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Academic year: 2023



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1444 H / 2022 M









Submitted as partial fulfillment of the Requirements For Bachelor Degree of English Education

(S. Pd)




1444 H / 2022 M








In the name of Allah, the most Gracious and Merciful. All praise belongs to Allah Almighty, who has given the researcher guidance and blessing to accomplished the thesis entitled Students’ Perception and Motivation toward English E–

Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic at the 8th Grade of MTS Hasanah Pekanbaru academic requirement to finish the bachelor degree. Shalawat and salam always be presented to the noble prophet Muhammad SAW who has inspired and lightened many people up all around the world.

The researcher truly grateful also for the endless support, love, and care of her beloved parents (Rinaldi and Lusi Oktavia). They are the reason for me to keep the spirit in completing my education. May Allah SWT always bestow grace, health, and blessings in the world and in the hereafter for the kindness that has been given to the researcher.

The deepest gratitude also goes to those who helped the researcher in finishing this thesis, among others:

1. Prof. Hairunas, M.Ag., the Rector of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Prof. Dr. Hj. Helmiati., as Vice of Rector I, Dr. H.

Mas’ud Zein, M.Pd., as Vice of Rector II, Prof. Edi Erwan, S.Pt., M.Sc., as Vice of Rector III and all staff. Thanks for kindness and encouragement.

2. Dr. H. Kadar, M.Ag., the Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training Faculty of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Dr. H. Zarkasih, S. Ag., M. Ag., the Vice Dean I, Dr. Zubaidah Amir, M.Z., M.Pd., the Vice Dean II, Dr. Amirah Diniaty, M.Kons., the Vice Dean III and all staff. Thanks for kindness and encouragement.

3. Dr. Faurina Anastasia., S.S,. M.Hum., the chairperson of Department of English Education for his guidance to the students in writing thesis



4. Dr. Nur Aisyah Zulkifli M.Pd., the Secretary of English Education who has given me correction, suggestion, support, advice and guidance in finishing this thesis.

5. Nuardi, S.Pd, M.Ed., the writer’s supervisor. Gratefully thank you for his correction, suggestion, support, advice, and guidance in completing this thesis.

6. Nurdiana M.Pd., the writer’s academic supervisor. Gratefully thank you for her guidance in completing writer study in English Education Department.

7. All lecturers of English Education Department of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, who have given knowledge, information, motivation, support, and help for the researcher during her study at English Education Department.

8. Zaharah S.Pd.I the Headmaster of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Hasanah Pekanbaru and the English Teacher who have given time and place to the researcher to conduct this research. For all teachers and all staffs who helped during the completion of the data for the research. Also all students who helped the researcher to be the sample in this research.

9. My special beloved parents Rinaldi and Lusi oktavia. Thank you for loving, caring, supporting and patience to researcher to complete this thesis.

10. My beloved sister Najwa As-Syifa and Aldita Septrina; my beloved aunty, Yusilawati Yusuf S.Si. Thank you for always giving me help and support and being my mood boosters.

11. Special thanks to my dearest friend, especially all friends in Ksr PMI of USR, English education and the scout of USR. The researcher support team, Eka Risna Sulistyani, Siyatin, Rahmayani Ismarianti, Indah Pitria, Era Zufialina and all friends who always being kind and motivated the researcher.

12. For all people who have prayed and helped the researcher to finish her study, thank you for you all.



The perfection only belongs to Allah. Therefore critics, comment and suggestion are really appreciated to improve the thesis. May Allah Almighty, the Lord of universe bless us all. Aamiin.

Pekanbaru, 14 September 2022.

The researcher




Jihan nur sabila (2022): Students’ Perception and Motivation toward English E–Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic at the 8th Grade of MTS Hasanah Pekanbaru The learning procces at MTs Hasanah is ussually apply face-to-face.

However, the learning process recently implemented online as an alternative way due the impact of COVID-19 pandemic, the teacher and the students must be able to adapt with this learning style to support teaching and learning process. The aims of this research is to find out the students’ perceptions and motivation toward English E-Learning during the covid-19 pandemic at the eight grades of MTs Hasanah Pekanbaru. The research method was a descriptive quantitative method. The data were analyzed with SPSS and microsoft excel. This research was conducted from January until March 2022. The population in this research students at the eight grades of MTs Hasanah Pekanbaru. Questionnaire was used in order to get the data. Online questionnaire was distributed to 71 students of 8- 1,8-3 and 8-4 grades at MTs Hasanah as a sample who learn English E-Learning . Determination of this sample was done by simple random sampling from 3 classes. The result of the descriptive data obtained showed, as many 55 students or 77.46% of the total sample had positive perception on the use E-Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic.



Jihan nur sabila (2022): Students’ Perception and Motivation toward English E–Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic at the 8th Grade of MTS Hasanah Pekanbaru Proses pembelajaran di MTs Hasanah Pekanbaru biasanya berlangsung secara tatap muka. Namun pembelajaran tersebut baru baru ini dilaksanakan secara online sebagai alternatif dari pandemic COVID-19. Guru dan siswa diharuskan untuk menyesuaikan gaya belajar untuk mendukung proses pembelajaran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui persepsi dan motivasi siswa terhadap pembelajaran bahasa inggris E-Learning selama pandemic COVID-19 di kelas 8 MTs Hasanah Pekanbaru. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif.data dianalisis menggunakan SPSS dan Microsoft excel. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dari bulan Januari sampai maret 2022. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah adalah siswa kelas VIII MTs Hasanah Pekanbaru. Kuesioner digunakan untuk mendapatkan data. Kuesioner online dibagikan kepada 71 siswa kelas 8-1,8-3 dan 8-4 sebagai sampel yang belajar menggunakan E-Learning. Penentuan sampel dilakukan dengan simple random sampling dari 3 kelas. Hasil data deskriptif yang diperolah menunjukkan sebanyak 55 siswa atau 77.46% dari total sampel memiliki persepsi positif terhadap penggunaan E-Learning selama pandemic COVID-19.




( ،لايبس رون ناهج ٢٢٢٢

:) روصت ذيملاتلا مهعفاودو

هاتج ملعتلا نيوتركللإا ةغلل

ةيزيلنجلإا ءانثأ

ةحئاج ديفوك - ٩١ في فصلا نماثلا

ورابنكب ةيملاسلإا ةطسوتلما ةنسلحا ةسردبم

ةداع ام متت ةيلمع ميلعتلا في ورابنكب ةيملاسلإا ةطسوتلما ةنسلحا ةسردم اهجو

وجول . عمو

،كلذ تم ذيفنت اذى ميالأا هذه في ميلعتلا برع

تنترنلإا ليدبك


ديفوك - ٩١ . بيج ىلع ذيملاتلاو ينسردلما ليدعت

طانمأ ملعتلا معدل ةيلمع .ميلعتلا

ةفرعم ثحبلا اذه نم فدلهاو روصت

ذيملاتلا مهعفاودو

هاتج ملعتلا نيوتركللإا ةغلل

ةيزيلنجلإا ءانثأ

ةحئاج ديفوك - ٩١ في فصلا نماثلا

ةيملاسلإا ةطسوتلما ةنسلحا ةسردبم

.يمكلا يفصولا ثحبلا ةقيرط يه ثحبلا اذه في ةمدختسلما ثحبلا ةقيرطو .ورابنكب متجلاا مولعلل ةيئاصحلإا ةمزلحا جمنارب مادختسبا تناايبلا ليلتح تمو تفوسوركيامو ةيعا

سرام لىإ رياني رهش نم ثحبلا اذه ءارجإ تمو .لسكإ ٢٢٢٢

ذيملات ثحبلا عمتمجو .

نايبتسلاا مادختسا تمو .ورابنكب ةيملاسلإا ةطسوتلما ةنسلحا ةسردبم نماثلا فصلا ىلع تنترنلإا برع نايبتسلاا عيزوت تمو .تناايبلا ىلع لوصحلل ٧٩

فصلل اذيملت

" نماثلا ٩

اثلاو "

" نم ٣

" نماثلاو "

٤ للاخ نم تانيعلا ذخأ تمو .ثحبلا تانيع مهو ،"

تناايبلا ليلتح ةجيتنو .فوفص ةثلاثل ةطيسبلا ةيئاوشعلا تانيعلا ةينقت مادختسا نأ ىلع تلد ةيفصولا ٥٥

وأ اذيملت ٧٧.٤٦

ةيبايجإ روص مله تانيعلا ددع نم ٪ هاتج

ملعتلا نيوتركللإا ةغلل

ةيزيلنجلإا ءانثأ













ABSTRAK ... vii


... viii






A. Background of the Problem ... 1

B. Identification of the problem ... 4

C. Limitation of the problem ... 4

D. Formulation of the problem ... 4

E. Objectives of the Research ... 5

F. Significance of the Research ... 5

G. Definition of Key Term ... 5

1. Perceptions ... 6

2. Motivation ... 6

3. E-Learning ... 6


1. Perception ... 7

2. Motivation ... 9

B. Relevant Research ... 17

C. Operational Concept... 18

D. The assumption and hyphotheses of the research ... 19



A. Research Design ... 21

B. Times and Location ... 21

C. Subject and Object of the Research ... 22

D. Population and Sample ... 22

E. The technique of Data Collection ... 23

F. Technique of Data Analysis ... 24

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. The Description of Data ... 27

B. Findings ... 28

C. The Discussion ... 44


B. The Suggestion ... 47 REFERENCES






Table III.I The Population of the Research ... 22

Table III.2 The sample of the research ... 23

Table III.3 List of Questionnaire ... 24

Table III.4 Likert Scale ... 25

Table IV.I I like and enjoy learning English through online learning ... 29

Table IV.2 I love learning English through online learning platforms because it is interesting and challenging, which can motivate me to learn more ... 29

Table IV.3 I get many benefits from online learning such as new experience, adapted to technological advances and critical thinking ... 30

Table IV.4 Learning English through online learning help me finished the assigned task because I can directly searching related material on internet ... 31

Table IV.5 My English teacher teaches actively and creative in online learning ... 31

Table IV.6 “I am difficulty especially in using some features such as participating in video conferences and kind of that ... 32

Table IV.7 I have financial problems to buy internet data when materials are distributed using online learning urges me to download large files and participate in video conference ... 32

Table IV.8 During the online learning meeting, I often distracted by social media and others not related to the materials ... 33

Table IV.9 I prefer face-to-face or conventional learning instead of learning from online learning ... 34

Table IV.10 I prefer to choose face-to-face teaching because of its effectiveness in explaining the materials ... 34

Table IV.11 I am motivated and excited to learn English through E- learning during the covid-19 pandemic ... 35



Table IV.12 I think I need to be able to master in English ... 35

Table IV.13 The assignment that given by the teacher burden me ... 36

Table IV.14 I do not give my best in English class ... 36

Table IV.15 When I found difficult words in English, it would not stop me from continuing to study ... 37

Table IV.16 I study English to communicate with teachers and friends ... 38

Table IV.17 I study English to get the high score in class ... 38

Table IV.18 My teacher is my biggest inspiration to learn English ... 39

Table IV.19 I will ask my teacher if I find a problem during learn English . 39 Table IV.20 Getting a lowscore makes me lazy to learn English ... 40

Table IV.21 Students’ Perception and Motivation toward English E– Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic at the 8th Grade at MTS Hasanah Pekanbaru ... 41

Table IV.22 The frequency and percentage of Students’ Perception and Motivation toward English E Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic at the 8th Grade at MTS Hasanah Pekanbaru ... 42




Figure IV.1 Percentage of classes filling out the questionnaire ... 27 Figure IV.2 The Frequency Score of Students’ Perception and Motivation

toward English E- Learning. ... 43 Figure IV.3 The Percentage of Interval Score Distribution ... 44




APPENDIX 1 Research Instrument

APPENDIX 2 Students Questionnaire Score APPENDIX 3 Recommendation Letters APPENDIX 4 Documentation



A. Background of the Problem

The world is currently facing a disease declared as a pandemic by WHO, known as corona virus disease 2019 or Covid-19. Novel Coronavirus is a new type of disease caused by a virus called Sars-CoV-2. With the presence of the spread of the virus from coronavirus, Indonesian goverment has issued a policy to change the learning system from a conventional system to a distance learning system so students can study at home. The distance learning system should be apply to all parties in order to spread the virus in Indonesia.

This pandemic also have the impact for the learning system in junior high school, especially for islamic junior high school in Pekanbaru that follows the rules of ministry of religious affairs which makes all of students should study from home.

Learning foreign languages is a condition that one languanges is not the native languanges that is spoken by people in one country. English is the one of foreign languanges that studied by the students of Indonesian, The students learn and acquire a foreign language from junior high school until university to help them easier in communicate and looking for information in science and socials (Fasold, 2006). Furthermore, Fatiha (2014) stated that English language has become the international languange wich is widely adopted for communication worldwide, as it became a tool of communication between native and non-native speakers. In indonesia, English become one of



the international languanges to support the various aspect, one of which is learning in education.

Learning is a changing measure which is conducted by someone in a certain way in a capacity, where someone can get an understanding from the experience or practice. Learning involves acquiring and modifying knowledges, skills, strategies beliefs, attitudes and behaviors. There are many ways for people to learn cognitive, motor and social skills (Schunk.D, 2012).

Online learning do not require students to attend classes. Students can access learning via the internet. According to Lashley (2014), the use of available technologies around us when offset by discussion and guidance will become a platform for developing high-level thinking skills. Developing this technology makes it easier for the use of the internet to access learning materials, interact with content, instructors, and other students, to gain support during the learning process, to gain knowledge, to build a personal meaning, and to grow from the learning experience. Generally, every school can have their own consideration for which model of learning is considered most suitable to be performed at student learning. E-learning is an alternative way as a replacement face to face learning in the midst of the covid-19 outbreak.

Furthermore, Ghiardini (2011) stated that E-learning can offer one effective teaching method, such as practicing with related feedback, personalizing learning paths based on student needs, combining collaborative activities with independent study, and using simulations and games. Unfortunately in Indonesia, E-Learning is not familiar to the students and the teacher, because



of that this new learning system requires adapted to the students and the teacher and students view of this learning system will also vary. Perception is the process of understanding about something with quickly thinking that happens in natural ability, with the condition where the process does not stop, but the stimulus is continued and the next process is the perception. (Qiong, 2017). The students perception is really important for evaluating the teaching effectiveness.

In line with Tohir (2007), motivation is a condition that encourages someone to do something in order to achieve goal that is done with intelectual and physical efforts. By knowing students perception, the teacher may understand the students better. the teacher can change the learning system is suitable or not. After that, the teacher can improve the teaching and learning process through E-Learning. A suitable learning media can enhance the classroom and motivate students in learning process. (Dhamayanti, 2021).

However, this research is also pay attention to students motivation because the researcher found that intrinsic motivation would guide to the best students’

perception in learning English.

Based on the observation made by researcher at the 8th grades of MTs Hasanah pekanbaru, it was found that the E-Learning has significant impact to student’s perception and students’ motivation during covid-19 pandemic, the researcher also compare this research with previous research from Sri mulyani (2020). For the previous study and this research it was found different factors toward students’ perception and motivation in English E-Learning. Therefore,



this research aims to find out students’ perception and motivation toward English E-Learning at the 8th grades of MTs Hasanah Pekanbaru.

Then, the researcher would like to conduct a research by title:

Students Perception and Motivation Toward English E–Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic (A Case Study at the Eigth Grades at MTS Hasanah Pekanbaru

B. Identification of the Problem

1. Indonesian students are facing a new learning style because the spread of covid-19 pandemic

2. Most both of teacher and students have a lack of knowledge about the new learning style and The new challenging to adapt with the E-Learning style.

3. With the negative and positive perceptions from the students, there are significance impact to the students related to their motivation in English E- Learning.

4. How is the student’s motivation when facing a new learning style.

C. Limitation of the Problem

In this research, the researcher limits the problem focused on exploring students perception and motivation to English E-Learning during the COVID- 19 pandemic in Indonesia.

D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the problems above, the researcher formulates the problems into following research question. The question is:



1. How is student’s perceptions toward English E-learning during covid-19 pandemic at MTs Hasanah Pekanbaru?

2. How is student’s motivations toward English E-Learning during covid-19 at MTs Hasanah Pekanbaru?

E. Objectives of the Research

The researcher carries out this researcher for two objectives. The objective is to explore student’s perceptions and student’s motivation in English E-learning during covid-19 pandemic.

F. Significance of the Research

1. Hopefully this research gives benefits and contributes to development of knowledge in knowing how effective the English E-learning in the covid- 19 pandemic

2. The researcher findings are expected to give a knowledge about student’s perception and motivation in English E-learning to teacher

3. This research findings are also expected to be useful and valuable for researcher, EFL teachers and lectures.

G. Definition of Key Terms 1. Perception

Perception is the process of understanding about something with quickly thinking that happens in natural ability. Perception in this reearch refers to the way that students think about the new learning system during the covid-19 pandemic. (Qiong, 2017).



2. Motivation

Motivation is a condition that encourages someone to do something in order to achieve goal that is done with intelectual and physical efforts. Motivation in this research refers to a condition where the students interested or not with something. (Thohir, 2017)

3. E-Learning

Suartama (2014) state that through E-learning, the material can be accesed anytime and anywhere, the students may be found the material that can be enriched with a variety of supporting learning resources including multimedia that can be supported by teachers.




A. Theoritical framework 1. Perception

a. Definition of Perceptions

Perception naturally takes places in the human’s brain and it happens with the biological process. A process of taken interpreted it into something who has meaning is known as perception. Slameto (2003) defined a perception as a process Entry of messages or information through five senses, namely sense of sight, sense of hearing, sense of smell, sense of taste and sense of touch. Furthermore, Qiong (2017) stated that perception is a process that understanding of sensor information obtained through experience. Perception is obtained by summarizing the information from a person and interpreted it that can be respond to them into their own meaning.

So, from the explanation above it can be concluded that perceptions is a process that occurs as a result of something that is caught by someone else and giving rise to something about it.

Perception is also described as the interpretation of an object, event or information that is grounded from life experience of a person who perfoms that interpretation. In addition, perception basically concerns the relationship between a person and his environment through the sense. While students perceptions is the way students interpret the picture and understanding of what is felt.



b. Process of Perception

Perception is not occcured spontaneously, but requires a complex process within an individual. There are some process of perception; started when there is stimulus from surrounding that comes to someone and the sensory tools capture it and brain interpreted it become something who has meaning. (Thoha, 2003). Moreover in Qiong (2017), some stages of perception process is; selection which become the first stage in the process of perceptions, there is stimulus from surrounding turns into meaningful experience. Organization is a steps that turn the information into meaningful patterns , two characteristic of this stage is first, turns out the nature stimuli that surrounding from environment interpreted into something who has meaning. Second, perception of humans has stability. Last, is interpretation, this is a process of giving meaning to a raw stimulus which may differ from each other despite getting the same stimulus.

The process of perception happens when there are stimulus from outside and inside is transferred to the brain and the brain process the stimulus so that the individual is aware of the object that they receive by sensory tools. Then the person pay attention to the object and observe it. Unfortunately, not all of the stimulus get respon from an individual. Thus, which stimulus perceived based on the individual itself.



c. Component of Perception

Perception is one of activities in human mind that consist of several components. According to Lewis (1997), the fundamentals elements of perception are the factors that influence perceptions. Such as an experiencing of recepient, something is being perceived (object, person situation or relationship), the context of the situation in which object, events or people. The nature process of perception is started with the experience of multiple stimuli by the senses and ending with the formation of perception.

1) The perceiver. Perceiver is a person whose awareness is focused on the stimulus and thus begin to perceive it.

2) The target. Target is the object of perception; something or someone who is being perceived.

3) The situation. Situation is the environmental factors, timing and degree of stimulation that affect the process of perceptions.

2. Motivation

a. Definition of Motivation

(Prihartanta, 2015) defined Motivation as a psychological symptons that carried out consciously by someone to do something with a spesific purpose in the form of an effort. Furthermore, Ari (2017) stated that motivation can be defined as a process in life where there is a purpose or something that need to be achieved for one’s own



benefit or to involve there. So motivation is the form of an impluse a person to take action with a spesific purpose.

From the explanation above it can be conlude that students motivation is something that encourage the students to behave actively to excel in the class, how the theory of motivation can be applied in everyday life, especially in tems of education.

b. Types of Motivation

Prihartanta (2015) stated that there are two types of motivation, they are:

1) Intrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation is motives that become functioning to someone because they naturally has the urge to do something and do not need to be stimulated from the outside. Intrinsic motivation defined as A psychological behaviours for the pleasure, satisfication, or excitement associated with enacting the behaviour itself. Intrinsic motivation is the power that comes from within students that motives them to do an academic activities, makes them interested in learning and enjoying the learning process, even if there is no reward for learning. Furthermore, Noels (1999) stated that Intrinsic motivation was negatively associated with class anxiety, but that was positively related with perception of being controlled by the environment and positively correlated with motivational intensity and self-evaluation of language skills.



2) Extrinsic Motivation

Extrinsic motivation is motives that become active due to external stimuli. It can be said that extrinsic motivation is a form of motivation in which learning activities are started and continued based on encouragment from students outside that is not absolutely related to learning activties. Extrinsic motivation describes the psychological state evident when the person are driven to achieve outcomes separable from the satisfications inherent in the behaviour itself. However, each person will have the different consequences depending on themself. Extrinsic motivation include parental expectations, expectations of other trusted roles models, earning potential of a course study and good grades. (Jacob Filgona, 2020)

c. Student’s Motivation in Learning

Motivation is a complex part of human that influences how individuals use their time, their opinion of the task and how long they hold on the task. According to some aspect that are signs of motivations in learning are; how seriously the effort that they use to learn, their sincerety in learning, overcoming the obstacle in learning.

Learning motivation is a students attitude that cultivates and directs their energy towards learning in different ways. Learning motivation is a factor that significantly determines one's success. Students will also be more motivated if the results of the study get satisfying rewards



from the teacher or the instructor, as a sign of appreciation for the learning outcomes. Varied learning and the use of learning media in the classroom can increase students' knowledge and understanding of their cognitive structure.

3. E-learning

a. Definition of E-Learning

According to Naidu (2006), E-Learning use information and communication technology in a learning systems. The letter “e” in e- learning means “electronic” both offline and online, e-learning may combines the education that is carried out individually and in groups through networked or other electronics. Furthermore, Aprilicio (2016) defined E-learning unites two main ideas, learning and technology.

Learning is a cognitive process for achieving knowledge and technology is enable of the learning process. The technology is liked the tools that used in education, such as a pencil or notebook, e- learning is large and always will continue to grow rapidly. E-learning collected various tool, such as writing technologies, communication, visualization and storage.

From the explanation of the expert above, it can be concluded that E-Learning is an instruction or learning process that involves the use of electronic devices as media that used to facilitate learning and can be done interactively anywhere and anytime. It means that e- learning is a teaching method that uses the technology as a learning



tools. There are three condition for using e-learning as a learning medium; a) teaching and learning process takes place by utilizing the network. b) the existence of media that can be used by students to support the learning process. c) there are tutor service support that can help the students in facing difficulties in learning process.

1) The Characteristic of E-Learning

The crucial characteristic of e-learning is its interactivity which is possible through animation authoring tools. According to (Indrakusuma 2016) there are four levels in interactivity:

a) The attractiveness to the learning materials is not depending on the instructor/ learners. The students construct their own understanding of what they get from the materias.

b) Due to globalized nature the internet that can be accesed by anyone and anywhere the knowledge become easier to get. The students may looking for source of knowledge in a vast area who is connected to it.

c) The function of institution is the mediator or mentors.

d) The education system police, curriculum and management support the application of information and communication technology makes the learning process more optimal.

2) Types of E-Learning

According to Mamattah (2016) there are three types of E- Learning:



a) Fully online

All the activities are done with fully online through the use of internet and its technologies, there are no physical contacts between the learner and the instructor. All of the learning materials, assigment, teaching and learning done in the network.

this learning style has self-directed and flexible in nature, fully online learning aims at satisfying the needs, interests, learning styles, abilities and aspirations.

b) Hybrid learning

Hybrid learning is the combination of both face meeting and online learning. Some aspect of teaching and learning process are done by online such as teaching and exams, and some else are done face to face such as assigments and presentations. This learning style may be one of the practical way as argued learning if it is adopted in the appropiate subject.

c) Web-assisted mode

This type of learning use course website and tools in order to enhance teaching and learning process. this type is same with fully learning but this web-assisted mode includes online discussions and interactions between the learners and the instructors. By utilizing the course website, interactions between instructors and students can be carried out like traditional classes or



face to face classes as usual, but in this case the teaching and learning process will use the network as the platform.

The main differences between fully online learning and web- assisted learning is that web assisted learning allows the direct interaction between the instructors and the students while in fully online there is no live interaction between teachers and students.

Futhermore, the differences between hybrid learning and web- assisted is hybrid learning allows the physical contacts while web- assisted mode there are no physical meetings.

Based on the discussion about the types of e-learning above, it can be concluded that irrespective of the different understandings about the various of e-learning mode is- internet and technological tools are useful for teaching and learning, with limited or no face to face interaction between them. The instructor may have some options for conducting teaching and learning through e-learning and instructors may be choose the suitable type with their materials.

b. The advantages and disadvantages of E-learning

According to Mamattah (2016), some advantages of the use e- learning as the media in teaching and learning process is:

1) It gives the learners flexiblity and convience to complete the course materials where and when they desires, the learner may be accesed



the material anytime and anywhere, without necessary having to be on the institutions or the school to be taught and learn.

2) E- learning enables the use of multimedia tools as part of learning exercises, which enables the learner to apply concepts realistically.

3) The use of animations as a demonstrate concepts in e-learning help the students to understand the difficult portray in traditional classes, which in turn, it can be facilitate more accurate communication and understanding of complex ideas and topics which might not have been easily understood without these additional tools to make the teaching and learning an easier one.

The disadvantages of e-learning are:

1) For delivering technical training programs, it does not effective.

Because the learning does not enable real-time interaction with the instructor and other learners and does not allow students to have practical exposures on what they learn. For examples, utilizing software and applying knowledge to problem solving for IT courses.

2) A sense of learner isolation where they have to study alone (fully online) without having colleagues and instructors to interact with.

The learners may frustation, anxiety and confusion as a results of learning on their own, wich is mostly the case with fully online.

3) There is also the need for greater discipline as there will not be anyone to tell the learners what to do and when to submit what assigment and reports.



B. Relevant Research

The researcher has found other previous studies that relate with this research. There are some relevant studies which have been conducted in several context as follow:

1. The first research was conducted by Sri Mulyani (2020). This research was conducted at SMAN 1 Suruh. This research aimed at knowing students perceptions of e-learning and how are students motivations toward english e-learning during covid-19 pandemic. This study choose descriptive research by using qualitative-quantitative techniques. The interviewers collected the data through a questionnaire and interviews. This research explored the students experiences during covid-19 pandemic which is the result is found gets positive perception because it’s flexible and effective, unfortunateluy, the flexibelity makes some students motivated but some are being lazy in doing it. The finding of this research suggested that the teacher must try to deliver the best possible material during learning through E-Learning, so not only giving assignment but must be explained first.

2. The study by Mihhailova (2005) which conducted a study to explore to how the use of E-Learning as internationalization strategy in higher education by investigating the perceptions of lectures and students. The data were distributed into 2 type; type A, to lectures (ten respondents) and type B to students (115 responndents). The questionnaire were used in this research. The findings of this research were the most problematic of them



appear to have interest in e-courses, but the level of knowledge regarding specific of web-based learning as well as about e-courses offered was unexpectedly low. In conclusion, there were the main problem areas related to use of e-learning in internationalization only three (lack of time, lack of interest and teaching in English have specific culture, history of policy development reasons.

3. Another study is from Safiyeeh (2015) which conducted research to investigate the strength of the relationship between e-learning and students motivation Questionnaire were applied to collect data from students of Tehran Alzahra University. The data were conducted on 140 respondents with random sampling method. The findings of this research indicates that were teachers applied e-learning, more motivation is generated by students and vice versa.

Based on relevant research above, there are similarities with this study where they all use E-Learning in education. However, this study has a different from the study where the researcher analyze students perception and motivations towards E-Learning which can be used as an evaluation and further research on E-Learning.

C. Operational Concept

Operational concept is the concept used to give the explanation about theoritical framework to avoid misunderstanding toward the research. This is a descriptive research. Hence, there are two variable in this research, the



variable X are students perception of E-Learning and while variable Y refers to students motivation.

1. The indicator of perception (X1) in Mihhailova (2005):

a. Lack of time b. Teaching quality c. Learning materials.

2. According to Harandi (2015) The indicator of students motivation (X2):

a. Technology awareness b. Motivation

c. Changing learning behaviours

3. Harandi (2015) The indicator of E-Learning (Y):

a. Content of course

b. The appriopriateness of learning c. Educational effectiveness.

D. The Assumption and Hyphothesis of the Research 1. The Assumptions of the Research

Assumptions are things that are accepted as true or at least plausible, by researcher and peers who will read the dissertation or thesis.

Then, the assumption of this research is the better students perception, the better motivation f the students toward English E-Learning.

2. The Hypothesis of the Research

Ho: There is no significant impact for students perception and motivation through English E-learning in the 8th grades of MTs Hasanah



Ha: There is a significant impact for students perception and motivation through English E-learning in the 8th grades of MTs Hasanah




A. Research Design

The design of this research is descriptive quantitative. As cited in Gay (2012), “Descriptive research is A survey research. This research are involves collecting data in order to test hypothesis or to answer question about the opinions of people about some topics or issue”. Furthermore, Fraenkel, (1993) defined a survey research aims to describe the characteristic of a population.

The researcher wants to find out how the members of a population distribute themselves on one or more variables.

Besides, this research is categorized as a cross sectional design. Cross sectional design is a kind of research design that study about the correlation between the risk factors and it’s effect, with the approach observation or data collection at a single point in time (Sodikin, 2015). This cross-sectional design is appropriate to exploring students’ perception and motivation toward English E-Learning during Covid-19 pandemic at the eight grades of MTs Hasanah Pekanbaru.

B. Time and Location of the Research

The researcher conducted this research on January until March 2022 at MTs Hasanah Pekanbaru on Jalan Cempedak,Number 37, Kecamatan Marpoyan Damai,Kabupaten/KotaPekanbaru.



C. Subject and Object of the Research

The subject of this reseach was the students of 8th grades who learn English e-learning at MTs Hasanah Pekanbaru, and the object of this research was the to students’ perceptions and motivation toward E-Learning at the 8th grades of MTs Hasanah Pekanbaru.

D. Population and Sample of the Research 1. Population of the Research

Fraenkel (1993) explained that the population is a category of interest to the researcher, the group to which the researcher wants to generalize the study findings. The population of this research are the students who learn English E-Learning at MTs Hasanah pekanbaru of the 8th grades which consist of three classes and the number of population are 71 students. As described in the following table:

Table III. 1

The Population of the Research

NO Kelas Jumlah Total

Laki-laki Perempuan

1 VIII-1 14 - 14

2 VIII-3 - 27 27

3 VIII-4 - 30 30

Jumlah 14 57 71

2. Sample of the Research

In this research, the researcher used simple random sampling/

probability sampling to take the sample. Wijaya (2019) explain that simple



random sampling is a process to take the sample of population randomly without emphasizing the level of the population. Furthermore, Arikunto (2006) stated that if the population is more than 100 respondents, the researcher can take 10%,15% or 20%v the sample. Hence in this research the population is less than 100 respondents, so the researcher took all of respondents from the third classes of the 8th grades .

Table III.2

The sample of the research

No Classes Population Sample

1 2 3

VIII-1 VIII-3 VIII-4 Total

14 27 30 71

14 27 30 71

E. Technique of Data Collection

The most common types of instrument used in survey research is questionnaire. A questionnaire is a written collection of survey questions to be answered by a selected group of research participants; it is usually mailed or emailed to potential participants, there are some types of questionnaire; open- ended question and closed question (Cohen, 2007).

This research is focusing on students perception of English E-Learning during covid-19 pandemic and to make easier the researcher choose so the researcher consisted of ten closed question that focused on students perceptions. To make the students easier to fill in, the researcher make an electronic quistionnaire in google fom, then distributed it to groups of WhatsApp.



Table III.3 List of Questionnaire

Indikator Pertanyaan Nomor

item Persepsi siswa

terhadap penggunaan metode E- Learning

Saya suka belajar bahasa inggris melalui pembelajaran online platform karena menarik dan menantang, yang dapat memotivasi saya untuk belajar lebih banyak


Belajar bahasa inggris melalui pembelajaran

online membantu

saya mengerjakan tugas yang ditugaskan

karena saya

dapat langsung mencari materi terkait pada internet


Saya mengalami kesulitan terutama dalam

menggunakan beberapa fitur

seperti berpartisipasi dalam konferensi video dan



Motivasi siwa dalam belajar menggunakan e-learning

Saya merasa perlu untuk bisa menguasai bahasa inggris

1 Ketika saya menemukan kata-kata sulit dalam

bahasa inggris, itu tidak akan menghentikan saya untuk terus belajar


Saya termotivasi dan semangat untuk belajar bahasa Inggris melalui E-Learning selama pandemi Covid-19


(Adapted from Sri Mulyani (2020) F. Technique of Data Analysis

In data analysis, the researcher uses descriptive statistic. As mention in Gay (2012), descriptive statistic is a set of procedures for describing, synthesizing, analyzing and interpreting quantitative data. This data analysis enables the researcher to describe may pieces of data meaningfully with a small number of indicies. Descriptive research only foccusing at describing data that is generated so that it will be easier for the reader to interpret the data. Descriptive analysis cannot stand alone in a study. This is because



descriptive analysis can function as a collection of information and a representation of sample rather than as a sample basis of analysis for its inferential. Descriptive analysis is used to see the conditions of sample and do not aim to find information about the population considered to be representative of the sample conditions. This study followed a five-point Likert scale questionnaire proposed by researcher in the field (Astuti &

Indriani 2020) ;

Table III.4 Likert Scale

Scale Definition

1 Strongly Disagree

2 strongly disagree

3 Neutral

4 Agree

5 Strongly agree

After grouping the answers, the researcher counted each response.

Then theresearcher calculates the mean score result of each statement which will determine the main response of each statement. The data that has been submitted was processed and calculated used the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software to analyse the means frequency and percentage of data collection responses. The data is classified based on indicators that can answer research questions. To get clear information about the data, the researcher displayed it in tabular form:




𝑋 =

𝑋 =




A. Conclusion

This research was conducted to survey students’ perception and motivation toward English E- Learning at the 8th Grade of MTS Hasanah Pekanbaru. The researcher concluded that from the questionnaire which consisted 20 items, the result obtained shows that;

1. There were 55 respondent at positive category with the percentage 77.46%. 13 respondent at very positive category with the percentage 18.30% and 3 respondent at uncertain category with the percentage 4.22%.

There was no respondent at the negative and very negative category with 0% percentage. Then, the mean score of the students’ perception and motivation toward English E-Learning at 8th of MTs Hasanah Pekanbaru is 73.12, it is categorized as positive. For some factors, there were quite positive and negative perceptions.

2. While for motivation, based on the result above, most students have a positive motivation and some others have a lack toward English E- Learning during pandemic era at the 8th grades of MTs Hasanah Pekanbaru and most of them were excited to learn English using e-learning.

Unfortunately, the frequency that the researcher get from the data, most of the students have a positive category in perception and motivation.



B. Suggestion

After concluding the research, the researcher would like to give some suggestions that can be considered as follow:

1. For the teacher, the researcher recommend that the teacher should be measure the extent of students’ understanding of material given. E- learning may appropriate for English subject at the school and it is a more up-to date learning in this era.

2. For the students, they should always motivate and have a positive perception to join the learning process especially during online learning because it will make the learning more effective and efficient and they are able to make a good circumstances to improve their English.

3. For the future researcher, it is hoped that they can do a research with more issues about the students’ perception and motivation toward English E- Learning.



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Research Instrument



Nama : Kelas :

Jenis Kelamin : Petunjuk Pengisian

1. Bacalah dengan seksama setiap pertanyaan sebelum saudara menentukan jawaban.

2. Berilah tanda check list (√) pada salah satu jawaban yang saudara anggap paling mendekati atau sesuai pendapat saudara dengan alternatif jawaban sebagai berikut:

SS : Sangat Setuju S : Setuju

RR : Ragu-Ragu TS : Tidak Setuju

STS : Sangat Tidak Setuju

3. Periksa kembali jawaban sebelum diserahkan.

No Pernyataan Alternatif jawaban



Saya suka dan menikmati belajar bahasa inggris melalui

pembelajaran online


Saya suka belajar bahasa inggris melalui pembelajaran online platform karena menarik dan

menantang, yang dapat memotivasi saya untuk belajar

lebih banyak


Saya mendapat banyak manfaat lain dari pembelajaran online seperti mendapatkan pengalaman


beradaptasi dengan kemajuan teknologi dan bisa

berpikir kritis



Belajar bahasa inggris melalui pembelajaran online membantu

saya mengerjakan tugas yang ditugaskan karena saya dapat langsung mencari materi

terkait pada



Guru bahasa inggris saya mengajar dengan sangat aktif dan kreatif dalam pembelajaran



Saya mengalami kesulitan terutama dalam menggunakan

beberapa fitur seperti berpartisipasi dalam

konferensi video dan



Saya memiliki masalah keuangan dalam membeli internet data ketika materi didistribusikan

menggunakan online belajar mendesak saya untuk

mengunduh file besar dan berpartisipasi dalam konferensi



Selama pertemuan pembelajaran online bahasa inggris, saya sering terganggu oleh media

sosial dan lainnya

tidak terkait dengan materi


Saya lebih suka pembelajaran tatap muka atau konvensional

daripada belajar dari


pembelajaran online


Alasan saya untuk lebih memilih pengajaran tatap muka karena


dalam menjelaskan materi


Saya termotivasi dan semangat untuk belajar bahasa Inggris

melalui E-Learning selama

pandemi Covid-19


Saya merasa perlu untuk bisa

menguasai bahasa inggris


Tugas yang diberikan oleh guru

membebani saya


Saya tidak memberikan usaha maksimal saya di kelas bahasa



Ketika saya menemukan kata- kata sulit dalam bahasa inggris,

itu tidak akan

menghentikan saya untuk terus



Saya belajar bahasa inggris untuk berkomunikasi dengan

guru dan teman-teman


Saya belajar bahasa inggris untuk mendapatkan skor tinggi

di kelas


Guru saya adalah inspirasi terbesar saya untuk belajar




Saya akan bertanya kepada guru saya apabila saya menemukan

masalah selama

belajar bahasa inggris


Mendapatkan skor rendah membuat saya malas untuk

belajar bahasa inggris



Students Questionnaire Score


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