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improving students reading comprehension through


Academic year: 2023

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This research aimed to find out the improvement of students' reading comprehension through scanning technique in terms of the main idea on VIII-4 of SMPN 26 Makassar. In the method in this study, the researcher used a pre-experimental study involving VIII-4 SMPN 26 Makassar with the subject of 20 students. The result of the data indicated that there was a difference between the students' pre-test and post-test.

The average score for the post-test of the students' reading comprehension was greater than the pre-test in the main idea of ​​the semester (5.5>3.01).

Figure 4.2 The Rate Frequency of Students’ Score in Pre-test and Post-test  in Term Main Idea ………………………………………………………
Figure 4.2 The Rate Frequency of Students’ Score in Pre-test and Post-test in Term Main Idea ………………………………………………………

Problem Statement

Therefore, it is important to conduct the research under the title "Improving Reading Comprehension Through Scanning Technique at SMP 1 Muhammadiyah".

Objective of Study

Significance of Study

Scope of the Study

Rahmawati (2019) in her research concluded that the research result of improving students' reading comprehension through scanning and scanning techniques for students in SMA Muhammadiyah Tarakan. The other researcher Asmawati (2015) in her research found that students' changes in reading comprehension after treatment is affected by the treatment they are given. Therefore, it can be concluded that there was a significant difference in students' reading comprehension before and after teaching using the Skimming-Scanning Strategy.

The last researcher Samuel (2017) In response to the research question, the researcher concludes that using the Jigsaw 1 method can significantly improve students' reading comprehension.

Some Petinent Ideas

Concept of Scanning Technique

Meanwhile, Grellet (1981) claims that scanning is a quick search for a specific piece of information in a text. According to Casey, scanning is a device used to locate detail-specific questions that may be asked at the end of an assignment, so it is very useful for students to look for specific information to get answers to questions in an assignment or exam. and thus reduce their time to answer the questions in the text. In addition, Nuttal says that scanning means skimming a text quickly to find specific information (eg, name, place, time) or to get an initial impression of whether the text is suitable for a given purpose.

On the other hand, Macleod (2005:3) states that scanning is a type of speed reading technique used when the reader wants to locate a particular piece of information without necessarily understanding the rest of a text or passage and the reader can study the text or passage. text in more detail. The process can be done by reading the title, reading the introduction of the paragraph and reading the first sentence of every other paragraph to find the idea or information needed in the text. It can also be said as the ability to infer the messages of the text.

Students' ability to provide examples of evidence and statements to assert something is true. This skill is used to tell people or the speaker who utters the words or phrases in the text. The ability to find the known word or synonymous words whose words are used in the text.

In other words, this skill is used to identify the general structure of the text. It can also be used to refer to text that belongs to an inductive and deductive paragraph.

Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework
Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework

Research Design

This chapter discusses the research design, variable, population and sample, instrument of the study, data collection procedure and data analysis technique. A post-test was administered after implementing the scanning technique and to measure how much the student improved after receiving the treatment.

Research Variables and Indicators

Population and Sample of the Research



Instruments of the Research

Procedure of Data Collection

Technique of Data Analysis

4 Did not identify the main idea of ​​the story or provide any evidence, details related to the main idea. 4. After collecting the data of the students, we classify the score of the students according to the following criteria. The findings of this research presented the result covering students' improvement in reading comprehension and found out the main idea through scanning technique.

Table 3.2 Classification Score
Table 3.2 Classification Score


The Students’ Reading Comprehension in Term Main Idea The findings present the result of score percentage of students’

The result of this research proved that there was improvement after the use of scanning technique in students' reading comprehension. On pre-test the students got 3.01 average score and in post-test students got 5.5 average score. In the pre-test, the researcher presented the result of the percentage of students' values ​​students' reading comprehension in main idea before using scanning technique.

This means that the scores and percentages of the students in the pre-test were still low because half of the students achieved non-fluent grades. In the post-test, the researcher presented the result of the students' reading comprehension percentage points according to the main idea after the application. This study included 20 students and was conducted in the second class of students of SMP Negeri 26 Makassar.

It means that the scores and percentages of the students in the post-test improved slightly because some students obtained good scores. The students for the main idea in the pre-test had a score of 3.01 and the students' score in the post-test was 5.5 and the percentage improvement between the pre-test and the post-test was 83%. The above frequency showed that students' score on pre-test and post-test.

After applying the scanning technique, students' scores improved where the post-test was higher than the pre-test. In the pretest, none of them were categorized as excellent, very good and fair, while in the posttest, none of them were categorized as very good and fair good.

Table 4.1. The Pre-Test Students’ Rate Percentage in Term Main Idea
Table 4.1. The Pre-Test Students’ Rate Percentage in Term Main Idea

Hypothesis Testing


Nevertheless, some setbacks in the implementation of the scanning technique were also found during this study. By introducing and explaining the scanning technique, the whole student could not understand what scanning technique is, so the researcher had to explain them slowly and also repeatedly, because we knew that the students' understanding level was different from each student. In addition, using scanning technique in the classroom, some of the students need to be guided one by one, from how to read quickly until they got the specific information.

Thus, we can conclude that there was an improvement in students' reading comprehension after using the scanning technique. In the post-test, the researcher presented the result of the students' percentage points in reading comprehension according to the main idea after using the scanning technique. This means that the results and percentages of students in the post-test were slightly higher because half of the students achieved good results.

It means that the student scores and percentages in the post-test improved slightly because half of the students achieved a good score. It could be concluded that there was an improvement in students' reading comprehension after the treatment using the scanning technique. The average score of students' reading comprehension on reading skills showed that students scored better after using the scanning technique.

Referring to the results of the analysis of the students' understanding, it could be concluded that the students of class VIII 4 of SMP 26 Makassar succeeded in improving students' reading ability especially in reading comprehension in term main idea after using scanning technique. Based on the result of data analysis and the discussion of the result in the previous chapter, the researcher comes to the conclusion that, the students'.


The English teacher should be more creative in choosing a medium in teaching, especially in reading skill and should understand what the students need in the class to make the students more interested and creative. Scanning technique should be applied in learning English, especially in reading skill because it makes the students more effective in reading ability, especially in reading comprehension. Scanning technique can help the students in reading comprehension because this technique was easy to use and make the students more effective and understanding in reading comprehension.

The researcher of the research under the title "Improving students' reading comprehension through scanning technique" hopes that the result of the research can be referred to the following. The effectiveness of skimming – scanning strategy to improve students' reading comprehension at the second grade of Smk Darussalam Makassar. The effect of reciprocal teaching intervention strategy on reading comprehension skills of 5th grade primary school students with reading disabilities.

A longitudinal analysis of trajectories and predictors of word reading and reading comprehension development among at-risk readers. The effect of multiple choice and essay testing on students' reading comprehension as viewed from students' English achievement levels. Implementation of the jigsaw puzzle method to improve the reading comprehension of students in the eighth grade Smp Negeri 2 Jetis Ponorogo 2013 Academic Year.

The effect of using scanning and scanning techniques on the achievement of eighth grade students in reading comprehension of recount texts in SMPN 1 Silo Jember.

Kompetensi Inti

Kompetensi Dasar

Tujuan Pembelajaran

Media Pembelajaran

Langkah Langkah Pembelajaran Pertemuan pertama


There was no significant difference in the students' reading comprehension before and after teaching through Discourse Markers. One day, while the man was fishing, he caught a large golden fish in his trap. A few years later, this daughter would help bring lunch to her father out in the fields.

Then she told her daughter to run up the hills because a huge disaster was coming. One day he got an idea to make a doll so he wouldn't be lonely again. Finally, in the morning, he finished his work and he called the doll Pinocchio.

He taught Pinocchio how to walk, how to read, how to speak and to do other things as a human. At the end of the story, they went home together and lived happily ever after.



Figure 4.2 The Rate Frequency of Students’ Score in Pre-test and Post-test  in Term Main Idea ………………………………………………………
Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework
Table 3.1 Rubric for Main Idea  1.  Rubric for Main Idea
Table 3.2 Classification Score


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