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Concept of Scanning Technique

B. Some Petinent Ideas

2. Concept of Scanning Technique

a. The Meaning of Scanning Technique

According to Vaezi (2006: 5), scanning is reading rapidly to find a specific piece of information (name, place, and time, etc).

Meanwhile, Grellet (1981) argue that scanning is quickly searching for some particular piece of informati on in the text. Scanning involves moving the reader’s eyes quickly down the page seeking specific information without reading the whole text.

According to Casey (2003: 2), scanning is a device used to locate details-specific question that may be asked atthe end of the assignment, it is very useful for students to find specific information to get answers from the questions in the assignment or exam, and minimize their time to answer the questions in the text.

Furthermore, Nuttal (1982: 34) says that scanning means glancing rapidly through the text either to search for a specific piece of information (e.g. name, place, time) or to get an initial impression of whether the text is suitable for given purpose.

b. Scanning Technique Procedure

Scanning is important to improve reading skill. The procedures ofscanning technique are (Olson & Ames, 1972; Thamrin, 2014):

Keep in mind only the particuar information to be found out.

Make a choice, which clues would support the finding of the required information.

Have a rush view and sweeps down the page quickly to find out the clues.

If the clues are found out, read that section to get the information needed.

c. The Relationship Between Reading Comprehension and Scanning

Theoretically, Finochiaro and Sako (1983: 131) reading comprehension is the ability which depends on accuracy and speed of graphemic perceptions, that is perception of written symbols, control of language relationship and structure, knowledge of vocabulary items and lexical combinations, awareness of redudancy, the ability to use contextual clues, and recognition allusions.

According to Brown and Johnson (1978: 65) as quoted by Helwana (2011) argued that comprehension as product and process.

Process is what happens to the readers as they read and product involves measuring, in some objective ways, the net result of the process. There were two real elements of reading comprehension and these elements were part of intellectual skills. Intellectual skills are very important for the reader to comprehend a text. According to Troschitz (2005: 4), the intellectual skills were divided into two elements and classified as follows:

1. Macro Skills

Macro skills are not only skills, but much more do they define strategies a reader is supposed to develop for reading in the foreign language as well as in the mother tongue. They include the following techniques:

a) Scanning text to locate specific information. The ability to find out the information by reading line by line in reading text. The ability locate the specific information you are looking for. In other side, Macleod (2005: 3) states that scanning is type of speed-reading technique which is used when the reader wants to located a particular piece of information without necessarily understanding the rest of a text or passage and the reader can study the text in more the detail. In this case, the students try to anticipate how the answer will appear and what clues you might use to help you locate the answer. For example, if you were looking for a certain date, you would quickly read the paragraph looking only for numbers. Skimming text to obtain the gist. The fast reading ability finds out the main idea of the text.

The process can be done by reading the title, reading the introduction the paragraph, and reading the first sentence of every other paragraph to find the idea or information needed in the text.

c) Identifying stages of an argument. The ability finds out the suggestion and conclusion from the source in the text. It can be used to classify which one belongs to the conclusion and suggestion. It also can be said as the ability to infer the messages of the text.

d) Identifying examples presented in support of argument. The ability of the students in giving the example of the evidence and statements in order to claim the something is true.

2. Micro Skills

Micro skills are in contrast to low level skills intellectual operations. Those include some aspects, they are:

a) Identifying referents of pronouns. This skill is used to show the people or the speaker who states the words or phrases in the text.

b) Using context to guess meaning of unfamiliar words. The ability to find the familiar word or the words synonym that its words are used in the text.

c) The ability Understand the relation between part of text by recognizing indicators in discourse, especially for the introduction, development, transition and conclusion of ideas. In other words, this skill is used to identify the generic structure of the text. It also can be used to mention the text belong to inductive and deductive paragraph.

d. Conceptual Framework

Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework above explain about the process to find out students improving in reading comprehension. Students face many difficulties in reading process like limited time to comprehending the text.

Researcher will use scanning technique in order to simplify students in reading , by using scanning technique students will have enough time to find out some specific information like main idea in reading text. This research focused on narrative text (imaginative experiences). Particularly, narrative text was related to the syllabus of the second semester for second grade of Junior High School. The students are expected to be able to comprehend some reading aspects in macro skills especially main idea and show the improving of students reading comprehension.

Improving Students reading Comprehension

Main Idea Scanning Technique

Hypothesis of the Research

The hypothesis of this research formulated as follow:

H0 (Null hypothesis): There is no improving of students reading comprehension through scanning technique.

H1 (Alternative Hypothesis): There is improving reading comprehension through scanning technique.


This chapter deals with the research design, variable, population, and sample, instrument of the research, procedure of collecting data, and technique of data analysis.

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