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Rabiah Afifah Daulay Reg. Number 4103332022

Bilingual Chemistry Education Study Program


Submitted to Fulfill the Requirement for Getting Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan






Rabiah Afifah Daulay was born on October, 8th 1992. Father’s name is Drs. Ahmad Riadi Daulay, M.Ag and mother’s name is Dra. Nurmawati Lubis, M.A. The researcher is the first child of three siblings. In 1998 the researcher entered

the Primary School of SD Swasta Ummi Fatimah in Medan and graduated in

2004. After that in 2004 the researcher continued her study to Junior High School

of MTsN 2 Medan and graduated in 2007. Next in 2007 the researcher continued

her study to Senior High School of MAN 2 Model Medan and graduated in 2010.

In 2010 the researcher accepted in State University of Medan, Faculty of

Mathematics and Natural Science, Department of Chemistry, Bilingual Chemistry




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful

Alhamdulillah, all praises to Allah for the strengths and His blessing in

completing this thesis. This thesis appears in its current form due to the assistance

and guidance of several people. I would therefore like to offer my sincere thanks

to all of them.

Special appreciation goes to my supervisor, Dr. Simson Tarigan, M.Pd for

his supervision and constant support. His invaluable help of constructive comments

and suggestions in the complete this thesis. Not forgotten, my appreciation to my

examiners, Prof. Dr. Albinus Silalahi, M.S, Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si, and Dra. Ani

Sutiani, M.Si for their advice, guidance, constructive comments and suggestions in

completing this thesis.

I would like to express my appreciation to Dr. Retno Dwi Suyanti, M.Si and

deceased Prof. Dr. Suharta, M.Si is as the validator of the instrument test and the validator of Character’s Observation Sheet.

I would like to express my appreciation to the Dean of Faculty of

Mathematics and Natural Science, Prof. Drs. Motlan, M.Sc, Ph.D, to the Head of

Chemistry Department, Drs. Jamalum Purba, M.Si, to Head of Chemistry Education

Department, Dra. Ani Sutiani, M.Si, to Coordinator of Bilingual Program, Dr. rer.

Nat. Binari Manurung, M.Si, to Secretary of Bilingual Program, Dr. Iis Siti Jahro,

M.Si, to Office Staff of Bilingual Program, Mr. Sam for their support and help

towards my undergraduate affairs.

My sincere appreciation to Headmaster of MAN 2 Model Medan, Drs. H.

Burhanuddin, M.Pd and to Chemistry teacher, Suyati, S.Pd, M.P.Kim who help

during research in completing this thesis.

My deepest gratitude goes to my beloved parents; Mr. Ahmad Riadi Daulay

and Mrs. Nurmawati Lubis and also to my sisters, Naimatussyifa Daulay and Dira

Anisah Ulfah Daulay for their endless love, prayers, encouragement, patience and

thankful for the blessing of such a wonderful and truly amazing family.

Sincere thanks to all my best friends in CESP 2010, especially to Debby Suci



Lina Marwiya, Rayhan Jamilah, Rudi Purwanto and others for their kindness and

moral support during my study. Thanks for the friendship and memories.

And thanks to all members in my Islamic Association of University Students

(HMI), especially to Kak Sukmawati Sundari Siregar, Kak Fitria Kalsum, deceased

Dwi Putri Ramadhani, Bang Imam Prayogo, Nurul Ilmi, Maryam, Widya Nugra Pangestika, Mutiara Eka Putri “ibu polwan”, Yola Adhysta and others for their always supporting me and encouraging me with their best wishes.

Last but not least, thanks to all my ABM Perbaungan; Cici, Fery, Rikcy,

Jovan, Rani, Eliza, Anggi, Sheila and Ulida for nice friendship and life learning

during PPLT 2013 in SMAN 1 Perbaungan.

Without the help of those who participated in this thesis, this study would

have not been possible. I thank all the participants for their assistance. My deepest

appreciation and gratitude to each and every person, who in some way or the other

assisted me in making this thesis is a reality.

Finally, I hope this thesis would be useful for those who would like to explore

more about M3PK Simson Tarigan, especially for the students of Chemistry

Education Department. I realize that this thesis is still far from being perfect

therefore; constructive comments and suggestions are needed for further

improvement of this thesis.

Medan, July 2014






Agreement Sheet i

Biography ii

Abstract iii

Acknowledgement iv

Contents vi

List of Figure ix

List of Table x

List of Appendix xi


1.1. Research Background 1

1.2. Problem Identification 4

1.3. The Scope of Study 4

1.4. The Problem Formulation 5

1.5. Research Objectives 5

1.6. Research Benefits 5

1.7. Operational Definition 6


2.1. The Reality of Teaching and Learning 8

2.2. The Student’s Achievement 10

2.3. Character of Education 11

2.3.1 Character of Activeness 11

2.3.2. Character of Responsibility 12

2.4. Thought Constructivism 13

2.4.1. Prior Knowledge 13

2.4.2. Conceptual-Change Process 14

2.5. The Conceptual Change Model 16

2.6. Model of Teaching to Induce the Conceptual Change



2.6.1. M3PK Simson Tarigan in Science Education 20

2.6.2. The Syntax of M3PK Simson Tarigan 21

2.7. Conventional Method 23

2.8. Acids Bases Solution 24

2.9. Conceptual Framework 24

2.10. Hypothesis of Research 24


3.1. Location and Times of Research 25

3.2. Population and Sample of Research 25

3.3. The Variable of Research 25

3.4. The Design of Research 25

3.5. The Procedure of Research Procedure 26

3.5.1. Research Flow Diagram 28

3.6. The Instrument of Research 29

3.6.1. Instrument Test 29

3.6.2. Observation Sheet 30

3.7. Data Collection Technique 33

3.7.1. The Validity Item Test 34

3.7.2. The Reliability Test 35

3.7.3. Difficulty Level 36

3.7.4. Discrimination Index 36

3.8. Data Analysis 37

3.8.1. The Normality Test 37

3.8.2. The Homogeneity of Test 37

3.8.3. The Normalized Gain 38

3.8.4. Hypothesis Test 38

3.8.5. The Effectiveness Percentage 39

3.8.6. Calculation of Character Percentage 39




4.1. Validity of Research Instrument 41

4.1.1. The Validity Test 41

4.1.2. Reliability Test 41

4.1.3. Difficulty Index 42

4.1.4. Discrimination Index 42

4.2. Research Result Description 43

4.3. Analyze of Research Result 44

4.3.1. Normality Test 44

4.3.2. Homogeneity Test 44

4.3.3. Hypothesis Test 45

4.3.4. Normalized Gain 46

4.3.5. The Effectiveness Percentage 47

4.4. Students’ Character 47

4.5. Relationship between Student’s Achievement and Characters 48

4.6. Discussion 48


5.1. Conclusion 53

5.2. Suggestion 53










Appendix 1 Acids Bases Solution 56

Appendix 2 Chemistry Subject Syllabus 62

Appendix 3 Lesson Plan for Experiment Class 66

Appendix 4 Lesson Plan for Control Class 80

Appendix 5 Assessment Instrument (Before Validation) 95

Appendix 6 Instrument Test (After Validation) 107

Appendix 7 The Answer of Instrument Test 113

Appendix 8 The Syntax of M3PK Simson Tarigan 114

Appendix 9 Observation Sheet of Students’ Character 117

Appendix 10 Instrument Test Validation 121

Appendix 11 Instrument Test Reliability 122

Appendix 12 Calculation of Validity Test 124

Appendix 13 Calculation of Reliability Test 126

Appendix 14 Calculation of Difficulty Level 127

Appendix 15 Calculation of Discrimination Index 129

Appendix 16 The Result of Students’ Score 131

Appendix 17 Calculation of Normality Test 133

Appendix 18 Calculation of Homogeneity Test 139

Appendix 19 Calculation of Hypothesis Test 141

Appendix 20 Calculation of Normalized Gain 142

Appendix 21 Calculation of Effectiveness Percentage 145

Appendix 22 Students’ Character (Responsibility) 146

Appendix 22 Students’ Character (Activeness) 147

Appendix 24 The Data of Students’ Character (Responsibility) 148

Appendix 25 The Data of Students’ Character (Activeness) 149

Appendix 26 Relationship between Student’s Achievement

And Characters 150

Appendix 27 Question Analysis 151




1.1. Research Background

One part of the educational aspects of teaching is the interaction between

the teacher and the students to gain teaching. According to cognitive theory

assumes that the group is organizing learning aspects of cognitive and perception

to gain an understanding (Al-Rasyidin and Nur, 2011: 32). While the definition of

modern teaching in countries that have been developed that guide students in the

teaching process. This definition suggests that active are students, who are

teaching and teachers act as mentors responsible for directing students to better

student’s achievement particularly in view for.

Student’s achievement is an indicator of teaching, meaning that the

student’s achievement it can be seen the development of a student after he

received the practice of teaching. When examined on student’s achievement in

science lessons showed that the average value class is often the value of choices

compared to the value of other subjects. Without realizing it, the teachers

contributed to the factors that led to the impression among students that teacher

(Haryono. 2013) forget that every student has a preliminary understanding. And

other hand, as long as there are still many students who have difficulty in

understanding and following the chemistry lesson. It is not independent of the

material being studied in chemistry are more abstract. And based on my

observation (2013) that was done in school MAN 2 Model Medan shows that

student’s achievement especially acid base solution, where there are students who

have value lower than KKM, it is about 54% the value which is should get by

student is about 75. Based on the data above shown that teaching chemistry was

not maximal yet to get the good result.

The teaching process according to Piaget's actually composed of three

stages, namely assimilation, accommodation, and equilibration (Suciati and

Irawan, 2005:11). Assimilation process is the unification process new information


2 accommodation is the cognitive structure adjustment to new situations.

Equilibration is a continuous process of adjustment between assimilation and

accommodation. At this stage of assimilation should be observed that the

cognitive structures already present in the minds of students means students have

prior knowledge, it must be adapted to the new information on the interaction

between teachers and students.

If the student’s prior knowledge is not in accordance with scientific reality,

it is necessary to change the concept of the teaching process. Therefore, teachers

need to use a learning model that can make it easier for students to understand and

master the concept of truth (Ihsan dede, 2012).

The teaching model is appropriate in this case is Model of Teaching to

Induce the Conceptual Change (M3PK) is a teaching model based on

constructivism thought that knowledge was constructed in the minds of the

students by the students themselves, so the most important task of a teacher is to

induce student’s initial concept and the concept of change (Tarigan, 1999).

And in the teaching process by applying Model of Teaching to Induce the

Conceptual Change (M3PK) it will be the identification of the student’s prior

knowledge, structuring a concept or concepts change, evaluate the final draft

remedial students and students who are capable of doing intuitive low by

high-ability students so intuitive concept of the students is the development of student’s

prior knowledge and the concept of the end of the students became intelligible,

plausible, and fruitful.

The success of Model of Teaching to Induce the Conceptual Change

(M3PK) in teaching has been investigated them by Monalisa Perangin-agin (2013)

is the mean of student’s score in control class for posttest is 75.267 and

percentage increasing is 59.6% and the mean of student’s score in experiment for

posttest is 85.733 and percentage increasing is 77.8%. Next, Puspita Handayani

(2013) is the mean of student’s score in control class for posttest is 68.83 and

percentage increasing is 54.28% and the mean of student’s score in experiment for

posttest is 81.83 and percentage increasing 72.19%. And then, Jehan Asri S


3 percentage increasing 40.16% and the mean of student’s score in experiment for

posttest is 90.38 and percentage increasing 69%.

Based curriculum 2013 that aims to prepare Indonesian people that have

the ability to live as individuals and citizens who believe, productive, creative,

innovative, and affective and able to contribute to society, nation, state, and

civilization of the world, so that students are required to develop a balance

between spiritual attitudes and social development, curiosity, creativity,

cooperation with intellectual and psychomotor abilities. (Regulation minister of

education and culture No. 69 of 2013).

The theme of 2013 is generating curriculum Indonesian people are

productive, creative, innovative, affective, through the strengthening of attitudes,

skills, and knowledge are integrated. To achieve this goal, the implementation of

the curriculum, teachers are required to professionally designing affective and

meaningful learning (fun), organizing learning, choose the appropriate teaching

approach, the teaching procedure and determine the competence and character

formation of students effectively. (Mulyasa, 2013: 99)

The conventional method which is a way of explains information verbally

to some listeners, this activity centered on the speaker and the communication that

occurs in the same direction that often apply in the class. Many conventional

teaching methods which use of teacher to present a subject matter that makes the

students tend to be lazy to think and just listen without understand what was said

by the teacher, this makes the students sleepy and bored quickly. Therefore, a

teacher is required to be able to present the subject matter as interesting as

possible, so that the students feel interest and creativity to be active in chemistry

(Roestiyah, 2001)

Based on the description above, so that researcher are interested in doing


4 1.2. Problem Identification

Based on the background, the problems of study that identify are:

1. Do the student’s understand to the materials especially acid base

solution in chemistry topic at the senior high school still low?

2. Is the students' understanding of chemistry concepts is low because the

chemical is considered an abstract lesson?

3. Is the teacher learning model does not used involve prior knowledge


4. Are the student’s characters in the class to a subject matter less


1.3. The Scope of Study

Based on the problem identification, this research must have the scope of

study, so that make the researcher does not extend the problem catch. There are

the scopes of study in this research. They are:

1. The research is conducted at the Senior High School (SHS) class XI

(superior) using 2013 curriculum, semester 2, T.A. 2013/2014.

2. The subject matter that observed in this research is Acid Base Solution.

3. Teaching method which is used in this research is M3PK and

Conventional Method.

4. Student’s characters that will be measured in this research are

responsibility and activeness through observation sheet.

5. Student’s achievement to be measured in this research is cognitive


5 1.4. The Problem Formulation

Based on the background, the problems of study that identify are:

1. Is the student’s achievement that has teaching use M3PK higher than

student’s achievement that has teaching use Conventional Method?

2. How many the percentages of student’s responsibility character can

develop through M3PK?

3. How many the percentages of student’s activeness character can

develop through M3PK?

1.5. Research Objectives

Based on the problem statement above, the objective these researches are:

1. Knowing the student’s achievement which is use M3PK higher than

student’s achievement which is use Conventional Method on teaching

acid base solution.

2. Determining percent the responsibility character can develop through

M3PK on teaching acid base solution.

3. Determining percent the activeness character can develop through

M3PK on teaching acid base solution.

1.6. Research Benefits

There are benefits from this research for researcher, teacher and reader.

The general benefit is to increase researcher’s experience in teaching chemistry.

The specific research benefits are:

1. As a comparison for those who want to examine the M3PK.

2. As inputs to the writer as a potential chemical studies teachers in

increasing student’s achievement.

3. Giving motivate to the teachers of chemistry to choosing teaching

methods are expected to provide more effectiveness teaching.


6 1.7. Operational Definition

To get same perception and avoid the difference of interpretation of some

terms in this research, it will be necessary to explain some terms that are used.

M3PK is one of teaching model used to induce conceptual change. In this

model the conceptual change is focused on three main aspects. There are

intelligibly, plausible and fruitful. Intelligibly is the concept has meaning or sense

in student selves. Plausible means the students are convinced that the concept

received is true and fruitful means that the concept provides a fruit for him or the

other words said that the concept can be applied in daily life. (Tarigan, 2009)

Student’s achievement is the abilities of students after they get their

teaching experience and it’s may take the form of a change in student’s behavior

in the cognitive aspects that can be measured by tests that is indicated by a score

by the teacher.

Character education aims to improve the quality of the implementation and

outcomes of schooling that leads to the achievement of character and character

formation of students as a whole, integrated, and balanced in accordance

competency standards.

Activeness is one of the characters of education that must be owned by

students. Being active in learning means create the condition of active learning.

Active learning is a process whereby students engage in activities, such as

reading, writing, discussion, or problem solving that promote analysis, synthesis,

and evaluation of the class content. And based on the KBBI responsibility is

man’s consciousness behavior or actions which are either intentional or

unintentional. Responsibility also means doing his duty as a manifestation of

consciousness. (Poerwadamita, 1991)

Acids and bases represent two of the most important classes of chemical

compounds. Some of the properties of acids (such as their sour taste) and bases

(bitterness) have been known to humans for hundreds of years even if their

chemical explanations have not. The reactions of these substances are significant


7 control many of the physiological processes in the human body and can catalyze a

variety of chemical reactions.

The conventional method which is a way of explains information verbally

to some listeners, this activity centered on the speaker and the communication that

occurs in the same direction that often apply in the class. Many conventional

teaching methods which use of teacher to present a subject matter that makes the

students tend to be lazy to think and just listen without understand what was said

by the teacher, this makes the students sleepy and bored quickly. Therefore, a

teacher is required to be able to present the subject matter as interesting as

possible, so that the students feel interest and creativity to be active in chemistry




Based on the result of data analysis and statistical tests, then set some

conclusion as follow:

1. The student’s achievement was taught by M3PK higher than student’s

achievement was taught by conventional method.

2. The percentage of student’s responsibility character can develop

through M3PK is 61.39 % in the experiment class.

3. The percentage of activeness character can develop through M3PK is

54.03 % in the experimental class.

3.2. Suggestion

Based on the discussion and conclusion that have been mentioned above,

the author suggest as follow:

1. For teacher and prospective teacher, M3PK can use to induce the student’s concept about chemistry so the student’s achievement can also increase.

2. Conventional method can give boring condition on teaching process so it’s better to avoid for using this model too much.

3. Readers and other researchers as a new information and references to



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Figure 3.1.  The Research Design Flowchart


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