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IDENTIFICATION OF SINGLE NUCLEOTIDE POLYMORPHISMS ON CATTLE BREEDS IN INDONESIA USING BOVINE 50K Identifikasi Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms pada Bangsa Sapi di Indonesia Menggunakan Bovine 50K


Academic year: 2019

Membagikan "IDENTIFICATION OF SINGLE NUCLEOTIDE POLYMORPHISMS ON CATTLE BREEDS IN INDONESIA USING BOVINE 50K Identifikasi Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms pada Bangsa Sapi di Indonesia Menggunakan Bovine 50K"


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Table 1. List of individuals of cattle coordinated by research institutes under IAARD for Infinium II assay of Bovine 50Kbead chip using iScan array.
Fig.2. Distribution and proportion of SNPs for Infinium assay observed on cattle breeds in Indonesia; (a) Distribution ofSNPs spanning on chromosome in Bovine 50K bead chip, (b) Proportion of SNPs observed in 48 individuals according toBovine 50K.
Fig. 3. Examples of SNP genotyping clusters on 48 individuals of cattle observed based on Bovine 50K bead chip usingBeadStudio software
Fig. 5. Map of identified locations of copy number variations in observed in our study, arrows contain genes in cattle coincident with the selected regions consisting of SNP in our studyshaded box is selected regions in chromosomes identified by Bae of Bov


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