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In reading process the students needed a new technique to help them in reading comprehension. One of technique that could help students to improve their reading comprehension is Scanning Technique. According to D’Angelo told Xconomy, we think of knowledge as anything in anyone’s had might be useful to other people. While doing the research, it was primarily observed that students initially preferred to read the whole texts before answering the questions. This caused them to be slower in answering the questions and needed longer time to complete the task. When the Scanning technique was implemented, the teacher had to convince them that skipping some words would not harm their understanding of the texts. After a few practiced on how to determined key words and phrases that could help them comprehend the text efficiently, they became more aware of the tips and tricks in answering the reading comprehension test by using scanning technique.

The results of the tests have shown that the Scanning technique succeeded in assisting the students to improve their reading comprehension on English narrative texts. Improvement was evidence after the students were taught reading comprehension on narrative text by using the Scanning technique. These techniques are expected to support students while facing their examinations, especially, the examination at the end of the school year, within a limited time that is given to them. Sutz and Weverka (2009) has in the same way

claim that these techniques are useful when students do not have enough time to read the texts, particularly during examinations. The success of this experimental study is similar to the previous studies conducted by Diaz and Laguado (2015), Sasmita (2013), and Ulmi, Sundari and Sukmaantara (2015).

The Scanning technique has also improved their students’ ability in reading comprehension.

Nevertheless, some setbacks in the implementation of the Scanning technique were also found during this study. Despite this technique can save time in answering questions from reading texts (Sutz & Weverka, 2009), students need to be in the state of high concentration in using these techniques.

If they are distracted, they end up in not understanding the passage at all. This was found in this current research; when students were distracted, even just a little bit, they ended up re-reading the entire passage to understand it. To overcome this problem, the teacher had to control the classroom situation with great deal; students who were noisy or were distracting their friends had to be swiftly stopped and handled to get them back on tract.

Moreover, during classroom discussion, students were not able to tell all the details about the passage; their knowledge about the text could be said to be superficial. The information extracted from the process Scanning technique was just enough to provide a simple and accurate answer to the questions from the reading texts, but they were not able to explain the answer in

more detail if the teacher asked them to do so. This problem was dealt by the teacher by discussing the text together with the class after every group task;

students are expected to learn from each other on grasping all details of the text. All the same, more practice at home on implementing the Scanning technique in their reading is needed continuously to better improve their reading comprehension because during tests or exams, they would depend entirely on their own reading skills to answer the questions correctly. As for the case of the teacher, she needed to be careful in allocating the time for the group practice and tests appropriately. This disadvantage was also mentioned by Sasmita (2013). Should a teacher give a time that is too limited based on their level of ability, the students struggled in answering the questions from the reading text by using the Scanning technique. This case was faced in the first meeting, in which she gave only seven minutes to answer the reading questions during group work and they students did not finish answering all ten questions within the allotted time. She had to add extra three minutes to get all the groups to finish the task. On the other hand, giving extra lingering time can also cause the students to get off track if they finish the task and much time is still left.

Therefore, efficient time allocation should be mastered by teachers if they want to implement the Scanning technique in class.

As for the case of the teacher, she needed to be careful in allocating the

time for the group practice and tests appropriately. This disadvantage was also mentioned by Sasmita (2013). Should a teacher give a time that is too limited based on their level of ability, the students struggled in answering the questions from the reading text by using the Scanning technique. This case was faced in the first meeting, in which she gave only seven minutes to answer the reading questions during group work and they students did not finish answering all ten questions within the allotted time. She had to add extra three minutes to get all the groups to finish the task. On the other hand, giving extra lingering time can also cause the students to get off track if they finish the task and much time is still left. Therefore, efficient time allocation should be mastered by teachers if they want to implement the Scanning technique in class. In addition, to the superiority and ease of obtaining information, it could not be denied that there were also some weaknesses obstacles in using scanning technique. Some students also still difficult to differentiate some words so they still read the whole text and translate it.

Were in introducing and explained about the scanning technique not all of the student could be understood what is scanning technique so the researcher should be explained them slowly and also repeatedly because we knew that the students’ level in understanding was different from each student. In addition, using scanning technique in classroom, some of the students should be guided one by one started from how they read fast till they got that particular information.

Overall, as a whole in guiding the students it does not necessarily made the researcher feel bored in facing each obstacle of each students because they are very enthusiastic to knew that something new and also could be invited to collaborated and discussed in various matters relating to learning and it all made the researcher felt comfortable and enjoy provided the materials as well as with the students who had pleasant attitude. They were understood very well how to behave in the classroom even though sometimes they were noisy and rowdy but they were could be respect each other among us. They were very pleasant so that in the classroom the learning processed becomes seriously but still relaxed in order to create a comfortable atmosphere in giving and received the materials during the learning processed.

The Improvement of Students’ Reading Comprehension in Term Main Idea

According to Roell (2019), the main idea of paragraph is the primary point or concept that the author wants to communicate to the readers about the topic. The criteria that must be met in order to be declared to met the indicators of main idea where students must be able to understand what they read to produce the main idea. The implementation of scanning technique could improve the students’

reading comprehension in term main idea. The result showed that in main idea, the students’ score in pre-test classified as very poor is twelve students’, while in post-test students’ score was classified as poor is eight students. So, it could be concluded that there was improvement in students’ reading comprehension after did the treatment used scanning technique.

Based on these results it could be seen that the highest score obtained by students is 9.6-10 obtained by 0 student (0%), the sample that gets a score of 8.6-9.5 obtained by 0 student (0%), then who gets a score of 7.6-8.5 obtained by 0 student (0%), who get a score of 6.6-7.5 obtained by 0 student (0%), who get a score of 5.6-6.5 obtained by 0 student (0%), who gets a score of 3.6-5.5 amounted to 12 students (60%), and who gets 0.0-3.5 amounted to 8 students (40%). It means that the students' scores and percentages in the pre-test were still low because half of the students got not fluent scores.

In the post test, the researcher presented the result of percentage of students score in reading comprehension in term of main idea after using scanning technique. This study involved twenty students and was conducted at the eleventh grade of students of SMP 26 Makassar. The result of reading comprehension in term main idea showed that students who have the larger frequency lies in the classification of fair with a total frequency of ten whereas, students who have the smallest frequency lies in the classification of poor with a total frequency of eight whereas and the classification of good with a total frequency of two whereas. Based on these results it could be seen that the highest score obtained by students is 9.6-10 obtained by 0 student (0%), the sample that gets a score of 8.6-9.5 obtained by 0 student (0%), then who gets a score of 7.6-8.5 amounted to 2 students (10%), who get a score of 6.6-7.5 obtained by 0 student (0%), who get a score of 5.6-6.5 amounted to 10 students (50%), who gets a score of 3.6-5.5 amounted to 8 students (40%), and who gets 0.0-3.5 obtained by 0 student (0%).

It means that the students' scores and percentages in the post-test were slightly enhanced because half of the students got good scores. It means that the student scores and percentages in the post-test were slightly enhanced because half of the students got the good score. It could be concluded that there was improvement in students’ reading comprehension after did the treatment used scanning technique.

The mean score of students’ reading comprehension in reading ability it was showed that the students score enhanced after using scanning technique. It was proved by comparing students’ score in pre- test and post-test. The students for main idea in pre-test was 3.01 score and the score of students in post-test was 5.5 and the percentage of improvement between pre-test and post-test was 83%. Referring to the results of the analysis of the students’ comprehension, it could be concluded that the students of class VIII 4 of SMP 26 Makassar have been able to improve students’ reading ability especially in reading comprehension in term main idea after using scanning technique.

47 A. Conclusions

Based on the result of data analysis and the discussion of the result in the previous chapter, the researcher concludes that, the students’

reading comprehension of SMP Negeri 26 Makassar in academic year of 2020/2021 in term of main idea are improved after used scanning technique, it is proved by the mean score of pre-test was 3.01 and the mean score of post- test was 5.5

Scanning Technique had the important thing for the students.

Using Scanning technique was effective in English learning process especially in reading comprehension. The research showed that scanning technique was effective to applied. It proved by the data of t-test main idea were greater than t-table (5.94>1.699).

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