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Kiwanis International Royalty Agreement

Dalam dokumen Board Minutes 1978-02 (Halaman 175-184)


6. Kiwanis International Royalty Agreement

It is hoped that most of the objectives can be implemented this year. We feel that these changes will be most important in our

continued contribution to service clubs, district, and International.

Respectfully,; submitted,









January 28 - February 1, 1978 Date of Committee Meeting: January 31, 1978

Place of Committee Meeting: General Office

Present: Members - Dwight Gallivan, Paul Chandler


Chairman - Egon Kuzmany

Staff - Nick Geannopulos, Dave Williams, Burt Harris, Scott Pemberton

The meeting opened with a review of the first quarter (two issues) financial statement for the 1977-78 administrative year. Income as it relates to subscriptions is stable and advertising revenue showed a plus $16,000 over last year this time. As anticipated in the current budget, expenses are running over $16,000 more than last year and are, in main, the result of

increases in manufacturing and publication/postage. The cost of manufacturing (which includes printing and paper) is expected to continue to climb over the year.

It is still too early to make a final prediction on the bottom-line figure at the end of the year. In all probability there will be a 29 percent increase in postage. Moreover, the price situation in the paper industry continues to be volatile. In spite of these two disturbing factors, the staff reported that it should be able to meet budget for this administrative year and even show a slight surplus, particularly if advertising continues at its current good showing.

After considerable review of next year's projected expenses, particularly as they pertain to items over which the staff has little or no control, such as manufacturing and publication postage, it is anticipated the magazine will be unable to operate in the black for the 1978-79 administrative year. On the basis of this assessment, the committee wishes the Finance Committee to be aware of this situation and offered the following recommendation:

Recommendation #1:

The committee recommends that the Board Committee on Finance study the forthcoming magazine budget and consider options to deal with an anticipated 1978-79 deficit.

I move that Recommendation #1 be adopted.


Editorial Planning

The committee then reviewed current and future editorial content.

Promotion of the Miami Beach convention begins in the February issue, including staff-written features on the convention city and a travel guide to the Caribbean; the International President's official Convention Call; and a full-page display advertisement promoting Miami Beach opposite the convention registration form (a third of all registrations for the Dallas convention came on magazine forms). Additional features promoting convention attendance will appear in March, April, and May.

The committee noted that the February article, "rrhe Worldwide Boom in Basketball," will be reprinted in the March issue of Reader's. Digest.

Following the Kiwanis nation story on Australia in January, the Bahamas and Jamaica will be featured in April, and plans are being made to feature Iceland later in the year.

Strong Major Emphasis support includes articles on arson in February, vanda- lism in March, the punishment of youthful offenders in May, and crime

prevention through architecture and landscaping in June.

The committee was pleased to learn that the magazine will be giving increased emphasis to Kiwanis education in coming issues. A featurette on the value of Official Monthly Reports as well as an article on club guest speaker protocol will appear in March, for example. A series of articles is planned to inform Kiwanians about the nature and duties of club, district, and international officers;pnd statistical information is being gathered to present a profile of the type of men who are Kiwanians.


The committee was pleased to receive the report that advertising billings for the first two issues of the 1977-78 administrative year have increased 30 percent over the same period in 1976-77. The magazine's future prospects are good, with encouragement coming from such prestigious companies as Mobil Oil, IT&T, AT&T, and Western Airlines. Although not as high as originally hoped, advertising billings for the Miami Beach convention are expected to exceed those of previous conventions. The magazine's new advertising representatives on the East and West coasts are performing satisfactorily.

Some Board members have been providing advertisi_ng contacts for the magazine, and the committee wishes to remind the Board of its opportunity to help "open doors" for the magazine's advertising. Through such efforts, added revenue from the magazine's advertising can help offset growing expenses.

The Committee suggests that the Section on Counselors to Districts in the Board Briefs add information on the role of a counselor in promoting outside magazine subscriptions and leads to potential advertisers. Special efforts are being made to solicit advertising overseas through Kiwanis contacts, especially in Japan and Europe.

International President's Column

The committee reviewed the recommendation of the 1977-78 Comm. on Administration that the International President write a column for each issue of the

magazine. During discussion, it was pointed out that the President can use-- and has used--the editorial space to address the members on issues of vital importance to the organization in any issue. Concern was expressed that a routine column by the President would lessen the impact of his important messages, particularly since the President's activities are receiving expand- ed coverage in the Scene section and in Kiwanis Today.

The committee believes that it is the President's prerogative to speak to the membership through the magazine whenever he deems it necessary, but he should not be required to write a column every issue.


The staff reported on plans for Magazine Week 1978 (May 7-13) and indicated that the Magazine Week Kit is being updated. Since instituting changes in promotion of Magazine Week in 1975, the staff reported that requests for Magazine week Kits have increased from about 600 in 1974 to more than 1,000 in 1977. In keeping with the goal of increasing non-member subscriptions.

Magazine Week is emphasizing the public relations value of gift subscriptions this year.

Results of a fulfillment survey completed recently indicate that North American subscribers are generally receiving the magazine on time and in good physical condition.

The staff reported that beginning with the January 1978 issue, the magazine was arriving in Europe within two weeks of publication via KLM Airlines.

The committee directed the staff to examine the possibility of establishing a reduced rate for new European subscribers that would take advantage of minimum weight charges for shipping by air. The staff is seeking similar delivery services in South America, Far East, and is attempting to improve delivery service to the Caribbean area.

As previously directed by the committee, the magazine staff is cooperating with the public relations staff to increase magazine subscriptions of non-members.

Notices to encourage gift subscriptions have been mailed to district public relations chairmen, a flyer promoting gift subscriptions has been developed, and other means of promoting subscriptions through club officers are being investi- gated.

Respectfully submitted, PAUL CHANDLER




Date of Committee 1v1eeting:

Place of Committee Meeting:

Present: Members

Chairman Others

Staff Member -

January 30, 1978

Kiwanis International Building Chicago, Illinois

Merald T. Enstad, Raymond W. Lansford Dwight F. Gallivan

J\,1aurice Gladman, Hilmar L. 1tBil111 Solberg, Drew M. Petersen, M. D., R. P. Merridew John L. McGehee

The Committee heard a report from the Staff Director of Public Relations covering the highlights of departmental effort since the last meeting of the Committee.

A. The department assisted in the final wrapup of the National Farm-City Council's activities for 1977, and is currently working on the annual graphic report 011

Farm-City Week publicity, and on the update of 1978 Farm-City promotional materials. ·

B. The balance of the 5-slide series of institutional TV messages have been vigorou,1y publicized in the Bulletin for Kiwanis Officers and are being orde:red by clubs in such quantity that the supply will soon be exhausted. This is a gratis ite1n.

C. The department has worked closely with President Gladman in arrangernents for his formal visits to the Prime Minister and Governor General of Canada in Ottawa,

and to the embassies of 11eleven new Kiwanis countries II in Washington.

D. The department assisted in development of an Eastern Airlines promotional film on Miami Beach as the site of the 1978 convention.

E. The program to give :recognition plaques to former Board members, other than Past International Presidents, is underway. There is a total of forty-si..x of these.

Plaques are on hand in the General Office. About three-fourths of them can be presented personally by President Gladman during official visits. Arrangements will be made for him to present others, where possible. Those remaining will be presented by Board members representing the President, or by Governors during their official visits to divisions in which past Board members live.

F. The project to employ the Kiwanis Magazine as a PR and membership development tool is in process of preparation. A script jointly prepared by the public relations and magazine departments will be finalized in the near future; slides will be

selected to illustrate the script, and the script's availability will be made known to district public relations chairmen and others who can promote such use of the magazine.

G. An editorial feature on CAQ ( Crime Awareness Quotient) has been distributed to all clubs £or transmittal to local papers £or publication on a public service basis.

The feature is a questionnaire. Readers are asked to rate their own Crime . Awareness Quotients, calling Kiwanis clubs in their areas for additional informa.(_ __

tion if they find they cannot answer the questions. Clubs, in turn, have been - advised how to respond to such calls.

H. Three hundred copies of a set of five slides on crime subjects have been prepared and are on hand in the Ge,neral Office, together with appropriate written messages

£or each, which can be read by station announcers. A flyer announcing the slides, which are designed to provide support to the SAC efforts of individual clubs, has been distributed. Slides are available to clubs for the asking. Orders are already coming in on these.

I. Banner patches for both the club bulletin and the Silver Bell contest winners and runners-up have been designed and will be distributed at the appropriate time to this year's winners.

Judging of entries in the 1976-77 international club bulletin contest was completed in November. Winners and runners-up have been notified privately. A list of winners·

and runners-up is attached as Exhibit I.

Judging in the international competition for district bulletins will take place in April or May.

Judging of entries in the 1976-77 Silver Bell international public relations competition,, was completed in January. Winners and runners-up have been notified privately. ( A !is t is attached as Exhibit II.

The Committee considered a suggestion that the pictures of state governors and provincial premiers who are Kiwanians be added to the display of U.S. Congressmen and Senators and Canadian Senators and M. P. 1 s who are Kiwanians. It was felt that the cost of preparing the new display, which would be about $1,500, could not be borne by this year's budget. A question was raised about the desirability of including appropriate governmental leaders from aU Kiwanis countries to the display. The staff was directed to study what would be involved if this step were to be taken, and to report back to the Committee.

The Committee next considered Connelly Medal nominations received since the last meeting of the Board. The first was for Russell Rutt of Ann Arbor, Michigan, who risked his life to rescue a 66-year old woman overcome by smoke inhalation from a burning apartment.

Recommendation #1:

The Committee recommends that a Robert P. Connelly Medal be awarded to Russell Rutt of Ann Arbor, Michigan who risked his life to save an unconscious woman from a burning apartment.

I move that recommendation


1 be adopted.


T.he Committee next considered the nomination of Patrick C. Bennison of Albany, New York, who risked his life to remove a girl from an overturned and burning automobile.

Recommendation #2:

The Committee recommends that a Robert P. Connelly Medal be awarded to Patrick C. Bennison, who risked his life to save the life of a girl trapped in an overturned and burning automobile.

I move that recommendation #2 be adopted.


Finally, the Committee considred the nomination of Richard Rothschild of Upland, California, who risked his life in a vain attempt to rescue five passengers of an airplane which had crashed into an apartment building and caught fire. Although his action was heroic and timely, all five occupants of the plane perished in the flames.

Recommendation #3:

The Committee recommends that a Robert P. Connelly Medal be awarded to Richard Rothschild of Upland, California, who risked his life in an attempt to rescue five people trapped in a crashed and burning aircraft.

I move that recommendation #3 be adopted.


The Committee also considered suggestions for an appropriate recipient of the Kiwanis Decency Award at the 1978 Convention in Miami Beach.

The Committee decided to hold for further study the proposal for presenting recognition plaques to past International committee chairmen.

I move this report be received.






(Judging held Tuesday, November 15, 1977 in Chicago.) GOLD DIVISION (101 members or more)

1st place

1st honorable mention 2nd honorable mention

Pasadena, California

Greenville, South Carolina Phoenix, Arizona

SILVER DIVISION (71 - 100 members) 1st place

1st honorable mention 2nd honorable mention ORANGE DIVISION 1st place

1st honorable mention 2nd honorable mention

Huntington Park, California North Shore, Chicago, Illinois Paducah, Kentucky

(46-70 members)

Morganton, North Carolina :tvlerle Hay, Des Moines, Iowa Rogers Park, Chicago, Illinois BLUE DIVISION (31045 members)

1st place

1st honorable mention 2nd honorable mention

Sandia, Albuquerque, New Mexico

The Capital City, Raleigh, North Carolina Chattanooga Valley, Flintstone, Georgia (Kentucky-Tennessee District)

WHITE DIVISION )30 members or less) 1st place

1st honorable mention 2nd honorable mention

Riverside, Illinois

Redondo Beach, California West He1npstead, New York

1976-77 GOLD DIVISION (101 members or more)

I st place

1st honorable mention 2nd honorable tnention

Rockford, Illinois Napa, California Phoenix, Arizona SILVER DIVISION (71-100 members)

1st place

1st honorable mention 2nd honorable mention

Hickory, North Carol-ina Chicago Heights, Illinois Sheffield, Alabama

ORANGE DIVISION (46-70 members) 1st place

1st honorable mention 2nd honorable mention

West Charleston, West Virginia Alpine, Rockford, Illinois

(For participating in Rockford area project) Dover, New Jersey

BLUE DIVISION (31-45 members) 1st place

1st honorable mention 2nd honorable mention

Kelowna, British Colw:nbia Tryon, North Carolina

Greater Chicago Heights, Illinois WHITE DIVISION (30 members or less)

I st place

1st honorable mention 2nd honorable mention

Williams town, Kentucky

Rock Valley - Rockford, Illinois

(For participating in Rockford area project) Pasadena-Hastings, California

i r

Dalam dokumen Board Minutes 1978-02 (Halaman 175-184)

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