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Index of /papers/Recreation_Sports


Academic year: 2017

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Ben Roethlisberger Word Count:

422 Summary:

The Pittsburgh Steelers found a real gem when they drafted AFL quarterback, Ben Roethlisberger. Nicknamed ˆBig Ben,˜ this Ohio native led the Steelers to the Super Bowl during his second year in the league.

An interest in sports during his high school years perhaps led to Roethlisberger´s success. As captain of the football, basketball and baseball teams, this star in the making finally landed his spot as the quarterback of his high school football team during his senior ...


Pittsburgh Steelers, Jersey, Football, Apparel, Footwear, Ben Roethlisberger, Ben Rothlisberger

Article Body:

The Pittsburgh Steelers found a real gem when they drafted AFL quarterback, Ben Roethlisberger. Nicknamed ˆBig Ben,˜ this Ohio native led the Steelers to the Super Bowl during his second year in the league.

An interest in sports during his high school years perhaps led to Roethlisberger´s success. As captain of the football, basketball and baseball teams, this star in the making finally landed his spot as the quarterback of his high school football team during his senior year. It appears as if that practice paid off - literally. In 2004, when Ben Roethlisberger found his way into the NFL Draft, the Steelers signed him to a six year contract with an impressive signing bonus. During his rookie season, Roethlisberger succeeded with a 13-0 record for the best start by a rookie. In October 2005, just one year after he was selected in the draft, Ben Roethlisberger became the NFL Offensive Rookie of the Year as named by the Associated Press. During his rookie season, passing records were something to be broken by this Findlay High School graduate. Among them, best passer rating and highest completion percentage. It was obvious to all who saw him, including Dallas Cowboys coach Bill Parcells, that this young man was here to play. And play he did. As the 2005 regular season wrapped up, the Steelers had secured the AFC league´s wild card position in the Super Bowl XL. On February 5, 2006, the Steelers took hom the Super Bowl victory in a win against the Seattle Seahawks. Roethlisberger is far from being your average quarterback. In fact, his stature leaves little doubt that he is a force to be reckoned with. Tied with few others as the tallest starting quarterback in the NFL, ˆBig Ben˜ knows how to use his height to read the competition. In addition, his arm seemingly has a knack for guiding the passes to their intended receiver. There is no doubt that height would be an advantage to any quarterback trying to spot an open receiver on the field.

Ben Roethlisberger is the second youngest quarterback to play in the NFL Super Bowl. While he has been compared to many legends of the game, Roethlisberger is out to make a name for himself. With only his second regular season behind him, and 4 years remaining on his contract with the Steelers, it looks as if Pittsburgh can expect ˆBig Ben˜ to be a powerhouse for the team in the years to come. What´s next for this NFL superstar in the making? Stay tuned and find out.

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