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Academic year: 2017



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A Thesis







Registration Number : 072188330022

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora




A Thesis







Registration Number : 072188330022

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora





Thanks to The Almighty and Most Beneficial for without His Guidance

and Mercy, this thesis would not have been completed. In the process of finishing

this piece of academic writing, the writer has been given much support and

valuable knowledge from many people whose names cannot all be listed here.

First, the writer would like to express his sincere gratitude to Prof. Tina

Mariany Arifin, M.A., Ph.D., his First Adviser and Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A.,

Ph.D., his Second Adviser, for their valuable advice, guidance, constructive

comments and precious time spent on supervising and commenting this thesis

until it appears in its present form.

Second, his special gratitude goes to Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd.,

and Anni Holila Pulungan, M.Hum., as the Head and Secretary of English

Applied Linguistics Study Program and all lecturers, for the valuable knowledge

and instruction they have imparted to him during the years studying and he also

wishes to express his gratitude to the Boards of examiners, Dr. Eddy Setia,

M.Ed., TESP., Dr. Didik Santoso, M.Pd, and Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing,

M.Pd who have given him some advices when he proposed this thesis in the


Then, a very special debt of gratitude is directed to his beloved parents,

M. Fauzi Siregar and Juliana Hasibuan, together with his beloved wife,

Halimatusahdiah, S.PdI and his beloved son, M. Faiz Al muhtadi Siregar,


Finally, a special debt of gratitude is addressed to all his beloved best

friends, Akmal, Hamdani Nasution, and all his friends at Class B, for their close

friendship and encouragement in finishing this thesis.

Last but not least, he must confess that he has done his utmost to

accomplish this thesis but he is been fully aware that it is still far from being

perfect. Therefore, any constructive criticisms, suggestions, or comments will be

highly appreciated.

May God Bless Us!

Medan, January 2013

The writer,

Mahyuddin Siregar



1.1 The Background of the Study ...1

1.2 The Problems of the Study ...5

1.3 The Objectives of the Study...6

1.4 The Scope of the Study...6

1.5 The Significance of the Study...6

CHAFTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Metafunction of Language ...8

2.2 Interpersonal Function...11

2.3 Speech Function ...13

2.3.1 The Types of Speech Function ...14

2.3.2 The Derivations of Speech Function ...15

2.3.3 The Realization of Speech Function in Mood ...16

2.3.4 The Structure of Speech Function...23 Semantic Interaction ...23 Exchanging information: The Grammar of Propositions...30

a. The Mood Structure of Declarative Clause...37


c. The Mood Structure of

Exclamatives Clause ...40

d. Modality: Modalization……..41 Exchanging Goods and Services: The grammar of Proposals ...42

A. The Structure of Imperatives..44

B. The Structure of Offers ...45

C. Modality: Modulation ...46

3.2 The Population and Sample ...58

3.3 The Instrument of Collecting the Data...59

3.4 The Technique of Analyzing the Data ...59

CHAFTER VI ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 Types of Interpersonal Function ... 60

4.1.1 Mood... 68

4.1.2 The System of Network... 69

4.2 Findings ... 70

4.3 Discussions ... 70






Table Page

2.1 Speech Function ... 14

2.2 The Realization of Speech Function ... 17

2.3 The Realization of Lexiogrammar ... 19

2.4 Mood and Residue Element ... 22

2.5 The Coding of Mood ... 23

2.6 Speech Function of Groups and Phrase Classes ... 26

2.7 The Structure of an Initiating Move and a Responding Move (The Unmarked Structure) ... 28

2.8 The Structure of an Initiating Move and a Responding Move ... 29

2.9 Summary of Types of Adjuncts ... 36

4.1 Types of Propositions of Speech Function Published Yudistira .... 60

4.2 Types of Propositions of Speech Function Published Gelora Aksara Pratama ... 62

4.3 Types of Propositions of Speech Function Published Grafindo Media Pratama ... 64

4.4 Types of Propositions of Speech Function Published Erlangga ... 66



Figure Page

1 Speech Function as Exchange Experience ... 16

2 The Realization of Speech Function in Mood ... 17

3 Other Speech Functions ... 18

4 The Network of Exchange Structure ... 49




A. The Bridge English Competence Published By Yudistira ... 76

B. English In Action Published By Gelora Aksara Pratama ... 78

C. Contextual Learning : Developing Competencies In English

Use For Sma Published By Grafindo Media Pratama ... 81




1.1 The Background of the Study

A study of a language(s) is an interesting one to be conducted, especially if

the language is a foreign or a second language. In the process of learning it, someone

will say that it is a complex activity while others may say that it is challenging. If one

is serious then the complexity will sooner or later becomes simple, fun, and

enjoyable. It means that it cannot be denied that if one wants to study a language, in

this respect, one must give a special interest and attention so that it is motivating and

interesting, otherwise one will say that is it difficult to learn.

In this era of information and communication technologies (ICTs), English as

a language has a very important position, because it is used as a (1) mother tongue,

(2) foreign language (FL), (3) second language (SL), (4) lingua franca, and (5)

language of information, (Kariman, 1994). The mastery of English has become a very

essential tool in the process of communication among people in the world. It is also

true, that English is included as one of the important requirements in the workforce.

This is absolutely a fact, as many advertisements for job positions require applicants

to have oral and written fluency in English. English as a language has a very strong

role in the understanding of sophisticated technology. So, this makes the position of


It has been widely accepted that English is a global language which plays a

very significant role in this globalization era especially year 2003 which has been the

beginning of the ASEAN Free Trade Area. It can be used as a medium of

communication in many different fields of activities between two or more people

coming from different nations. The fact that it is the world’s most widely used

language leads the Indonesian educational authorities to include it as a compulsory

subject in schools and universities. Besides, many non formal courses are established

to fulfill the needs to study English in depth.

English as the first foreign language is taught in the public schools in

Indonesia from the Secondary up to the University levels. This is to point out that it is

an important language to be taught in schools. And it is a fact that because it is an

international language, in this globalization era, some private schools start

introducing it beginning from the Elementary School or even The Playgroup. The

other evidence of its importance is shown by the opening of some Playgroup

institutions and Kindergarten Schools focusing on English as a means of

communication among the teachers and children.

Being able to communicate effectively in English does not only mean to be

proficient in the various language skills involved in the communication progress, but

also mean to be able to use it effectively. In the various communications depending

on the nature of interaction, knowledge about English grammar is believed to be the


speech or writing, s/he instinctively tries to organize what she/he says in a way that

will make it easier for the hearer or the reader to understand. Therefore, it needs an

exchange of experience by human beings.

Speech function is used to fulfill human needs in exchange of experience

which is oriented to System Functional Linguistics (SFL). It is also used to give the

respond in delivering some information from the speaker. Getting some information

needs more explicit analysis of English grammar to improve the knowledge and

understand language use in context. The needed of description of English starts out

from a social and interactive perspective on language as discourse and shows in a

consistent way how lexicogrammar acts to enable encoding purposeful message

appropriately in text. Halliday (1994:34) states that language is simultaneously used

as representation, exchange and organization of experience. It means that human can

not live in isolation. They need to interact with others in order to fulfill their needs. In

this case, interpersonal function is performed to make interaction.

Interpersonal function can guide people to understand what the writer means

in her/his writing. In this case, interpersonal function is a best way to avoid

misunderstanding. It can be drawn from “me and you” model. It means that

interpersonal function can be described as interactional. It is used in various settings

to explain roles, information, and goods and services. It serves to signal explicitly that


In interpersonal function, speech function is used to fulfill human needs in the

exchange of experience which is oriented to functional interpretation or systematic

functional. It means that speech function has four basics; they are statement, question,

offer, and command. All the basics can be realized in Mood, where it contains

declarative, interrogative and imperative. Therefore, speech function is also used to

give the respond in delivering some information from the speaker.

Textbooks are presented to guide the students in teaching- learning process.

That is why the most obvious and most common form of material support for

language instruction comes through textbooks. Textbooks are the books that are

designed for students as written guide to the subject content of a course of study.

Usually the basic task of a book is the presentation of the data. So, textbooks are the

books used by the students as the guidance which contain some basic tasks and the

presentation of the data.

In reality, most students find difficulties to understand a text even though they

have read it several times. They do not know how to get the information from the

texts. They always use dictionary to help them in understanding the text. Therefore,

they do not get the information easily. They feel bored and give little concern to the

result of reading.

Textbooks can be used as instrument which presents a basic principle of

subject as the basis of a course study that contains instructions in the principle of


relevant, and easy to understand. It means that the language of the material in a

textbook must be clear, neutral, and accurate in a scientific way. The words used

must be understood by the students in order to increase their achievement in English.

That is why these textbooks consist of instruction, explanation, and some exercises

for the evaluation.

Furthermore, textbooks are printed to make the students familiar with the

forms of the test. The use of integrated exercises and the use of authentic text related

to real fife situations will help the students to master language skills and enhance the

students’ ability to understand the use of language in various situations. It also

encourages independent learning that students are involved in sharing ideas,

knowledge, and exchange of experiences.

So, the writer is very much interested in searching closely about the

interpersonal function as found in the Englishstudents’ textbooks which are directed

to the importance of exchange experience. It can guide the students to understand the

texts easily.

1.2 The Problem of the Study

In line with the background of the study, the problems are formulated as the


1. How are the interpersonal functions realized in the textbooks?


1.3 The Objectives of the Study

Interpersonal function can be established by making contact and identity. It

should be very interesting and motivating when it is realized at two levels such as

semantics, and lexicogrammar. At the level of semantics, human being performs two

roles namely GIVING and DEMANDING and lexicogrammar, it is termed as Mood.

Thus, the objectives of this study are:

1. to describe the realization of interpersonal functions in the textbooks.

2. to investigate some reasons of why the interpersonal functions are realized in the

way they are.

1.4 The Scope of the Study

In this study, the writer discusses only on interpersonal function in students’

English textbooks. In this case, it is important to describe the realization of

interpersonal functions in the textbooks. It is very interesting to help the reader in

identifying the character of the speaker (writer) which is found in four students’

English textbooks.

1.5 The Significance of the Study

A research that is conducted should show some applicable results, so that it

can contribute some ideas that can enhance the quality of the knowledge. The study is


the interpersonal function in the students’ English books. It is also hoped that the

findings of the study will enrich the students’ knowledge of the System Functional

Linguistics (SFL). Students will learn more about SFL in the texts shown in the

students’ English textbook. It is also intended to show that the students can

understand the text in a natural setting when function of language is concerned with

enacting and distinguishing interpersonal relations, such as giving or demanding

information from goods and services.

Therefore, the results of this study are important to provide some information

about interpersonal function used in English students’ book used in the four

textbooks. In this case, the result of this study can help many sides theoretically and


1. Theoretically, the readers can enlarge their knowledge on theories of interpersonal

function in order to communicate with other people.

2. Practically, the readers and writers realize that the demand on textbooks are not

only to guide the reader in teaching learning process, but also to understand the

information which can improve their interaction and bring them into positive

thinking. In addition, the findings of this research are expected to gain benefit

because it provides some valuable information particularly to another researcher




5.1 Conclusions

Having analyzed the data, conclusions are drawn as the following:

1. The realization of interpersonal functions in the textbooks can be described

through two levels such as semantic and the lexico-grammar, mood and

system of network.

2. There are some reasons of why the interpersonal functions are realized in the

way they are such as:

- it can be known that the types of interpersonal function used are diferrent

because linguistically the publishers want to show their participation in

communication through reading texts, take on role, express and exchange

their experience to share information.

- it can be described that the dominant of Interpersonal Functions and Mood

used is Asserting and Declarative. It proves that through the student’s

English books, the publishers assert and declarate some information in order

to fulfill the intention of the writer and readers.

5.2 Suggestions

With reference to the conclusions, suggestions are staged as the following:

1. Language in Students’ English Book is greatly influenced by the mission or

voice of the publisher, so it is suggested for the writer to propose a balance


2. Publisher can be used as an exchange of experience by human beings. It

means that exchanged of experience is known as Interpersonal Functions

which can guide the readers to understand what the writer means in her/his


3. It is suggested to master Interpersonal Functions in making interaction

because there are various settings to explain roles, information and goods and



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