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~to -~~.t:.;,putiaStrulj <Ptognza4:'ostgtrutiuatScMof ia tPtzrtilll'F"'flll-t


~for* <DegtN of





Registration Number: 081288330062









~to -~~.t:.;,putiaStrulj <Ptognza4:'ostgtrutiuatScMof ia tPtzrtilll'F"'flll-t


~for* <DegtN of





Registration Number: 081288330062








A Thesis






Registration Number: 082188330062

English AppHed Lioguistics Study Program



State University ofMedan

This thesis was e:umined on

Deeember 27 .. , 2011 by tlte Board of Examiners



Adviser Commission

Adviser I


NIP. 19610415 1~1 2 001







Thil tllesls wu eumlaed oa December l,. lOll by tbe Board of EDilliaers

Board of Eumlaers

1. ProlDr IJpg SJiaomlipc. M.Pd NIP. 19610425 1986012 001

l. Dr.ldtf




NIP. 19S7041l198403 1 001

3. Prg(. Dr. 'Rupip Gurpipg. M.Pd

NIP. 19590713 1986011 001

4. Dr., Sri Mipda MgqL M.S NIP. 19630525 198803 l 016

5. DtiJpm Lyta.



,._ ...


Nur -Rismayui. Registratioa umber! 082188330062, Speeeh Function in Male's and Female's Language in Television Advertisements. A Thesis.

Eaglisb Applied Liagulstics Study Program. Postgraduate School. State

University of MedaL Deeember 2011.

This study presents a researeh conducted on speecll function in male's and female's language in television advertisements. A qualitative descriptive research was applied to get the data. The sources of data were taken from Male's and Female's Language in Television Advertisements. 11te data were collected in relation to the use of speech function in male's and female's language in television advertisements. They were collected in the form of words, then

analysed the speech function and determine the most dominant type of speech

function. All of types speech functions occur in language of female's advertisement, namely statement (83%), question (70/o), command (5%) and offer (4%). While in the occurrence of speech functions in male's products

advertisement are statement (88%), question (6%), command (4%) and offer (2%). It can be concluded that in both of the advertisements, the most dominant



This piece of academic achievement is really the product of hardship and

endurance of the many challenges in life. On top of everything a very sincere

gratitude is rendered to Allah for everything that has been poured to the writer in

completing her academic studies and this thesis. A part from that, many people for

sure, have assited her in some ways or other, though not all names can be

mentioned here but some deserve her very special attention. The following people

should be given the credits.

First, Pro£ Dr.Lince Sihombing. M.Pd., being the first Adviser, should be

addressed and thanked with deep appreciation because of much of her valuable

time have been given in terms of comments, corrections, and suggestions for

shaping the contents of this thesis. She always motivates and encourages every

student to be on time in finishing the academic program.

Second, Dr.Eddy Setia, M.Ed. TESP., second Adviser, a special debt of

gratitude is conveyed in regard to his ideas, attentions and suggestions in forming

the contents of this thesis. He bas been so kind and helpful in many cases.

Third, Pro£ Dr. Busmin Guming. M.Pd., and Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan,

M.Hum., Head and Secretary English Applied Linguistics Study Program and

Farid the administration staff for completing the administrative procedures.

Fourth, Prof. Dr. Busmin Guming. M.Pd., Dr. Sri Minda Mumi, M.S., and

Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A., the reviewers and examiners for the valuable



had advised and guided her tbroughom her acaderuic years at the Postgraduate

School of State University of Medan.

A very special expressions of gratitude is directed to the writer beloved

parents, Ahmad Juliansyah (father) and Punia Pangaribuan (mother) for their full

attention, support, and endless motivation. Also her brothers (Rizky and Yudi)

and sisters (Uifa and Ayu) for the endless love, support and care. In addtion, a

special acknowledgment of sincere gratitude is extended to Mr. Nimrot Siahaan,

Mr. lndra Samosir, Mr. Safamlddin Marpaung, Miss. Rasima, Miss Hikmayani

Siregar and all her friend in class B-1 (XIV) for being so kind, helpful, and

friendly. Collective and individual acknowledgments are also owed to Mr. Selman

Nainggolan and her colleagues at SMA N.l Tebing Syahbandar that present

somehow perpetually refreshed, helpful, and memorable.

Finally, the final words are addressed to all that have shared their valuable

knowledge in making this thesis as it should be, which can't mention one by one.

She must confess that she has dOne her utmost to accomplish this thesis but she is

been fully aware that it still far from being perfect. Therefore, she invite the

reader's suggestions and critics responding to the presence of her thesis.

Hopefully, this research will give many advantages to all of people who much

concern in English language. May Allah SWT, The Almighty be with us always.

Medan, Desember 20 ll

The writer,









LISTOFTABLES ..•...•... vii

UST OF FIGtJRES ... viii


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ... . I. I. The Background of Study ... . 1.2. The Problems of the Study... 8

1.3. The Objectives of the Study... 8

1.4. The Scope of the Study... 9

1.5. The Significance of the Study ... 9

CHAPTER ll REVIEW OF LITERATURE ... II 2.1. Interpersonal Function ... ,... II -2.2. Speech Function . . . ... 15

2.3. The Types of Speech Function ... IS 2.3.1 The Derivation of Speech Function ... ~ .. I6 2.3.2 Realization of Speech Function in Mood . . . .. . I7 2.4. The Structure oflnterpersonal Function ... 19

2.4.1 Semantics of Interaction . . . .. 19

2.4.2 Exchanging lnfonnation: Grammatical Structure ofPropositions ... 24 Constituents of the MOOD . . . ... 25 Constituents of the RESIDUE . ... . .. ... ... . .. 27

2.4.3 The Mood Structure of Exchange ... . The Mood Structure of Declarative Clause .. The Mood Structure oflnterrogratives 32 32 Clause... 33


2.4.4 Moodality: Modalization . • . . . • . . . .. 36

2.4.5 Exchanging Goods and Services: The Grammar of Proposals ...•... The Structure oflmperative ... . The Structure of Offers ... . 37 39 40 2.5. Communication . . . .. . . .. .. . . ... 40

2.6. Televiston • . . . • . . .. . . • . . . ... 41

2. 7. Advertisement... 43

2.7.1 The Structure of Advertisement... 45



2. 7 .1.2 Subheadline . . . .. 48

2. 7.1.3 Slogan . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . ... . . .. 49

2. 7.2 The Elements of Advertisement Broadcast on Television . . . .. . .. . . .. . ... ... 51 Video... 51 Audio... 52

2.7.3 Functions of Advertisement... 53

2.8. Gender in Language . . ... .. . . .. . . .. . . .. 54

2.8.1 The Characteristics of Male & Female Language 2.8.2 The Differences between the Male & Female Language ... . Male and Female Language in the Past ... . Male and Female Language in the Current 54 57 58






3 .l.Research Design ..•...••...•....•..•.•....•... 61

3.2. Sources of the



3.3. Instruments of Data Collection... 63

3.4. Technique of Data Collection ... 63


3.6. Trustworthiness of the Study ... . 64


4.1. I>escription I>ata ... 66

4.2. The Data Analysis ... 67

4.2.1 The Speech Function ofMale and Female Language in Television Advertisement . . . .. . .... 69

4.2.2 Statements in Language Advertisement . . . .... 69 Statements in Male Language Advertisement . . . .. . . .. . . ... 69 Statements in Female Language Advertisement . . . • . . . ... 73

4.2.3 Command in Language Advertisement . . .. . . ... 78

4.2.4 Question in Language Advertisement . . . .. . . ... 80

4.2.5 Offer in Language Advertisement . . . .. . . 81

4.3. Research Findings ... 82

4.4. Discu.<~Sion . . . .. 83







REFERENCES . ... ... ..•. .. . .. . .. ... . ... .. ... . .. . .. •.. . ...•.. ... .. .•. ... . .. . .. . ... 91

APPENDICES 94 Appendix I: The Data of Male Language in Cosmetics Advertisement... 94

Appendix ll: The Data of Female Language in Cosmetics Advertisement... 99

Appendix Ill: The Analyzing Data of Male Language



Appendix IV: The Analyzing Data of Female Language



Table Page

2.1 Speech Function •...••...•.•....•...•.•..••.•...•... 14

2.2 Type of Speech Function ... 15

2.3 Elaboration Realization of Speech Function in Mood ... 19

2.4 Speech Roles and Commodities in Interaction ... 20

2.5 Speech Function and Responses ... 21

2.6 Speech Function and Typical Mood of Clause... 23

2. 7 Speech Function find Typical Clause and Non-Typical Clause of



2.8 Summary of Adjuncts .. . . . .. . . ... ... 32

2.9 The Differences of Male's and Female's Language... 57

4.1 The Data of Advertisement... 66

4.2 Speech Function of Male and Female in Language Advertisement ... 69

4.3 List of Statement in Male Language Advertisement ... 70

4.4 Initiating of Statement in Male Language Advertisement ... 73

4.5 List of Statement in Female Language Advertisement ... 74

4.6 Initiating of Statement in Female Language Advertisement ... 77

4.7 Percentage of Statemants in Male and Female Language of Television Advertisement ... 78

4.8 Initiating of Command in Male Language Advertisement ... 79

4.9 Initiating of Command in Female Language Advertisement ... 79

4.10 Initiating of Question in Male Language Advertisement ... 80

4.11 Initiating ofQuestion in Female Language Advertisement ... 80


4.12 Initiating of Offer in Male and Female Language Advertisement







The Derivations of Speech Function ... .

Realization of Speech Function in Mood ... ...

4.1 System Network of Male Advertisement Product's Speech Page





Appendix Page

1 The Data of Male Language in Cosmtics Advertisment 94

2 The Data of Female Language in Cosmetics At:!vertisment 99


The Analyzing Data of Male Language Advertisement ...•.. 105




1.1 The Background of Study

Language plays an important role in human life. It is said so because

language serves many functions. Some of them are to give information, to deliver

messeage(s), to express feeling, to persuade people to do something or to believe us, to entertain others, to share opinion of the world and to share one's thought.

Considering those various functions of language mentioned above, in a

simple way it can be concluded that language functions as a tool of

communication. According to Clark & Clark (1977:25), the fundamental function

of language is means of communication. According to Hornby, communication itself is the activity or process of expressing ideas and feelings or giving

information (2000:225). Giving information involves transferring knowledge,

facts or news by the speakers as the doers to the listeners as the receivers. In the advertisement, the interaction is between the copywriters to the viewers as the receivers. While communicating, the copywriters express their thoughts by speech

to direct, to inform, to instruct, to suggest, and to persuade the viewers. All speeches they used have their own functions

There have been some studies about male and female language in the State

University of Medan, the first researcher is Sumarsih, from the journal of the Art

and Language Faculty of State University of Medan (Volume II No. 2, October



in Gender". She focuses on the moves and linguistic features in male magazines

such as, Tempo and female magazines such as, Kartini. Finally he concluded that



the man's magazine in advertisement always uses introducing the offer and the


soliciting response, but the lady's magazine in advertisement always used the establishing credential, so the man can be predicted that the man is easier to be

persuaded than woman. It is meant that man's magazine and lady's magazine in

advertisement always uses "adjective".

The second researcher is Srimaharani Tanjung from the English Applied

Linguistics Study Program Postgraduate School in State University of Medan,

2010. Her thesis is entitled "Gender Differences in Expressing Politeness in

English". She focuses in describing female and male which have some different

strategies in expressing politeness. At the end of the thesis she described that

female always expressed politeness by requesting, offering, and apolozing to

attract their listener. Meanwhile, for male, they used co missive and expressive as

their way to express politeness because they always had a commi1ment to be more

polite by giving promising, offering, thanking, and condoling to make their

listeners thought they were responsible when expressing politeness. It aims to

protect their face, tried to achieve high social status, and showed modelling

correct behaviour.

Based on the previous researches, the writer was interested to do a

research conducted on the different ways that men and women use language to



When human being interact in community, they perform interpersonal

function of language. Interpersonal function is realized by MOOD a:1d

MODALITY. MOOD shows what role the speaker selects in the speech situation

and what role he assigns to the addressee. If the speaker selects the imperative

mood, he assumes the role of one giving commands and puts the addressee in the

role of one expected to obey orders. MODALITY specifies if the speaker is

expressing his judgement or making a prediction. (Halliday, 1985).

The interpersonal function is reallized at two levels namely at the level of

(discourse) semantics and lexicogrammar . At the level of semantics, human being

performs two roles namely Giving and Demanding. The commodity exchange

may be either information or Goods & Services. When the roles and comodities

are cross classified, four specific activities or speech functions are derived. Based

on Halliday (1994:30) states that speech functions are realized in four types,

namely: statement, question, offer and command. Thompson (2003:12)

emphasizes the important point that use of language lies at the very heart of social

life. In general, it is noted that communication and language are important

components of social life; expressing thought and felling, conveying ideas,

making request, giving command, and so on.

The previous statement shows that in communicating with others, one can

express what slhe knows and slhe feels and also gives information to other people.

Basically, communication takes two forms, namely spoken and written



spoken and written communications are often combined in transferring


One of the transmitting media of communication which uses both spoken

and written communication at the same time is television. And now, there are

many choice of channells in the television for the audiences: such as INDOSIAR.


METRO TV. Many things can be communicated through television. Information

published on television is well packed into some segments called program. Just

mention several of them are film program, news program and music program. In

television, each of the programs is interrupted by commercial advertisement.

Advertising, generally speaking, is the promotion of goods, services, companies

and ideas, usually performed by an identified sponsor. Marketers see advertising

as part of an overall promotional strategy. (http://www.wikjpedia.org/)

In conclusion, advertising is a means of promoting the product, idea, or

organization on the market with the aim to give information and to persuade

people of the advantage of the product and induce them to take and buy it.

There are many reasons why advertisement makers or popularly known as

copywriters choose television as the media to advertise their products. It is said so

because the element of television; action, emotion, demonstration enable them to

reach the viewers' attention. And television is one of the means of communication

which has great influence to the viewers. Most of the people spend their time for

watching television. The audiences are coming from every level of society and all



Consequently, the advertiser has to relate the commodity to an exciting

meaning that is made to gratify the consumer's needs, wishes and dreams.

Advertising has to know the world of consumers, their sense of identity, their

attitudes and expectations and then create associations between people's dreams

and the commodity. According to Jerry Goodis (in Leiss, 1997: 200), advertising

does not always ''mirror how people are acting, but how they are dreaming. In a

sense, what we're doing is wrapping up your emotions and selling them back to


Language of advertisement is different from most of the other language

that used in our everyday life. Advertisement needs special expressions to make it

meaningful and share interesting messages. Based on Goshgarian (1977: 225) the

differences between advertising language expression and other types of language

expression; over the year, the texture of advertising language has frequently

change. Style and creative concept come and go. But there are at least four distinct

characteristics that make it different from other languages: a). the language of

advertising is edited and purposeful when most other language transactions are

"elliptical", b) the language of advertising is rich and arresting. c). the language of

advertising involves us; in effect, we complete the advertising message, d) the

language of advertising holds no secrets from us, it is a simple language

Link to the information above, it may be added further:

a) Advertising language can't afford to be so desultory. It does have specific purpose, that is, to sell us something. In other words, advertising messages



b) The language of advertising is beautiful and interesting. It intends to attract and

hold our attention to know about the product and further buy it

c) The language of advertising is carefully engineered. It uses various devices to

get our attention. It means that we could participate in it.

d) The language of advertising is simple. The difficult words are edited out and

replaced by simple words in order to avoid misinterpretation but sometimes

they are complicated.

Advertisements have a great deal of influence over what people do and

buy. For example; one of famous milk product in Indonesia "Anlene ... In the

advertisement, the actress, lndri Baren suggests the viewer to drink and walk 1000

steps everyday to get the strong bone. This advertisement influences the viewer to

buy and do it.

For successful communication to take place, the audiences must be taken into

consideration in the advertising process because ''what is appropriate for one

audience may be unsuitable for another" (Sheehan, 2004: 85). Each advertisement

has its own target audiences. There are two gender of the audiences, they are

male and female. For example, the most famous antiperspirant deodorant product

in television is Rexona. This product is produced for two different target

audiences, 'Rexona for man' for male and 'Rexona for woman' for female. The

other product is 'Biore for man' and 'Biore' for female. Male and female speak

and think diferently that's the reason why the copywriters use different language

style to deliver their products. Thus, it must have a certain style to differentiate




Rosaldo (1974) stated that based on a traditional scenario. females stay at

home and take care of children, while males work outside to build political and

economic ties that control resources. Other theorists highlight this gender

difference. Girls learn the traditional model of a feminine role from a mother who

stays at home, while boys learn to be masculine and are forced to go into public,

where they learn to create an identity and win status (Chodorow, 1974). Even

though we have come a long way during the last century when it comes to

equality between the sexes, we are still far from the goal.

People's different roles are not only available in our everyday lives, but

are also studied and analysed on linguistics fields; to understand how differences

between male and female are reflected in language use; advertising is still

considered as an excellent example of the repetitive production of gender and

sexuality. And in spite of the ruling gender constraints and conformity,

advertising also gives space for acting out different ways of doing gender (Rossi


Media has become one of the most influential sources of information in

our modern society. An important field within the media sector is advertising, as

we are affected by it in so many different environments. Television is one of the

most effective media at this time. The present study is about gender differences in

television advertisement. In order to discover possible differences between two

different target groups in using speech function, the writer will investigate the speech function that used in advertisement for male's and female's product in



advertisements within each target group? What is the dominant type of speech

functions used in slogans of television advertisement for male's and female's


1.2 The Problems of the Study

In relation to the background of study, the problems are formulated as


1. What kinds of speech functions are linguistically coded in male and female

language in television advertisements?

2. What is the dominant type of speech functions used in male and female

language in television advertisements?

3. How are the different types of speech functions uttarred the ways they are in

male and female language in television advertisements?

1.3 The Objectives of the Study

In relation to the problems, the objectives of the study are:

I. to describe how the speech function in male and female language in

television advertisements.

2. to investigate the dominant types of speech functions used in male and

female language in television advertisements

3. to describe what the different types of speech functions are uttered the



1.4 The Scope of the Study

This study deals with the interpersonal functions of language in which it is

used in advertisement for males and females audiences. When human being

interact in community, they perform interpersonal function of language. The

interpersonal function is reallized at two levels namely at the level of(discourse)

semantics and lexicogrammar which is termed mood. At the level of semantics,

human being performs two roles namely Giving and Demanding. The commodity

exchange may be either information or Goods & Services. When the roles and

comodities are cross classified, four specific activities or speech functions are

derived. The researcher focuses the study in evaluating the four primary speech

functions, namely statement, question, command, and offer. Here the writer

focused the study in male and female television advertisement and limited in male

and female L.osmetic products which are advertised on television

1.5 The Signifaeanc:e of the Study

It is expected that findings of the study will be useful and relevant

theoretically and practically. The results of this study are relevant to the needs of

the students who want to understand more about the speech function, to enable

and enrich their knowledge to communicate better than before. For teachers, it can

provide some inputs in teaching speech functions. For readers, the findings of this

reasearch can be used as a guide to understand the language and gender in

advertisement. In addition, this study might be significant as an additional.



Particularly, the findings are also expected to assist those who are really

interested in advertising including the English Departement students to

comprehend and become more skillful in composing a writing specifically in

advertisements for the advertising world, in fact, cannot be separated from writing




5.1 Conclusions

1. Linguistically there are four speech fuactlons coded ia male and female

lallgUage ia televisioa advertisements. They are statement, question,

command, and offer.

All of types speech functions occur in language of fi males' advertisement,

namely statement (83%), question (7%), command '5%) and offer (4%).

While in the OCCUITellCe of speech functions in male's roducts advertisement

are statement (88%), question (6%), command (4%) an offer (2%).

1. Tile most domiaaat type of speech functions ia male and female

language ia television advertisements is statem nt. In male language

advertisement the dominant statement is information 52%), while in female

language advertisement the dominant statement is pro

The goal of advertisement is to influence the review rs to have or to buy the

products. The advertisers convey or state the advan


3. The different.types of speech fuactlou uttarred th ways they are ia male

and female laapage ia television advertisements be clarified bellow.

In male advertisement, the advertiser always instru or comment the viewers



product the advertiser try to persuade the viewers more politely and used

beautiful words and phrases.

5.2 Suggestioas

In relation to the conclusions, suggestions are stated as the following.

(1) For the language students, they are suggested to do research about the

advertisement language in many area researches. So they can enrich their

English mastery.

{2) To the viewer, in order to clarify the advertisement, language is a tool of

communication. It is better than the advertisement be clear in the sentence

including the lexicogrammar and semantics because it is not clear, people

will get misunderstanding about the aim of the advertisement

(3) It is recommended to the lecturer to make the advertisement as the authentic materials to teach English. It will be interesting because from this advertisement student not only learn the language but also get information



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