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Lembar Kegiatan Siswa LKS. doc


Academic year: 2018

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BAHASA INGGRIS “Hello... How Are You ?”

Dalam Mata Kuliah



Muhammad Fais Alfafa 1411021018




(LKS 01)

Pokok Bahasan : Hello... How Are You ?

Sekolah : SMP Negeri 1 Singaraja

Kelas/Semester : VII/Gasal Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit

A. Tujuan

Melalui demonstrasi, praktik, dan difasilitasi Lembar Kegiatan Siswa (LKS), siswa diharapkan dapat merespon dan mengungkapkan tindak tutur menyapa orang yang belum/sudah dikenal, dan mengetahui teks fungsional (shopping list).

B. Materi Pembelajaran

1. Greeting and Leave Taking

Greeting and leave taking Responses • Hello/Hi.

• Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. • How are you?

• Good night, Brother.

• Goodbye/Bye. • See you tomorrow.

See you later. See you next week.

• Hello/Hi. • Good morning.

Good afternoon. Good evening. • Fine, thanks.

Very well thanks. I’m fine. Thank you. • Good night, Sister.

Sweet dream. • Bye/Bye bye. • See you.

See you later. See you next week



Dialogue In a school canteen Wayan : Is this seat taken?

Dewa : No, help yourself. Are you new here? Wayan : Yeah.

Dewa : What’s your name anyway? Wayan : Wayan. What’s yours?

Dewa : Kadek Dewa. But everybody calls me Dewa.

3.Introducing Someone to Another


Dialogue 1 Dialogue 2

Bima : Do you know Priska? Krisna : No, I don’t.

Bima : Priska. This is Doni. Krisna : Hello, Priska. Nice to

meet you.

Priska : Hi. Nice to meet you too.

Adra : Bim, I want you to meet my good friend, Arjuna.

Bima : Hello, Arjun. Arjuna : Hello, Bim.

Bima : Adra told me many good things about you. Arjuna : Really?

4. Questions and Responses about Introduction Bagus : Excuse me. Is your name Doni?


Questions Responses

 What is your name?

 Where do you live?

 How old are you?

 When were you born?

 What’s your address?

 Can I visit to your home?

 My name is Dewa

 I’m twelve years old.

 I was born on 17 June 1996.

 I live at Jl. Achmad Yani 27.

 Yes, why not. Yes, you can. Example.

Dewi : Hello, I’m Dewi. What’s your name?

Dani : Hello, Dewi. I’m Dani Perdana. Please call me Dani. Dewi : Where do you live, Dani?

Dani : I live at Jl. Achmad Yani 27. Dewi : Oh, do you?

Dani : Yes, I do.

Dewi : So, we are neighbours. Dani : Are we?

Dewi : Yeah. I live at 8.

Dani : Can I visit to your home? Dewi : Yes, why not, you can.



Ask your friend with this Questions 1. What day comes after Tuesday? 2. What days come after Thursday? 3. What day comes after Saturday? 4. What days are school days? 5. What days are not school days?


Eka : What days are school days?

Eki : Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. (Everyday, except Sunday)


Fida : When is your birthday? Fais : It is June the thirteenth.

6. Number



Read and match these years as the example.

1825 = eighteen twenty-five 2000 = two thousand



Read the invitation for a birthday party below and answer the questions.


1. Who sends the invitation?

2. Who is invited to come to the birthday party? 3. When will be the birthday party?

4. Where will be the birthday party? 5. What does she write in the beginning? 6. How does she greet Dara?

Birthday invitation

You will have a birthday party on Tuesday, 3 August 2008. The party will be at 6:00 p.m. at your house, Jalan. Papua 19, Makasar. Write an invitation for a birthday party to your close friend, Joko.

19 June 2007 Hi, Dara!

The 29th of June will be my birthday. Will you come to my birthday party on the 29th of June, at 6 pm at my home?


(Date)________________ Hi, _____________

Next_________will be my birthday.___ _________ Could you ___________________?



Read the following conversation and complete the shopping list.

Todd : OK, so what do we need?

Olivia : Let’s look at the vegetables. We need some potatoes. Todd : How about tomatoes? Do we need any tomatoes? Olivia : Yes we do. They’re on the list.

Todd : Let’s go over there to the dairy section. We need some butter. Olivia : Do we have any milk?

Todd : Yes, we have some at home.

Olivia : We also need steaks for dinner tonight.

Todd : Yeah, some chickens for Saturday night. But there is no chicken in our list. We still have in the fridge.



Give the correct form of the present tense for the verbs in brackets. 1. She (read) the newspaper every day.

2. We (come) to work by bus. 3. I always (walk) to the office. 4. You (attend) class twice a week.

5. I (have) lunch in the cafeteria every day. 6. Helen (work) very hard.

7. I (like) sunbathing.

8. The dog (chase) the cat all around the house. 9. Mr Smith (work) for a small airline.

10. Gene usually (sit) at this desk.

Fill in the blanks with do, does, don’t or doesn’t. 1. . . . they like sport? Yes, they . . . .

2. . . . he get up at 5? No, he . . . . 3. . . . Nina like oranges? Yes, she . . . .

4. . . . Sonia and Adi have a bike? No, they . . . . 5. . . . you usually go picnic on Sunday?

6. She . . . need a pen. She needs a pencil.

7. Dian and Aris . . . like apples. They like oranges. 8. Andi . . . want ice cream. He wants mango juice. 9. We . . . buy coffee. We buy sugar.


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