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Academic year: 2017



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By : Lia Isti Indriyani Reg. Number 409332023 Bilingual Chemistry Education


Submitted to Fulfill the Requirement for Getting the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan








Lia Isti Indriyani (409332023) Abstract

The main objective of this research is to know the influences of experiment method using PAS toward student’s process skill and achievement. In addition, the objective of this research are to know the feasibility of PAS, the result testing of PAS, and student’s perception to PAS. This research was conducted in MAN 2 Model Medan on the second semester. The sample that is used are the students in grade X in two classes, one class as experiment class and the other as a control class. The instrument that is used in this research has been tested based on validity and reliability. Based on validity, from 30 questions, there are 18 questions are valid and rcal for reliability test is 0,806. It means that the

questions are reliable with high categories. Research result show The average of post test in experiment class is 80,30±9,75 with gain is 0,67 (medium) and the average of post test in control class is 70,61±8,88 with gain is 0,51 (medium). The data of research result had been analyzed by using normality test and homogeneity test which is shown that data (gain) are normal distribution and homogen. It is as a requirement to do hypothesis test. Based on hypothesis test using t-test was gotten value of tcal>ttablethat is 5,33>1,717 at significance level (α=0,05), in order that Ha



4.2.5. Student’s Perception 52


5.1. Conclusion 53

5.2. Suggestion 53




Table 2.1. Differentiation of Strong and Weak Electrolyte 22

Table 3.1. Criteria Level Of Student’s Skill 28

Table 3.2. Criteria Level Of Students Perception 29

To PAS Guidance Table 3.3. Criteria Level Of PAS guidance 30

Feasibility Table 3.4. Research Design 31

Table 3.5. Research Time Table 39

Table 4.1. Result Testing of Question that is used 42

Table 4.2. Student’s Achievement Data 43

Table 4.3. Feasibility Test of PAS 43

Table 4.4. Result Testing of PAS Guidance 44

Table 4.5. Data Process Skill of Student 44

Table 4.6. Student’s Perception to PAS 45

Table 4.7. Normality Test Data 47

Table 4.8. Homogeneity Test Data 47

Table 4.9. Hypothesis Test Data 48




Figure 2.1. Strong Electrolyte, Weak Electrolyte 23

And Non Electrolyte Figure 2.2. Electrolyte Tester 24

Figure 3.1. Research Design Flow Diagram 32

Figure 4.1. Graph of Process Skill Level 45





1.1. Background

Education is one important factor in determining the quality of a nation.

Primarily through formal education in schools. Student's achievement is the end

result of teaching learning process. There are several factors that can affect the

success of teaching learning process. Factors that affect the learning process is

comprised of internal factors and external factors of students. The internal factors

include motivation, interest, and how to learn. While the external factors are the

factor of family environment, school environment, society and so on.

(Simanjutak, A, 2011)

A good quality of education in a country, indicate of success development

in education sector in that country. In our country Indonesia showed that quality

of national education still under national standard. This matter can be seen from

student’s achievement in senior high school especially in chemistry. Generally, in

MAN 2 Model Medan the evaluation value of students in chemistry lesson is in 5

up to 10. There are many students who have value lower than KKM that decided

by the school, it is about 65%. Based on that percentage of averaging value shown

that teaching of chemistry was not maximal yet to get a good result. Therefore

still needed the improvement to minimize the percentage of students number who

have the value that lower than KKM which is have been decided by the school.

One of the problems that make low the student's achievement in learning

chemistry is Many students of senior high school consider that subject of

chemistry is difficult so they have feeling not able to study it. This case may be

caused by presentation of topics are less interesting and boring. Finally, it leaves a

“dangerous”, difficult, and scare to students who less understand a basic concepts

of chemistry (Situmorang, 2006). Many teachers in Indonesia just using

conventional method in teaching of chemistry. It make students become boring



Chemistry teacher should be make chemistry is more relevant enjoyable,

easy to learn and have meaning for students. Chemistry as one of the science

lesson, that is to provide experience to students in planning and conduct of

scientific work, to form a scientific attitude (Simamora, 2006). Chemistry is a

collection of concepts, principles, theories and laws. Chemistry can be viewed as

the product knowledge gained through scientific methods and can also be viewed

as a process that is as a method of reasoning or thinking. The attitude is needed in

the form of scientific method are a desire to know, openly and responsibly. By

studying the chemistry students will learn to make observations, conduct

experiments to find answers to the hypothesis, the experiment students will be

able to explain the objects and events, ask questions, construct explanations and

test explanations based on theories that are studied (Team of Chemical Education,

2006) .

So, it is important for teacher to choose the various methods on the

teaching, in this cased students will remember the subject in a long time.

According Darmodjho and Kaligis (1991), it is a mistake when teaching chemistry

by transferring only what is in the textbook to their students. This is due to what is

written in the book's text is just the one side or one dimension of the IPA is the

dimension of "products". Text books is the body of knowledge of science, an

accumulation of previous efforts of the pioneering science and generally have

been arranged in a complete and systematic. Text books is important, but from the

other side of the science is no less important is the dimension of "process",

meaning the process of getting the science itself. (Manik, 2011)

In the study of chemistry, one method of learning that can be used is

experimental method. This method is highly recommended for learning chemistry

because it is suitable with the educational goals that include the development of

knowledge, implant scientific attitude, and practice the skills. Experimental

method is a way of presenting the lesson, where students are experimenting with

having to prove and learned something by themselves. In teaching and learning

with practical methods, students are given the opportunity to experience for



prove and draw your own conclusions about an object, situation, or process

anything (Djamarah and Zain, 1995) .

Based on the results of research conducted by Neni (2010) show That

student's achievement in experimental class (75.48 ± 6:01) is higher than the

control class (67.53 ± 4.69). it is appropriate with research that conducted by Siti

Jahro (2008) stating that the learning outcomes of students who applied methods

lab showed that a higher yield (81.6 ± 4.3) than the learning outcomes of students

are not acquainted with the teachings with the practical methods (68.7 ± 8.6). In

addition, based on questionnaires distributed revealed that 89.2% of students

increased enthusiasm for learning chemistry when chemical material objects can

be observed directly. Then 86.9% of students agreed that the lab activities can

help improve understanding of the chemical material learned.

It is not appropriate with the reality. Learning activities carried out without

the lab sometimes (or familiar) is done. Whereas if the cut “Chemistry” become

“Chem-Is-Try”, chemical is an experiment (Try). Even chemistry is also born of

the experiment, then came the theories of chemistry. In rural areas and even urban

areas can also happen that studying chemistry without experiments. The reason is

a classic, because:

1. Uncompleted of the tools and lab materials

2. Unavailability of the laboratory,

3. The lack of chemistry teachers,

4. Lack of skills of chemistry teachers

5. Unavailability of practical guidance.

(Urip. 2012)

Based on data from self-evaluation of chemistry education program from

Tracer study results that distributed of 103 alumni who have long worked as

teachers in some districts / city in North Sumatra (teacher student civil PPL)

constraints experienced by teachers in the implementation of practical chemistry,

among others, the absence of laboratory 13.66%, the absence of material /

substance 29.81%, the absence of practical guidance 14.28%, and the other for



Based on the data above, practical guidance and availability of substances

and materials are the constraints that had been around by chemistry teachers in

implementing the experiment. The less of practical guidance and a lack of

availability of equipment / materials can certainly lead to practical implementation

is not done. To overcome these problems need creativity in formulating practical

guide to using the tool / material contained in the student and is also safe to use.

Based on the description above, the authors interested to do research with

the title The Influence Of Experimental Method Using PAS In Senior High

School Toward Student’s Process Skill And Achievement In Electrolyte And

Non Electrolyte Solution.

1.2. Problem Identification

Appropriate with the background that explained above, so the problem

can be identified as follows:

1. Does teaching and learning process with experimental method using PAS

increase student’s achievement in senior high school?

2. Does teaching and learning process with experimental method with PAS

attract the student’s interest?

3. Does teaching and learning process with experimental method with PAS

improve the implementation of experiment in the school?

1.3. Problem Limitation

Given the wide scope of problems in identifying the problems mentioned

above, this study is limited to the following:

1. The study was conducted at the high school level class X (superior) using

KTSP curriculum, semester 2 TA 2012/2013, in MAN 2 Model Medan.

2. The topic that had been taught is the electrolyte and non electrolyte


3. Teaching methods was applied in this study are experimental methods by



4. Student’s process skill that had been measured in this study are: using

tools correctly, observing, planning the experiment, and communication.

5. Student’s achievement that had been measured in this research is the

cognitive aspect of the level of C1, C2, C3, and C4.

6. Feasibility test had been applied is PAS guidance.

1.4. Problem Formulation

In this research, used as formulation of problem is as follows:

1. Is student’s achievement who had been learnt by using experimental

method with PAS higher than students achievement by conventional


2. How many the average percentage of feasibility of PAS guidance to use in

learning electrolyte and non electrolyte solution topic?

3. How is the result testing PAS guidance in electrolyte and non electrolyte

solution at chemistry lesson X SMA in laboratory chemistry UNIMED?

4. How many the average percentage of level skills of students who were

taught by using experimental method with PAS ?

5. How many the average percentage of student’s perception to PAS

guidance in electrolyte and non electrolyte solution that have been

designed and tested in UNIMED FMIPA chemistry laboratory?

1.5. Research Objective

Based on the problems above, the research was conducted to study for the

purpose of knowing :

1. The results comparisons of student’s achievement who had been learnt by

experimental method using PAS guidance with conventional teaching


2. The average percentage of feasibility of PAS guidance to use in learning

electrolyte and non electrolyte solution.

3. The result testing PAS guidance in electrolyte and non electrolyte solution



4. The average percentage of process skill of students who were taught by

using experiment method with PAS guidance.

5. The average percentage of student’s perception to PAS guidance in

electrolyte and non electrolyte solution topic that have been designed and

tested in FMIPA UNIMED chemistry laboratory.

1.6. Benefit Of Research

The benefits of this research are:

1. Can be input for teachers – especially for chemistry teacher in solving the

problems that hinder the implementation of practical activities through

practical guide by using PAS.

2. Can provide guidelines for teachers of science, especially chemistry

teachers to carry out practical work in schools to improve student

motivation and learning outcomes.

3. Can change the paradigm of students that chemistry is not an abstract

subject, because the chemical is an experimental science.

4. Provide material inputs to similar research in the future.

1.7. Operational Definition

1. PAS

PAS is the term of Indonesian language, that is the continuation of

“Praktikum Alternatif Sederhana”. PAS is already famous in chemistry

teacher in senior high school as the alternative for doing experiment. PAS

is used as alternative experiment to could be done easier. Where PAS use

apparatus and material that easy to found by students because the

apparatus and material present in around of students. Besides the material

that was used is not harmful because it is near to our daily life, so the

students can enjoy to do the experiment without worry about its effect.

And also the PAS guidance is arranged as alternative of guidance

experiment standard. So, in this research, researcher want to know the



guidance can be used in experiment and can support teaching learning

process as guidance to do experiment in order that can improve student’s


2. Student’s Process Skill

Student’s process skill is the student’s activity when they do the

experiment. In this case, the student’s process skill is scientific skill

process because the activity that had been done by students is experiment.

student’s skill process that had been observed in this research include

using laboratory equipment correctly, observing, communication and

planning the experiment. The student’s skill process can be seen by doing

observation. The observation had been done when students do the

experiment by using PAS guidance. To observed students process skill is

used observation sheet. Based on the score that present in observation

sheet, it can be known how the level skill of student in scientific process.

3. Student’s Achievement

Student’s achievement is the result of teaching learning process. It can be

gotten after researcher do the treatment ( experiment method using PAS in

experiment class and conventional method in control class). Student’s

achievement can be seen based on pre test and post test value of students

in both of class. The test is in multiple choice form which is have 5 option.

Student’s achievement that had been measured in this research is the

cognitive aspect in the level of C1, C2, C3, and C4.





5.1. Conclusion

Based on the research that have been done, can be concluded that :

1. Students achievement who is thought with experiment method using PAS

guidance is higher than students who thought with conventional method. It

is shown by the average of gain in two sample class, where experiment

class got 0,67 (medium) and control class is 0,51 (medium).

2. PAS guidance is feasible to used in experimental chemistry especially in

teaching of electrolyte and non electrolyte solution (88,89%), because the

procedure is suitable with the standard competence and basic competence,

and also the procedure is easy to do and the material and apparatus that is

used not harm full and easy to find by the students.

3. Result testing of PAS guidance that had been done in Laboratory

chemistry UNIMED give similar result with the theory.

4. Students who had been learnt with experiment method using PAS can

increasing their process skill with average is 92,18%. It show that students

can improve their process skill by doing experiment with PAS.

5. Students have good perception to the PAS guidance (83,31%), it s shown

by their interesting when do the experiment. All of them active when do

experiment and they attract to observe the result of experiment that they

have been done.

5.2. Suggestion

1. For chemistry teacher, should be make innovation in teaching of

chemistry, one of the ways is by apply experiment method with PAS

guidance. Due to PAS, there is no reason to not do experiment. Because

there are so many advantages when students do the experiment.

2. There is innovation to do experiment with PAS guidance for the other


Figure 2.1.


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