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Dalam dokumen Board Minutes, 1981-06 (Halaman 63-80)

A-2 revised 5/78

The meetings of the Conmdttee of prior to the fall and convention allow the recommendations of the to the adjournment of the Board.

by the Chairman of the Conmdttee

Past International Presidents shall be held Councils and shall be so scheduled as to Conmdttee to be reported to the Board prior

The agenda for meetings shall be prepared and the President of Kiwanis International.

The President may assign Past Presidents to serve as correspondents to Inter- national Board Committees. The duties as Correspondents shall be advisory.

Each shall receive copies of the significant correspondenceo 3. Programs and Projects

No new project or expansion of any program requiring support materials shall be instituted without prior approval of the Board of Trustees.


4o Contests and/or Awards

Any contests or awards proposed by International Connnittees or individual International Committee-men shall have the approval of the International Board of Trustees before implementation.

5. Surveys

The creation of standing committees under Research and Development may re- quire surveys of clubs. Any such survey shall be submitted to the Secre- tary who, with the concurrence of the President, shall have authority to approve or disapprove.

60 Sponsored Youth

The future Presidents of Kiwanis International shall consider appointment of Circle K Connnittee Chairmen and Key Club Committee Chairmen who have served as members of those International Connnittees for at least one year prior to appointment to the Ch~irmanship.

7. Year End Reports

Each of the International Connnittees shall submit to the Board a final report of its active work through its term of appointmento

80 Resolutions - Connnittee Structure and Functioning

a. The membership of the Committee on Resolutions shall include the Presi- dent-elect and other members which will assure international represen- tation.

b. There shall be no resolutions on Kiwanis administrative or structural matters nor on partisan political matters. There shall be no resolu-

tions commending living individuals other than the traditional resolu- tions of appreciation for hospitality provided and resolutions of a like nature.

Co Memorial resolutions shall be limited to Past International Presidents or Kiwanians who, at the time of death, were members of the ·Interna- tional Council.

d. Resolutions shall be related to broad matters of policy. The Resolu- tions Conmdttee should evaluate the thinking and temper of the Kiwanis membership. In such evaluation the committee should not hesitate to resolve on any matter of great importance but should avoid controversy

A-3 e. Publication to Kiwanis Clubs of resolutions proposed for adoption shall

have a preceding statement, drawn by the committee, explaining, to the extent necessary or useful, the particular resolutions being presented, the intentions of such resolutions, as well as the functions and methods of the Resolutions Committee.

f. Recognizing, first, that the work of the Resolutions Committee precedes the Convention by a substantial length of time and, second, that it can- not anticipate exact understanding of and response to the proposed reso- lutions, the committee should meet at such times innnediately prior to and during the Convention as will enable it to evaluate delegate responses to the proposed resolutions. The committee should freely, though not quick- ly or loosely, exercise its power to make editorial revisions needed to improve understanding or acceptability. The Board of Trustees will exer- cise, when necessary, its power to withdraw or add to the resolutions proposed.

g. The Resolutions Committee shall exercise the utmost caution in presenting resolutions of purely national character. A national resolution shall not be termed nor known as a Kiwanis International resolution but shall be identified by the name of the country to which it applies. If any such resolution is presented and so designated by the Resolutions Commit- tee, it must be clearly stated as being for adoption by, and for, the delegates of the nation involved. Further, with respect to such a resolu- tion2 and with the full knowledge that a delegate may abstain from voting anytime he desires, the presiding officer may suggest to the delegates of non-involved nation(s) that they abstain from voting in order that the resolution would properly represent an expression in behalf of and by the delegates of the involved nation only. Official Kwanis connnent upon any such resolutions, to news media or otherwise, should carefully identify the national character and application of any such purely national resolu- tions.


1. Kiwanis International itself (as distinguished from The Kiwanis International Foundation) shall not, without the specific approval of the Board of Trustees, accept from any individual or group, including Kiwanians and Kiwanis Clubs, any contributed funds designated to be used for charitable, educational, religious, or eleemosynary purposes.

2. Kiwanis International shall not give encouragement to OT. otherwise positively respond to any request for an appeal by Kiwanis International to districts, member clubs, or Kiwanians to contribute funds for any charitable, education- al, religious, or eleemosynary objective, or to any specific organization or agency, except in the context of promoting contributions to The Kiwanis Inter- national Foundation, or in the context of identifying opportunities for fund contributions which support a broader Kiwanis objective in the field of inter- relations and international assistance (such as CARE, Project Concern, etc.), or as provided for in Paragraph 2 of the policy on DISASTER OR EMERGENCY FUNDS.



1. Solicitation for assistance to disaster or emergency areas shall not be made by Kiwanis International, except as provided in 2., below. Our national governments, states and provinces, and local communiti~s, through such civic agencies as the Red Cross, Salvation Army, and· others, are better equipped to handle disasters. Clubs and K~wanis members in disaster areas.should cooper- ate fully with these agencies.

2. In the event of a disaster or catastrophe, and upon the direct request of the government involved, the President of Kiwanis International may authorize a letter of solicitation to all Kiwanis Clubs, such funds to be sent to an office or agency designated by him.


1. The official emblem or insignia of Kiwanis shall be such as is from time to time established by the International Board of Trustees, and no other emblem or insignia shall be used by any Kiwanian.

2. The official emblem and insignia of Kiwanis is protected by copyright.

Neither the official emblem, nor any facsimile, nor single color reproduction thereof, shall be used without the specific permission and authority of the Board of Trustees of Kiwanis International. Nothing in this section shall preclude the right of a club, division, or district to use the emblem, pro- vided that the use is in good taste and does not reflect on the good name of the organization.

3. A Kiwanian who has been elected to but has not served in an office of Kiwanis shall not be entitled to the insignia or any other recognition of a past hold- er of such office. A Kiwanian who has been elected to an office, and who has actually served any portion of the term of such office, shall be entitled to the insignia and other recognition as a past holder of such office.

4. The purpose of the Kiwanis name, emblem, and insignia is to identify with Ki- wanis International an individual, a group of individuals, a piece of printed matter, an object, or an article. Permission to use the Kiwanis name or em~

blem in any manner shall be granted only if the permitted use is appropriate to the ideals, Objects and objectives of Kiwanis International.

In passing upon requests for permission to use the name or emblem of Kiwanis International, the following standards shall guide the General Office in determining the propriety of the proposed use. The name, emblem or insignia shall not be used on an article or object:

a. which is in poor taste, or

ho which is to be used as part of a business promotion, or c. which is of inferior quality or poor workmanship, or

d. on which the name, emblem or insignia is inaccurately or inartistically reproduced, or

A-5 eo in the nonnal use of which the name, emblem or insignia would be defaced

or distorted, or

fo which will be stood, walked, or sat upon, or

go in conjunction or association with the name or trade mark of a commercial enterprise, or

h. which is to be offered for sale to the general public other than as a fund raising project of a Kiwanis Club, or

io which may contain or be used with alcoholic beverages, or j. which may be used for gambling purposes, or

k. which will substantially compete with similar items listed in the official Kiwanis Supplies Catalog.

5. No attachments shall be affixed or placed with the Kiwanis lapel button except attendance tabs.


1. Kiwanis International will not give its endorsement to any movement which it is not willing to actively support.

2. Kiwanis International will not accept membership in an organization under the name of Kiwanis International.

3. Kiwanis International should not consider any membership relation to any or- ganization whose work is not wholly related to some recognized objective or policy of Kiwanis International.

4o Wherever it seems advisable for Kiwanis International to be related to any organization, a membership shall be held in the name of a member of the Inter- national Board of Trustees of Kiwanis, designated by the Board, and not in the name of Kiwanis International. The Board member shall be reimbursed for any expenses incurred incident to such membership.


No officer or member of the board of any foundation affiliated with Kiwanis Inter- national, directly or indirectly, by virtue of his office, shall automatically become a member of the Board of Trustees, Board of Directors, or any official body of Kiwanis International, district or club. This shall not prevent a duly elected officer of Kiwanis International, or any affiliate thereof, by virtue of his elec- tion to that office, from serving in any capacity on the governing body of any

A-6 (Revised 6/26/80) GENERAL OFFICE


As prescribed by the Bylaws of Kiwanis International (Article VI, Section 6), "The Secretary shall be the active managing officer of Kiwanis Inter- national under the supervision and direction of the President and the Board of Trustees • • • • • He shall be in executive charge of the head- quarters of Kiwanis International and its several departments, and shall be responsible for the selection and the supervision of the staff and workers, subject to the direction and control of the Board of Trustees."

The Board of Trustees fully recognizes the administrative responsibility of the Secretary for the departments of the General Office and his func- tion as the active managing officer of all departments. In its inter- pretation of these Bylaws as to the extent of these functions and respon- sibilities, the Board asserts that the authority of the Secretary is broad, and that it specifically includes, but it is not limited to, the following management actions:

1. The Secretary shall employ qualified personnel, tenninate the employment of unsatisfactory employees, assign employees to a position, transfer them to other positions, promote and demote;

provided that the employment, termination, promotion or demo- tion of all top management level employees (Director and above) at the General Office shall be submitted to the Board of Trustees for final approval.

2. While the Board of Trustees shall fix the number of positions on the General Office staff and shall establish broad descrip- tions for each position, the Secretary will establish the specific duties, responsibilities, authority and accountabil- ity for each position, and the qualifications required of the holder of each position.

3. The Secretary shall establish and administer the programs of employee evaluation, counselling, training, development and discipline within the framework of the policies established by the Board, and shall include a sull1II1ary of these activities in each of his reports to the Board.

4. Within the budgetary limits and salary administration policies established by the Board, the Secretary shall administer the salaries of all employees except his own (which shall be

administered by the Board Connnittee on Finance and Personnel);

such administration shall include the fixing of starting salaries, and interim salaries for acting managers, directors and assistant secretaries, so long as these salaries are within the salary range authorized for the position by the Board and are subsequently ratified by the Board Connnittee on Finance and Personnel; and provided that salary adjustments for all top management level employees shall be given final approval by the

Board Committee on Finance and Personnel.

A--6a 5. The Secretary shall execute written employment contracts with

employees holding positions that the Board has specifically deemed to require such contracts; provided that each such con- tract will be subject to ratification by the appropriate Board Connnittee. This shall not preclude the reduction to writing of the compensation and conditions of employment for other employees when, in the Secretary's judgment, this is in the best interest of Kiwanis.

6. The Secretary shall have the basic responsibility for long-range planning, including the development of new ideas for program content and new administrative techniques to increase the effi- ciency of the total organization~ He shall maintain harmonious and effective operations within the General Office.

7. It is the Secretary's responsibility to develop an effective Public Relations program which will build the image of Kiwanis throughout the world. He must also maintain a contact between Kiwanis International and the many other organizations with which Kiwanis has a working relationship, and he may develop new contacts where desirable.

8. The Secretary has the primary responsibility for budget devel- opment and control, subject to the review, advice and final approval of the Board Connnittee on Finance and Personnel.

9. The Secretary, with the advice and approval of the Board Connnit- tee on Convention, shall be responsible for the program. and the management of conventions.

In addition to these specific actions, the Secretary shall have the authority to do, or to have done, such other actions as are normally incumbent upon the managing officer of any business office or operation.

Board Connnittees shall be advisory to the Board, assisting the Board in the performance of its responsibility, and are not designed to be supervisory of the departments of the General Office. They may rec.onnnend but not require;

only the vote of the entire Board of Trustees can bind the staff to a recom- mendation. It shall be the duty of the Board Connnittees, on the occasion of every Board meeting, to bring before the Board such matters as concern the welfare of the department, after consulting with the department head and with the Secretary. An appropriate connnittee of the Board should be consulted by the Secretary whenever its judgment will prove helpful. All Board Connnittee reconnnendations relating to any department should first be submitted to the Board for their consideration and action.

The President of Kiwanis International, in exercising general supervision over the work and activities of Kiwanis International (as required by the Bylaws), shall review with the Secretary, as necessary, the operation of the General Office, including the performance evaluation of any or all employees.

He shall reconnnend to the Secretary such changes in job assignment, training and/or responsibility as he deems appropriate; however, he should make

reconnnendations sparingly to avoid unwarranted interference with the


Secretary's duty to manage the office. When deficiencies or inefficiencies in the operation of the General Office come to his attention, or when im- proved techniques become known to him, he shall counsel with the Secretary and develop with him plans to remedy shortcomings and incorporate improve- ments. However, the day-to-day operation of the General Office shall remain

the responsibility of the Secretary, and he is accountable to the entire Board of Trustees for his performance of this duty. Should the President and the Secretary disagree on a course of action affecting personnel or the day-to-day operation of the General Office, either officer may request ratification of the proposed action by the entire Board, and the action is held in abeyance until the Board ratifies it.

ASSOCIATE SECRETARY EMERITUS: Establishment of this designation for L.A.

Hapgood is as provided in Board action taken at the September 25-28 and October 1, 1978 Board Meeting.

SECRETARY EMERITUS: Establishment of this designation for O. E. Peterson is as provided in Board Resolution dated June 30, 1966.

(Revised 1/30/79) A=7



le The President-elect of Kiwanis International, at the request of the President, shall be responsible for the education of our leadership as to their Kiwanis duties and responsibilities. In carrying out this responsibility, he will work closely with the appropriate Board Committees as they develop the spe- cific procedures for final approval by the International Board.

The basic leadership education of all governors-elect and of the President of Kiwanis International-Europe shall be provided by Kiwanis International at a Conference for Governors-elect held annually in March or April. The conference will be presided over by the Pre~ident-elect of Kiwanis Inter- national; the faculty will consist of the Board Committee on Leadership Education and the staff. Kiwanis International will reimburse to all gover- nors-elect the costs of travel, lodging, and meals necessitated by their attendance at the conference. The agenda shall be that developed by the Board Committee on Leadership and Council.

The President-designate, in cooperation with the President, shall appoint the International Representatives to the several district conventionso These shall be officers, officers-designate or in the event of emergencies past officers of Kiwanis International.

At the post-International Convention Board sessions,. the President-designate shall be prepared to instruct those assigned as International Representatives to district conventions in their duties, ·and especially as such duties relate to the program of education, which will be carried out at the district conven- tions under the general supervision of the Governors-elect.

2G The Governor of each of the several districts shall delegate to the Governor- elect the responsibility of carrying out the educational program for the dis- trict and club leadership which will serve during the Governor-elect's admin- istrative year.

The Governor-elect shall, in c0operation with the Governor, make certain that adequate time is allocated for the education of the leadership in their

Kiwanis duties.

The Governor-elect shall select the faculty to assist him in carrying out the educational program. His key leadership is to be found in the Governor, the Immediate Past Governor, the International Representative, the Counselor to the district (if in attendance), the District Secretary, and past district officers.

3. The education of the new officers, members of the Board of Directors, and the committee chairmen in each local club shall be under the direction of the President-designate.

Dalam dokumen Board Minutes, 1981-06 (Halaman 63-80)