “Human” song is “I can stay awake for days,

if that’s what you want, be your number one”. It is hyperbole because the person in this



we feel so sleepy. This sentences means that she wants do anything although not sleep.

This lyric is found in line 3, 4, 5.

8. I can hold the way of world, if that’s why you need, be your everything (Human line


The sentences are found in “Human” song. This song tells us about the singer that

can hold the way of the world when the couple wants. This girl loves him so much and

wants to do anything for love. “I can hold the way of world, if that’s why you need, be

your everything” is categorized into hyperbole because it is also an exaggeration and is

impossible to do, we do not hold the weight of world. This lyric is found in line 23, 24,


9. Somewhere in the deep of my love (One night, line 14)

The writer also finds a hyperbole in “One Night” song. The lyrics is “Somewhere

in the deep of my love” this contains hyperbole because the word “deep”. When the

singer states this lyrics, she felt in love with her boyfriend. This lyric is found in line 14.

10.Sometimes, when I'm sleeping, I still, feel you breathing, You stole, all my good dreams (I don’t wanna break, line 31,32,33)

Another example of hyperbole is also found in “I don’t wanna break” song, line

31, 32, 33. “Sometimes, when I'm sleeping, I still, feel you breathing, you stole, all my

good dreams”. The lyrics are categorized into a hyperbole because the lyrics state that

when she sleeping she still feel the breathing of her boyfriend. The meaning is when the


boyfriend, she still miss her boyfriend until when she sleeps, she still feels the breathing

of her boyfriend. Of course, the fact is not that way.

11.In this sea of lovers without ships, And lovers without signs, you’re the only way out

of (Sea of lovers, line 10, 11)

Another example of hyperbole in “Sea of lover” song is line 10,11. “In this sea of

lovers without ships, and lovers without signs, you’re the only way out of” clearly

contains exaggerating words. And the meaning is when the singer felt emptiness in her

life, she describes it like the sea without ship, and lovers without signs. The singer wants

to be with her boyfriend.

12.This sea of lovers losing time, And lovers losing hope, Will you let me follow you, Wherever you go, bring me home (Sea of lover, line 12, 13, 14, 15)

An example of hyperbole in “Sea of lover” song can be found in line 12, 13.“This

sea of lovers losing time, And lovers losing hope, Will you let me follow you, wherever

you go, bring me home” are categorized into hyperbole because these show something

exaggerated. The meaning is when the singer felt emptiness in her life, than she describes

it like the sea of lovers losing time, and lovers hope. The singer wants to follow whenever

the man go and be with him forever.

13. All of the lights land on you (The words, line 1)

The writer finds hyperbole again in “The words” song that can be found in line

1.“All of the lights land on you”. It contains hyperbole because the person in this song is

impossible to hold on the words “All of”. In fact, she cannot receive all of the lights and

if this situation happens to her, surely she will get sick.



An example of hyperbole in “The words” song can be found in line 2.“The rest of

the world fades from view”. This lyric contains exaggerating words, because this is only

the imagination of the singer and in fact, this has never happened.

15.And all of the hell a had to walk through (The words, line 14)

Another example of hyperbole is also found in “The words” song line 14 the

lyrics is “And all of the hell a had to walk through”. It clearly shows exaggerating words

and impossible to do. Every people in the world never go to the hell. If someone ever

goes to hell, sure she/he just gives the hyperbole statement.

16.You'll lose yourself in the clouds (Lonely child, line 13)

The next hyperbole in “Lonely Child” song is “You’ll lose yourself in the

clouds”. Theword “clouds” clearly shows exaggerating words, and never did in this real

life. The human cannot fly more over in the clouds. This lyrics is found in “Lonely child”

song, line 13.

17.Your world’s spinning around (Lonely child, line 29)

These sentences are found in “Lonely Child” song, and the lyric is “Your world’s

spinning around. This word clearly shows a hyperbole because it is an exaggeration used

to emphasize a point and makes the reader confused about this word. The meaning is

when the singer feel lonely but there is a man who still in around her, but he do not loves

her. This lyric is found in “Lonely child” song, line 29.

18.You let me sell my love for my soul (Lonely child, line 22)

Another hyperbole is also found in “Lonely Child” song line 22 “You let me sell


an exaggeration that used to emphasize a point. In fact, there is no one who can sell the

love, more over sell to our soul.

19.You'd lose a heart in your hand( (Run, line 9)

This sentence also found in “Run” song line 9.“You’d lose a heart in your hand”.

It contains the exaggerating words, because the lyric/phrase is impossible to do ”Lose a

heart”. But, the meaning is when the singer feel bored with the situation while the man

did not have any time to go with the singer.

20.I won’t learn, I’ll never love again (Run, line 17)

This hyperbole is also found in “Run” song, line 17. “I won’t learn, I’ll never love

again”. It is also categorized into a hyperbole, because this lyric/phrase uses the word

“never” and makes the readers imagined that the singer never love anymore, the meaning

is when the singer has broken heart with her boyfriend and this is just a temporary


21.And the shooting stars cannot fix the world (Butterfly, line 8)

The writer also found hyperbole in “Butterfly” song, line 8 “And the shooting

stars cannot fix the world”. This contains a hyperbole sentence because this lyric is

exaggerating words and makes the readers not understand this meaning. The meaning is

when the singer choose the boyfriend like the stars, but the man cannot be the singer’s


22.You only know how to fly (Butterfly, line 30)

The next hyperbole also found in “Butterfly” song, line 30. “You only know how

to fly”. This contains a hyperbole because this lyric/phrase uses the word “fly” and this



because her friend just know how to leave/“fly” his girlfriend, and the singer did not

wants to be the next girl left by him.

23.High, we get so high, But we fall down (Shot me in the heart, line 1,2)

Another hyperbole also found in “Shot me in the heart” song in line 1, 2 “High,

we get high, But we fall down” clearly contains exaggerating words and makes the

readers imagined that the singer fall down from the sky. Surely she will die if she did.

The meaning is when the singer feels happiness when together with the man, but in a

time she felt fall down because the man want to leave the singer.

24.I’d lose my way (I believe, line 3)

The next song is “I believe” song. And also finds the hyperbole in line 3 “I’d lose

my way”. It clearly shows exaggerating sentence who makes the reader imagined that the

singer lose the way or forget the way, the meaning is when the singer tries to pursue the

man but the man go away, the singer felt she lost the man.

25.I know that your heart is still beating, beating darling. (I believe, line 9)

One more example of hyperbole in this song is found in line 9. And the lyric is “I

know that your heart is still beating, beating darling”. It shows a hyperbole because the

heart in this song is impossible to beat. There is no heart from human that beat anything.

The meaning is when the singer feels so jealous with her man, she felt a broken heart.

26.And I have died so many times but I am still alive. (I believe, line 22)

The last hyperbole the writer found in the last songs. Is in the title “I believe”.

This is found in line 22 “And I have died so many times but I am still alive”. This lyric


many times, but the meaning is when the singer waiting the man she will try to be his

girlfriend until she died. Simile

1. Like the winds, blowing (Trust, line 1)

This sentence is found in “Trust” song line 1, “Like the winds, blowing”. This is

considered simile because this sentence clearly shows a comparison use like in sentence

“like the winds, blowing” and the meaning is the singer wants to compare the winds that

blows like her feeling. She believes that her feeling is like the winds, “blowing” means

her feeling is easy to loose because of betrayal. She ever received from the man that she

loved. She did not keep the love well. So she felt sick when she remembered the sweet

memories they ever had together.

2. Showed up, like a good girl (I don’t wanna break, line 5)

The example of simile is found in the “I don’t wanna break” .song line 5. This

song describes the listeners about this person in this song who wants to show herself,

show her behavior and anything that is good for her. The sentence “Showed up, like a

good girl “contains a figurative language, that is, simile. It is because the singer uses

comparison herself like a good girl and uses “like” as part of simile as a comparison.

3. I wait for light like water from the sky (Sea of lover, line 8)

The example of simile is found in “Sea of lover” song line 8. This song describes

the listeners about the feeling of the singer that waiting a miracle from the God. The



simile because the singer uses a comparison “the light like the water” and uses “like” as

part of simile as a comparison. Metaphor

1. Till our lives are burning gold (Burning gold, line 17)

The example of metaphor that the writer found in “Burning Gold” song is “Till

our lives are burning gold”. This song tells about the person in the song who wants to

give up because of situation in her family. She has a big problem with her family and the

singer expresses the lyric like burning gold. “Till our lives are burning gold” this is

categorized into metaphor because it comparison without using “like” and soon.

2. You're my bright blue sky (Be my forever, line 34)

There are metaphors found in “Be my forever” song. This song explains about the

people in this song who feel happy because she gets the couple who she thinks that very

special. This lyric “You're my bright blue sky” contains the metaphor because the singer

compares her boyfriend with bright blue sky.

3. You're the sun in my eyes (Be my forever, line 35)

The next metaphor is in “Be my forever” song line 35. This song tells about the

expression from the singer that she is grateful because she has a boyfriend like him and

she expresses it with “You're the sun in my eyes”. This is categorized into metaphor

because the singer compares her couple with the sun, without using a word “like”, “as”,

“or” and so on

4. I can turn it on, Be a good machine (Human, line 21,22)

The next example of metaphor that can be found in “Human” song is “I can turn it


anything for her lover. She wants to express her spirit to be whatever until she expresses

herself be a good machine. One example of metaphor in this song is in line 21 and 22 “I

can turn it on Be a good machine” which can categorized as a metaphor because the

words “good machine” does not mean that she like a robot but it means the singer can be

spirit when she doing whatever the couple wants. And this is categorized into metaphor

because the singer compares without using a word “like”, “as”, “or” and so on

5. One night I will be the moon (One night, line 8)

This sentence is also found in “One Night” song. Line 8 “One night I will be the

moon”. It categorized into a metaphor because this sentence does not means that the girl

in this song be a moon but she just describes being it. Because she wants that man hope

this girl be the moon that can lights him when he sleep. It is categorized into metaphor

because the singer compares without using a word “like”, “as”, “or” and so on.

6. One night I will be the star (One night, line 12)

There are metaphors also in “One Night” song. This song explains about a girl

who wants to be the hope of the man. She thinks that she can be the idol for the man. This

girl wants the man comfort with her. One example of metaphors is “One night I will be

the star”. It is categorized into metaphor because this sentence means that girl compare

herself with the star. And compares without using a word “like”, “as”, “or” and so on.

This lyric is found in line 12.

7. Now my innocence is breaking Like the ocean in a perfect storm (One night,line19,20).

The writer also finds metaphor in “One Night” song line 19, 20. “Now my



sentence means that her feeling is true but there is an innocence that she did until she felt

her feeling not false and she describes her innocence is breaking like the ocean.

8. Cause love is a ghost you can’t control (The words, line 10)

Another metaphor is found in “The Words” song line 10. “Cause love is a ghost

you can’t control” it is called a metaphor because this sentence means her love is

unpredictable. She feels that she cannot control her feeling if she loves the man, she

cannot do anything and hope the man can receive her. It is categorized into a metaphor

because the phrase “ghost” means unpredictable love and can felt by all the people and

compares without using a word “like”, “as”, “or” and so on..

9. Love has a quiet voice (The words, line 25)

The next example of song that contains a metaphor that can be found is “The

Words” song. This song explains about the characteristic of love that cannot visible or

moreover speak. So the singer expressing her loves that quiet voice. This sentence

includes a metaphor sentence because the singer compares “love” with “a quiet voice”

without using parts of simile “like”, “as”. This lyric is found in line 25.

10.That love is just the sound that plays in your heart (Lonely child, line 24)

The next metaphor that the writer found in “Lonely Child” song line 24 is “That

love is just the sound that plays in your heart”. This metaphor is explains about the

feelings of the singer that leaved by the man. She always feels sad and everyday she cry

because of the man just makes her to be a toys. And she expresses the word “Love” as the

things that broke herself.


The last metaphor is found in “Butterfly” song line 1.“You’re a pretty butterfly”.

The word “butterfly” means that the singer expressed herself as a beautiful butterfly that

has beautiful behavior as a butterfly. Because she thinks that she just wants to have a

good attitude. If this way did she thinks that every man will loves her, and this lyrics not

compares without using a word “like”, “as”, “or” and so on.. Verbal Irony

1. Words that hurt the ones you lovin (Trust, line 5)

This verbal irony is found in “Trust” song. It is tells about unhonest feeling from

the singer. She is expressing her disappointment with the words “Words that hurt the

ones you loving”. Who like the hurt words? In fact there is no one like the hurt words.

And this lyric is found in line 11. Symbol

1. I’m setting fire to the life that I know (Burning gold, line 14)

This symbol is found in “Burning Gold” song. Line 14“I’m setting fire to the life

that I know” This sentence contains symbol because the singer symbolized the “fire” as a

spirit in this lyric. And the meaning is the singer wants to set or give the spirit for her life,

for her family.

2. I fell for your fable, But I'm no Cinderella (I don’t wanna break, line 6)

A symbol is also found in “I don’t wanna break” song, in line 6. It is categorized

into symbol because this word “Cinderella” makes the singer symbolized herself with the

Cinderella, who has a good attitude and beautiful face or a perfect person. This lyric is



3. All of the lights land on you (The words, line 1)

Another example of symbol can be found in “The Words” song in the first line.

And the lyrics is “All of the light land on you” it is clearly shows a symbol because the

singer symbolized the happiness as “lights”. The singer feel that every looks the man she

feel look the lights on the men.

4. You’re a pretty butterfly (Butterfly, line 1)

The next symbol that can be found in “Butterfly” song is in line 1. “You’re a

pretty butterfly”. This lyric as a symbol because the singer symbolized herself as a

butterfly, which have a beautiful color of life with a good attitude, and make all of the

men love her.

5. Light on your own (Shot me in the heart, line 6)

The next symbol that can be found in “Shot me in the heart” song in line 6“Light

on your own”. This is clearly shows a symbol because the singer symbolized the light in

this lyrics. She wants always together with her men, when she together she feels warmth. Personification

1. I can see the pack that leads the way (Burning gold, line 2)

This sentence is found in the “Burning Gold” song line 2. The sentence “I can see

the pack that leads the way” contains personification because the sentence “The pack

leads the way” personified like human. In fact, the pack cannot leads anything. It has a

message about the feeling of the singer that is left by her lovers. This makes her heart

hurt so badly and she expresses this like that.


Another example of personification is found in “Burning Gold” song line 4. “I

wish the wind would carry a chance”, the lyric “the wind would carry a chance”

personified like human being. In fact, there is never happened, because the wind cannot

feel anything. Message in this song is intended songwriter for the listeners, when she

hopes that our loves can care with the entire situation.

3. I can see my future slip away (Burning gold, line 6)

An example of personification that found in “Burning Gold” song is in line 6. The

songwriter personifies the words “my future slip away” to have attitude like the human.

But, there is never happened in the real life, because the future cannot slip away like the

human being. This is the feeling from the songwriter that gives up in this situation and

feel that lost the future.

4. There is an icy breath that escapes my lips (Sea of lovers, line 4)

The next example of personification is found in “Sea of lover” song in line 4. The

songwriter personifies the word “escapes” like the human being. In fact, there is no ice

breath that escapes the lips. Escapes words just used from human. The writer thinks that

this is the feeling from the songwriter that wants to show to the listeners what feelings in



5. A certain type of darkness has stolen me (Sea of lovers, line 6)

Personification also found in line 6 from “Sea of lovers” song and the lyrics is “A

certain type of darkness has stolen me”. This lyrics contains personification because the

words “types of darkness has stolen the singer”. Actually, the singer personifies the word

“stolen” like the human being not used for the darkness. It means that, the singer in that

time feels so loneliness and she afraid until she expressed the darkness has stolen to the


6. A certain type of silence has filled my voice (Sea of lover, line 16)

This sentence is found in “Sea of lovers” song line 16. “A certain type of silence

has filled my voice”, this lyrics contains personification because there is types of silence

has filled her voice. The singer personifies the word “filled” like the human being and not

used for the silence situation. This is the message from the singer that feels so loneliness

and she want to get the interest from other people.

7. A scream beneath the water can make no noise (Sea of lovers, line 17)

There are personification that found in line 17 from “Sea of lovers” song and the

lyrics is “A scream beneath the water can make no noise” this lyrics contains a

personification, because a scream beneath the water is not the human attitude, but the

singer personifies the word “noise” like the human attitude. This lyric actually means that

the singer fills loneliness and wants to get a new friend or boyfriends.

8. The rest of the world fades from view (The words, line 2)

In other personification also the writer found in “The Words” song in line 2 “The


attitude like the human. This lyric means that the feeling of the songwriter who feel

broken heart.

9. And I know the scariest part is letting go (The words, line 9)

This sentence is found in “The Words” song line 9. “And I know the scariest part

is letting go”. This lyrics categorized into personification because the songwriter makes

the word “letting go” as a human characteristic. This sentence means that the person in

this song feel afraid with this situation that always force’s her to cry every day. Actually,

she wants to stop this situation and start her new lives.

10.Let my love be the light that guides you home (The words, line 28)

This personification also the writer found in the “The Words” song line 28. The

sentence “Let my love bee the light that guides you home” is categorized into

personification because song writer makes the words “guides” like human characteristic.

This sentence means that the song writer wants to show to all the people who listened her

song that she falling in love until the songwriter wants together with the boyfriend.

11. And I believe that the darkness reminds us where light can be (I believe, line 8)

The last personification is found in “I believe” song, the lyrics is “And I believe

that the darkness reminds us where light can be”. This is categorized into personification

because the singer personifies the words “reminds” as a human beings not for the

darkness. This lyric/phrase means that the singer believes there is miracle that she get for



4.1.2 The message of songs in Christina perri song lyrics Trust

Trust song tells about the disappointed feeling that the singer shows to a man,

because the honestly that Christina felt is useless, because the man trust other people

more than to her who are necessarily honest. In the other hand, from this lyrics “I knew

better than” clearly shows her disappointment to that man. Because the phrase was an

expression of her better known of the singer to the evil nature of her boyfriend that may

often occur in their lives

The message from Christina Perri in this song is that when we have mutual trust

that there is no lie between our relationship, surely we can get the beautiful life in this

world, but when we doing this relationship with lies each other, surely destruction of the

relationship that we got. Burning gold

This song tells about a conflict story in a household experienced by a mother and a

father. The singer really hopes that there are some things that can resolve this conflict

quickly. She also tells a sense of hopelessness that she experienced when her family was

in a conflict.

The message of this song is that the singer wants to express her hope that her

harmonious family can be back in one piece. There is love and affection to each other.

She also wants to get her success with the support from her father and mother. When they

were in conflict, the singer feels that this hopes or this dreams are useless because the

(48) my forever

This song is a sweet and romantic song, because this is tells about a love story

between the singer and his girlfriend, they were falling in love and expresses their

happiness with a various expressions. Such as we're on "top of the world" and other

happy expressions that interprets as the thankful for their blessed, perfect lover and can

completely each other.

The messages of this song is when the singer get a perfect lover, he always keep

and loves his girlfriend that wants to always be together as the title of the song. The

singer wants to show to all the people who listening this song. The singer also expresses

their feelings as a blue sky phrase. This is shows the thankful of the singer for lovers that

they got. Human

The message of this song is the singer wants to do anything just for her loves, as the

Christina’s expressed on the lyrics in this song. That she was wants to do whatever that

her boyfriend’s wants.

The sacrifice of Christina is very big, but a sense of disappointment that she got.

When her lover gives her the highest dreams to be together, she believes all the good

things that done by her lover. But in reality, Christina just get a lied. The sickness that she

get because of abandoned from the boyfriend it was so deep, until she feels traumatized

over it. So she was disappointment as if invited to fly to the sky high and dropped to


43 One night

This song tells about Christina Perri’s hopes to the man that she loves, to makes the

man know actually they loves each other. But Christina feels that the man makes her

waiting, wait a beautiful sentence that she wants to hear. The singer also imagined that a

night when she together with the man, she did not wants a bad thing happens to the men

that she loves.

The message of this song is the hopes of a singer who wants to be his girlfriend and

make the man that she loves know what was happens, even though the singer knew that

they are love for each other. The singer wants together in a love, to live in peace,

harmony and get the best future together. I Don’t wanna break

This song tells about the hopes of the singer to save a relationship that want to

broke, the singer really hopes that their relationship can be normal as usual. She will do

anything for their relationship.

The message of the song is the singer would like to expresses regretted to the man,

because she love him very much and regret not keep this relationship well. But the man

still stated that wants to end their relationship forever. Here the singer also said "Just

wanna love you do not wanna lose you" which means that she hopes they can get the

good relationship again and do not want to lose the man that she loves. Wherever he goes

(50) Sea of lovers

This songs tells about the honestly of the singer to her boyfriend who always kept.

Although her boyfriend go and not always still in her life, but the singer know that her

boyfriend are the good man that to be her couple. The singer wants that when the

boyfriend goes to everywhere, the singer will follow him.

The message of this song is the singer wants her boyfriend know that she is still

honest, waiting for a good moment to get the good relationship. The singer also wants


45 The words

This song Tells about the feeling of singers that falling in love and describing the

feelings that wants to goes through, when look at a man who is suitable to be a couples.

The singer hopes that this man also feel as what the singer felt, the singer hope that wants

too desired by the man with the words.

The messages in this song is the singer hoping the man that she loves can know and

understand about the singer that really wants to get a relationship with him. Because the

singer has falling in love and expresses all expression of the fun after getting to know

him. Lonely Child

Lonely child song tells about the loves that fast come but also fast to go away, so

makes the singer feel so lonely. When the beautiful hopes to the man, but that man end

that hopes fastly with the beautiful words, like that love is just a spark that stars in your


The message of this song is the singer feels affair with loneliness. The saddest is

most painful kind. She also expresses that various expressions of love, but she feels

lonely Run

This song is about the hurt of a singer to her boyfriend that has laying her. The man

makes a deep hurt to the singer than makes her disappointed, she wants to prove to the


receive her. The singer learned from the previous mistakes that she wants run fast to

leave the sad story that ever happened.

The message of this song is the singer wants to show her hurt in her man that ever

get relationship with her. She wants to looking for the better boyfriend who never make

the hurts story. Butterfly

This song tells about the life of a night lady or bad ladies that have a beautiful thing

like the face or the body, which was like a butterfly. But she lives surrounded in bad

peoples. The singer in this song tells about the life of the girl, when she smile and feel

happiness, it was only a lie. She always looks patient bt her heart fell so hurts.

The message in this song is when the singer shows her heart even though she looks

like a happy but that does not mean she happy, but she hides her sadness with a patient

attitude. Shot me in the heart

This song tells about the singer that felt hurt because of someone that makes her

falling in love. But sometimes he comes and sometimes he go just like that. the man that

she loves does not know about sometimes his behavior makes her comfortable and fall in

love with him.

The message of this song is the hopes of the singer to the man that she loves but

she feel so sad because of this guy was never aware that he had made the singer fell in

love. He never love with the singer.



In this song tells about the deepest feelings of the singer for someone, who believes

that all things will be better tomorrow, when we can trust the results of a struggle.

In this song there is a message that a strong believes that love can make us stronger

in life even though death had separated, and the singer believes love will not disappear

despite being separated by death.

4.2. Discussion

After analyzing the data and classifying figurative language on Christina Perri song

lyrics, in this chapter, the writer discusses the findings of data analysis. The writer found

out six types of figurative language they are personification, metaphor, simile, symbol,

hyperbole and verbal irony. From the analysis above, the writer found that hyperbole is

the most often apparent, figurative language that occurs 26 times in the Christina Perri

song lyrics. It is used to express something or state of condition in a bigger way than the

real condition.

The song writer from this album was falling in love and wants to express all of her

feelings in the songs that she wrote, and also she wants everyone to knows about the

hyperbole that she wrote at every songs in this head or heart album. The feeling of

happiness, sadness, and the disappointed feelings are all the feelings that exist in the mind

of the songwriter when she created the song lyrics on this album. As this album mostly is

themed about love songs and sacrifice for love, there are so many hyperboles expressed

on this song album to add the beauty of the expressions

Hyperbole is a device that we employ in our day-to-day speech. For instance, when

we meet a friend after a long time, we say, “Ages have passed since I last saw you”. We


exaggerates this statement to add emphasis to your waiting. Therefore, a hyperbole is an

unreal exaggeration to emphasize the real situation to put high effect on the listeners.

(http://literarydevices.net/hyperbole/). Another example is when we are waiting for a city

bus for an hour and after a long waits for the bus and finally the bus came, we often

scream "I have been waiting for this bus like forever". The two examples show that the

speaker is the person who impatient.

In this research, it is more often found types of figurative language that contains

hyperbole. There are 26 sentences that are almost found in every song from one album.

Figurative language is often found from this album because of the song writer wants to

expresses the deep of impression on every songs that she created. Each line of the song

containing hyperbole looks more beautiful that she delivered on the lyrics and made so


As compared with the previous study that written on Ami Ritonga (2014) thesis,

which the kinds of figurative language that founds is metaphor that most commonly

found, as many as 35 sentences that containing metaphor. While from Mia Margareth

(2007) thesis, figurative language that often found is personification which found 53%

from all figurative language that she found in her research. The next previous study that

discusses about figurative language is M Zen (2011). He found hyp


figure of speech in which a more or less fanciful.
figure of speech with neon colored the song lyrics. After that, the writer gives a number
Table 2.1: Classifying types
Table 3.2 Figure of Speech from Christina Perri song lyrics.


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