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The Impact of Family Environment, Home Assignment, and Students’ Learning Motivation on Students’ Learning English Achievement (A Study at Administrasi Perkantoran Grade X SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Purbalingga 20162017 Years)


Academic year: 2019

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The Impact of Family Environment, Home Assignment, and

Students’ Learning Motivation on Students’ Learning English

Achievement (A Study at Administrasi Perkantoran Grade X

SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Purbalingga 2016/2017 Years)


Submitted to the English Education Department as aPartial Fulfillment of

the Requirments for S.Pd Degree

By :

Fitika Dian Safitri


English Department


The Impact of Family Environment, Homework Assignment, and


Learning Motivation on Students

Learning English

Achievement (A Study at Administrasi Perkantoran X Grade

SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Purbalingga)

By : Fitika Dian Safitri 1301050081


The aim of this research are 1) Knowing the impact of Family Environment for Students Learning English Achievement at Administrasi Perkantoran students X grade in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Purbalingga 2016/2017, 2) Knowing the impact Home Assignment for Students Learning English Achievement at Administrasi Perkantoran students X grade in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Purbalingga 2016/2017, 3) Knowing the impact learning motivation for Students Learning English Achievement at Administrasi Perkantoran students X grade in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Purbalingga 2016/2017, and 4) Knowing the impact Family Environment, Home Assignment, and Leaning Motivation for Students Learning English Achievement at Administrasi Perkantoran students X grade SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Purbalingga 2016/2017.

The numbers of population are around 142 students from 4 different classes. The sample of this research only using 50% namely 71 students. This research had used survey study. The technique of colleting the data had used questioner and document. Analysis data technique were two way namely simple regression and multiple regression.

Research result shows : 1) there is good impact from family environment on learning English achievement, this research proven with r amounted 0.212, r2 is 0.45 and tcount amounted 12.031 more than ttable of 1,667 at 5% significance level.

2) ) there is good impact from giving homework assignment on learning English achievement, this research proven with r amounted 0.192, r2 is 0.37, and tcount

amounted 10.838 more than ttable of 1,667 at 5% significance level. 3) ) there is

good impact from learning motivation on learning English achievement, this research proven with r amounted 0.066, r2 is 0.40 and tcount amounted 10.877 more

than ttable of 1,667 at 5% significance level. 4) there is good impact from family

environment, giving homework assignment and learning motivation on learning English achievement, this research proven with r amounted 0.255, r2 is 0.65 and Fcount amounted 1,555 more than Ftable of 1,250 at 5% significance level. From




Asslamu‟alaikum Wr. Wb

Alhamdulillahhirobil‟alamin. All praises be to Allah The Almighty who has given the strength and the blessing so that the writer could accomplish this thesis as a partial fulfillment of the requirment for S.Pd Degree of Teacher Training and Education Faculty on Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto. Then, the writer also realizes that thesis could not be finished wiyhout helps, guidance and support from the others. Therefore, the writer wishes to express greatest appreaciation and deepest thanks to :

1. Dody Siraj Muamar Zain, M.Pd., as the Academic counselor who has given guidance, encouragement, suggestion and always help during process of the study.

2. Dr. Suwartono, M.Hum., as the supervisor who has given his valuable guidance, advice, encouragement, suggestion during making process of the thesis. Thank you very much.

3. Aulia Nisa Khusnia, M.A., as the Head of Study Program who was given priciple during study in the University.

4. Drs. Pudiyono, M. Hum., as the Dekan of Teacher Training and Education Faculty on Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto

5. All lecturers who had delivered their knowledge which was worth and useful for the writer.

6. The Headmaster of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Purbalingga who had given me permission to conduct this research.

7. Rasno, S.Pd., the English teacher of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Purbalingga who had given so much help to conduct the research.

8. All of X grade Administrasi Perkantoran in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Purbalingga.

9. The writers‟ beloved mother, father, grandma and grandpa who always give

their support, prayers, caring and love.


The writer realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect. Thereore, the writer would sincery accept any constructive critissms and also suggestion from the readers. Hopefully, this thesis will be usefull for the readers, particularly those who are interested in teaching and learning English.

Wassalamu‟alaikum Wr. Wb

Purwokerto, 26 Juli 2017




Dengan memanjatkan puji syukur kepada Allah SWT, ku persembahkan

karyaku ini kepada :

 Mama, Bapak, Eyang Putri & Kakung yang selalu menyayangi,

mencintai dan mendoakanku.

 Adik-adikku tersayang (Faiz, Alvin & Claudya).

 Tante dan Om the Eyang Ngisom Family yang selalu dukungan dan


 Sepupu-sepupuku (Hana, Salma, Enci, Fadli, Kayla, Azka, Devan,

Hamam, Zainab, Ghina, dan my beloved sister Alifia).

 My beloved aunty (tante Nunung and tante Septi) also my uncle


 Keluarga Besar Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah Komisariat KIP

yang memberi pelajaran berharga dalam setiap proses.

 Keluarga Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah Cabang Banyumas

2016/2017 yang berjuang bersama dalam segala proses dan



”Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengubah keadaan suatu kaum, sebelum mereka

mengubah keadaan diri mereka sendiri”

(QS Ar Ra‟d : 11)

”Selesaikan apa yang kamu mulai”

(Penulis, 2017)

”Hargailah prinsip hidup orang lain”



E. Contribution of the Research ………... 6

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A. Theory Description 1. Definition Learning English Achievement ……….. 8

2. Definition of Family Environment ……….. 10

3. Definition of Homework ……….. 12

4. Definition of Motivation ……….. 15

B. Previous Relevance Study……… 22

C. Basic Assumption………. 25

D. Research Paradigm……… 27

E. Research Hypothesis………. 28


B. Place and Time of Research………. 29

C. Research Variable ……… 29

D. Definition Operational Research Variable……… 30

E. Research Population………. 31

F. Collecting Data Method ……….. 32

G. Instruments ……….. 32

H. Validity ………... 34



A. Data Description ……….. 41

B. Test Precondition and Hypothesis Test……… 51

C. Discussion……… 60

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION A. Conclusion ………... 69

B. Limitation Result ……… 70

C. Implication ……….. 71

D. Suggestion ……….. 72




1. Blue Print of Family Instruments ……….. 33

2. Blue print of Home Assignment Giving Instruments ………. 33

3. Blue Print Learning Motivation Instruments ………. 33

4. Distribution Fequency Table Learning English Achievement (Y) …………. 42

5. Distribution Preferences Table of Learning English Achievement ……….. 42

6. Distribution Fequency Table Family Environment (Y) ………. 44

7. Distribution Preferences Table of Family Environment ……… 44

8. Distribution Fequency Table of Home Assignment Giving (Y) ………… 45

9. Distribution Preferences of Home Assignment Giving………. 46

10. Distribution Fequency Table Learning Motivation (Y) ……… 48

11. Distribution Preferences Table of Learning Motivaton………. 49

12. Linearity Test Result ……….. 51

13. Multi-Linearity Test Result ……… 51

14. Regression result X1 for Y ……….. 52

15. Summary of results X2 → Y……….. 54

16. Summary of results X3 → Y……….. 55

17. Summary Of Results Multiple Regression……….. 57



1. Research Paradigm……… 27

2. Pie Chart Prefences Distributin of Learning English Achievement …. 43

3. Pie Chart Prefences Distribution of Family Environment ………….. 45

4. Pie Chart Preference Distribution of Giving Homework Assignment 47




1. The Instruments ……… 76

2. The Document of Students‟ Score……… 82

3. Recapitulation of the Data ……… 94

4. Precondition Test ………. 103


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