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Wawancara Dane Ethan:

Hi than, sekarang kita akan interview mengenai KTI yang judulnya "Analisis Apresiasi Sekolah terhadap Talenta dan Pengaruhnya Pada Pencapaian Prestasi Peserta Didik di SMA Citra Kasih Jakarta". Before we go through, I will ask you 4 points, apresiasi, prestasi, talenta, dan berkaitan dengan SMA Citra Kasih.

First and foremost, rhetorical question, “Menurutmu, apa sih apresiasi? How do you define appreciation?”

D.E. = sebenernya simple sih, ujung-ujungnya apresiasi berbicara soal validasi. Ketika kita

melakukan sesuatu dan kita divalidasi, itulah apresiasi. On the most general form, itulah apresiasi.

What do you think is the goal of appreciation, tujuannya apa?

D.E. = sebenernya banyak sih. You ngebantu seseorang untuk ujung-ujungnya ngomong soal motivasi. Manusia kan makhluk sosial dan kita sangat peduli dengan apa yang dikatakan orang lain. Menurut I, validasi adalah salah satu interaksi kita dengan orang lain. Jadi kalo orang lain memvalidasi kita, kita akan merasa apa yang kita lakukan udah bener dan bagus. Jadi, kita kemungkinan besar akan mau melakukan yang lebih baik dan mencoba hal yang baru karena kita merasa aku bisa loh. Contoh, “Kamu pinter matematika, loh!” Jadi ujung-ujungnya, apresiasi adalah bentuk validasi yang membantu orang untuk lebih suka terhadap apa yang dia lakukan dan untuk meningkatkan minat dia terhadap suatu bidang

Menurut kamu, appreciation itu punya viral effect nggak? Dalam artian, apakah dengan diapresiasi, kamu punya kecenderungan untuk mengapresiasi orang lain

D.E. = that’s a good question. This may be my personal bias or a real fact. But yea, it has a viral effect. Mendapatkan apresiasi, aku akan merasa bahagia, normal kan? Dampak yang langsung aku pikirkan adalah aku ingin membagikan kesenangan ini ke orang lain. Misalnya, aku dipuji sama kamu, I have the tendency untuk memuji balik. Bukan cuma norma, tapi ada dorongan intrinsik untuk membagikan rasa kesenangan ini. “Oh, aku udah dihargain loh, sekarang aku mau ngehargain orang lain.”

Okay, so it comes from yourself. So, it’s an intrinsic motivation, an intrinsic value. Is that it?

D.E. = I don’t know how it comes from. Personally, I don’t have a thought where, “Oh, I want to be appreciated so I should appreciate others.” No. It’s just something that comes naturally, so I don’t know if it’s a human characteristic or a personal unique behavior that I have. Tapi, tiba-tiba ada dorongan untuk menghargai orang lain.

Ah, alright-alright. So, we’ll play a pop quiz. Jadi, I’m going discuss about forms of appreciation and quickly answer apakah kamu pernah menerimanya with a yes or a no. If so, you can tell me why and how. Apakah kamu pernah menerima apresiasi dalam bentuk kata-kata afirmasi? … Oh, atas hasil pencapaian prestasimu?

D.E. = ini harus di sekolah, di rumah, batasannya dimana?

Ideally di sekolah What I meant by that is that it’s for an Instagram. It feels too formal, it’s just different when someone close to you tells you. It's just reading.

D.E. = oh pernah, pernah.

And dari siapa, ingetkah? Bagaimana? Prestasi apa? Ingetkah?

D.E. = prestasi apa, nggak. Tapi secara general, seharusnya, dipuji karena performa debat. Kan kita banyak latihan debat nih, Sir Dedy itu judgenya. Jadi saat latihan debat, membuat suatu pidato, pasti nggak inget kata-kata persisnya tapi dicompliment, “Oh poin kamu mengenai ini bagus loh!” Hal-hal itu sangat sederhana tapi sangat seneng, gitu loh. “Oh yang aku usahain selama ini diakui loh.” Mungkin poin lain adalah diakui. Kata-kata afirmasi, dalam konteks debat, sesimpel, “Oh aku suka argumen kamu tentang teknologi harus bijak digunakan.” Pembuat argumennya udah langsung, “thank you, loh!” Ada rasa seneng ketika karya kita dipuji. Ada juga kala jadi pengurus SBO, ketika dipuji, “gamesnya bagus, konsepnya menarik.” Dari temen-temen, ada yang muji. That’s the forms of appreciation I’ve received.

Alright, moving on, second thing, pernah nggak nerima hadiah tunai?

D.E. = pernah, eh bentar, hadiah tunai maksudnya sekolah yang kasih ato lomba.

That, sekolah yang kasih

D.E. = oh nggak lah, oh bentar, ini klarifikasi dulu, kalo pernah menang lomba yang dilaksanakan sekolah, itu dihitung nggak?


D.E. = oh kalo gitu nggak pernah

Do you think there’s a reason why they don’t give it to you. Apakah ada bentuk alasankah that you’ve tried to reason with?

D.E. = oh bentar ini maksudnya, bener-bener, “oh kamu menang juara 1 di lomba ini, terus sekolah


D.E. = enggak sih, paling the closest thing to that is biaya pendaftaran nggak dipotong. Misal, biaya pendaftaran 50.000 terus menang 200.000, purely 200.000 itu diambil. Meskipun ada

sekolah lain yang bakal potong, jadi 150.000 karena 50.000 itu dipake buat pendaftaran. I think the closest thing yang aku ngalamin, Citra Kaish nggak ngitung sama biaya pendaftaran. Yaudah, mereka nggak kurang-kurangin. Personally, I don’t think that’s necessary untuk dapetin uang tunai.

D.E. = Satu, dalam konteks, it’s unreasonable. Two, I don’t personally like ketika CK kasih uang tunai karena toh panitia udah kasih hadiah tunai.

So, it’s actually interesting, in the academic world, banyak perdebatan yang terjadi antara

pemberian insentif ini. Ada pro dan kontra and what you’ve said is represented as well. I just would like to expand on this point, “do you actually think that it’s a good idea to give financial incentives for people untuk ikut dan menang prestasi?”

D.E. = do I have to contextualize in Citra Kasih Actually, go. Go ahead, anything would do.

D.E. = sure. So in general form, drawing from my experience and what I think other people would say, I think financial incentives, okay, one of the factors you have to examine is, “who are we talking about?” Kalo aktor utama adalah anak-anak dari ekonomi yang mumpuni, personally, I don’t think that’s not gonna work. Meskipun, kita suka sama uang, suka sama financial incentives, personally I haven’t seen others perform better from that. In my opinion, financial incentives don’t have that big of a power in higher income families. Mungkin merasa seneng, but I don’t think that’s necessary. Sure, pasti ada form of benefits, tapi I think at the end akan marginal. Sebab,

ujung-ujungnya, persepsi financial incentives in higher income families itu, “yaudah, it’s not too big of a deal.” Kedua, it’s more of like, to some people, malah bergeser motivasi mereka, tadinya mau nambah pengalaman, sekarang mau ngejar duit ini. Ketika mereka ngejar duit, mereka lebih mudahburnout. In comparison, ketika nggak ada uang, fokusnya buat pengalaman, “yaudah, aku nggak menang, setidaknya aku dapat pengalaman.” It doesn’t that have big of a strong hold Moving on, has your prestasi ever been pajang/informed?

D.E =Yea, if not I would’ve complained.

How do you feel?

D.E = I’ll take it from my point and their point.So from what I feel, when you see your name.You feel proud even though you know you won, it's the fact that other people get to know about it. Mungkin bantu your ego and it keeps making you go forward and strive even further. It’s

like your hard work truly paid off.Bangga lah ibaratnya. People knowing you won and congratulating you makes you feel even more validated.

Now let’s go to the 4th, apakah kamu diberikan program pelatihan dari sekolah?

D.E = Define program pelatihan

It’s defined as someone who came from outside the school to give you knowledge. Have you experienced it before?

D.E =I'll say yes, but not in the way you think.From my experience, before a competition we would have intensive training. Our coach, Sir Dedy, said that he probably can’t help us out even though we really needed it. So, Sir Dedy, contacted someone to teach us debate. So we were taught but sadly it was one time. It wasn’t a formal one by the school, it was more of just Sir Dedy finding someone. There was also that other time where we sparred with another school, just like before it wasn’t by the school tapi lebih ke inisiatif guru.Jadi gak pernah kalau dari sekolah.

Last but not least, apakah sekolah pernah offer you anapprenticeshipprogram, dalam artian kamu diminta sekolah because of prestasi and help ur adekels that have the same interest as u

D.E =Yea pernah, debate. It’s not resmi nor was it a commitment. It’s like if you have some free time you can do it.But from osis, it's not an initiative as well. We were told 2 help them with LDK. Couple years ago, there would be a speaker outside CK. But, us, senior SBO members were told to be the speakers for the juniors and there were also small groups for each division. That happened but how it happened was because of kita yang mengajukan rather than a speaker who can’t understand the true environment of CK than us that's gone through 3 years . Sure, the school said yes but it was still us who proposed the idea in the 1st place.

Interesting, senang atau tidak senang kah menjalaniapprenticeshipini?

D.E =For me, I get happy when I get to decide when I will be in theapprenticeship. But i'm not happy when I'm given a schedule to do. It’s like on the start I'm happy but on the long term I won't. Cause it’s like I'm doing a job where I don't get paid for my time and effort. So, it makes me feel better when I know I’m in charge.

Program kaku, you have to learn the schedule but you're paid and you get regular income. Are you happy or not happy?

D.E. = Of course, I'm happy cause I get to do what I like and I get paid. Ibaratnya I get experience and money

D.E = Like anything?


D.E = What I'm trying to find is, of course, experience mainly that’ll benefit me. The 2nd thing is the knowledge, lessons I've learned to help me in college and getting the degree I want. But in debate, what I’m trying to find is 1st exploring conflicts/ exploring different issues. I get to express myself and the other thing is, I can share my idea with everyone else and when my idea is dibantah. I can come up with a better idea and to touch this idea. The ability to say what you think and make new arguments is what I'm trying to find.

In this pursuit of expressing yourself by debate. Are there obstacles or no obstacles, bahkan incentives to get to this point. So, are there any?

D.E = Specifically In debate, I’ll start with incentives. I'll start with that, simply adalah 1 the possibility that you can be a good debater/ the possibility of making it to nationals. One of the incentives that I have is the hope of becoming so good at doing what I love (debate) that Indonesia chose me to become their representative. It’s a different kind of pride being able to represent Indonesia, doesn't even have to be Indonesia. Even team Jakarta. That's a pendorong that keeps me going. More than that, the financial isn't significant but it's more like I get money at a young age just makes you feel proud. Lastly is the community that everyone wants to get better. Knowing you aren’t alone makes you keep going because debate gets pretty hard sometimes. Now obstacles are commitment and procrastination. You have to dedicate so much time and practice debate until night/evening. Even though it's fun, it gets tiring. Another thing is procrastination. Like I wanna get better but I'd rather do something else

Moving on, hubungan apresiasi terhadap prestasimu. Do you feel pushed intrinsically or

extrinsically that makes you come up with new ideas or new policies. Lkreike your daya kreativitas lebih tumbuh. Have you experienced it before

D.E =Definitely, intrinsically motivating. Like you get validated after all your hard work.So yes, I am intrinsically motivated to chase that compliment/praise/appreciation. But generally, I’ve just been recognized. Apa salahnya I keep going in this bidang or explore some more

Have you ever diminta kamu kemajuannya gimana. Are there frequent updates? Like school/friends going like “How’s this/that”

D.E = Largely no, but sometimes I get some from teachers asking me about some competitions here and there. It doesn't happen a lot, it’s like all of the sudden that they ask you. I dont think its a general phenomenon

Do you believe that what you're doing right now will create opportunities for your adekels?

D.E = I believed that hopefully it will create some new opportunities. But dulu I didn't believe that opportunities will be created. But as time moved on, immediately I now believe what I've done will create more opportunities. Because I've seen some happen in front of my eyes. If my batch were to not have a debate team, nggak ada adekel yang ikut debate team. It’s as simple as they had kesempatan like that when watching a debate tournament they could ask someone in the debate team. Kalo nggak ada, mereka mau nanya siapa. It's still possible but it'll be harder. Had I not debated, bisa aja mereka mau debat. They can ask Sir Dedy and some people who went through debate experience and ask them. It’s just easier now, if we were not to debate it would nearly be impossible. So yes, I do believe.

Do you fundamentally believe that your prestasi will berakibat pada gambaran sekolah yang semakin positif?

D.E = Of course, look at SMAK 1 everyone knows them because of how smart they are, not just their soals being harder. It's more because banyak anak-anak SMAK 1 is so berprestasi. So in my opinion, my prestasi bakal membantu build image sekolah. Like when I get juara 2 at Canisius people can go “wow this school is good”, “this school still remembers their students potential”, sure it's not always the cause but for image perception, iya pasti.

To identify yourself, may I know what academic prestasi you've gotten for these past 3 years and do you wanna share them with us?

D.E = Sure, kalau dari simpel like nilai, I think I can say I’ve consistently been in the top 3 in my class since grade 11. But about OSN, pernah dipercayai sekolah to join in.

Sorry but cabang apa dan tahun berapa?

D.E = OSN Kabupaten 2022 Informatika Ok keep going

D.E = I guess another thing is those competitions in lembaga-lembaga di instagram. Ada beberapa yang lomba matematika, I’ve gotten silver and bronze there. But the legitimasi bisa dipertanyakan, but I've done well there at least. Lastly, I've been trusted with teaching in math club and I've gotten some form of scholarship in universities


D.E = Universe of Alberta like entrance scholarship for like a couple thousand dollars

D.E = Juara 2 Canisius debate cup. Juara 4 MEDC sekaligus pembicara 3 terbaik out of like ratusan participants. Juara 2 debating championship by Airlangga, as well as best memorial. Juara 1 podcast di SMAK 1. Juara 3 Radio Drama Asian English Olympics, terus

Were there any organizations?

D.E = Tadi math club, as a tutor. Manager in MICE 2021-2022 SBO. Organisasi RTR (Raise them Rights). I think that’s it

About your debate club, are you still active till this day? How would you identify?

D.E = I think I have to say passive, because bikin essays. Study for US tapi sekarang udah sangat pasif.

According to Tansley ada 4 jenis talenta. Leadership talent, key talent, core talent, peripheral. First one means orang yang kompetisi wants to hire them because they are that good. Key talent

groups consist of 2-5% of the company but they are targets for head hunters because of their godly specialization. Thirdly, core talent adalah is like “Ill just do what I have to do”. Lastly, peripheral they are 3rd parties and contractors. Mereka cuma diajak “can you do this for us” and leave. Out of the 4, what do you identify as?

D.E = Ok, but what’s the difference between leadership and key talent?

Leadership has the significant edge tansley made because they have a leadership that key talent doesn’t have. Sekalipun, leadership talent ini juga punya spesialisasi skill-skill, tapi ditambah dengan kemampuannya untuk lead. Where do you identify yourself as?

D.E = Ini contextnya apa, maksudnya-

Talent, different talentamu dengan kepribadianmu, what do you identify yourself as? Aku orang yang bertalenta A-B-C-D, which on?

D.E = Kalau C itu apa, “core talent” itu lebih ke apa? Ada talenta kan?

Ada talenta tapi dia basically fokus ke one aspect alone, on one thing alone dan dia fokus untuk melakukan hal itu aja selama 6 sampai 12 bulan, tanpa memikirkan goal-goal masa depan. Jadi, dia cuma ngikut dan hanya melakukan what he/she does best

D.E. = oke, naik satu, kalo si key talent. Orangnya kayak gimana?

Very specialized people

D.E. = do they think about the future?

Not really, but they are really really specialized and they’re very good at it D.E. = kalo misalnya leader?

They are at the top

D.E. = and they think about the future and also are very good at what they do?


D.E. = and the last one?

Peripheral D.E. = which is?

They are third party contractors, ujung, it means that, “oh, can you help us?” but they’re not really necessary to the core of the organization so they are quickly dibubarkan. So where do you identify yourself according to the achievements you’ve said and the core skills you have.

D.E. = sure, I’m gonna answer this in an organization, in a setting that suits my debate prestige because if I go to another environment, for instance, computer science, that would be invalidated immediately. So dalam konteks debat, I would identify myself as a leadership type. You can say with what I’ve achieved, I guess I can be called good at doing something and specifically and specialize in argument making. Sure, but I think the edge I have is the leadership type, and I think as a person who has experienced debating, I guess I’m more of the leadership style. Although I also do check my arguments, I frequently ask and check about others. It’s not a trend that happens every single time, but I think the fact that it happens, it already makes me to a leadership style, other than the key talent group.

Do you think leadership talent ini dari dalam atau terbentuk? Is it a construct or genetics?

D.E. = personally, I like to believe in the option that talents are given but they are also the result of hard work and training constantly. I do acknowledge that there are people where some people are much faster learners than others, but from my case, for intelligence, I’m just average. And for my case, my talents come from hard work and constant training.

So, it’s the culmination of previous efforts dan kebetulan aja you have a fundamental skill on debate but that doesn’t mean it’s a prerequisite for greatness. There are steps you have to go through and you call those steps: training?

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