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Dalam dokumen Board Minutes 1978-02 (Halaman 104-109)


As long as man has been civilized, the local community has played a vital role.

in his survival. and success. Working hand in hand, men have responded to each other's need in order to enhance the quality of their community life.

Likewise, the :cotnmlmity has provided a healthy environment for


and progress •.

· -· In our impersonal society, however, men increasingly tend to shy away from lending a helping hand or confronting problems boldly. As a consequence, the community relatic::1ships and environment which have always been the main- stays of civilization are Cl:Umbling from a lack of support.

Nowhe.re is tliis more evident than in the constant conflicts which exist

betw_een our vital concern for our environment and our continual efforts toward- developing more abundant energy capabilities •. Unless we commit oursel~es to conservation of our natural resources, we will continue to witness unnecessary exploitation.

Lack of response to the community's needs is also visible in the senseless·

fatalities which occur every day. Whether they be from accidents or from actions of misled juvenile delinquents,.these tragedies occur because people in the cow.munity are unwilling to take the necessary protective measures.

These. injustic.es in our ·communities even reach those institutions which are the pillars of the coronn.mity


s existence~ The family, the place ofo worship, the· schools, and even the governments are under greater pressure than ever before. Without men and women who are concerned about these basic elements

of our society, there is little hope for a better·quality of life._

. In order to insure the community a place in tomorrow's society, Key Clubbers in


will •••••


. By ponserving_ the community environment By Protecting the life of the community By Enriching the _quality of community life

Lord, grant me the courage to live so that by bold response the needs of my

community may be answered and the quality of life enhanced.



Date of Committee Meeting: January 28 and 29, 1978 Place of Committee Meeting: General Office

Present: lv1embers - E. B, "Mac" McKitrick, Hilmar L. "Bill" Solberg Chairman - Carl F. Miller

Staff members - Fay H. McDonald, L. A. Hapgood

Comprehensive Review of Policies

The committee is pleased to report progress in its co1nprehensive review of Hoard Policies and is now prepared to submit a portion of its work for consideration by the Board.

It is important for the Board to understand that the purposes of this review are to:

1. Delete extraneous and out of date material.

2. Provide editorial revision where greater clarity of intent could result.

3. Eliminate from Policy those portions which in fact are not Policy but which constitute administrative instruction of a purely .mechanical nature.

4. Introduce Policy changes where such seen1. appropriate 1n order to clarify intent and/or eliminate a1nbiguity.

All of the above are believed to 1:e consistent with the charge to the comrnittee to perform the review and are within the duties of the committee set forth in current Policy. However, it is recognized that other Board Committees may have specific objection to some of the points included in the review al- though concurrence of the Finance Cornrnittee in particular has been sought on a number of items.

With the above background in mind and with the clear understanding that the draft presented for consideration contains mechanical errors which will be corrected upon final typing, we will now move to a series of recommendations leading hopefully to acceptance.

Present policy organization is cumbersome and confusing. The 1976-77 Board Committee suggested a reclassification which in the opinion of this committee is more logical and provides greater ease of reference.

In order to test the validity of this general classification of Policies, the Committee and staff have physically rearranged the existing Policies under the following categories or sections and have caused them to be printed on yellow pages which are now a part of the workbook provided each member of the Board:

A. Kiwanis International B. District

C. Club

D. International Conventions E. Overseas Extension F. Finance

G. Community Service Activities H. Sponsored Youth

I. Miscellaneous Recommendation



The Committee recommends that the Policies be reclassified under the following sections:

A. Kiwanis International B. District

C. Club

D. International Conventions E. Overseas Extension F. Finance

G. Community Servic'e Activities H. Sponsored Youth

I. Miscellaneous

I move that recommendation 1 be adopted.


With further reference to the workbook mentioned above, the Committee has now completed a review of Policies- in all except the following sections:

E. Overseas Extension H. Sponsored Youth

The foregoing sections are being referred by President Maury to the appro- priate Board Committees for full review and revision with report to be made at the next meeting of the Board.

The remaining sections have been intensively reviewed and the results are indicated on the white pages of the workbook, together with appropriate marginal· notations.

It is the hope of the Committee that the Board will grant its approval of the revised Policies as presented on the white pages with the following under- standing:

1. Any change indicated on the white pages not accepted by the Board or referred to another Board Committee will result in retention of current Policy as set forth on the facing yellow page.


2. The Laws and Policies Committee will accept responsibility for

;:i.djustment in format and grammatical correction in the completed work.

With the foregoing preamble, we now refer the Board to Section A of the workbook.

Recommendation #2:

The Committee recommends the adoption of new Section A entitled

11Kiwanis International11 as delineated in the white pages of the workbook.

I move that recommendation 2 be adopted.


Recommendation #3:

The Committee recommends the adoption of new Section B entitled

11District11 as delineated in the white pages of the workbook.

I move that recommendation 3 be adopted.

(adopted} · Recommendation #4:

The Committee recommends that the new Section C entitled 11Club11 as delineated in the white pages of the workbook be adopted.

I move that recom.mendation 4 be adopted.

(adopted) Recommendation #5:

The Committee recommends the adoption of new Section D entitled

11International Conventions11 as delineated in the white pages of the workbook.

I move that recommendation 5 be adopted.

(adopted) Recommendation #6:

The Committee recommends the adoption of new Section F entitled

11Finance11 as delineated in the white pages of the workbook.

I move that recommendation 6 be adopted.

(adopted) Recommendation #7:

The Committee recommends the adoption of new Section G entitled

11Community Service Activities11 as delineated in the white pages of the workbook.

I move that recommendation 7 be adopted.


Miami Beach Amendments

The CoillITlittee will be prepared to present at the next meeting of the Board the amendment on increasing the International dues.

As of this date, only two amendments have been received. Both of these have been presented by districts. The Pacific Northwest District has submitted an amendment to Article X, Section 4, of the Constitution of Kiwanis International to provide an addition to those who shall be delegates at large at an International convention. The addition would be as follows:

"Chairmen of current district committees as certified by the district governor with such number not to exceed twenty (20). 11

The Eastern Canada and the Caribbean District has submitted an amend- ment to Article XII, Section 3, of the Constitution of Kiwanis International which would change the maximum amount allowed for district dues and .the

subscription price of the district publication from $10. 00 to $15. 00.

The actual wording of the amendments mentioned in this report, plus any others which might be submitted by this Board and any other amendments which shall be properly submitted by the deadline date, will be presented at the next meeting of the Board.

The Committee recognizes that a good deal of material of the nature of administrative instruction and job description has been deleted from Policies. But the Committee believes that such material should be

incorporated in a management manual which we believe should be prepared by staff, in consultation with the Board Committee on Administration and Structure in order that Board input may be reflected in the organization and operation of the General Office.

Recommendation #8:

The Committee recommends that a management manual be prepared by staff, in consultation with the Board Committee on Administration and Structure, to incorporate applicable administrative procedures, staff organization, and applicable job descriptions.

I move that recommendation 8 be adopted.


Respectfully submitted,




Dalam dokumen Board Minutes 1978-02 (Halaman 104-109)

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