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A set of integrated English instructional materials based on suggestopedia method for fifth grade students of SD Percobaan 3 Pakem.


Academic year: 2017

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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Indira Lusianingtyas Siswanto

06 1214 169











Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Indira Lusianingtyas Siswanto

06 1214 169





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I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or

parts of the work of other people, except those cited in quotations and the references,

as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, August 15, 2011

The writer

Indira Lusianingtyas Siswanto






Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya Mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma:


: Indira Lusianingtyas Siswanto

Nomor Mahasiswa

: 061214169

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan

Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:





beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan

kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan

dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data,

mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikanya di Internet atau media lain

untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya, maupun memberikan

royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal : 15 Agustus 2011

Yang menyatakan





Firstly, I would like to express my greatest gratitude and praise to

Allah SWT

for the guidance, blessing, grace, and strength during my process of completing this

thesis. I realize that all of these happened because of His grace.

I would like to show my deep gratitude and honor to my major sponsor,

Christina Kristiyani, S.Pd., M.Pd.,

for her advice, guidance, patience, kindness,

support of finishing this thesis and also her detailed corrections to improve my thesis.

I gave my special thanks to

Gregorius Punto Aji, S.Pd., M.Hum.



JB. Gunawan, M.A.

for their willingness to evaluate my designed material. I also

gave my gratitude for their useful comments, and suggestions to improve the

designed material.

I would like to thank to


Dra. Hj. Sudaryatun,

who gave me permission

to conduct my research in

SD Percobaan 3 Pakem

. I also deliver my best thanks to

the fifth grade English teacher of

SD Percobaan 3 Pakem


Bapak Bambang Tri,

who gave me time, help, willingness to evaluate my designed material. I thank him

for his feedback and correction to my designed materials. I also address my thanks to

all of the fifth grade students of

SD Percobaan 3 Pakem

for their willingness to help

me to conduct my research.




never ending prayer for me. I thank them for their trust to me that I could accomplish

this thesis. I also thank to my little sister and brother, dik





I would like to express my gratitude to all friends who have been so kind and

helpful in the process of thesis accomplishment, especially for



, Ata,

Nana, Tita, Wida, Beti, Niken,


Sigit, Laras.

I thank them for the amazing

friendship, the beautiful time, the happiness and sadness that we shared together. I

extend my sweet thanks to the big family of Columbia Edu-Center: Cie





, Mba’














, Ko

“GGn”, and



I thank them for their suggestion, advice, support, attention,

and encouragement in completing this thesis.

Last but not least, I would like to give my gratitude to

Alam Yogha Bima


. I thank him for his support and motivation to make me sure that I can do my

best. He always gives me encouragement when I am down and hopeless.

Indira Lusianingtyas Siswanto















... vi










ABSTRACT... xvii


... xviii



Research Background...



Problem Formulation...







Research Objectives ...…



Research Benefits ... 7


Definition of Terms...




Theoretical Description


Instructional Model...



Kemp’s Model...



Yalden’s Model...



The Theory of Suggestopedia………...



Th Characteristics of Suggestopedia ...



Theory of Learning……….



Types of Learning and Teaching Activities...



The Active Concert...



The Passive Concert...



The Teachers’ Roles in the Suggestopedia Classroom..



The Learners’ Roles in the Suggestopedia Classroom..



The Role of Instructional Materials...



The Procedures of Suggestopedia...



The Pre Session Phase...



The Session Phase...



The Post Session Phase...



Characteristics of Young Learners………..



Children’s Ability to Grasp Meaning... 30


Children’s Creative Use of Limited Language Resources.. 31


Children’s Capacity for Indirect Learning... 31






The Role of Imagination...



The Instinct for Interaction and Talk...



Integrated Skills ...



Curriculum... 36


Theoretical Framework...




Research Method... …



Research Participants... …



Research Instruments... .. .



Questionnaire... ..



Interview... 51


Data Gathering Technique...



Data Analysis Technique...



Pre-Design Survey...



Post-Design Survey...



Description of Participants’ Educational Background...



Descriptive Statistic of Participants’ Opinion on the

Designed Materials...



Research Procedure... 57






Students’ Needs Based on the Questionnaires for the




Students’ Need Based on the Interview

with the Teacher……….



Defining Goals, Topics, and General Purposes...



Specifying Learning Objectives...



Determining and Organizing Subject Contents...



The Pre-Session Phase...



The Session Phase...



The Post-Session Phase...



Determining and Organizing

Teaching Learning Activities, Resources……… .



The Pre-Session Phase...



The Session Phase...



The Post-Session Phase...



The Evaluation Phase...



Evaluating the Designed Material...



Findings and Discussion on the Designed Material Evaluation


Preliminary Field Testing...



The Discussion of the Designed Materials...



Respondents’ Comments and Suggestion on the

Designed Materials...



Final Product Revision...








Conclusion ...



Suggestions... 82


Suggestions for English Teacher...



Suggestions for Students...



Suggestions for Future Researchers...









The Competency Standards and the Basic Competencies of Fifth

Grade English Subject………..



The Description of the Respondents of the Preliminary Field

Testing (Blank)………..



The Format of Descriptive Statistic of the Respondents’ Opinion




The List of the Top 8 Topics………


4.2. Goals and General Purposes of the Designed Materials…………


4.3 The

Topics……… 64


The Description of the Respondents of the Preliminary Field




The Results of the Preliminary Field Testing Questionnaire…..



The Presentation of the Activities Based on Suggestopedia







2.1 Kemp’s Instructional Model...


2.2 Yalden’s Instructional Model...


2.3 States of Attention of Suggestopedia... 20






Appendix A :

Surat Permohonan Ijin Penelitian



Appendix B:

Surat Keterangan Penelitian



Appendix C:

The Results of the Interview on the

Needs Survey...


Appendix D:

Questionnaire on the Needs Survey...


Appendix E:

Basic Competencies in Each Topic...


Appendix F:

Results of the Questionnaire on the Needs



Appendix G:

Indicators in Each topic...


Appendix H:



Appendix I:

Topics, Sections, and Subsections of the Designed



Appendix J:

Questionnaire on the Evaluation... 146

Appendix K:

The Results of the Preliminary Field Testing…………...


Appendix L:

General Description of the Designed Materials…………


Appendix M: Lesson Plan...


Appendix N:

Presentation of the Designed Materials...…………






Siswanto, Indira Lusianingtyas. 2011.

A Set of Integrated English


Materials Based on Suggestopedia Method for fifth Grade Students of SD Percobaan

3 Pakem.

, Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma


The designed material was designed by suggestopedia method. The activities

of suggestopedia method would appeal the students to learn English. They are

role-playing, playing game, listening classic music, reading a lighthearted story with its

translation, singing English song, listening monologue, and questioning and

answering section.

Students in elementary school are considered as young learners. Young

learners have unique characteristics in learning process. A teacher as a person who

handles the learning process has to be able to manage the learning process. The

teacher has to fit the learning process with the students’ characteristics, so the

students will acquire the knowledge maximally. The study was intended to design a

set of integrated English instructional material based on Suggestopedia method for

fifth grade students of

SD Percobaan 3 Pakem


The study answered two problems. Those problems were (1) How is a set of

integrated English instructional materials based on Suggestopedia method for fifth

grade students in

SD Percobaan 3 Pakem

designed? (2) What does the designed set

of integrated English instructional materials based on suggestopedia method for fifth

grade students in

SD Percobaan 3 Pakem

look like?

To conduct this study, the researcher employed Research and Development

Method (R&D) which consists of ten steps. However, the researcher only focused on

implementing five steps in this study. The five steps were (1) Research and

information collecting, (2) planning and developing preliminary form of product, (3)

preliminary field testing, (4) main product revision, and (5) main field testing.





Siswanto, Indira Lusianingtyas. 2011.

A Set of Integrated English Instructional

Materials Based on Suggestopedia Method for the fiftth the Grade Students of SD

Percobaan 3 Pakem

, Yogyakarta: Program Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas

Sanata Dharma.

Materi pembelajaran ini dirancang berdasarkan metode suggestopedia.

Aktifitas yang terdapat dalam metode suggestopedia akan menarik para siswa untuk

belajar bahasa Inggris. Aktifitas tersebut adalah bermain peran, bermain


mendengarkan musik klasik, membaca cerita yang menarik dengan terjemahannya,

menyanyi lagu bahasa Inggris, mendengarkan monolog, dan sesi tanya jawab.

Siswa sekolah dasar tergolong sebagai pembelajar muda. Para pembelajar

muda mempunyai ciri khusus dalam belajar. Sebagai seorang guru yang menangani

kegiatan pembelajaran di tuntut harus mampu mengelola kegiatan pembelajaran.

Seorang guru harusah meyesuaikan kegiatan pembelajaran dengan karakter siswa,

dengan demikian para siswa akan memperoleh ilmu secara maksimal. Penelitian ini

dimaksudkan untuk merancang satu set materi pembelajaran terpadu berdasarkan

metode suggestopedia untuk siswa kelas lima SD Percobaan 3 Pakem

Penelitian ini menjawab dua masalah. Masalah-masalah tersebut adalah (1)

bagaimana satu set materi pembelajaran bahasa inggris terpadu untuk siswa kelas

lima SD Percobaan 3 Pakem yang berdasarkan metode Suggestopedia dirancang?

dan (2) seperti apakah penyajian materi pembelajaran bahasa Inggris terpadu untuk

siswa kelas lima SD Percobaan 3 Pakem yang berdasarkan metode suggestopedia


Untuk melakukan penelitian ini, peneliti menerapkan

Research and

Development Method (R&D)

yang terdiri dari sepuluh langkah. Namun dalam

penelitian ini, penulis hanya menerapkan lima langkah dari R&D Method . Langkah-

langkah tersebut adalah (1)

Research and information collecting,


planning and

developing preliminary form of product

, (3)

preliminary field testing

, (4)


product revision

, and (5)

main field testing





This chapter consists of six sections that will be discussed intensely. The first section is the research background, which presents the writer’s reason to conduct this study. The second section is problem formulations, which gives the problems that will be discussed in this study. The third section is problem limitations, which shows the borders in conducting the study. The fourth section is research objectives, which shows the purpose of this study. The fifth section is research benefits, which reveals the advantages of the study to other people. The last section is definition of terms, which explains the definition of the study.

A. Research Background

It is undeniable that English has played an essential role in the world. The role cannot be separated from its function as an international language. The roles of English involve some aspects of life; the examples are the roles on working world and social life. Considering the importance, therefore, many schools have included English in the curriculum. The previous statement is in line with Philips’ explanation (1993). Philips (1993: 3) states English becomes more and more accepted as an international language; therefore it is increasingly included in primary curricula.


supported by Suyanto’s explanation (2007: 2), he states that based on Surat Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 060/U/1993, government planned to include English as one of local content in the curriculum. This subject was taught in fourth grade as government’s suggestion. This policy is aimed to prepare the students to master English earlier on spoken and written form as well. The students’ English proficiency will become advantage to face the work competition in global era. Good English proficiency is aimed to establish good cooperation in working world and social life.

In order to succeed the government’s wisdom, many elements are needed to support English teaching and learning process. One of successful keys is derived from the students. The success of teaching learning process will be achieved if the students take part, and engage actively and enthusiastically to learn English. As a result, the goals of learning will be attained. According to Suyanto (2007: 15), one of important goals in teaching-learning English for elementary school students is emerging the students’ motivation to learn English. In order to achieve the goals, some elements are needed; one of the elements is recognizing the students’ characteristics to decide proper method, learning material and media, and various kinds of activities for the students.


learning through playing game, telling story, or singing a song. Those activities encourage the students to learn English indirectly. Learning by playing game or doing fun activities is called recreational time out activities.

The second characteristic is young learners are getting bored easily (Suyanto, 2007: 18). They have short level of attention and concentration in the learning process. In order to overcome this problem, English learning activities have to be various. The learning variation can be by grouping the students, designing learning materials and media attractively, and using various teachers’ voice intonation. The third characteristic as Suyanto (2007: 18) explains that young learners’ life is colorful and cheerful. The use of interesting and colorful pictures that are attached in learning material will stimulate students to learn.

The fourth characteristic is young learners like listening a story (Suyanto, 2007: 19). In story telling activity, young learners are able to learn language by analyzing and receiving the message of the story. Therefore, the teacher has to select appropriate story for his/her students. The stories should be kind of lighthearted stories for the students. The fifth characteristic that is proposed by Suyanto (2007: 20) is young learners like telling what they have. The effective way to use the language is by using the language itself. Hence, the teacher has to guide the students to speak the target language little by little.


English. The media in the form of puppet, flashcard and other objects that are based on theory, concept, experience, and research can help the elementary school students to create attractive learning situation. After recognizing young learners’ characteristics, the teacher has to facilitate the students by applying suitable method to the students and providing materials which encourage and motivate the students in learning English.

Besides the characteristics of young learners, the methodology of teaching and learning is another important point to design the material. In this study, suggestopedia method is chosen to consider the fifth grade students’ characteristics in learning English. The writer will apply the characteristics of suggestopedia method to facilitate the students to learn English. Suggestopedia applies fun activities in learning, such as employing music accompaniment, using colorful picture in the instructional material, playing game, and role playing. The most conspicuous characteristics of suggestopedia are the decoration, furniture, and arrangement of the classroom, the use of music, and the authoritative behavior of the teacher (Richards & Rodgers, 1987). In suggestopedia classroom, teacher

occupies big role to the students. The teacher gives suggestion to the students that learning is easy and pleasant. The teacher also has warm behavior to the students. As a result, the students feel secure in learning process.


process. This learning situation will enhance the students’ motivation in learning process. As a result, the students can be more active and enthusiastic in learning English. Hence, the goal of the learning can be achieved successfully by the students.

This study is conducted in SD Percobaan 3 Pakem. It is located in north area of Yogyakarta. This school is well-known for having good quality in teaching the students. Based on that reason, SD Percobaan 3 Pakem becomes one of favorite schools in Sleman. This school has six grades and each grade is divided into two classes. However, the writer will choose the fifth grade students as the subject of this study. Basically, the fifth grade students of SD Percobaan 3 Pakem


material can be the reference for the teachers to design appropriate material based on the interests, needs, and wants of the students.

B. Problem Formulation

The problems of the study are stated as follows.

1. How is a set of integrated English instructional material based on suggestopedia method of fifth grade students in SD Percobaan 3 Pakem


2. What does the designed a set of integrated English instructional material based on suggestopedia method of fifth grade students in SD Percobaan 3 Pakem look like?

C. Problem Limitation


reason of choosing the fifth grade students was that they need interesting integrated English materials which were also appropriate with students’ characteristics, needs, wants, and interests. The fourth is, the study was conducted in SD Percobaan 3 Pakem. It was chosen as the setting of the study because the students there needed more suitable English instructional materials. Moreover, suitable instructional material could give the students better comprehension of English material.

D. Research Objectives

The study is attempted to discover the following aspects:

1. The study tries to find out how a set of integrated English instructional materials based on Suggestopedia method of fifth grade students in SD Percobaan 3 Pakem is designed.

2. The study tries to present the designed set of integrated English instructional materials based on Suggestopedia method of fifth grade students in SD Percobaan 3 Pakem.

E. Research Benefits


1. For the Teachers of SD Percobaan 3 Pakem

The teacher can understand the appropriate materials for their students to improve students’ English skills. Moreover, by designing appropriate integrated materials, the teacher can help the students in getting good atmosphere and positive experiences during the learning process.

2. For the Students of SD Percobaan 3 Pakem

The students can obtain more attention in learning process. Besides that, the learning process can be much more effective and enjoyable.

3. For Other Researchers

Other researchers who intend to conduct the similar research can use this thesis as one of the references.

F. Definition of Terms

This study provided the definition of four important terms in order to clarify the concepts of the study. The terms that would be defined are Integrated Skills, English Instructional Material, Suggestopedia Method, and Fifth Grade Students of Elementary School. Each definition of terms is presented as follows.

1. Integrated Skills


2. Instructional Material

According to Dick, Carey & Carey (2000), instructional materials function as important resource for knowledge and skills. In this study, instructional material consists of four unit materials that are designed by the teacher in learning English.

3. Suggestopedia Method

Suggestopedia is set of learning which applies attractive techniques in learning process, such as, role playing, playing game, using classic music accompaniment while studying, and giving positive suggestion to the students. In this study, suggestopedia is the guidance to set the designed materials. The writer believes that suggestopedia method will best support the English learning process for the students.

4. Fifth Grade Students of Elementary School





This chapter is going to discuss two parts; they are theoretical description and theoretical framework. Theoretical description describes some related literatures that are needed to design the material. Theoretical framework puts the concept of instructional models as the guideline to design the material.

A. Theoretical Description

This part consists of five topics. The first is the theory of instructional models that are proposed by Kemp and Yalden. The next theory is about suggestopedia method; this method is the guideline to design the material. After explaining about suggestopedia theory, the writer will explain about the characteristics of young learners since the subject of this study is fifth grade students of elementary school, and they are considered as young learners. The next theory is about integrated skills. The last theory is the curriculum of English material of fifth grade elementary school.

1. Instructional Model


a.The Nature of Kemp’s Model

Based on Kemp’s theory there are eight steps which are used to design material. The eight steps are flexible process. The teacher can start from any step that is ready. However, the teacher should do most the eight steps in instructional design process.

Kemp’s model of instructional design is explained as follows.

Step 1. Defining Goal, Topic, and General Purpose

Instructional design planning starts with the recognition of goals in a certain school or institution. All educational programs are stating their goals. The goals may come from the society, students, or subject areas. Kemp (1977: 14) states students’ educational goals may include “job-preparedness”, “problem-solving skills,” or “constructive use of leisure time”. After defining the goals, then the teacher chooses the topic to be implemented in a school or institution. The teacher also expresses the general purpose in choosing certain topic. It is needed for teacher to measure the knowledge of the students.

Step 2. Find out Learners’ characteristics


ability to work alone, motivation for studying the subject, background in the subject or topic, expectations of the course, vocational and cultural aspiration. Social factors include age, maturity, attention span, special talents, physical and emotional handicaps, relation among students and socioeconomic situation. Other factors such as learning conditions and learning styles should be taken into account of designing process.

Step 3. Specifying Learning Objectives

All learning objectives must be stated in terms of activities that will best support learning. Kemp (1977: 24) states that there are three learning objectives categories; cognitive, psychomotor, and affective. The first category is cognitive domain; cognitive domain includes objectives concerning knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. The second category is psychomotor domain. It treats the skills of the coordination of skeletal muscles, like in the physical activities performing, manipulating, and constructing. The third category is affective domain. This domain involves the objectives regarding attitudes, appreciations, values, and all emotions-enjoying, conserving, respecting and so on.

Step 4. Organizing Subject Content


Step 5. Developing Pre- Assessment

According to Kemp, there are two questions to obtain the pre-assessment: (1) is the student prepared to study the topic or unit? (2) Is the student already competent in some of the stated objectives? To answer these two questions, a test is needed. Kemp used two types of test which are placement and diagnostic test. As Kemp (1977: 50) stated that placement and diagnostic test are the ways to determine the students’ background in the subject and guides to group them.

Step 6. Planning Teaching/ Learning Activities and Resources

To plan teaching / learning activities and resources, the teacher has to determine the most efficient and effective methods and select the materials selectively to provide learning experience suitably to the objectives. As Kemp (1977: 55), explains the terms most efficient and most effective, along with the best way, are often used in education to describe what should be done.

Step 7. Organizing Support Service

Kemp (1977: 84) defines that there are some elements include in support service; they are funds facilities, equipment, and personnel whose time must be scheduled for participation in the instructional plan. Kind of services above are needed to support gathering and designing the materials.

Step 8. Evaluating Students’ achievement


Figure 2.1. Kemp’s Instructional Model (Kemp, 1977: 9)

Kemp has given clear construction about the instructional materials. However, the writer will employ another instructional model to complete the stages of previous instructional model. The next instructional model is Yalden’s model.

b. Yalden’s Model (Yalden, 1983)

Yalden considers seven stages in designing materials. The stages will be described in following figure.



Support  service 

Teaching,  learning,  activities,  resources 

Pre‐ assess‐


Subject  content 

Learning  objectives  Learners’ 

characteris tics 

Revise  Goals,  topics, and 



Figure 2.2 Yalden’s Instructional Design Plan (Yalden, 1962: 88)

There are seven steps in planning a syllabus based on Janice Yalden (1987). The seven stages will be explained in this following explanation. The short explanation will be given for each stage.

Stage 1. Needs Survey

When a needs survey is being undertaken there is potentially a great deal of information to be gathered (Yalden, 1987: 101). According to Yalden (1987: 101), the gathered information includes communication requirements, personal needs and motivations and relevant characteristics of learners, as well as those their ‘partners of learning’. Those gathered information function to set the realistic and acceptable objectives.

Stage 2. The Description of Purpose

After the needs survey complete, the next step should be done is clarify the purpose of the language program. The aim of this stage is as the base for the major decision facing the language course designer in the next stage.

Stage 3. The Choice of a Syllabus Type

After deciding on the general category for a course, the next step in the design of the syllabus is the choice of a syllabus type. As Yalden (1987: 108)




tion of 


Evalua tion  

Development   and 


of classroom 



of a 




of a proto‐


Selection /development  

of syllabus 


suggested that, there is no single model of a syllabus design that is universally agreed upon.

Stage 4. The Proto-Syllabus

At this stage, the syllabus designer will explain about the description of the content that the syllabus will have, for example the preparation of syllabus specification (Yalden, 1787: 138). However, in order to gain the description of the syllabus content, the researcher should work to select the most effective syllabus. The designer should describe and determine the content of the syllabus.

Stage 5. The Pedagogical Syllabus

The next stage is pedagogical syllabus. This stage deals with the realization of the syllabus in the form of teaching materials such as textbooks, exercises, tapes, filmstrips. This stage also presents the type of syllabus.

Stage 6. Development and Implementation of Classroom Procedure

According to Yalden (1987:89) there are some important points in this stage. They involve the selection of exercise types and teaching techniques, preparation of lesson plans, and preparation of weekly schedules. Yalden (1987: 89) also states about the teacher training in this stage; the teachers are given briefings or workshops on creation of teaching materials.

Stage 7. Evaluation


From those two instructional models, the writer will not use all the steps. However, the writer would choose the appropriate steps of the two instructional models to design the material. The further and detail explanation about the combination of two instructional models would be discussed in theoretical framework.

2. The Theory of Suggestopedia

Suggestopedia is a method that was developed by Bulgarian psychiatrist educator Georgi Lozanov. Suggestopedia has been used in a number of Bulgarian schools for teaching a variety of subjects even though the principle area of concerns is teaching foreign languages (Setiadi, 2006: 109).


knowledge, reason, and understanding. This aspect fights against whatever interferes with free exercise of the mind, and is suspicious of anything that cannot be tested intellectually. The last aspect is self-actualization; this aspect believes that since conformity leads to enslavement, the pursuit of uniqueness brings about liberation. If all those aspects are combined, it will achieve beauty and the realization of altruistic (Stevick, 1990: 24). Hence, each aspect has to synergize each other.


learners as well as to structure, pace, and punctuate the presentation of linguistic material.

The success of suggestopedia method cannot be separated from the strategy of teaching. Suggestopedia puts relaxed but focused condition in its learning process. The continuum below displays labels for various states of attention that have been examined for their facilitation of inhibition of memorization. The point at the far left represents studies on the efficiency of cramming. Lozanov believes most learning takes place in a relaxed but focused state. We thus locate Lozanov’s proposals in the aware-alert area.


Figure 2.3. States of Attention of Suggestopedia

Since the students learn in a focused but relaxed state, therefore they can learn best and obtain the point of the material easily and optimally.

In addition, Dorothy (1981: 23), as cited by Setiadi (2006: 111), the method also considers the function of analytical, linear left hemisphere of the brain and that of the intuitive, spatially responsive right hemisphere in a relaxed way which results in accelerated and highly motivated learning. As a result, the supporters of this method state that suggetopedia works evenly well when the

Asleep (e.g.,  sleep learning) 


Aware (e.g., 



Attentive Aroused  

Anxious  Agonize (e.g., 


language learners spend time to study or on outside study the language, and gifted and ungifted language learners study the target language successfully (Setiadi, 2006:109).


strands of language, vocabulary and grammar. The teacher should present and explain the grammar and vocabulary, but not dwell on them (Freeman, 2000: 79). From the explanations above, the writer encourages herself to design the material based on Suggestopedia method for fifth grade students of SD Percobaan 3 Pakem.

This designed material is for the fifth grade students of SD percobaan 3 Pakem. The fifth grade students of SD Percobaan 3 Pakem are considered as young learners since they are aged between nine up to eleven years old. Hence, they have certain characteristics and activities that differ from adult learners in learning target language. Applying suggestopedia method is the essential way to learn a target language. Most of characteristics of this method reflect the young learner’s characteristics. Moreover, the way of teacher delivers material make the students feel enjoy and secure in the process of learning.

a. The Characteristics of Suggestopedia

Georgi Lozanov (2005: 13) states some characteristics of suggestopedia learning and teaching activities. The suggestopedia characteristics are:

1) In suggestopedia, memory reserves, intellectual activity reserves, creativity reserves and the reserves of the whole personality are tapped. Lozanov (2005) said that it could not be said suggestopedia if the teacher does not release many-sided reserve capacities of the students.


explained that if the students are getting tired in the lessons, the application of suggestopedia is fail.

3) Suggestopedic teaching and learning always gives pleasant experience for the students.

4) Suggestopedic teaching and learning always has educational effect, softening aggressive tendencies in students and helping them to adapt to society.  

Those suggestopedia characteristics became the guidance for the writer in deciding the activities of the designed material.

b. Theory of Learning


anti-suggestive barriers: critical logical, intuitive-affective, and ethical. The further explanations of those three anti-suggestive barriers are discussed as follows.

The first anti-suggestive barrier is critical anti-suggestive barrier. This barrier rejects suggestion through reasoning. It means that the successful of learning foreign language depends on the learners. If the learners think about impossibility to learn a foreign language as Lozanov believes, the possibility to be successful learners is hard. This barrier is considered as conscious critical thinking.

The second anti-suggestive barrier is intuitive-affective barrier. This barrier is considered as emotional barrier. This barrier may produce a feeling of lack confidence or insecurity to the students. If the learners feel that they will loose their confidence or self –esteem, success of learning is hard to reach.

The last anti-suggestive barrier is ethical barrier. In this barrier, the learners will refuse everything that is not in harmony with the moral sense that they have. Their moral sense may have been established from family or society.


According to Lozanov, as cited by Richard & Rodgers (1978: 3), acknowledges that the likelihood of this association to Suggestopedia but claims that his own views separate Suggestopedia from the “narrow clinical concept of hypnosis as a kind of static, sleeplike, altered state consciousness”. However, Lozanov (1978: 267) claims that the difference of Suggestopedia from hypnosis or other forms of mind control is that these other forms are lack of a dessugestive- suggestive sense and they have failure to create a constant set up reserves through concentrative psycho-relaxation. Dessugestion seems to unload the memory banks or reserves of wanted or blocking memories then suggestion load the memory banks with desired and facilitating memories.

c. Types of Learning and Teaching Activities


language translation is used to make the meaning of the dialog clear (Freeman, 2000: 83). There are two concerts in reading session. The first is active concert and the second is passive concert.

1) The Active Concert

There are two concerts as components of the receptive phase of the lesson. In this phase, the music is played while the teacher reads a dialog. In reading the dialog, the teacher begins a slow, dramatic reading, synchronizes the intonation with the music. The music is classical; the early Romantic period is suggested. The teacher’s voice rises and falls with the music (Freeman, 2000:85).

2) The Passive Concert

In the second phase, the students are asked to put their scripts aside. They simply listen as the teacher reads the dialog at a normal rate of speed. The teacher is seated and reads with musical accompaniment. The content governs the way the teacher reads the script, not the music, which is pre-Classical or Baroque. At the conclusion of this concert, the class ends for the day (Freeman, 2000:85).


However, these all elements must not be applied in Suggestopedia classroom. The teacher may adapt some elements that are suitable with teacher’s teaching style. If Suggestopedia techniques do not all appeal to the teacher, there may be some elements you could usefully adapt to teacher’s own teaching style (Freeman, 2000: 84). This flexibility gives advantages to the writer to design the material. The writer can adapt the appropriate techniques to be applied in designing integrated instructional materials based on Suggestopedia method for fifth grade students in SD Percobaan 3 Pakem.

d. The Teachers’ Roles in Suggestopedia Classroom

The primary teacher’s role in Suggestopedia classroom as cited from Richard & Rodger (1942: 149) is that the teacher has to create situations in which the learner feels impressionable. The second role is teacher has to encourage the students to learn English. Encouraging the students is the significant role of teacher in Suggestopedia classroom; by encouraging the student will obtain positive reception and retention (Richard Rodgers, 1942: 149).

Based on Freeman (2000:81), the teacher must decrease the students’ limitation and increase the students’ motivation. Moreover, the teacher has to give secure feeling to the students. Freeman (2000: 81) states if the students feel secure, they can be more spontaneous and less inhibited in learning.


e. The Learners’ Roles in Suggestopedia Classroom


According to Richard & Rodgers (1942: 149) there are two roles of learners in suggestopedia classroom. The first role is learners must not try to figure out, manipulate, or study the material presented but must maintain a pseudo-passive state, in which the material rolls over and through them. The second role is students are expected to tolerate and in fact encourage their own “ infantilization” (Richard & Rodger, 1942: 149). In part this is accomplished by acknowledging the absolute authority of the teacher and in part by giving themselves over to activities and techniques designed to help them regain the self-confidence, spontaneity, and receptivity of the child. (Richard & Rodger, 1942: 149). It can be said that infantilization means reduce to an infantile state or condition.  

f. The Role of Instructional Materials


g. The procedures of Suggestopedia

This procedure is proposed by Lozanov (1982: 158). Lozanov suggests that there are three principles of the suggestopedic lesson in a foreign language: the pre-session phase, the session phase, and the post-session phase.

1) The first is “The pre-session phase”. In this phase the students are made familiar with the key topics of new materials for the first time. The organization of this “first encounter” is of particular importance in creating a positive mind set for reserve capacities. A great part of the material is memorized during this phase. The teacher explains the new material very briefly, for example decipheres the thematic dialogue in a few supporting points. In doing this, he must suggest through his behaviour thet the assimilation has begun and all is pleasant and easy.

2) The second is “The session-phase”. It comprises the session itself. The activities of this session include fixation, reproduction, and new creative production.

3) The third is “The post-session phase”. It is devoted to various elaborations of the materials to activate its assimilation. The elaborations comprise reading and translation of the text, songs, games, an extra text (a monologue), retelling, and conversation on given themes.

3. Characteristics of Young learners


qualities help them to learn in the foreign language classroom. Halliwel (1992) explains that there are some characteristics owned by young language learners. The characteristics are stated as follows.

a. Children’s ability to grasp meaning

It explains that young children are able to understand the meaning what is being said to them even before they understand the individual words. There are some important elements that can help the young children to grasp meaning. The elements are intonation, gesture, facial expressions, actions, and circumstances. Based on Halliwel (1992:3), those elements help children to tell the probably meaning of the unknown words and phrases.


b. Children‘s creative use of limited language resources

According to Halliwel (1992:4), in the early stages of their tongue development children excel at making a little language go a long way. In this stage, Children are creative with grammatical forms and also creative with concepts. For example, when children get difficulty to convey meaning, they will get other ways to convey the meaning. This children’s creative use of limited language resources occurs in the language classroom without any help from teachers. In this case, the use of games is so important and useful. Games make children feel fun in learning process. However, the most important point is the fun element of games create desire to communicate and create unpredictability.

c. Children capacity for indirect learning

Children sometimes seem to notice something out of the corner of their eye and to remember it better than what they were actually supposed to be learning (Halliwel, 1992:5). In this part Halliwel (1992) gives example of indirect learning. Guessing is one of example of indirect learning; Halliwel (1992:5) explains that this process is related to the way we develop our mother tongue, we do not consciously to learn it. But we obtain it by experiencing and using it constantly.


that children’s capacity for conscious learning of forms and grammatical patterns in primary school have not developed well.

Besides guessing, another practical way in indirect learning is game. Games are very effective for indirect learning. Games are an essential element of grasping process of the language. This is perhaps just as well because children have a very strong sense of play and fun (Halliwel, 1992:6).

d. Children’s instinct for play and fun

Halliwel (1992:6) states that the children have great ability for finding and making fun. Because of their capacity for play and fun, children sometimes produce a better version in explaining something of their own. Sometimes it is better than the teacher’s original idea. Through their sense of fun and play, children live the language for real. Therefore, games have significant role to play.

e. The role of imagination


the children’s creative imagination so that they will use the language to share their ideas.

f. The instinct for interaction and talk

Halliwel (1992:8) explains that all of the instincts and attributes that children bring to the classroom is probably the most important element for language teacher. Sometimes, this element can be unbidden and unwanted in all classrooms. However, its persistence and strength is powerful and advantageous in primary language classroom. It can be said that it is the most powerful motivators to use the language. Another important element is the importance of talking. Children need to talk. Without talking they cannot be good at talking. The only practical way to use the language is by talking with language itself.

4. Integrated Skills


However, those four skills include other important strands, such as vocabulary, spelling, pronunciation, syntax, meaning, and usage. The skills strands lead to optimal ESL/EFL when the skills are interwoven during instruction. This is known as the integrated-skill approach. Integrated skills give many advantages in learning process; Oxford (2001) explains some advantages of integrated skill approach. First is, learners rapidly gain true picture of the richness and complexity of the English language as employed for communication. Second is, this approach allows teachers to track students’ progress in multiple skills at the same time. Third is, it promotes the learning of real content, not just the dissection of language forms. The last is, it can be highly motivating to students of all ages and backgrounds.

Another theory of integrated materials is proposed by Sanchez. Sanchez (2000) explains that English Language Teaching (ELT) involves several important points in teaching. It does not only involve teaching of English sound system, grammatical structures or vocabulary, but ELT also involves teaching how to understand and produce a language. In this case, teacher will have task to provide students with text, oral passage, and situation. Therefore, the students can communicate both in written and spoken form. These are called four skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking.


concluded that integrated skills is important to be applied in language learning. Since the students can learn the four skills all together in one session. It also can maximize their English proficiency.

Based on Sanchez (2000: 22), there are some advantages of integrated skills. The first advantage is integrated skill makes learning more meaningful and purposeful, because the students can see that what they are learning and practicing leads to some other tasks. The second advantage is it also introduces variety in the classroom dynamics and facilities understanding of language areas and vocabulary fields to be dealt with in an oral or written passage at later stages.

According to Sanchez (2000) integrated skills do not only give advantages for students, but it gives advantages to the teacher too. When the skills are integrated, the teacher will think beyond language alone and reflect on how his/her teaching does, does not, enrich lives of the students; and most importantly, teacher is using the target language and culture to do so.


5. Curriculum

In this study, the curriculum cannot be separated from the school role since the school is where the curriculum implemented. This study is conducted in educational institution; therefore, a certain curriculum will be used as the guideline to design the material. In this study, curriculum which is used to design the material is curriculum 2006, Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP). Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) is the newest curriculum that is applied in educational institution in Indonesia. Therefore, the writer used this curriculum as the base to design the material. In curriculum 2006, there are some competencies that have to be achieved by the students at the end of the lesson. The discussion of the curriculum 2006 is limited to the elementary school area since this study is conducted in an elementary school. The elementary school that is chosen to conduct the study is SD Percobaan 3 Pakem for the reason that this school has applied of Curriculum 2006 in its teaching learning processes.


Since this study concerns in English integrated skill, the discussion will cover with competency standards and the basic competencies of four English skills for fifth grade students: listening, reading, speaking, and writing. The competency standards and the basic competencies of are showed as follows.

Table 2.1. The Competency Standards and the Basic Competencies of Fifth Grade English Subject

No Competency standards Basic Competency

1 Listening

Comprehend very simple

instruction with action in school

1.1 Respond very simple instruction with

acceptable action in class and school


No Competency standards Basic Competency

context. 1.2 Respond very simple instruction


2 Speaking

Express very simple instruction and

information in school context.

2.1 Speak with acceptable action

involves oral action; giving example

to do something, giving instruction,

and giving direction.

2.2 Speak to ask/give service/ things

acceptably that involve oral action :

asking for help, giving help, asking

things, and giving things

2.3 Speak to ask/ give information

acceptably with oral action :

introducing self, agreeing ,

disagreeing, and forbidding

2.4 Express acceptable politeness that

involves: Do you mind….and Shall


3 Reading

Comprehend very simple written

and pictured descriptive English in

school context

3.1 Read loudly with expression, stress,

and intonation correctly and

acceptably involves : words,

phrases, and simple sentences

3.2 Comprehend sentence, written

message, and very simple pictured

descriptive text correctly and


4 Writing

Spell and rewrite very simple

sentence in class context

4.1 Spell very simple sentences correctly

and acceptably.

4.2 Rewrite and write very simple

sentences correctly and acceptably

such as : Congratulation expression,


The competency standards and the basic competencies of the four skills will be used as the assistance to determine the learning objectives of the designed materials. Moreover, those competency standards and the basic competencies are used to design and develop the designed material.

B. Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework was the orientation and the guidance of designing the instructional materials. This part would discuss some theories in designing the material. They are Kemp’s and Yalden’s instructional models, suggestopedia method, young learners’ characteristics, integrated skills and the 2006 curriculum.


In this part, the writer gave detailed reason for the chosen and unchosen steps. The second step on Kemp that was learners’ characteristics was excluded and replaced with needs survey which was adopted from Yalden’s model. In needs survey step, all information that was related to the students’ needs was gathered in this step, it included the characteristics of students. The first step of Kemp’s was defining goal, topic, and general purpose was reordered. It became formulating goals, topics, and general purposes because the writer only formulated the goal and the general purpose from 2006 curriculum, and formulate the topics from the questionnaire result. This step was put after needs survey. Step five of Kemp instructional model that was pre assessment, was eliminated because pre-assessment step was not significantly needed in designing the material. The writer omitted organizing support service. In this designed material did not need any support service because this designed material was only designing the material without applying the material to the students. Consequently, support service such as funds facilities, equipment was not necessarily needed. The last which was evaluating students’ achievement that was proposed by Kemp was also omitted by the writer. Since the writer did not implement the material to the students. Kemp proposed this step by implementing the designed material to the students in order to know the students’ learning outcomes are related to the objectives or not.


The second stage that was the description of purpose was omitted because this stage had been involved in defining goals, topics, and general purposes that was proposed by Kemp. The next stages which were the choice of a syllabus type, the proto-syllabus, and the pedagogical syllabus were excluded because the writer designed the material based on 2006 curriculum or Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP). Therefore, the writer did not need to choose or define the syllabus. The next stage, development and implementation of classroom procedure was also excluded by the writer because the writer would not implement the designed material to the students. The last stage was evaluation was applied by the writer. This stage was taken from Yalden’s instructional model. This step was employed to evaluate the designed material into a final designed. The writer formulated own steps based on the combination of Kemp’s and Yalden’s. There were six steps in the writer’s model.

Step 1. Conducting Needs Survey


was also employed to determine whether this theory was useful to the students or not. The last theory that was employed in this step was characteristics of young learners. The theory was employed to set the characteristics of learning activities based on the students’ characteristics.

Step 2. Defining Goals, Topics, and General Purposes

This step is adapted from Kemp’s model. These competency standards and the basic competencies are derived from the 2006 curriculum or KTSP

(Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan). After determining the competency standards and the basic competencies, the writer determined the topics that would be used to design the material. The topics were derived from the result of the questionnaire that was chosen by the students. In this study, the writer proposed twelve topics which were listed in the pre-design questionnaire. The selection of the topics was conducted by the students according to their interests, needs, wants, and the typical characteristics of fifth grade elementary school students. The general purposes were decided after defining goals and topics.

Step 3. Specifying Learning Objectives


the objectives because the materials were based on the integrated materials. Therefore, the objectives of the material should cover the four English skills. Furthermore, the specific objectives in this study are stated as the indicators.

Step 4. Selecting and Organizing Subject Content

The subject content is always closely related to the objectives. It should be reorganized and it was not only based on the textbook. There were some important points to arrange the subject content. The selection and organizing subject content based on the topics chosen by the students in the questionnaire. The topics that were chosen by the students would become main criterion to organize the subject content. Suggestopedia method took a big role in arranging the subject content because the content would be based on suggestopedia method. Therefore, the designed material must represent suggestopedia method. The characteristics of young learners were also presented in organizing the subject content. The subject content must facilitate the students to learn. Hence, the selection of the subject content must refer to the students’ characteristics. The integrated skills also played a big role in selecting and organizing subject content. In this case, subject content would involve four English skills. In organizing the subject content, the writer was guided by Standard competence and Competency Standard.

Step 5. Planning Teaching/Learning Activities and Resources


This method emphasizes on fun and enjoyable activities in the classroom, such as role play, play game, sing a song, et cetera. It is hoped by this method the students would be highly-motivated and active in learning process. Since the designed material was to the fifth grade students elementary school students. Therefore, the learning activities were adjusted with their characteristics. There were some examples of young learners’ characteristics according Halliwel (1992), they were children capacity for indirect learning, children’s instinct for play and fun, children’s role of imagination and instinct for interaction and talk. From those examples, the writer must facilitate the students by applying appropriate learning activities. The next was the teaching learning activities must cover all the integrated skills because the study was integrated instructional material. The last, the teaching learning activities were designed based on 2006 curriculum. It was suited to Standard competence, Basic Standard and the indicators because the 2006 curriculum was the recent curriculum used in Indonesia. Therefore, 2006 curriculum was the assistance to determine the teaching and learning activities.

Step 6. Evaluation


The steps of the writers’ model were presented in Figure 2.4


Figure 2.4. The writer’s instructional model Selecting 


learning  activities  and 



Specifying  the  indicators  Revise 

Defining  goals, topics, 

and general 



needs survey 




This chapter is going to present the information about the methodology to complete this study. This chapter is used to answer the research questions that are stated in chapter one. These two problems will be discussed into six parts. They are, research method, research participants, research instruments, data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research procedure.

A. Research Method

As stated in problem formulation in chapter one, this study aimed to answer two questions. The questions were restated as follows : (1) How is a set of integrated English instructional materials based on suggestopedia method for fifth grade students of SD Percobaan 3 Pakem designed?, (2) What does the designed set of integrated English instructional materials based on suggestopedia metod of fifth grade students in SD Percobaan 3 Pakem look like?


process are usually referred to as the R&D cycle, which consist of studying research findings relevant to the product to be developed, developing the product based on these findings, field testing it in the setting where it will be used eventually, and revising it to correct the deficiencies found in the field-testing stage.

In R&D cycle, Borg and Gall (1983:775) proposed ten steps. The ten steps were mentioned as follows. (1) Research and Information Collecting, (2) Planning, (3) Developing Preliminary Form of Product, (4) Preliminary Field testing, (5) Main Product Revision, (6) Main Field Testing, (7) Operational Revision, (8) Operational Field Testing, (9) Final Product Revision, (10) Dissemination and Implementation.

However, the writer only focused on implementing five steps in this study, because the writer only designed the materials without implementing the designed materials in the classroom. The writer provided the explanation of those steps to prove that this study was conducted in right procedures. The five steps that were used in this study were (1) Research and Information Collecting, (2) Planning, (3) Developing Preliminary Form of Product, (4) Preliminary Field Testing, and (5) Main Product Revision.

Those five steps were explained further in following explanation. The explanation of each step was stated as follows.

Step1. Research and Information Collecting


and lecturers. In gathering the data, the researcher conducted the interview to ask some questions to the two English teachers of SD Percobaan 3 Pakem and distributed questionnaire to the fifth grade students of SD Percobaan 3 Pakem, and two lecturers of English Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma

University. The results were used as the base in designing a set of instructional material.

Step2. Planning

Planning step involved the defining skills, stating objectives determining course sequence. The research and information collecting data were used to decide the objectives of the research and set course design. The results of research and information data were very useful to analyze the learners’ need, so the researcher was able to set appropriate material for the fifth grade students of SD Percobaan 3 Pakem.

Step 3. Developing Preliminary Form of Product


Step 4. Preliminary Field Testing

The post-design questionnaire attempted to find out the opinions and su


Figure 2.1. Kemp’s Instructional Model (Kemp, 1977: 9)
Figure 2.2 Yalden’s Instructional Design Plan (Yalden, 1962: 88)
Figure 2.3. States of Attention of Suggestopedia
figure out, manipulate, or study the material presented but must maintain a


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