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Conclusions and Suggestions A. Conclusions

Dalam dokumen PROCEEDINGS - Repository UHN (Halaman 189-192)

B. Findings

V. Conclusions and Suggestions A. Conclusions

According to the result of the data analysis, which has been stated in chapter IV, so the writer concludes :

1. The effect of SQ4R teaching method at nine grade in SMP Negeri 1 Gunung Malela is able to make the students more interest to study recount text and build students independency in finding solution, so it can challenge students to be active in learning,the students use their own idea about the text. The students also involves higher thinking skill like originality and creativity.

2. The SQ4R teaching method as form at the grade IX SMP Negeri 1 Gunung Malela has significant effect to the student’s ability in reading comprehension. It could be seen by the score of the students who taught by using SQ4R teaching method was higher than without using SQ4R teaching method.

B. Suggestions

In teaching English, especially in teaching reading, the writer suggested to do the following:

1. For Teachers

The teacher should use SQ4R teaching method in their teaching learning process so that they can improve their students’ reading comprehension on recount text, because this method is designed relate to the students’ background knowledge with reading text. So, it is expected for the students to understand the text easily.

2. For Students

370 Thestudents are expected to be more active and focused during teaching learning process, so it can makes the students are interested and motivated in learning English so that they get the better result.

3. For Researchers

For the other researcher who want to conduct a research using SQ4R method are recommed to conduct this research in different areas, levels, and skills.

4. For Readers

The writer believes that this research is far from being perfect. So, the writer will accept good suggestions and constructive criticism to make this research better. The writer also hopes that this research will be useful and contribute some value thing to the writer herself and all readers generally


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Silvya Vally Moan F. Sianipar

English Department of Nommensen HKBP University, Pematangsiantar Indonesia



This research intends to find out the effect of Group Investigation Teaching Method to the reading comprehension. The design of this research were experimental and control class by using quantitative research design. The participants of this research were the students grade eleven of SMA Negeri 1 Pematangsiantar. The instrument for collecting data was 25 questions of multiple choice test. The researcher found that there was the effect of Group Investigation Teaching Method to the students’

reading comprehension. The students able to comprehend the text, they more active in class, they can share their idea with other friends in their group and also they able to complete their task well. It can be seen from the calculation of t-test was 9.11 with df: 66 (34+34-2). So t-table was 1.66 at the level significant 0.05. It means that t-test was higher than t-table (9.11>1.66). Finally, the researcher concluded that Group Investigation Teaching method is effective in teaching reading comprehension.

Keywords: Effect, group investigation, method, reading comprehension, teaching

I. Introduction

English is one of the international languages. It has very important role as communication means for both oral and written. Therefore, English is taught to the young learners in the early age in indonesia and in almost all over the world. In Indonesia, english has been taught to young learners at primary school until university.

As we know in learning English there are four skills, which are very important for english learners. They are: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Reading is one of four skills to be learnt by students. Reading is an active process which are the readers focus on the text,working on the text and able to understanding the content of text. According to Grabe (2009:14) reading is often defined in simple statements much like the following “reading is the process of receiving and interpreting information encoded in language via the medium of print.” On the other hand, Serravallo (2010:43) also add reading is thinking, understanding and getting at the meaning behind a text.

According to Mickulecky (2004:1) Reading is important. Reading helps you learn to think in English, reading can enlarge your English vocabulary, reading can help you improve in writing, reading may be a good way to practice your English if you live in non-English- speaking country, reading can help you prepare for study in an English-speaking country, reading is a good way to find out about new ideas, facts, and experiences. Reading can not acquire automatically and easily for students because reading activity does not mean to read aloud but also comprehend the text.

Based on the researcher’s experience while doing teaching practice program, the researcher found several problem especially in reading english text. The first problem was about, most of the students only read the text without thinking and paying attention to every single sentences that they read. Besides, a lot of the students do not have much time to read because when teachers give a text and get the students to answer the questions of the text, they only focus on how to answer these questions quickly. They ignore the important part of being able to answer the question and they finally fail. The second problem was about lack of

372 vocabulary. They are not able to say words in English. They use Indonesian style of English to translate the words. The third problem was about, the students feel bored while reading text, and the students did not listen to the teachers’ explanation about the lesson but they just look at the reading text without doing anything. So there is no feedback in the classroom.

Reffering to the findings, English teacher should be more creative in teaching reading.

The teacher should use various method, techniques, or strategies in teaching reading. There are many methods that can be applied in language teaching. The researcher choose Group Investigation method. Choosing this method, the teacher is expected to be able to run the teaching learning process effectively.

Group Investigation teaching method (GI) is one of the cooperative learning models.

According to Slavin (1985:8) cooperative learning methods are structured, systematic instructional strategies capable of being used at any grade level and in most school subjects.

According to Jolliffe (2007:8) cooperative learning is not just group work- tasks are structured to necessitate the interaction of pupils in pairs/group. In this research, the reason of the researcher using Group Investigation teaching method (GI) because the reseacher should improve students’ reading comrehension. Teacher can use teaching method to make students interest in teaching learning process is success and gives the opportunity for the students in cooperating with the other students.

According to Sharan & Slavin (in Gillies and Ashman, 2003:8) cooperative learning as an effective teaching method that can be used to enchance achievement and socialization among students and contribute to improve attitudes towards learning and working with others, including developing a better understanding of children from diverse cultural background.

Group Investigation is a small group of students who work to investigate, as a team to solve a problem, complete a task or doing something to achieve a goal. According to Gillies

& Ashman (2003:8) group investigation are complex andinvolve high-level thinking process, group members are accountable to the group for the contribution they make and discussion is encourage as members collaborate on solving the group task and achieving the goal of group.

Based on the background above, the researcher formulates the problems for this study as follow:

1. What is The Effect of Group Investigation Teaching Method to the Reading Comprehension of Grade Eleven Students’ of SMA Negeri 1 Pematangsiantar?

2. What is The Effect of Conventional Teaching Method to the Reading Comprehension of Grade Eleven Students’ of SMA Negeri 1 Pematangsiantar?

3. Is The Effect of Group Investigation Teaching Method more significant than Conventional Teaching method to the Reading Comprehension of Grade Eleven students’ of SMA Negeri 1 Pematangsiantar?

Dalam dokumen PROCEEDINGS - Repository UHN (Halaman 189-192)