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Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga


Academic year: 2019

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Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade Students of Smk Muhammadiyah Salatiga in The Academic Year of 2016/2017)


Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd)

English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga


Tri Tugiyarti









“I am nothing but I must be everything.”




This work is sincerely dedicate for:

 My beloved parent, Mr. Bejo, and Mrs. Fatimah, my beloved brother and sister, Mr. Sulis and Mrs. Listiani, and my lovely niece, AzizatunSuciFadhila and AqilaNafisa.





In the name of Allah SWT, the most gracious and merciful. The king of universe and space. Thank you Allah since the writer could complete this paper as of the requirement to finish the study in the Teacher Training and Education Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

This research would not succeed without support, guidance, and help from individual and institution. Therefore, I would like to express special and deepest thanks to:

1. Dr. RahmatHariyadi, M. Pd. As the rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

2. Suwardi, M. Pd., as the dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of IAIN Salatiga.

3. Noor Malihah, Ph. D., as the head of English Education Department of State Institute Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

4. SetiaRini, M.Pd, as counselor who has brings up, espoused, and give the writer advices, seggestions and recomendations for this graduating paper from begiining until the end. Thank you for your patience and care.

5. All lecturers in the English Education Department of IAIN Salatiga. Thank you for all guidance, knowledge, and support.



Tugiyarti, Tri. 2016. The Use of Software Lectora Inspire of Electronic Learning to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension (A classroom action research of eleventh grade students of SMK Muhammadiyah Salatiga in academic year of 2016/2017). A Graduating Paper. Teacher Training and Educational Faculty. English Educational Department. Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN). Counselor: Setia Rini, M.Pd.

Keywords: Lectora Inspire, Reading Comprehension.

This research is aimed to improve the students’ reading comprehension through Lectora Inspire. This research has three questions of the study are 1) How is the process of teaching reading comprehension by using Lectora Inspirefor the eleventh grade students of SMK Muhammadiyah Salatiga?, 2) How far the use of Lectora Inspire can improve reading comprehension of eleventh grade student of SMK Muhammadiyah Salatiga?. 3) Is there any








MOTTO ……… v



ABSTRACT ……….. ix


LIST OF TABLE ………... xii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A Background of the Research ……….. 1

B Problem of the Research………. 5

C The Objective of the Research ………...………. 5

D Significant of the Research ………. 6

E Limitation of the Research ………. 7

F Definition of Keywords ………. 7

G Previous Research Review ……… 8



A Lectora Inspire ………..………. 12

B Reading ……….. ……… 20

C Reading Comprehension………... 25


A The Setting of the Research ………. 33

B The Subject of the Research ………. 36


The method of the Research………..

The Procedure of the Research ………... 37 38


A Research Finding……….

1. Cycle I………

2. Cycle II………

43 43 52

B Analysis and Discussion………. 59


A Conclusion ……….. 62

B Suggestion ……….. 63




Figure 2.1 Icon Lectora Inspire ………... 17

Figure 2.2 Image of Title Wizard... 18

Figure 2.3 Image of Name and Location... 19

Figure 2.4 Image of Size and Setting... 19

Figure 2.5 Image of Name and Location... 20

Figure 2.6 Image of Menu Publish... 20

Table 3.1 T List of Total Students of SMK Muhammadiyah Salatiga in Academic year of 2016/017... 35 Table 3.2 List of Students of TP 2 Class SMK Muhammadiyah Salatiga in Academic year of 2016/017... 36 Figure 3.1 Cyclical Action Research model based on Kemmis and McTaggart (1988) as quoted by Burn... 39 Table 4.1 The result of Pre-test and Post-test cycle I... 48

Table 4. 2 The result of Pre-test and Post-test cycle II... 55



A. Background of the Study

English has four language skills. They are reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Reading is one of the fourth skills in English. Speaking and writing include language production, they are productive skills. On the other hand, listening and reading involve accepting the message, so they are as receptive skills (Harmer, 1989: 16).

Reading may be the one of important skills in learning English. Reading is understanding the sense of the written texts. Reading consists of two processes, word recognition and comprehension (Elizabeth, 2013: 6). Reader must conceive the reading for purpose, it needs a practical and exact method. When people talk about reading, it automatically related to comprehension. Elizabeth (2013: 14) said that comprehension is a functioning process in the getting of meaning.



not favorite activity for the students. From this problem, the teacher must find strategies to solve this problem.

In order to make students good in reading comprehension, teachers may use not only textbooks but also use multimedia learning. Mayer (2009:3) defines that multimedia as a material presentation with use words and pictures. Words here means that the type of verbal forms and pictures is the material that is provided in a pictorial form, in the two types there are static graph and dynamic graph, such as illustration, graph, picture, map, video, and animation.

The nature of teaching is an effort to create a condition that standing take place of learning. The process of learning must be planned before the learning takes place. To get the optimally result, teaching must take by awareness and in a good organization. In the process of learning language have four factors that help and facilitate the process of teaching and learning, they are a teacher, language teaching, learning methods, and the material (Utari, 1993:5).

To present the material to the students there are two main choices to give message: word and picture. Word includes text and picture include static graphic, for example image and illustration. And the second is dynamic graphic, such as video and animation (Mayer, 2001: 5).



both of them, the result of compilation of learning by audio sensory and visual sensory have far differences. Baugh take in Achsin (1986) More or less 90% the result of learning by visual sensory and just 5% the result of learning by audio sensory (Arsyad, 2011: 9-10)

There are some factors that influence the students in mastering English, esppecially in reading comprehension. There are internal and external factors. The internal factors can come from students themselves such as knowledge and motivation. If the students’ knowledge of English

is poor, it wil impact toward their achievement. In addition, many students have low motivation in reading. Most of the students are uninterested in reading a lot of the text, whereas they also lack of vocabulary and grammar and these are one of obtacles which have been faced by the English teacher. Based on the interview with the English teacher of the second grades students of SMK Muhammadiyah Salatiga, found that the students difficult to comprehending the text, it is one of the factor that influence the students’ failure in mastery of reading.

While the external factors can comes from the parents and teacher. The parents are seldom to checking their children in studying. They only know their children have studied in school and they think that is enough. They only hope thet their children are able graduate from the school, but they do not care with the students’ achievement in the school. The other



in teaching reading process. If the teacher only asks the students to read aloud the text, then asked them to translate it in teaching learning process, the students are not interested in reading seriously. The students should be given an interesting reading material, motivation, and changed the method to improving reading comprehend. They should be able to apply an appropriate method in teaching learning to make the students interested in their learning and finally they easily master the reading comprehension.

There are many methods to teach English, the researcher choose one of the method by using interactive learning media. It is applying software multimedia learning namely Lectora Inspire. Lectora Inspire is an authoring tool which can be easily used by any common teachers and lecturers to make contents of interactive learning media. Lectora Inspire it familiar with us who have known and mastering Microsoft Office (Mas’ud, 2012:3).



By the explanation above, researcher tries to solve those problems by doing classroom action research there. The researcher conducts the research entitled “The Used of Software Lectora Inspire of Electrinic Learning to Improve Student Reading Comprehension(Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade student of SMK Muhammadiyah Salatiga in Academic Year of 2016/2017)’’.

B. Problems of the Research

Based on the discussion of the background, so problems raised during this research can formulated as:

1. How is the process of teaching reading comprehension by using Lectora Inspire for the eleventh grade students of SMK Muhammadiyah Salatiga?

2. How far the use of Lectora Inspire can improve reading comprehension for the eleventh grade students of SMK Muhammadiyah Salatiga?

3. Is there any explanation of the students’ reading comprehension by using Lectora Inspirefor the eleventh grade students of SMK Muhammadiyah Salatiga?

C. Objective of the Research

The objective of the research is to find out us the following:



2. To know how far the use of Lectora Inspire can improve reading comprehension for the eleventh grade students of SMK Muhammadiyah Salatiga.

3. To find out the explanation of the students’ reading comprehension by using Lectora Inspire for the eleventh grade students of SMK Muhammadiyah Salatiga.

D. Significant Of the Research

This research conducted in order to give theoretical and practical benefit.

1. Theoretical benefit

The result of this research is expected to be counted meaningful information and contribution for the teacher as a technique in teaching reading in relation to the student, they will be able to express their mind into reading to improve their ability by Lectora Inspire.

2. Practical benefit

The research can be used by the teacher, student, school, researcher, and another researcher who are interested in analyzing teaching reading comprehension by used Lectora Inspire.

a. For the teacher



2. The result can be used as an input to establish the method of teaching feed-back to improve the process of teaching learning English particularly in reading.

3. It can become important information in applying media to improve the grade of teaching reading.

b. For student

1. The research will enhance the students’ reading comprehension.

2. The student will be better to comprehension. E. Limitation of the Research

In this research, the researcher limits her research on teaching reading through Lectora Inspire for the eleventh grades students of SMK Muhammadiyah Salatiga in academic year 2016/2017. Tis research focused on understanding the important information of the text, following the sructure of a passage, recognizing the writer’s purpose, and vocabulary

knowledge, and to improve students’ reading comprehension.

F. Definition of the Keywords

The writer wants to explain the terms of the title to eluding the ambiguity in perception of some terms used in this study. The definition is as following:


Lectora Inspire



Corporation. Lectora Inspire is used to create online training courses, assessments, and presentations. It is also used for the conversion of Microsoft PowerPoint presentations into elearning content (Mas’ud, 2012:3).



Improve is the process of become or make to the better (Oxford University press, 2003:216). According Salim in the contemporary English – Indonesia Dictionary (1997, 939) said that improve means drumming up or repair something that maybe leave well.


Reading Comprehension

Comprehension is process of thinking, it is thinking through reading (Dechant, 1982: 312). Reading is exceptionally performance one of considers the number of levels and component that be mastered. Comprehension is an active process in arrange of meaning. Reading comprehension is a cognitive action that is contextual condition. With the purpose of improve aspect of comprehension (Arthur, 2007: 5, 6).

G. Previous Research Review



terms of learning aspect. There are some different from fadhila’s research

with this research, the diffirent are fadhila used Lectora Inspire to develop the civic education, in this research, researcher use Lectora Inpire to improve reading comprehension. Fadhila reseach conduct in Elementary School, but the researcher tries to apply Lectora Inspire in Senior High School.

The next research taken from Faruk (2014). He conducts a research development of interactive learning based on Lectora Inspire. The result of the research is; interactive learning media has been developed the learning and was affective to increase student’s learning outcome. It was officially,

practically and recommended. This research is so different between my researches, the different are take on the method, skill, and the place of the research. Faruk apply Lectora in course, the researcher aplly Lectora in Senior High School with English material.



accountancy while in my research is English. So it will make different result in my research.

The writer chooses the research because it is similar to this research in use of Lectora Inspire. But it has different with the research, the different take of the method that researcher used to teaching reading skill.

H. Graduating Paper Organization

This graduating paper consist of five chapters, those are following: Chapter one is introduction, present the background of the study, problem of study, objective of the study, significant of the study, limitation of the study, definition of the key words, literature review, and outline of this paper.

Chapter two is theoretical frame work. It is explained the definition of Lectora Inspire, definition of reading and reading omprehension.

Chapter three is description of SMK Muhammadiyah Salatiga which consist of the general situation of SMK Muhammadiyah Salatiga, the identity of the school, the vision and mission of SMK Muhammadiyah Salatiga, the situation of educational, the number of students’ of SMK Muhammadiyah Salatiga, research methodology that

used in this research and the procedure of this research.



students’ achievement, the comparison of students’ improvement, and the comparison of the mean score in cycle I and cycle II.

Chapter five is closure; consist of conclusion, implication, and suggestion.




A. Lectora Inspire

1. Definition of Lectora Inspire

According to Mas’ud(2012:1-2) Lectora Inspire as Authoring Tool to develop the content of e-learning that developed by Trivantis Corporation. In 1999, Lectora Inspire was founded by Timothy D. Laudermilk in Cincinati, Ohio, Amerika. Lectora Inspire can make online course simple and so quickly.

Lectora has 5 achievements in 2011, as Innovation product e-learning, Authoring Tool, The best tool presentation, and the best technology of e-learning.

In the system of teaching learning, Power Point is familiar media to present the material. But the fact different between power point and Lectora Inspire is Power Point software is produced to make presentation not to became multimedia learning, it different when Lectora Created to become Multimedia Learning. Even though we can exploit power point to became interest learning multimedia.

a. The effectiveness of Lectora Inspire



the conversion of Microsoft PowerPoint presentations into elearning content (Mas’ud, 2012:3).

Lectora Inspire used to make a website, e-learning interactive content, and presentation. The content that develop by software Lectora Inspire can publish to the other output, such as HTML, single file executable, CD-ROM, although e-learning standard as SCORM and AICC. Lectora Inspire is one of kind application program that used to make presentation or media of learning. One of the facilities that may used to make design of multimedia learning for the beginner is used Title Wizard. Title Wizard that takes in Lectora Inspire has variations template, so the beginner user can used template essaily.

Lectora Inpire enable user to make test and survey using true or fals combination, multiple choise, drag and drop, and esay. User can input variable or material with Actions Palette to make teaching scenario to adaptive learning. Lectora Inspire has one set of automatic tool, include Title Wizard, spell Chack, and list of references automatic builder.

b. The Excess of Lectora Inspire


14 1) Flypaper

Flypaper used to make learning more creative and add flash animation, transition, and special effect. Flypaper has multiple fuctions is able to make presentation such as Microsoft Power Point and also make flash animation. 2) Camtasia

Camtasia used to record steps that going to do in monitor. It makes professional tutorial with capture video easily, Flash animation or 3D software design. This software is also can be used to edit the video in video formats.

3) Snagit

Snagit used to capture desktop to make image. Complete with callout, etc. Snagit is software to change paint. Snagit can be used to combine images and can publish as image file.

2. The Objective of Use of Lectora Inspire



make an evaluation toward the teaching learning process, for example in the test, to measure how far the students understand the material.

To give countenance in developing learning based on media that is needed in the class or out of the class are:

1) Teachers can make or explain the material with or without programming.

2) Teachers can do testing toward the material that was explained with some kind of the tests.

3) Teachers can manage and publish the material.

4) Teachers and students can use material the needed material. 3. Advantage Using Lectora Inspire

a. Advantage Using Lectora Inspire

According to Mas’ud (2012:2) Lectora Inspire has special quality than other authoring e-learning, as following:

1. Lectora able to make Website, Interactive e-learning content, and produck precentation or profil of the company. 2. Lectora Inspire facilitate the teacher to make material to teaching learning process. And the language programming is esay to undertand by the beginning user or everyone. 3. Lectora Inspire is multifunction, can be used to make



4. Lectora Inspire facilitate the user to make multimedia (audio and video) of learning, and facilitate to convection the precentation by Power Point to e-learnig content.

5. Lectora Inspire given templates were complete to the user. 6. Lectora Inspire serve the lybary to help the user in making

material or operation of Lectora Inspire.

7. In the end evaluation, Lectora serve 8 questions and score that applicable easily.

8. The developed content by software Lectora Inspire can publish to the output such HTML, CD-ROM, SCORM, and AICC. Although to e-learning standard as SCORM and AICC.

b. Dissadvantage Using Lectora Inspire

While has many advantage of using lectora Inspire, lectora also has disadvantages of Lectora. Lectora able to maximum working still need the support by other software, such as:

1) Agen Help need Flash Player 8.0 or over.

2) Microsoft Internet over Explore 6.0, firefox 1.0 and Safari 1.2, and Google Crome.



Lectora Inspire often was instalt directly, so make the Perconal Computer slowly working, because the size of the file is around 800 MB.

4. The Procedure of Using Lectora Inspire

To make multimedia learnin, mas’ud (2012:7) explain the procedure of

using Lectora Inspire to make multimedia learning, as following: a. Open the Software Lectora Inspire demo. Click in the icon.

Figure 2.1 Icon Lectora Inspire

b. Title Wizard Begin

In develop e-learning content, title refers to the topic of the material. Make title multimedia learning with Lectora Inspire be able to do with 3 methods, there are:

1) Title Wizard

Title Wizard used to make design of the ttle automaticly with determine screens style, total of the chapter and page, test, also navigation button. Title Wizard ussualy used by beginner employ.

2) Template


18 3) Blank Title

Blank Title is a method to make title without having a choice style and assistance wizard. Usuakky used for developers who have actually proficienct in using Lectora Inspire.

Figure2.2 Image of Title Wizard



Figure2.3 Image of Name and Location

d. Then appeared the form page of size and setting, there are two options, the fixes page size or taller page with scrollbars.

Figure2.4 Image of Size and Setting



Figure2.5 Image of Name and Location

f. After finish make the material, so the next step is to publish into a variety of formats desired.

Figure2.6 Image of Menu Publish

B. Reading


21 1. Definition of Reading

Dallman, Rouch, Char, and Deboer (1982: 23) state that Reading is verbal process related with thinking and all the other skills, listening, speaking and writing. Specifically, reading is a process of reconstructing from the printed pattern on the page, ideas and information intended by the author.

Reading is also a language and communication process, it means that the process of laying down the readers in contact and comunication with ideas. Reading always involves an interaction between the writer and the reader. Rreading also as an interaction by which meaning encoded in visual stimuli by author becomes meaning in the main of the reader (Dechant, 1982: 5)


22 2. The Purpose of Reading

Grabe (2009: 8-10) described the aims of reading are at least six main purposes for comprehension reading. The purposes are:

a. Reading for information

The combination of scanning and skimming allows to the readers to search information.

b. Reading for quick understanding

Used for variety of other reasons and so may be seen as a high level of purpose. The readers use skimming when they are would not spend more time and to search the text is about.

c. Reading to learn

Reading to learn is implementing in academic and professional setting. Usually the readers are hoping to remember the main ideas and many supporting detail of the ideas and be able to pull down the information as needed. d. Reading to integrated information

This type of reading requires that the readers synthesize and study not only one source or they learn in multiple texts and combine in one idea.



This type often represent upgrading level of claim and site interaction of reading process.

f. Reading for general comprehension

Reading for general comprehension is the most general purpose for reading range from fluent readers, and it is the dereliction judgment for the term reading comprehension. 3. The Techniques of Reading

Wright (1989: 159) mentions some technique of reading, are followings:

a. Skimming

Skiming is read text quickly, comprehensive analysis to get the general context of the text, the important thing and refresh brain what was read ever. Dechant (1982: 346) define that skimming is selective reading. In skimming readers choose what they want to read, and the readers understand the text about without read from the beginning until the last of the text.

b. Scanning


24 c. Intensive reading

Intensive reading used to read short text to get specific information, with leave the items that understood. d. Extensive Reading

This technique is the opposite of the intensive reading, in intensive reading the readers read shot text to extract specific information, but in extensive reading the readers read the text longer than the intensive reading. The readers used this technique usually enjoying to stressing on totality meaning of the text.

4. The Principles of Reading

Harmer (2001: 70) mentions there are some principles of the teaching of reading:

a. Reading is not a passive skill, or reading is an active skill, we have to understand the meaning of the words.

b. Students need to be engaged with what they are reading. As with everything else in lessons, students who are not engaged with the reading text, actively, not interested in what they are doing, are less likely to benefit.



number of paragraph they consist and how many times they use relative clause.

d. Prediction is the major factor in reading. Reading text in our own language, it slender has a good idea of the content before we actually read.

e. Match the task to the topic. Once decision has been taken about what reading text the students are going to read, we need to choose good reading task, the right kind of the question, engaging and applying puzzles etc.

f. Good teachers exploit reading texts to the full. They combine the reading text into interesting class sequences, using the topic for discuss and further task, using the language study and later activation.

C. Reading Comprehension

1. Definition of Reading comprehension



According to Dechant (1982: 311), comprehension includes the correct association of meanings with word symbols, the selection of the true meaning by the content, the organization and retention of meanings, the skill to reason a way through smaller idea and the skill to understand the meaning of the larger idea.

The other definition of reading comprehension is explained by Scallon et al (2010: 276), comprehension is an active, constructive process in which the ultimate understanding of the content is determined by combination of what is stated directly in the text and the readers knowledge related to the topic of the text.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that reading comprehension is the power to get an idea or the meaning from the text, understanding it according to experiential background, and interpret it with the reader’s needs and direction.

2. Components of Reading Comprehension

According to Davis (take in Heilman, Blair, and Rupley, 1961: 241) divides comprehension skills become five skills, are following:

a. Recalling word meaning (vocabulary knowledge) b. Drawing inferences from the content

c. Following the structure of a passage



e. Discover the answers to question answered explicitly or in paraphrasing.

3. Levels of Comprehension

The readers may have different types or levels of thinking. Following to Heilman, Blair, and Rupley (1961: 246), there are three levels of comprehension:

a. Literal Comprehension

Literal comprehension is an understanding the ideas and information clearly whole in the passage. The abilities are following:

1) Knowledge of word meaning

2) Recall of details directly stated and paraphrased in own words.

3) Understanding of grammatical.

4) Considering of main idea explicitly stated.

5) Ability of ordering information presented in passage. b. Interpretative Comprehension



opposite purpose of the literally comprehension. The interpretative comprehension abilities are:

1) Inferring cause and effect relationships when they are not directly stated

2) Detecting the author’s purpose, tone and attitude in writing.

3) Drawing conclusion of the story content. c. Critical Comprehension

Critical comprehension includes analyzing, evaluating, and personally reacting to information introducing in the passage. After the information has be found and understood (literal reading) and it is implied meanings have been discovered and interpreted (inferential reading), the readers in ready to evaluate it, make judgments as to it is application, accuracy, validity, and useful (Kennedy, 1981: 232). The skills are:

1) Personal reacting to information in a passage indicating it is meaning to the readers.

2) Analyzing and evaluating the quality of the written information in terms of some standards.

4. Factors Affecting Students on Reading Comprehension



comprehending what they read (Dallman, Rouch, Char & DeBoer, 1982: 25). The factors are:

a. Difficulty of material

One of the main factor causes of the less of comprehension is that the teachers expect them to read materials exceed their level.

b. Intelligence

A child’s ability to comprehend in reading as

sometimes limited by conceptual load that his mental ability enables him to carry. All the mechanical reading skills in the world will not able to read materials involving abstractions over the level of his mental development.

c. Environment

Noisy surrounding, sufficiently lighting, temperature, stimulating surrounding may interfere with maximum comprehension. The extent to which the environment affects comprehension varies with individuals. d. Stressing on word recognition

Methods of teaching that concentrate on the recognizing of individual words but ignore attention to meanings that can be derived from connected discourse may account for deficiencies in comprehension.



Oral reading can have either a desirable or a detrimental effect on comprehension. At time oral reading of selection that is particular difficult for the reader may increase his understanding.

f. Background for reading selection

A frequent cause of less comprehension is lack of an experience background essential to the understanding of what is being read. Less of knowledge of the words used and of the understanding of the concept involved are limitations to comprehension.

g. Adjustment of reading techniques to purpose and types of material.

Effective reading requires a flexible approach to the printed page. There should be versatility in adapting the reading method to the reading purpose and to the nature of material being read.

5. Strategies for Improving Comprehension Skills

Many strategies can be used effectively to develop comprehension skill. Some are important to build background, others useful for teaching the technical comprehension skills, and overcoming specific difficulties.



which make up the specific skills of comprehension. Following to Kennedy (1984: 197-198), there are the strategies that could be used profitably in most classroom,

a. Encouraging the use of oral language

Any activity that increases facility in speaking and understanding spoken language will help in developing a background for comprehension and there should be much time for classroom discussion, conversation, and oral reporting. b. Motivating students

Students must want to read if they are developing comprehension. Each class period can provide opportunities for enrolling their interest in the material and exercises being used, planning objective to be attained, and going independent reading.

c. Providing practice in reading easy material

Practice is the best facility to development comprehension. Systematic exercises should involve reading materials that are within the experience and achievement formation of reader.

d. Encouraging purposeful reading



read material. Unless they have a reason for reading, they have no propulsion to remember the content.

e. Emphasize vocabulary development




This chapter discribes about the place, time and reserach methodology. This research executed in SMK Muhammadiyah Salatiga. It comprises with general information of SMK Muhammadiyah Salatiga, such as vision and mission, the situation of teaching and learning activities, list of the teacher, staff, students, and the facilities of the school. Beside the general situation of SMK Muhammadiyah Salatiga, this chapter also consists of research method which deals with population, sample, technique of collecting data, and technique of data analyzes.

A. The setting of research

This classroom action research was carried at SMK Muhammadiyah Salatiga. There is explanation about this school described as follows:

1. General Information Of SMK Muhammadiyah Salatiga

. SMK Muhamadiyah Salatiga is located at Kyai haji Ahmad Dahlan Street, Soka, RT 03 / RW 06, Sidorejo Lor, Salatiga. It was stand since 1991, on state-own area as wide 8.373m2. The total number of students of SMK Muhammadiyah Salatiga in academic years of 2016/2017 is 802 students. They consist of 743 male students and 59 female students. The more explanation of the schools as follows:

Name of School : SMK Muahammadiyah Salatiga


34 Phone Number : (0298) 323645

NSSM : 3220362044004

NPSN : 20328458

Accreditation : A Established : 1991 School Status : Private

Email :smk_muhsala3@yahoo.co.id

Website :smkmuhsala3.blogspot.com

Head Master : Muhammad Busri. M.Pd 2. Vision and Mission

1) Vision

Create the best graduation which quality, innovative, Islamic, competent, and can answers period demand.

2) Mission

a. Developing potential of religious, character and morality of learners and the school community.

b. Implementation education learning whit quality, innovation, and Islamic.

c. Create IPTEK and personal resource which Akhlaqul Kharimah , competent and competitive in their skill.

d. Create the graduate with competence, expert and professional so can develop their self-based on the work needs.



3. The Students of SMK Muhammadiyah SalatigaThe distribution of class of SMK Muhammadiyah Salatiga could be seen in the table bel

Table 3.1 List of Total Students of SMK Muhammadiyah Salatiga in Academic year of 2016/017

Source of SMK Muhammadiyah Salatiga Skill

Compete nt

X XI XII Totally

G ro u p

Students gro up

Students Gr ou p

Students Gg rou p



1 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

T. Garmen

1 - 23 1 - 19 1 - 13 3 - 55

T. PTL 1 42 3 1 40 1 1 35 2 3 117 6

TP 3 123 1 3 118 3 2 73 - 8 314 4

TKR 4 157 3 3 98 3 3 95 1 9 350 7

Totally 9 322 30 8 256 26 7 203 16 32 781 72


36 B. The Subject of The Reserach

In this reserach, the researcher chooses SMK Muhammadiyah Salatiga as object of the study especially the eleventh grade students. The eleventh grades consist of four Competences, there are Garment is one class, Automatic consist of three classes, 3 class of machinery, and 1 class of electric class. But the writer took one group, Machinery Class 2. The number of participant is 23 students. All the students are male. They usually use Bahasa Indonesia as a native language. They have English lesson two meeting in a week which is a meeting along with two hour lesson, in one hour lesson is 45 minutes.

This Table List of Sample of Machinery Class 2 (TP 2) of SMK Muhammadiyah Salatiga in academic year 2016/2017.

Table 3.2 List of Students ofTP 2 Class SMK Muhammadiyah Salatiga in Academic year of 2016/017

No Name


2 EH



5 FF



37 C. The Method of Research

The writer uses classroom action research method in this research. Following to Kusuma and Dwitagama(2010: 9), Classroom Action Research is research that doing by teacher in their classroom with the method planning, implementation, and reflection the action in a collaborative and participative

8 HH


10 IHM

11 IR

12 IF

13 I

14 KAA

15 KAS

16 MFA

17 MFY

18 MF


20 MFD

21 MI

22 MR



with the purpose to repair their work as a teacher, so can improve the student achievement in learning.

According to Suyadi (2010: 22), CAR has a purpose to correct the thought and correct comprehend of the practices of teaching- learning. CAR has a function to improve educational quality. The researcher will use this method to find out whether Lectora Inspire can improve students’ reading comprehension or not.

D. Procedure of Research

The researcher organizes the research in two cycles, cycles I and II have similar steps. There are steps in every cycle:

1. Planning

The writer needs to draw up instrument which is support in teaching learning process, as:

a. Making schedule of the action research. b. Preparing material and lesson plan c. Designing the steps doing the action d. Making an observation sheet

e. making pre-test and post-test to each cycle f. Preparing list of the students’ name and scoring 2. Action

a. Giving pre-test


39 3. Observation

Observation is implementation of observation by researcher. In the observation the researcher was analyze the result of the cycles before, and analyze the result of exercise to detect whether the students’ reading

comprehension improve or not. 4. Reflecting

The researcher proposes once again what has done. Explained what happened in observation and that evaluated, whether the method can be problem solving to improve reading comprehension.

Four activities in each cycle can be described as follows:

Figure 3.1: Cyclical Action Research model based on Kemmis and McTaggart (1988) as quoted by Burn.

E. The Technique of Collecting Data 1. Observation



acts as a teacher. The researcher used field note which used to observe to know the situation and activities during teaching learning process.

2. Test

The researcher uses test to know students’ ability, and to detect how far student can improve their reading comprehension. According to Arikunto (2010, 266) test is used to measure the improvement the ability of the object which is researched. The writer uses pre-test and post-test. Pre-test is given before the implementation of Lectora Inpire in teaching learning process. Then post-test is given after the implementation, to detect the improvement of students’ reading comprehension.

3. Documentation

Documentation and data were needed to know about the situation the school for this research. Documentation includes the official organization papers, materials of teaching, report, work planning, workday of SMK Muhammadiyah Salatiga.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

In this research, researcher would like to analyze the data in two ways. The ways are:

1. Descriptive Qualitative Technique

Descriptive qualitative technique is used to detect students’


41 2. Statistical technique

The writer uses a statistical tecnique in scoring the test. The formulas are following:

a. Mean calculation

The researcher use mean formula to know the average of students’

score. The formula is:

M = Σχ



M = Mean

X = the sum of student’s value N = the number of subject b. Standard Deviation Calculation

SD = 𝐷 2

𝑁 + 𝐷




SD = Standard Deviation

D = defference between pre-test and post-test N = the number of subject

c. T-test Calculation

The formula used to know the differencens between pre-test and post-test. The formula is:

To = 𝐷


42 Explanation:

To = T-test for different of pre-test and post-test SD = Standard deviation for one sample t-test D = differencens between pre-test and post-test N = the number of subject



This chapter focuses on analyzing the collected data. The researcher gives the details of the data findings. The findings consist of the result of cycle I and cycle II. The both of cycle are treatments of the implementation of Lectora Inspire in reading comprehension.

A. Research Findings

In this research, the researcher acted as the teacher and learning process was observed by her collaborator, Mila Hanifah. The researcher arranged two cycles, each cycle consist of planning, action, observation, and reflection.

1. Cycle I a. Planning

Before conducting the reaseach, the researcher prepared the instruments of the research, there are as following:

1) Prepare the schedule of the research



3) Preparing material action the research 4) Designing the steps doing the action

5) Preparing all the necessaries needs to doing research, such as scoring, list of the students

6) Preparing an observation sheet (to know the situation of teaching learning process when the methods are implemented 7) Preparing the pre-test and post-test to measure the level of

students’ comprehension, and to know how much the

methods make improvement or not when the methods was applying in the learning process.

b. Implementation of the Action

On Thursday, 4th August 2016 the teacher (the writer) began to practice the lesson plan. The writer and the observer entered the English class. The teacher opened the lesson by introducing herself and the observer, and then she checked the students’ presents.



The teacher divided the sheets and walked around the class in order to check the students along doing the test. She found that most of students were confused, and the situation became crowded, they talked to their friends to get the answers. The teacher seen the situation than gave the clue of the question to make the class situation better. After the test was finish, she began the teaching learning process.

The teacher introduced the model of presentation in studying English especially in reading through Lectora Inspire. The teacher told to the student about the topic that day. The topic was Narrative text. After the student know about the topic, and then the teacher gave video about narrative text, to make the student image and try to remember narrative text. Most of the students just kept silence and watched the video. After the video finished, the teacher continued with ask to the student about narrative text. The teacher said: “ok guys, what do you think about narrative?” The class



Before the teacher began the learning process, she explained the media that would use to explain the material to the student about Lectora Inspire. The teacher said: “do you know about Lectora Inspire? Some student said that they do not know what the Lectora Inspire is. After that, the teacher began to explain the material using Lectora.

When the teacher explained some materials related to the narrative text, all the students are silent and then the teacher said: “do you understand with my explanation? Students said: “yes yes

yes”. It is meant that the student did not understand with the

teacher said. Then she said in Bahasa “apakah kalian paham dengan penjelasan saya?”Students said: “sedikit (little)” after that the teacher explained the material until all the student could understand clearly. Because the sample of this research is the student of Vocational High School, then, to explain the material need long time to make them really understand, the teacher had to work more than the other teacher in other school, here the teacher must made the class in good condition and the student understood what teacher explained.



understand about the material that was given. In the test the teacher helped the student did the test, for the example to translate the language, because almost of the student still difficult to understand English. When the test was finished, the teachers and the student discussed the test together. Teacher asked to the students that who want to read the text of the test. Than the students said, “I will read

the text miss”. After finished discussed the test. Finally, teacher

gave summary about the material, and the last she gave 30 minutes to the student to do the post-test. After finishing the post-test, students submitted the answer sheet and closed the meeting. c. Observation

In the first cycle, the researcher obtained the field note from her collaborator. By monitoring the students’ activities in this action, the teacher could see that the students were not ready yet when the teacher come to class. It can be seen for students’ attitude



After analyzed the result of the action in cycle I, the students’ reading comprehension was improved. It can be seen by

average of post-test, which is higher than the average of pre-test. Anyway, there was weakness that occurred in the teaching learning process in cycle I. almost all the students still enjoyed talking with their friend when the teaching learning process was happen. And when they did individual task they still asked to the other students to get the answer. Some students also asked to the teacher what the meaning of the word. So, teacher asked to the students to bring their dictionary to help their vocabulary difficulties. Then, the researcher will use the same method to teach reading for the next meeting to get better result.

Table 4.1

The result of Pre-test and Post-test cycle I

No Name

pre test I (X)

Post test I (Y)

Post- Pre

D D2

1 ECNA 5 7 2 4

2 EH 6 4 -2 -4

3 FTA 5 7 2 4

4 FZR 4 4 0 0



6 FYP 6 8 2 4

7 HFS 4 7 3 9

8 HH 6 4 -2 -4

9 HAF 5 7 2 4

10 IHM 5 7 2 4

11 IR 6 6 0 0

12 IF 5 7 2 4

13 I 6 7 1 1

14 KAA 5 6 1 1

15 KAS 6 3 -3 -9

16 MFA 6 4 -2 -4

17 MFY 5 7 2 4

18 MF 6 9 3 9

19 MFAW 6 7 1 1

20 MFD 6 9 3 9

21 MI 3 4 1 1

22 MR 5 6 1 1

23 MS 6 3 -3 -9



1) Calculating Mean of Pre-Test a) Mean of Pre-test I

M =

Σχ Ν

M =


M = 5.30

b) Mean of post-test I

M =

Σχ Ν

M =


M= 6.08

c) Mean of Pre-Test= 5.30 d) Mean of Post-Test= 6.08

e) Mean of Pre-Test < than mean of Post-Test

f) There is an improvement of reading comprehension trough Lectora Inspire between pre-test 1 (before the action) and the post-test 1 (after the action). 2) Calculating of Standard Deviation

SD = 𝐷 2

𝑁 − 𝐷



SD = 34

23− 18 23



50 SD= 0.93

3) T-Test Calculation

T = 𝐷

𝑁 𝑆𝐷 𝑁−1



18 23 0.93 23−1




0.93 22

T= 0.78

0.93 4.69

T= 0.78


T= 4. 87

4) Percentage of the result cycle I a) Pre-test

P = 𝐹

𝑁× 100%

P = 0

23× 100%

P = 0 % b) Post-test

P = 𝐹


51 P =


23× 100%

P = 56%

T Calculation is 4.87

T-Table > T-Calculation = 2.06 > 4.87 The standardized score = 7

Score ≥ 7 in pre-test cycle I = 0% Score ≥ 7 in post-test cycle I = 56%

Improvement between pre-test and post-test = 56% The result score above shows that the students’

score improve from the pre-test and post-test. There is an improvement in students’ score, it can be seen from

the t-calculation is 4.87 and the average of post-test, which is higher than the average of pre-test.

2. Cycle II

Based on the result of cycle I, it is better to the teacher to continue the next cycle:

a. Planning

1) Preparing lesson plan, to became a guide in the learning process



4) Preparing all the necessaries needs to doing research, such as scoring, list of the students

5) Preparing an observation sheet (to know the situation of teaching learning process when the methods are implemented

6) Preparing the pre-test and post-test to measure the level of students’ comprehension, and to know how much the

methods make improvement or not when the methods was applying in the learning process.

b. Implementation of the Action

On Thursday, 11th August 2016, the teacher and the observer came to English class. In action 2, the teacher still used the same method with cycle I, but the teacher revised the teaching learning process in cycle I to get better result in cycle II. The class like usual was so crowded. When the teacher entered the class, they were still outside of the class, and they talked loudly with other students. So, teacher needed some minutes to wait students ready to begin the learning process. After the student entered the class and the situation was conducive, then teacher opened the lesson.



learn. After the students finished the pre-test, the teacher asked them to collect it. The teacher continued the lesson.

In this cycle, the teacher used same method and same media to explain the material. But in this cycle the teacher had a purpose to repair the lesson before. Teacher still used Lectora Inspire to explain the material. Teacher explained the material about the characteristic of narrative text. Different with last week, the students more active gave their opinion when the teacher gave explanation. After gave explanation, teacher gave test about the material. After the students finished, teacher asked to discuss together the test. The students read the text of the test with carefully until the text was finish. The teacher and students discussed one by one of the question of the test. Finally, teacher gave summary of the lesson at the day. Teacher asked to the students that the lesson today better than before, then she gave 30 minutes to the students to do the post-test. After finishing the post-test, students submitted the answer sheet and teacher closed the meeting.

c. Observation

In the cycle II, the researcher obtained the field note from her collaborator. By monitoring the students’ activity in



on the observation, most of the students were active in cycle II. They gave more attention to the teacher explanation, they ask questions when they did not understand about the material, and they active answers the teacher question about the material. d. Reflection

After analyzed the result of cycle I and cycle II, the researcher concluded that using Lectora Inspire could improve students’ reading Comprehension. It can be seen by comparing

the result of test between cycle I and Cycle II.

Seen of the result in the cycle II, the researcher observed the students score that was increased after the scoring the students’ pre and post-test in cycle II. The following table

is the result score of the students in cycle II. Table 4.2

The Result of Pre-test and Post-test Cycle II

No Name

Pre-Test II (X)

Post Test II (Y)

Pre-Post II (D) D2

1 ECNA 7 9 2 4

2 EH 6 7 1 1

3 FTA 9 10 1 1


55 2) C

a l c u l a t i o n

o f 3)

4) Pre-test and Post-test II a) Mean of Pre-test II

5 FF 7 7 0 0

6 FYP 8 9 1 1

7 HFS 6 8 2 4

8 HH 7 8 1 1

9 HAF 6 7 1 1

10 IHM 7 8 1 1

11 IR 6 8 2 4

12 IF 6 7 1 1

13 I 7 9 2 4

14 KAA 8 9 1 1

15 KAS 5 8 3 9

16 MFA 7 8 1 1

17 MFY 6 8 2 4

18 MF 7 9 2 4

19 MFAW 7 8 1 1

20 MFD 9 10 1 1

21 MI 6 6 0 0

22 MR 6 7 1 1

23 MS 7 8 1 1



M =

Σχ Ν

M =



M = 6.86

b) Mean of post-test II



Σχ Ν

M =


M= 8.13

c) Mean of Pre-Test= 6.86 d) Mean of Post-Test= 8.13

e) Mean of Pre-Test < than mean of Post-Test

f) There is an improvement of reading comprehension trough Lectora Inspire between pre-test II (before the action) and the post-test II (after the action). 5) Calculating of Standard Deviation

SD = 𝐷 2

𝑁 − 𝐷



SD = 4723− 2923 2

SD= 2. 04−1.58 SD= 0.46

SD= 0.67


57 T =

𝐷 𝑁 𝑆𝐷 𝑁−1



29 23 0.67 23−1

T = 1.260.67 22

T= 1.26

0.67 4.69

T= 1.26


T= 9.69

5) Percentage of the result cycle II a) Pre-test

P = 𝐹

𝑁× 100%

P = 14

23× 100%

P = 60% b) Post-test

P = 𝐹

𝑁× 100%

P = 22


58 P = 95%

T Calculation is 9.69

T-Table > T-Calculation = 2.06 > 9.69 The standardized score = 7

Score ≥ 7 in pre-test of cycle II = 60%

Score ≥ 7 in pre-test of cycle II = 95%

Improvement between cycle I to cycle II = 35% B. Analysis and Discussions

1. Analysis

Based on the result of data analyzing in cycle I and cycle II, there is significant improvement on the students’ ability. That will be explained in the table below:

Table 4.3

Mean and T-Calculation of Students’ Scores No Analyze Cycle I Cycle II

1 Mean

Pre test 5.30 6.86

Post test 6.08 8.13

2 t-table N=23 2.06 2.06

3 t-calculation 4.87 9.69

The table shows that T-calculation is higher than T-table which means there is significant improvement to the students’



T-calculation in cycle I is 4.87 and in the cycle II is 9.69. It means that the application of Lectora Inspire.

In other result, the mean of pre-test and post-test of each cycle are improving. The mean of pre-test in cycle I is 5.30 and post-test in cycle I is 6.08. The result of cycle II, mean of pre-test is 6.86 and post-test is 8.13.

The result shows that the finding in cycle I is lower than the standardized score in score 7. In cycle II, the mean of post-test is 8.13, it means it is successful to attain the standardized score. Although, several student got the result lower than the standardized score. In this case, the different result could happen because there were some problems took place. In the first cycle, the students were not familiar with the media that used, and students felt the word or vocabulary that used in the test was not familiar. And the students not yet used their dictionary to help them work the test. In cycle II students’ condition and class condition better than before

and only several student get score less than standardized score. Anyway, the result of the cycle I and cycle II improved.

2. Discussion



become multimedia learning. Teacher can make the material more interesting with Lectora. The teacher can use Lectora Inspire to make a good presentation in learning process.

Related to the writer’s finding in the previous research, Lectora Inspire can help and can increase the students achieve in reading comprehension. In addition, by research finding Faruk is “Development of Interactive Learning Media Based Lectora Inspire in

Discrete Method Course” explained that interactive learning media has been developed the learning and was affective to increase students’

learning outcome. By using the Multimedia learning can increase students’ achievement. Students can pay attention of the slide and




A. Conclusion

Based on the analysis of the data in pre-cycle test, cycle I test, and cycle II test. It can be concluded as following:

1. The implementation of Lectora Inspire in reading comprehension of eleventh grade students of SMK Muhammadiyah Salatiga in academic year of 2016/2017 runs successfully. The students can improve their recognizing a writer purpose and finding the answer of important text or information, this is can be seen from the enthuasm, attention and liveness students on the process of learning that is can be seen from the increasing of students’ achievements between cycle I and cycle II. 2. Lectora Inspire is able to improve students reading comprehension, it

can be seen from the result of the research, from the percentage of students who attain the standardized score in score 7. In cycle I, in the pre-test no one got the score achieve the standardized score, but in post-test the percentage was increase, in the post-test the percentage is 56%. In cycle II, the percentage for pre-test is 60% and post-test is 95%. It means that the students’ reading comprehension increase




seen from the progression of the result of the research. The mean of post-test in cycle I is 6.08 and the mean of post-test in cycle II is 8.13. It means that the mean of post-test II is higher than the standardized score (kriteria ketuntasan minimal) in score 7. In the cycle II is successful to attain the standardized score. Anyway the result of the cycle I and cycle II improved.

B. Suggestion

At the last, the writer would like to propose some suggestions that hopeful would be useful for all the institution sides, students, and the nest researcher as follow:

1. For the English Teacher

a. The English teacher should improve their ability in process of teaching learning, and the teacher should know toward students’


b. The English teachers have to use appropriate teaching media to facilitate and stimulate students. They have to be more creative and avoid the traditional method to teaching English.


63 2. For the Students

a. Students should always be active in the process of teaching and learning.

b. The students should give more attention, keep their attitude when the teacher explain the material.

c. Student should study harder to reduce their difficulties of English learning. The students should student and read the material before they enter the class.

3. For the Next Researcher

The students’ achievement of lesson is very important, in

teaching learning process the teacher should use media of instruction that make the students’ be interested to learn and



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STANDAR KOMPETENSI: Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara LevelElementary KODE KOMPETENSI : Bbnkm jjj

ALOKASI WAKTU : 150 jam X 45 menit

















 Talking about hobbies and

 Question tags






Table 3.1 List of Total Students of SMK Muhammadiyah
Table 3.2 List of Students ofTP 2 Class SMK Muhammadiyah
Figure 3.1:  Cyclical Action Research model based on
Table 4.1


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