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TE: 161808









Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain an S.Pd Degree (S.1) in English Education


TE: 161808






Alamat: Jl. Jambi – Ma. Bulian KM. 16 Simp. Sungai Duren Kab. Muara Jambi 36363Telp/Fax : (0741) 583183 - 584118 website : www.iainjambi.ac.id




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Case : Official Notes

Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training The State Islamic University of

SulthanThaha Saifuddin Jambi

Assalamu 'alaikum wr.wb.

After reading, giving guidance and making some necessary correction, we agree that the thesis by:

Name : Salawatiyah NIM : TE 161808

Department : English Education Program

Title : The Effect of Using Kahoot Games Application in Teaching English Especially to Enhance Students‟ Reading Comprehension.

Could be submitted to munaqasah exam (munaqasah) as one of the requirements for the undergraduate degree (S1) in English Education Program Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, The State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. So, we submit it to the faculty for an immediate process of final examination.

Jambi, 15 April 2021 Advisor I

Dr. Dewi Hasanah, S.Pd., M.Ag NIP 197007111994032003


Alamat: Jl. Jambi – Ma. Bulian KM. 16 Simp. Sungai Duren Kab. Muara Jambi 36363Telp/Fax : (0741) 583183 - 584118 website : www.iainjambi.ac.id




Form code Date Valid Revision Number

Revision date


Case : Official Notes

Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training The State Islamic University of

SulthanThaha Saifuddin Jambi

Assalamu 'alaikum wr.wb.

After reading, giving guidance and making some necessary correction, we agree that the thesis by:

Name : Salawatiyah NIM : TE 161808

Department : English Education Program

Title : The Effect of Using Kahoot Games Application in Teaching English Especially to Enhance Students‟ Reading Comprehension.

Could be submitted to munaqasah exam (munaqasah) as one of the requirements for the undergraduate degree (S1) in English Education Program Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, The State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. So, we submit it to the faculty for an immediate process of final examination.

Jambi, 15 April 2021 Advisor II

Wahyuni Fitria, S.Pd, M.Pd NIP 1986060520115032004



Alamat: Jl. Jambi – Ma. Bulian KM. 16 Simp. Sungai Duren Kab. Muara Jambi 36363Telp/Fax : (0741) 583183 - 584118 website : www.iainjambi.ac.id



The Thesis entitled “The Effect of Using Kahoot Games Application in Teaching English Especially to Enhance Students‟ Reading Comprehension” yang telah dimunaqasyahkan oleh Sidang Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan (FTK) UIN STS Jambi pada :

Day : Tuesday

Date : 25 march 2021

Time : 13.00-14.00 WIB

Name : Salawatiyah

Place : Zoom Aplication

Student‟s Number : TE.161808

Title : The Effect of Using Kahoot Games Application in Teaching English Especially to Enhance Students‟ Reading Comprehension.

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Eliza Trimadona, S.S, M.Pd NIP. 198206192006042002



Secretary Edi Rozal, M.Pd




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Synta Amalia, M.Pd




Examiner II

Faiqah Mahmudah, S.S, M.Pd NIP.198704172015032003



Advisor I

Dr. Hj. Dewi Hasanah, M.Ag NIP.197007111994032003



Advisor II

Wahyuni Fitria, M.Pd NIP.198606052015032004



Dean of Education and Teacher Training Faculty the state of Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Dr. Hj. Fadlillah, M.Pd NIP.1967071119920320






In the name of Allah SWT for the blessing and the merciful, with deep thanks and proud. Sholawat to the prophet Muhammad SAW his coming really change the world.

Special Thanks to:

My Parents, My beloved Father (Tayib) and my beloved mother (Marini)who always give me everlasting love, guidance, motivation and

always praying for me.

My big family, my brothers, my sisterwho always pray and give me support and spirit as well as wish for my success.

My beloved advisor (Dr. Dewi Hasanah, S,Pd., M,Ag and Wahyuni Fitria, S.pd, M.pd) who always listen to my problems and motivated me in making

this thesis and never be tired to help me finished this thesis.

My Best friends(Haslinda Novilda, Pika Purwati, Iis Dahlia, Tri Wahyuning Tiyas, Syihatul Mardiah, Sataria Efendi, Bayu Hidayat ) who have been

always give me support, motivation and quality time to share happiness and sadness with me and understand me.

Although, we are sometime different think but you are make me know what the meaning

of true friendship.

My classmate whose name are not mentioned here one from English Education Study The State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi there is no

successful without your motivation to finishing this thesis, I thank them all.

May Allah SWT Bless them all.




“Fighting has been enjoined upon you while it is hateful to you. But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not.”

“Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu; Allah mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui.” (QS. Al-Baqarah : 216)




By reciting Alhamdulillahirobbil‟alamin, with all mercies and blessing allah swt, finally the researcher accomplished this thesis. The objective of this thesis is partial requirement for the undergraduate degree (S1) in English Education Study, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training in the State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi which is entitled “The Effect of Using Kahoot Games Application in Teaching English Especially to Enhance Students’ Reading Comprehension”. The writer would not have been completed without supports, guidance, advice and special recognition for their invaluable help in accomplingsing this thesis. Therefore, the write would like to express deep appreciation to:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Su‟aidi Asy‟ari, MA, Ph.D, as the Rector of the Islamic University STS Jambi.

2. Dr. Hj. Fadhillah, M.Pd as the Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training the Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

3. Dr Ristina, M.Pd, as the voice dean of Academic fair Education and Teacher Training Faculty of The State Islamic University of Sultan Thaha Syaifudin Jambi. Dr, Najmul Hayat, M.Pd, as the vice dean of fiance and administration Education and Teacher Training Faculty of The State Islamic University of Sultan Thaha Syaifudin Jambi. Dr, Yusria M.Pd. as the vice dean of of students‟ Affairs and Coperative Education and Teacher Training Faculty of The State Islamic University of Sultan Thaha Syaifudin Jambi.

4. Wahyuni Fitria M,Pd, as Chief of English Education Study Faculty of Education and Teacher Training The Stated Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

5. Dr. Dewi Hasanah,S.Pd., M. Ag as my first advisor who has given me a lot of input such as correction, and contribution of thought and beneficial idea toward the progress of this thesis

6. Wahyuni Fitria M.Pd as my second advisor who has given a lot of input such as correction, and contribution of thought and beneficial idea toward the progress of this thesis



Islamic University SulthanThaha Saifuddin Jambi who have given knowledge to the writer.

Finally, the writer expects this thesis will give contribution for the teaching and learning process of English especially. The writer hopes critics and suggestions of the readers for the perfection of this thesis. May Allah SWT always gives guidance and blessing for me and readers.


Jambi, 15 April 2021 The writer

Salawatiyah TE.161808



Name : Salawatiyah

Major : English Educational Study

Tittle :The Effect of Using KahootGames Application in Teacing English Especially to Enhance Students‟ Reading Comprehension.

This study aimed to find out the effect of using kahoot games on Students‟

achievement of English Reading Comprehension at the Eleventh Grades of Islamic Senior High School Ma Mahdaliyah Jambi, this research was quantitative research and it was conducted by using quasiexperimental design with nonequivalent control group design. The technique of data collection used in this research was pre test and post test. This research used population in the research was 40 populations of the students and the sample of the research was states that a sample is a small subgroup chosen from the larger population. The subject were this research was 40 students, 20 students was experimental class and 20 students in control class. The result of the analysis indicated that the mean of post-test score (74,8) that higher than the mean of pre-test score (63,9). So that Ha was accepted. It means there was a significant effect of using kahoot games after giving treatment. Next, the writer had computed that the score of ttest ≥ ttable (2,2

≥ 2.09). So, Ha was accepted. It means,there was a different between those who are taught by using kahoot games and those who are not at Eleventh Grades of Islamic Ma Mahdaliyah.

Keyword:Kahoot Games, Reading Comprehension


xii Nama : Salawatiyah

Jurusan : Tadris Bahasa Inggris

Judul : Pengaruh penggunaan aplikasi games kahoot dalam pengajaran bahasa inggris untuk meningkatkan pemahaman membaca.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh menggunakan applikasi games kahoot terhadap pemahaman membaca siswa pada kelas sebelas Ma Mahdaliyah Jambi, penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif, yang menggunakan quasi eksperimental design dan subjek penelitian ini adalah 40 siswa. 20 siswa di kelas ekperimen dan 20 kelas di kelas kontrol. Dari hasil analisis peneliti mengindikasi bahwasanya hasil dari rata rata nilai post-test (74.8) lebih tinggi dari nilai rata-rata pre-test (63,9). Jadi, Ha bisa diterima, oleh karena itu ada pengaruh yang signifikan setelah perlakuan. Selanjutnya, peneliti telah menganalisa nilai t-hitung t-test ≥ t-table (2,2≥2,09), jadi Ha diterima. Artinya, ada pengaruh yang signifikan dari pemahaman membaca siswa yang menggunakan games kahoot dengan siswa yang tidak menggunakan games kahoot pada kelas sebelas Ma Mahdaliyah Jambi.

Kata kunci :kahoot game, pemahaman membaca.










MOTO ... viii



ABSTRAK ... xii




CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. The Background of the Study ... 1

B. The Identification of the Problem ... 5

C. The Scope and Limitation of the Problem ... 5

D. Formulation of the Problem ... 5

E. The Objective of the Study ... 5

F. The Significant of the Study ... 6

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE A. Definition of Reading Comprehension ... 7

B. Definition of Kahoot ... 12

C. Previous Study ... 17



A. Research Method ... 19

B. Population and Sample ... 20

C. Variables of the Research... 21

D. Instruments of the Research ... 21

E. Technique of Data Collecting ... 22

F. Technique of Analysis the Data ... 23

G. Hyphothesis ... 27

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. Findings of the Research ... 29

1. Experimental Class... 29

a. The Result of Pre-test of experimental Class ... 29

b. The Result of Post-test of experimental Class ... 31

2. Control Class ... 32

a. The Result of Pre-test of Control Class... 32

b. The Result of Post-test of Control Class ... 34

B. Statistical Analysis ... 35

1. Normality Test ... 35

2. Homogeneity Test ... 37

C. Interpretation ... 40


B. Suggestion ... 43 REFERENCES





1. Table 3.1 Experimental Research Design ... 19

2. Table3.2 The Population of the Research ... 20

3. Table 3.3 The Sample of the Research ... 21

4. Table 3.4 Specification of the Test ... 22

5. Table 4.1 Score Pre-Test in ExperimentalClass of Xi Ipa 1 Ma Mahdaliyah ... 29

6. Table 4.2 Distribution of Frequency Pre-Test an Experimental Class ... 30

7. Table 4.3 Score Post-Test in The Experimental Class of Xi Ipa 1 Ma Mahdaliyah ... 31

8. Table 4.4 Distribution of Frequency Post-Test in Experimental Class... 32

9. Table 4.5 Score Pre-Test in Control Class of Xi Ipa 1 Ma Mahdaliyah ... 32

10. Table 4.6 Distribution of Frequency Pre-Test Control Class ... 33

11. Table 4.7 Score Post-Test in The Control Class of Xi Ipa 1 Ma Mahdaliyah ... 34

12. Table 4.8 Distribution of Frequency Post-Test Control Class ... 35

13. Table 4.9 The Results of The Experimental Class Normality Test ... 35

14. Table 4.10 The Results of The Control Class Normality Test ... 36

15. Table 4.11 Homogeneous Results Pre-Test Experiment and Control ... 37

16. Table 4.12 Homogeneous Results Post-Test Experimental and Control Class ... 37



1. Appendix 1 Item Pre-Test And Post-Test Of Reading Comprehension ... 46

2. Appendix 2 The Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test ... 68

3. Appendix 3 The Calculating Of Frequency Distribution ... 70

4. Appendix 4 Normality Test ... 74

5. Appendix 5 Homogeneity Test ... 87

6. Appendix 6 Independent Sample T-test ... 95

7. Appendix 7 Paired T-test ... 97

8. Appendix 8 Validity ... 99

9. Appendix 9 Reliability ... 107

10. Appendix 9 Leason Plan ... 108



A. The Background of the Study

Reading is considered as the most important skill for language learners. According to Brown (2003: 185) stated that, reading is the most essential skill for success in all education contexts, remain of skill of paramount important as we create assessment of general language ability.

Being able to read in English is very important. We know that success in reading is the most necessary because it is a basic tool of education. In school, reading ability becomes even more important because students are more active to information that is why reading comprehension is an asset to be success in school.

In many parts of the world, reading has become an even more important part of daily life. It helped connect individuals from across the globe through systems social media. Such technologies have brought substantial amounts of routine reading into most modern workplaces.

According to Woolley (2011) stated that reading comprehension is a method of seeking the essence of the writers in the form of writing rather than defining word by word in the text which the readers understand and get information from the text. Based on this statement, it means that reading comprehension is that the readers must know overall the writers‟ meaning from the text. If the readers know the meaning of isolated words, it cannot be defined as reading comprehension. One of the texts that require reading comprehension, which is learned by tenth grader is Recount Text (Permendikbud: 2017). It is nearly a story form that has characters in time and place and creates one or more problems that need to find a way to solve that problem. Smalley (2012) stated that Recount Text is a text which informs readers of the historical events by giving the problem happen and then how the problem is solved. Nevertheless, not all the students can comprehend recount text well, teacher should apply the appropriate method or technique


can enhance students‟ ability in recount text and can help them to understand completely. However, by using conventional teaching techniques tend to make learning boring because the atmosphere of the learning process is not attractive and it tends to make it difficult for students to focus on the learning process. Therefore, the teacher must have another technique for applying their learning so that the students feel enjoyable and fun. Fun learning for students in the world of education is needed so that the aims and objectives of teaching expected in the learning process are easily achieved.

The concept in this study refers to the application of game-based learning technique that can help to improve the potential and quality of students in absorbing knowledge. Learning using a game approach that involves student participation in digital technology shows the greater desire to continue the next learning process compared to conventional learning. It is supported by Huang (2011) and Dellos (2015) that game-based learning is one of the effective tools that can help students in teaching, especially to maintain motivation for continuous learning, improve critical thinking and make an assessment in the learning process. However, to create interesting learning requires technology media as an intermediary for interaction in the learning process. The use of technology in teaching can make students have a fun learning. It also increases students‟ engagement and motivation and accelerates learning. According to Altun (2015), the use of technology in teaching students will improve the experience and quality in the process, which can also be a media that can help process resulting in plenty of benefits. Furthermore, the use of classroom technology will be meaningful and build students‟ motivation in their scores. It is also supported byRafi (2018), they stated that media has the main function as teaching tool to teach in the classroom, influence condition, and the learning environment is created by the teacher. From this statement, it shows that media will help the learning process, raised the motivation, students‟ interest and also help students increase understanding. One of the technological innovations that will be applied in this research to enhance the reading comprehension of students



inrecount text for tenth grader is Kahootplatform. Budiati (2017) stated that Kahoot is a game-based approach to combine education that contains questions on specific topic where users can develop and build their own questions based on the appropriate topics. It is an alternative choice from a variety of interactive learning media that makes the learning process fun and not boring for both students and teachers. The users can set the time, create a social, fun game, play it to an unlimited number of players, and also as a media to teach English material. The Kahoot application emphasizes learning styles that involve the active role of the participation of students with their peers in a competitive manner towards learning that is or has been learned. It is supported by Icard (2014) and Siegele (2015) that Kahoot is a free online digital media for teacher and students where the teachers can get an evaluation for their class. The students can also have fun while learning from Kahootsince competitive environment emerges in the classroom when the teachers apply it. The students should also hold the experience inmind, as study while playing. It can be concluded that Kahootcan be a medium for teaching English in the classroom, to help the student‟ comprehension in English material given.Kahoot is an educationsal platform found by Johan Brand, Jamie Brooker and Morten Versvik in 2012, in a joint project with the University of Technology and Science of Norway. Usage and access to Kahoot is free, including its features. The users just need a smartphone or computer and internet network to join it. The types of Kahoot are Kahoot as quiz, discussion or learning media, and survey. However, for this research only focus on Kahoot as quiz and discussion to students‟ comprehension in recount text for the eleventh grade in semester 2. It is the common type of it that can be used to test students‟ knowledge formatively. The number of question in a quiz is not capped. It consists of 2-4 multiple choice answers which have limit time to answer it. The faster users answer correctly, the more points they get. The top 5 highest point scores will be displayed on the leaderboard and the winner will be shown at the end. There are several studies related to Kahoot to enhance reading comprehension in teaching


English in the classroom Ryan (2015) stated that there is a significant effect after used Kahoot on his students. He said that Kahoot has been fantastic. He conducted three classes. When he first introduced the game, all of the students in each of the three grade levels were excited about it. At the end of the quiz, many his students answered the questions correctly. Furthermore, the other previous come from Muhridza et al. (2018) stated that Kahoot is very helpful. It is proven to be effective in enhancing language skills as well as useful in fostering classroom engagement. From the result, they found that the students become more attentive and more engaged in classroom participation. Theanother previous study comes from Budiati (2017). The research talked aboutProgram for English Students Learning Booster. Based on the outcome shows that the students are very interested in entering the class after using Kahoot for teaching; they are more excited to come to the class, they pay more attention in English and they are interested in learning more about what they have learned and want to tell others about it. Kahooot could increase the motivation and enjoyment of the students to achieve their scores.

Therefore, the researcher try to find out some school what able to applied some learning media based on technology, especially Kahoot Games application, one of school able to use that media is, Ma Mahdaliyah Kota Jambi, because based on based on observation on the ground the researcher found if almost all of students have a smartphone and got permission to used it out of the learning process.

Based on the previous studies above Kahoot fluences students‟

performance in the classroom. Students need to get involved while studying.

It provides a positive and competitive atmosphere that encourages learning instudents. Considering on those studies, the researcher wants to know whether Kahoot would be effective in improving students‟ comprehension of the recount text or not and whether it is suitable for senior high school students. This study also helps the teacher to know students‟ improvement in reading comprehension in recount text. Based on the reasons, the researcher



wants to conduct research in order to enhance students‟ ability of reading by using of Kahoot games application to improve students‟ reading comprehension in recount text to eleventh grade.

Based on the background above, the researcher interested to conduct research by title “ The Effect of Using Kahoot Games Application in Teacing English Especially to Enhance Students‟ Reading Comprehension at Ma Mahdaliyah Kota Jambi in Academic Year 2020/2021”.

B. The Identification of the Problem

Based on the background of the study above, the problems were identified as follows:

1. The students have lacked the motivation to learn English especially reading.

2. The students are not able to understand what they have read 3. The teacher sometimes has trouble in delivering information

C. The Scope and Limitation of the Problem

The scope of the study is a focus on media teaching English. And the limitation of this study is on the use of Kahootmedia in teaching reading at the Eleventh grade of Ma Mahdaliyah In the academic year 2020/2021.

D. Formulation of the Problem

Based of limitation of the problem, the problem is formulated as follow : 1. Is there any significant effect of using kahoot games application in

teaching English especially to enhance students‟ reading comprehension at Ma MahdaliyahKota Jambi in Academic Year 2020/2021?

2. Is there any significant different between the students‟ score who are taught by using kahoot games application and who are not taught by using kahoot games application at Mahdaliyah Kota Jambi in Academic Year 2020/2021?


E. The Objective of the Study

1. Tofind out whether there is a significant effect of using kahoot games application in teaching English especially to enhance students‟ reading comprehension at Mahdaliyah kota jambi in academic year academic year 2020/2021.

2. To find out whether there is a significant different between the score students‟ who are taught by using kahoot games application and who are not taught by using kahoot games application at Mahdaliyah Kota Jambi in Academic Year 2020/2021?

F. The Significance of the Study

The result of this research that can be contributed some significant consist of theortica lly and practically for the students, teacher, and other researcher are as follows:

1. Theoretically

This study used to add knowledge and references, especially in teaching reading.

2. Practically a) Students

Students, it was expected that the students could learn how to improve theirs in reading comprehension and motivation using learning.

b) Teacher

The teacher can get to know modern learners in the classroom and also had the chance to practice using the online app to create and prepare quiz events for modern learners to do.

c) Other researchers

This research expected to be a reference for researchers and give the sources of information from this study, so they can do their research in deeper, further, and better technique.




A. Definition of Reading Comprehension

Reading is one of the skills in English. Reading must comprehend the topic of the text. According to Scanlon Et.al. (2010:276), Comprehension is an active, constructive process in which the ultimate understanding of the text is determined by a combination of what is stated directly in the text and the reader‟s preexisting knowledge related to the topic of the text. Then, Willis (2008:138) states that Comprehension is defined as intentional thinking during which meaning is constructed through interactions between text and reader. it means the mean comprehension is understanding awoke between readers with text, through thoughts while reading text. the interaction between text with the reader is in the process of building understanding text.

Comprehension is a process of understanding text done by the readers to probe the information. Reading as the important skill English, the reader have to know the topic and passage of the text, and reading comprehension is the process to know the passage Comprehension as the process is during the reader reading and understanding the passage. Before ready the text the reader should have their own suggestion related to the topic then it used to understand and elaborate the passage of the text. Therefore reading is also interaction activity between the text and thereader.

Karen (2015:2) states that reading comprehension is the process of constructing meaning by coordinating a number of complex processes that Reading comprehension is complex skill that requires an active interaction between the reader and elements of the text. The reader is an active participant with a text and also the reader makes sense of how ideas based on the text related to one another by interactions between what the reader gleans from the text and what the reader already knows. From the explanation above, it is clearly understood that comprehension is very important in reading. After


comprehension of the text the ultimate goal in reading and understanding comprehension process is crucial to the study of reading.

Based on the explanation above, it can be summarized that reading comprehension is a process in which the reader tries to understand the content of the text. Meanwhile, reading is getting information from a text. The readers read the text to get information about main idea (topic), the essential information, topics of paragraphs, main ideas, synonyms/vocabulary mastery (Brown (2001,p.299)). Comprehension means skill to understanding the purpose and meaning of the text of the text, that the Readers understand the content of thereadings.

a. The Types of Reading Comprehension

Wagner (1960:207) in Ike Deli (2019:12)states there are varieties of sfecific comprehension abilities, the abilities grow out of the purposes for which material is read. The important specific comprehension abilities are:

1. Reading for factual information

The reader would attend to detiled information and as well, to fundamental concepts of the scenic points. These fundamental concepts should read to retain. Reading for sfecific information is in general.

Reading to remember somewhat isolate facts and concepts.

2. Reading to organize

Organize information is more usable and is more likely to retain in order to use reading efficiently as an aid in learning.

3. Reading to evaluate

Reading to evaluate is a type of comprehension in which the reader appraises the worth while ness, the relevancy, or the accuracy of one or more passages.

4. Reading to interpret

Reading to interpret involves a high order reasoning with the material read and includes those reading comprehension abilities the



reader use to restructure the information presented so that he can understand the implication.

5. Reading for appreciation

Reading for appreciation is impressionistic reading which carries the reader somewhat beyond the stated elements of the discourse.

b. The Abilities of Reading Comprehension

Language is a complex system that requires the coordinated action of three interacting subsystems. Meanwhile reading comprehension ability consists of several abilities, as follows:

1. Vocabulary Knowledge

Vocabulary is a necessary part of the reading process, but it is not sufficient. Reading is constructing meaning. Vocabulary is the key to comprehension, but skill in identifying words does not ensure comprehension

2. Identify Main Idea

Main idea is an idea/notion that the subject of paragraph development. The main idea is contained in the main sentence. In other word main idea was ability in the reading comprehension.

3. Understanding Context

Understanding context is very important for good readers. A reader must know the contexts of the context that is read. Therefore, it was easier to understand the context of the text in reading. In other word in reading comprehension context is the ability that must be achieved.

4. Identify Communicative Purpose of the Text.

The ability to reading comprehension is to identify the purpose of the text. This ability must be able to have someone. Therefore, the reader when reading the text, the reader must know the purpose of the text.


From the above statement under the reading comprehension has several abilities that must be achieved between of vocabulary knowledge, main idea, understanding context, and purpose of the text.

The component is very important in reading and understanding a text content

c. Strategies of Reading Comprehension Ability

Reading comprehension strategy is a cognitive or behavioral action that is enacted under particular contextual conditions, with the goal of improving some aspect of comprehension.There are some strategies which can be used by the readers are:

1. Activating Prior Knowledge

Serravallo asserts that before reading, the good readers are connected ideas about the information relate to the text‟s structure topics, besides that they make connection of the text to their lives, various written sources and the world, finally they connected these ideas after finishing in reading the text. In other words, before reading the readers should active their prior knowledge to think about what information that they find form the topic to make them easier in understanding the text.

2. Prediction

Prediction is process to make expectation about what will happen in the text based on what is discovered from reading the text by involving the readers‟ previous knowledge.19 It means that before the readers read the text, the readers should guess what the content of the text.

3. Skimming

Skimming is a kind of swift reading to find the general content or idea of the text rapidly.20 It means that, while the readers read the text to achieve main idea or general content, the readers just skim the text to gain it without read word by word.



4. Scanning

Brown defines that the readers activity to look for some specific information of the text without reading through the whole text. In other words, the readers only read certain part of the text to look for specific information from the text. It can help the readers get the specific point without spending much time to finish reading the text.

5. Guessing meaning of unknown word using contextual clues

The readers need to guess the meaning of word when they do not know about the content of the text because they have no dictionary.

There are some techniques to guess the unknown vocabularies namely:

look for prefixes that can provide clue, look for suffixes that can show what part of speech of vocabulary, look for the familiar roots, look for the grammatical content that can indicate the information, and look for the semantic context or topic to get the clues.22 Guessing the unfamiliar word is done especially when the learners are doing examination which is forbidden to bring dictionary.

6. Identifying topics and main ideas

Mikukecky in Farrel proposes the learner to train some tasks for developing cognitive exercise, namely: getting the topic from a list of vocabularies, identifying the topic of a text, and recognizing the main idea of means.23 It means that knowing the topic and main idea is extremely important in reading comprehension.

7. Use of Questions

According to Dreher and Gambrell in Guthrie state that questioning refers to students make questions of writing self-initiated about the passage before and during reading to help them comprehend the text and topic from the text.24 It means that asking questions is effective way to more comprehend what the content of the text is being read.


B. Definition of Kahoot

Kahoot is an online game that tests student‟s knowledge of course content.The game is free for both teachers and students, and simply requires a multimedia tool to participate (Siegle, 2015). A cellphone, laptop, or Chrome book works for running the Kahoot website. Teachers can create quizzes using multiple choice questions presented in a game-based format to students.

The quizzes contain questions that have up to four possible choices, and questions can contain various multimedia contents such as pictures or videos.

On top of the number of answer choices, Kahoot also provides teachers with the ability to select the amount of time that the students have to respond to each question. The students join the game via a specific generated game code and are able to create their own nicknames to be displayed on the game screen. If a name is inappropriate for school use the teacher can simply click on the name and the student is kicked out of the game.

According to Fathan & Syafii (2018) says that, Kahoot is a free game- based learning platform for teachers of awesome, classroom superheroes and all learners.Kahoot has two different addressed, for students Kahoot.it and for teachers Kahoot.com. With kahoot teachers and students will learn and play the game. kahoot is a tool that that delivers and presents questions to students.

It is set up as a game that students can play either individually or in groups.

Instructors provide students with multiple choice question, which are projected on a classroom screen. Each question has a limit of 95 characters, is displyayed anywhere from 5 second to 2 minutes, and is restricted to four response options. Students, who will need to create a unique username that can be used throught a semester, answer these question with their own personal electronics devices for example laptop, smarthphone,or tablet .

Furthermore, Kahoot is easy to use in its game-like format and is gaining popularity across the country (Singer, 2016). Kahoot uses educational trends to capitalize on their popularity. These educational trends include gamification and student engagement. The makers of the video game rely on student engagement and interest to keep the popularity of the game spreading.



One possible drawback of the popularity of Kahoot is the concern that students will begin to get bored of playing the game (Wang, 2015).

Based on the definition above, the researcher concluded that Kahoot is an online game. The game is free for teacher and students. Teachers can create quizzes using multiple choice questions presented in a game-based format to students. The students can join the game via Cellphones, Laptop, Chrome works for running Kahoot website. Kahoot has two different website addressed for students Kahoot.it and for teachers Kahoot.com. Each question has a limit of 95 characters, is displyayed anywhere from 5 second to 2 minutes, and is restricted to four response options.

a. History of Kahoot

A few years ago, several talented entrepreneurs; Johan Brand, Jamie Brooker and Morten Versvik put their heads together to make learning awesome. In a project with the Norwegian University of Technology and Science, they teamed up with Professor Alf Inge Wang, and were later joined by Norwegian entrepreneur, Asmund Furuseth. Kahoot was launched in private beta in March 2013 at SXSWedu. In September 2013, the beta was opened to public and It‟s been a quite ride ever since. Kahoot is addressed to the classroom first, but it seems game-based learning. It also played in business training session, at sporting and cultural events, or in any social and learning context.

b. Features of Kahoot

According to (Play 2004) There are three features of Kahoot.

1. Quiz : This is the most common type of Kahoot, epitomizing ourgame- based approach to blended learning. There is no limit to the number of questions in a quiz. Each question can have an associated picture or video, and 2 - 4 multiple choice answers. There must be at least one correct answer (but more can be chosen), and the time-limit for each question can be individually set from 5 seconds to 2 minutes. Aside


from being a great way to engage and focus a whole room of people, quizzes can be used to formatively assess the knowledge of each individual in the room, and adapt their learning accordingly. They can be used to track progress of individuals over time, and inspire learners to enquire further by creating their own quizzes. Players answer questions displayed at the front of the room on their personal device, motivated to answer correctly and score the most points. The faster someone answers a question correctly, the more points they get. The top 5 highest points scorers are displayed on the leaderboard at the front in-between each question, and the ultimate winner is shown at the end. Results, including who answered what for each question, can be downloaded afterwards.

2. Discussion: Discussions are designed to do exactly what they say - facilitate a conversation. They are simply one quick question with no right or wrong answer, which can have an associated picture or video and 2 - 4 alternative answers. They should be used to gather opinions on current affairs, divisive topics, or even ask “what shall we do today?” Once again, players answer the question on their personal device. There is still a time-limit to answer within, however no points are involved. The collective results of the question are displayed at the front, acting as the basis for the discussion.

3. Survey: There are no limits to the number of questions in a survey.

Each question can have an associated picture or video, and 2 - 4 multiple choice answers - however there are no right or wrong answers. They are just like traditional surveys except questions are asked in real-time to those present who answer on their personal devices. The results of each question can be debated there-and-then, and all survey results can be downloaded at the end



c. How Kahoot Applied

1. We have to registered our account in kahoot and sign in

2. We could create our own question with media that provided in kahoot or we just follow some account to play question interestingly.

3. Open the question there will be pin number to enter the game.

4. Choose option individual or group ( freely)

5. Students should have application in their phone and copied pin number to enter the game

6. After all students input the pin and enter the game teacher might start 7. Students will start the game, after they pass one question the score and

rank will appear.

8. Teacher is able to assess the students with their score and rank that appeared in scoreboard

9. Teacher is able to share students score to another account.

d. Strengths and Weakness of Kahoot

1. There are several strengths when using Kahoot, as follows:

a) The learning process becomes fun.

b) Students are trained to use technology as the media in the learning process.

c) Students‟ motoric skill are trained when they operating Kahoot.

2. There are also several weaknesses when using Kahoot, as follows:

a) There are many supporting facilities for students to operate Kahoot as the media in learning process.

b) Limited time of learning process.

c) Teacher has to design the Kahoot, and it has to take enough time to spend.

e. Teaching Reading by Using Kahoot

This media include motion pictures, vidio gaming, recorded music and adaptions of the internet for any of this media. In order to get students‟

attention in learning which have so many words but only several pictures,


the teachers must have a media to encourage them this fact is then supported by a study conducted by Wells (2011) saying that games, in the process of teaching and learning of the language subject especially, can affect dramatic change in on-task behavior as well as word acquisition and content understanding. As a media of learning, games can also be completed online as it can also use the multiple formats for presentation of information, including text, motionless or animated, pictures movie segements, video clips, and audio information with Kahoot, teachers and students can create multiple-choice quizzes as well as polls and surveys that populate on-the-spot data (although this data isn't saved over time).

Other than their own scores, students only see the top achievers, so low- performing students won't feel put on display. Quiz questions and polls stimulate quick instructional decisions as well as whole-class discussion, but an open ended response feature and/or the ability to string together a quiz and a poll in one game would be welcome to aid learning. Tech savvy-students can connect with students from across the globe to play or connect to their peers after-hours to compete for new scores. Data can be downloaded by teachers (or student creators) and viewed in Excel. These reports can be helpful, but data can't be compared over time for classes or individual students since accounts are not required for students (even though they can, if they choose, create them). For teachers, this means it can be time-intensive to analyze students' growth patterns or individual problem areas using Kahoot quizzes. Kahoot is suitable for teaching English the three features (quiz, survey and discussion) could be used as assessment, ice breaker and tool to stimulate students‟ discussion in any specific subjects in English. Teachers are free to select the mode of Kahoot that they desire to use in the classroom. For instance in teaching speaking, discussion and survey can be used. Quiz can be used in teaching theoretical subjects such as: linguistics, grammar, reading, and so on.



C. Previous Studies

In order to support this research, the researcher discussed three related studies. Dimas Wibisono (2019) from graduated school of Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya : with the title “ The Effect of Kahoot In Teaching Reading to Tenth Grade Students. The purposes of this study were to identifythe effect of Kahoot in reading comprehension test scores. This study wascarried out among 50 students from a senior high school in Surabaya.Datawere analyzed presented using descriptive statistics in the form offrequency, means, standard deviation and independent t – test. From thisstudy, it was found that the students‟ reading comprehension test scoreswere higher when they were taught using Kahoot on the learning process.Besides, their learning attitudes on cognitive, psychomotor and affectiveshowedsomesignificant positive effects. From these findings, it can besuggested that online media like Kahoot is stronglyrecommended to beused in the teaching and learning processof English reading. It is expectedthat the finding of this study would enlighten the relevant literature of the are.

The second is a journal has been conducted by Joseph Pede (2017) from Rowan University with the title “The Effect of the Online Game Kahoot on Science Vocabulary Acquisition. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the online game Kahooton science vocabulary acquisition of students with learning disabilities in a middle schoolinclusion physical science classroom. Specifically, this study investigated,studentscience vocabulary acquisition, student focus and on task behavior, andstudentsatisfaction using the onlinegameKahoot. Vocabularyacquisition was measured in termsof weekly vocabulary assessments. Six middle school students, three males and threefemales, participated in this study. A single subject designwith ABAB phases wasutilized. Results show that allstudentsincreased their vocabulary assessment scores whenKahoot was played twice weekly. The use of kahoot also increased student focus and ontask behavior. The results of the student satisfaction survey indicated that studentsenjoyed playing Kahoot and found it easy to use.


The last journal has been conducted by Halise Sibel ( 2018) from International Technology The purpose of this study was to investigate the usability of the Kahoot, the digital assessment tool, in elementary schools.

With this respect, the participants were selected by using the simple random sampling method. 23 students and teacher in state elementary school in Mugla in Turkey participated in the study in the spring term of the 2017-2018 academic year. The Kahoot was implemented in the social studies class for 4 weeks. It was a qualitative and quantitative study. The survey technique was used to collect data and the data were analyzed by using the descriptive analysis technique. The results of the study indicated that the students thought the Kahoot as enjoyable, informative, useful, perfect and fine. The students also rated the difficulty level in using the Kahoot application as „Not difficult‟, „A Little Difficult‟ and „Difficult‟. These challenges were the difficulties in reaching the Kahoot website, the problems about the internet connection, the difficulties in reading the board, the difficulties in selecting the answers and the application‟s disconnections because of the connection timeouts. The teacher, however, displayed positive opinions about the Kahoot application.

Based on the previous above, the researcher can conclude teachersusing Kahoot games inlearning recount text, in this case, the researcher conducted at Senior High School Ma Mahdaliyah Kota Jambi. Those previous studied gave much input inconducted in research about teacher‟susing kahoot in learning recount text. In this research using two methods are experimental group by using kahoot and control without kahoot. The objective of this research is to find out whether is significant of using kahoot in learning recount text.




A. Research Method

In this research, the method usequantitative method with the design quasi experiment. According to Creswell (2012:46) “quantitative is a type of education research in which the researcher decides what to study: ask specific, narrow question, collect quantifiable data from participants:

analyze these numbers using statistics and objective manner”. Mujis (2004) stated that quasi-experimental research is especially suited to looking at the effects of an education intervention, such as a school improvement program, project to improve specific element. Generally, this quasi-experimental design collect numerical data must be analysed mathematically to explain cause and effect.

In this case, the students are group into experimental and controlled class. The experimental class is give the material in the learning process by using kahoot games application as the treatment, while the controlled class is not given the treatment or in other word they taught as usual by using conventional teaching that is lecture through printed material. The method of the research design is illustrated as follows:

Table 3.1

Experimental Research Design

Pre-test Treatment Post-test

Experimental Group X1 X X2

Control Group X3 X4

Source: Mujis, Daniel (2004,p.31)



X1 : The score pre-test of experimental group X : Treatment of experimental group

X2 : The score post-test of experimental group X3 : The score pre-test of control group

X4 : The score post-test of control group

This research was conducted at Ma Mahdaliyah Kota Jambi in the second semester academic year 2020/2021 using Kahoot games.

B. Population and Sample Research 1. Population

According to Ary (2010). Population is the larger group to which a researchwishes to generalize , it includes all members of a defined class of people, events, or objects.The population on this study used all students at eleventh grades of MA Mahdaliyah Kota Jambi in Academic Year 2020/2021. The number of students is 40 which were divided into 2 classes.

The total number of students can be seen from the table below:


The Population of the Research


XI IPA 1 20

XI IPA 2 20


Source: Ma Mahdaliyah



2. Sample

Bordens (2008:158) states that a sample is a small subgroup chosen from the larger population. So, the sample was the students from the population who were chosen to participate in this study.

Table 3.3

The Sample of the Research

No Group Classes Number of Students

1 Experimental Group XI IPA 1 20

2 Control Group XI IPA 2 20

Total 40

Source: Administration of Ma Mahdaliyah Kota Jambi.

C. Variables of the Research

There are two kinds of variables independent variable and dependent variable. Below is the clear distinctions.

1. Independent variable (X) is the implementation of kahoot (XI IPA1 ) and class without media kahoot (XI IPA2)

2. Dependent variable (Y) was the students ability In learning narrative text.

D. Instruments of the Research

The researcher collected the data by test as research instrument.In collecting the data, the researcher used the instrument to obtain the necessary data. A test is the instrument used for this research. The test was divided into two test: pre-test will be given before the treatment, and post-test will be give after doing the treatment.The type of the test is multiple choice test which consisted of 20 items (narrative text). Every test item consisted of four answer options (a,b,c,d and e). Therefore, the total score was 100 if the students could answer all the items correctly.


Table 3.4

Specification of the test No Indicator in reading


Number of questions

Number of item 1 Identifying topic and

main idea


18 7

2 Factual information 3,14,19 3

3 Identifying reference of

pronoun 4,10,15,20 4

4 Understanding literal of

story 6,9,16 3

5 Moral lesson 5,11,17 3

Total 20

E. Technique of Data Collection

This research needed the data to support the investigation and researcher used quantitative research to collect data, so collected is one of the most important step when doing research. In this research, Cresswell (2009:4) states that quantitative research is a mean for testing objective theories by examining the relationship among variables, in turn, can be measured typically on instruments, so that numbered data can be analyzed using statistical procedures. The final written report has a set structure consisting of introduction (literature and theory), methods (result), and discussion.

1. Pre-test

The pre-test conducted both of the groups, experimental and control group in order to know students‟ scores in learning recount text before treatment given. The item used for pre – test consist of 30. The test was about reading comprehension.



2. Treatment

The next steps, the researcher giving treatment to the students.

There are different treatment given to experimental class and control class. In experimental class, the researcher treat in learning recount text using Kahoot application in teaching English especially to enhance students‟ reading comprehension and to control class the researcher treat them without kahoot online media. Both of the treatment the researcher focus to teach about recount text.

3. Post-test

The last, the test will giving to the students after the treatment. The type of the pre-test is text, and the result effect of the treatment will be seen.

F. Technique of Analysis the data 1. Descriptive Analysis

Descriptive analysis employs the result of the mean and the standard deviation. Hatch andFarhady (1982, p.39) stated that descriptive analysis is statistic used to summarize data. Mean and standard deviation are descriptive analysis.

2. Statistical Analysis a. Normality test

Normality test calculated to see whether the data were normality or not. The normality test was employed by using lilieforts test because the sample of this research ≤ 21. According to Sudjana (2005, p. 466- 467), the ways to look for normality tests as follows:

1. Sort the sample of data from the small to large data (X1,X2,X3,Xn) 2. Calculated the average of sample score by using single average 3. Calculated the standart deviation

4. Determine the Z value of each data by the formula : 5. Determine the Z table based on the Z value

6. Determine the F (Zi) based on the Z table If negative (-), so 0,5 –

If positive (+), so 0,5 +


7. Determine the S(Zi) by the formula : ( )

8. Calculate the by te formula : F(ZI) – F(Zi)

9. If L hitung , so the sample of the data is normally distributed.

b. Homogenity test

The purpose of hormpgenity test was to see whether the data or sample in both classes were homogenous or heterogeneous. The test of homogenity used homogeneity variance. According to ridwan (2013, p.120), the formula used in hormogeneity test can be see as follows :

Systematic calculation :

a. Conduct assesment of the student of the students‟ test result b. Determining of variance X (Sx2)

c. Determine for variance Y (Sy2)

d. Calculate the largest variance and smallest variance e. Compare the F table with F hitung

and f. Criteria of test with the significance

If F count ≤ F table then the data homogeneus If F count >F table then the data not homogeneus c. T-test

In this part, the researcher calculated the data by using two sample t-test. They are paired sample t-test and independent. sample t-test, paired sample t-test is used to see whether or not there is significant effect of student‟s reading comprehension before and after treatment.

The independent sample t-test is used the compare the means of one variable for two group of cases (Taniredja, 2014 p.38).

a. Paired sample t-test



According to Sugiyono (2013, p.197), the formula of paired sample T-test is express as follows:

Which :

MD = mean of different arithmetic average second of different or the different between the score of variable 1 and II

SEMD= Standart error of mean the different With the calculation steps as bellow:

1. Looking D (different = different) between the score of variables I and score variable II with the formula :

2. Find the mean of the different with the formula :

3. Lookingthe standard definition of the difference with the formula : √ ()

4. Looking the standard definition of the difference with the formula :

5. Looking with the formula :

6. Looking interpretation

a. Looking df or db with formula : df or db = N – 1

b. Based on the magnitude of the df or db, we search for criticism “t” listed in the table “t” at the significance level of 5% and 1 % as follow :

c. Conduct the comparing between and as bellow :

Criteria Hypothesis Decision






b. Independent sample T-test

According to Sudjiono (2000, p.297) in Diktat statistic pendidikan (2016, p.55), the formula of independentsample T- test is express as follow :

Where : to : „t‟ test

M1 :mean of experimental class M2 : mean of control class SEM1-M2 : standard error

The formula above is the main formula. Before using the formula, the writer also used some calculation procedure such as below :

1. Determining mean of variable X, with the formula :

2. Determining mean of variable Y, with the formula :

3. Determining standard of deviation score of fariable X, with the formula √

4. Determining standard of deviation score of fariable Y, with the formula √

5. Determining standard error mean of variable X, with the formula



6. Determining standard error mean of variable Y, with the formula

7. Determining standard error of different mean of variable X of variable Y, with the formula

8. Determining (t-test), with the formula :

9. Give the interpretation to t-test ( ) to several process as follow :

a. Formulating the hypothesis of the research and statistic hypothesis

b. Test significance of by comparing the amount of with

by setting of degrees of freedom (df) or (db), by the formula of df/db = N-1

c. Determining criticsm of „t‟ in the table value of „t‟ by adhering to the df or db have been obtained, both of significance of 0,05

d. Conduct the comparing between and as bellow :

Criteria Hypothesis Decision





I. Hypothesis

According to Creswell (2012:111).Hypothesis is statements in quantitative research in which the investigator makes a prediction or a conjecture about the outcome of a relationship among attributed or characteristic. The researcher formulated two hypothesis in form of the null


hypothesis (H0) and the alternative hypothesis (Ha). There are formulated the hypothesis as follows:

1. Working Hypothesis (Ha1) There is a significant effect of using kahoot games application in teaching English especially to enhance students‟

reading comprehension at Mas Mahdaliyah Kota Jambi in Academic Year 2020/2021?

2. Null Hypothesis (H01) There is no significant effect of using kahoot games application in teaching English especially to enhance students‟ reading comprehension at Mas Mahdaliyah Kota Jambi in Academic Year 2020/2021?

3. Working Hypothesis (Ha1) There is a differentbetween experimental class and control class in using kahoot games application in teaching English especially to enhance students‟ reading comprehension at Mas Mahdaliyah Kota Jambi in Academic Year 2020/2021?

4. Null Hypothesis (H02)Thereis nodifferent between experimetal class and control classin using kahoot games application in teaching English especially to enhance students‟ reading comprehension at Mas Mahdaliyah Kota Jambi in Academic Year 2020/2021?


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