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Research methodology

Dalam dokumen PROCEEDINGS - Repository UHN (Halaman 194-198)

B. Findings

III. Research methodology

In this study, the researcher uses quatitative research. Creswell (2009:48) said that quantitative research is a means for testing objective theories by examining the relationship among variables. The experimental group taught by using group investigation method. The control group is taught with Conventional teaching method.

Table 3.1 Research Design

Group Pre-Test Treatment Post-Test

Experimental √

X T1, T2, T3 √


Control √

Y T1, T2, T3 √

Instrument of Collecting Data

The instrument of this research is a test. A research must have a good instrument because a good instrument can guarantee the valid data. Tthe researcher makes the test in form of multiple choice consists of 25 questions and the test is taken from text book

Ulangan Harian Edisi Lengkap” Group Epsilon Publisher by Drs. Ade Sumarna.The test is valid and reliable because it has been published in 2010 for Senior High school grade XI.

Technique of Analyzing Data

To test the data hypothesis, the following step will be administrated:

1) Listing their scores into tables. The first table is for pre-test (X) and the second table for post test (Y).

2) Measuring the mean (M) of variable X and Y by using the following formula:

a. = ∑

b. = ∑

3) Measuring the correlation between both variable/Standart deviation (SD) by using the following formula:

4) SDx = N(∑X ) − (∑ ) SDy = N(∑Y ) − (∑ ) 5) =

[ ] [ ]

(Arikunto, 2010:354)

IV. Findings and Discussion

Research findings were the conclusion of the research result with data shown. After the researcher treated the data and verified the hypothesis, then the researcher came to the research finding. It was important as adequate exposition of the purpose of the study being reported and the chapter topic involved. The researcher found that:

1. The researcher found that there was the effect of using Group Investigation teaching method to the reading comprehension at grade eleven students’ of SMA Negeri 1 Pematangsiantar. The students able to comprehend the text, they more active in class and they able to complete their task well.

2. The researcher found that the effect of using Conventional Teaching Method to the reading comprehension at grade eleven students’ of SMA Negeri 1 Pematangsiantar is not good enough. The students is still difficult to comprehend the text, and the students are passive and they were still need help to complete their task. It showed that the student’s taught by using Conventional Teaching Method is not effective.

3. From the analysis of the data, the researcher find out by using Group Investigation Teaching Method, the total score of pre test on experimental group was (1700) and total scores of pre test on control group was (1600).

4. The Total score post-test of experimental group (2576) by using Group Investigation Teaching Method was higher then total scores of post-test on control group (2104) by using Conventional Teaching Method.

376 5. The reseracher find out the T-observed is higher than T-table (9.11>1.67) at the level of significant 0.05, so the researcher can conclude that the effect of using Group Investigation teaching Method is more significant than Conventional Teaching Method to the reading comprehension of grade eleven student’s of SMA Negeri 1 Pematangsiantar.


Based on findings above, the researcher can interpret that Group Investigation teaching method could improve students’ reading comprehension on narrative text at grade eleven of SMA Negeri 1 Pematangsiantar. The students were more active and they felt enjoy and interest in learning process. It can be shown from scores of post-test with applying Group Investigation Method are higher (∑Y=2576) than the scores of post test with applying conventional method (∑Y = 2104). In experimental group, there was changing. It can be seen as effect of Group Investigation Method which give effect to the students’ reading comprehension at grade eleven of SMA Negeri 1 Pematangsiantar.

Regarding on the findings above, it was strongly related to some advantages served by group investigation teaching method. According to Brandt (1991:45) Group investigation is an effective organizational medium for encouraging andguiding students’ involvement in learning. Another expert, Arends (2008:369)stated that in group investigation, students not only work together but also help plan both the topics for the sudy and the investigation procedures used. Group Investigation has many advantages such as providing a share cognitive set information between students, motivating students to learn the material, providing that the students construct their own knowledge, providing formative feedback, developing social and group skill necessary, for success outside the classroom, and promoting positive interaction between members of different cultural and socio-econimic groups. By using group investigation, the students to work collaboratively towards as a common goal and also exercises the students to grow up their brain skill. Based on what the research done by using group investigation, the students are more active in the classroom. They can share their idea with other friends in their group, so the information of the text is understood by the students. Besides, the researcher used Conventional teaching method in control class.

Conventional learning model is still often used by teachers in presenting the material in class.

There are several disadvantages of Conventional Teaching Method. They are: it is waste of time to repeat the matter already present in books, the teacher to make the lecture impressive may care more for manner and style but very little for matter or content, if the lecture is very fast, the students can not easily takes notes and will not have any writtten record of the salient points made out, a lecture delivered in a style not easily understood by pupils will serve no purpose, the problem solving attitudes of pupils may disappear in the lecture method, there is no cooperation and interaction between the teacher and pupils in the lecture process and it can be used depend on the preparation, presentation, and condition of the class will be taught.

Based on what the researcher done, the researcher found the students are passive, and they feel bored.

The result of the research inform that Group Investigation Teaching method can increase the motivation, production and the ability of learning of the students. It can be seen from T-observed is higher than T-table (9.11>1.67) at the level of significant 0.05, that So the researcher concludes that using Group Investigation Teaching Method to the reading comprehension of grade eleven students’ of SMA Negeri 1 Pematangsiantar is effective.

377 V. Conclusion

According to the result of the data analysis, which has been stated in chapter IV, so the researcher concludes:

1. The Group investigation teaching method can improve to the students’s reading comprehension on narrative text. It could be seen by the meam score of post test of the students who taught by using Group Investigation teaching method was higher than conventional teaching method.

2. The students are more active, more enthusiasthic, felt interest and also get fully understand about the questions of the text especially on narrative text by using Group Investigation Teaching Method than conventional Teaching Method.

3. Learning Group Investigation Teaching Method can help students easier to comprehend English written text.


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Tetty Apriani Siagian

English Department of Nommensen HKBP University, Pematangsiantar, Indonesia tettyaprianisiagian732@gmail.com


This research examined effect of student teams achievement divisions on students’

achievement in reading comprehension in narrative and find out what factors influence the changes of students’ reading comprehension. The data for this research was collected from the grade VIII students at SMP Negeri 2 Tapian Dolok Sinaksak.

The writer used two classes as the sample, where one class was the experimental group and the other one was the control group. The instrument for collecting the data was by reading comprehension test for both groups; the material of the tests was taken from the subject matter which taught to the students.The data were analyzed by applying the T-test. The result of the analysis shows that the value of the T-observed was higher than the value T-table (7,39> 1,99). It means that using student teams achievement divisions technique has significant effect on students’ achievement in reading comprehension in narrative text.

Keywords: Effect, narrative, reading comprehension, STAD, text

I. Introduction

Dalam dokumen PROCEEDINGS - Repository UHN (Halaman 194-198)