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F. Technique of Data Analysis

In completing the data, the next step of the research is data collection; data collection function is to determine the results of research.

In collecting data, the author uses the technique. In this study, the authors provide tests to the students in 10th grade SMA Muhammadiyah Limbung in academic year 2018/2019. These tests focus on vocabulary tests in English.

The steps in analyze the data are chronologic present as follows:

a. Classified the student‟s vocabulary mastery

To classify the vocabulary mastery of the students, the writer calculated the mean score of the students' vocabulary mastery tests by used the following pattern and formula:

Table 03.Classifying the student‟s vocabulary mastery No Rate of Score Categories

1 96-100 Excellent

2 86-95 Very good

3 76-85 Good

4 66-75 Fairly good

5 56-65 Fair

6 36-55 Poor

7 00-35 Very poor

Istiqamah (2012)

̅ ∑

Where: ̅ = Mean

∑ = Total Raw Score

= Total number of the students

(Hizbullah: 2012)

b. Finding the significant difference between the score of the pre-test and post-test. The researcher calculates the value of the test by using the following formula:

1) - (N N

N D) -( D t D



Where: t= test of significance difference

D= the mean score of difference (X1-X2)

∑D= the sum of the total score of difference D= the square of the sum score of difference N= the total number.

1 = number of variable

If the lies between 0. 40 - 1.00 is accepted, and is rejected.

Whereas if the lies between 0.00 - 0. 40, is accepted.

To see whether the students‟ vocabulary mastery is significant or not, the writer concludes the result by applying the following comparison between the r analysis and the r table.

If > r table. The vocabulary mastery is positive.

If < r table. The vocabulary mastery is negative.

If = r table is zero vocabulary master


and consists of findings and discussion. Findings shows description of result from the data that had been collected through vocabulary test in pre-test and post-test. Then, discussion contains explanation of findings which reflect to the result of the data. In this discussion, the researcher uses their own word to explain it.

A. Findings

1. The improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery at SMA Muhammadiyah limbung.

To facilitate the measurement of student‟s vocabulary mastery that focus on (verb and adjective), the scores are converted in the standard scores using the percentage correction formula as stated in chapter three and the result can be seen in appendix 3 . To see the mean score of vocabulary mastery, the writer tried to calculate the mean score of the vocabulary test to the table.Table 4.1 The improvement students‟ vocabulary mastery.

No Indicators

Mean score

Range Improvement Pre test Post test

1. Verb 36.4 87.6 51 14.65%

2. Adjective 38.8 85.6 46.8 12.6%

Based on the table 4.1 above, shows that the improvement students‟ vocabulary mastery have two indicators there are Verb and Adjective, where the mean score of Verb in pre test was 36.4, post test 87.6 with range was 51 and the improvement which was 14.65%. While the mean score of Adjective in pre test was 38.8, post test 85.6 with range was 46.8 and the improvement which was 12.6%. The data showed that the influenced of reading English magazine as a media could improved the students‟ vocabulary mastery.

The improvement of the students mean score in pretest to posttest proved that using English magazine is effective to improved students vocabulary mastery in terms of Verb and Adjective. It proved that there was significant improvement of the students vocabulary mastery at the 11th Grade Students of SMA Muhammadiyah Limbung.

Graphic 4.1 The Improvement of Students’ Vocabulary Mastery in Terms of Verb and Adjective.

0 20 40 60 80 100

Verb Adjective

Verb and Adjective

Pre Test Post Test Range Improvment

Based on the ghrapic above it showed that, the pretest of Vocabulary mastery (verb) was lower than pretest of vocabulary mastery (adjective), while in post test vocabulary mastery (verb) was higher than the post test of vocabulary mastery (adjective), with range of verb was higher than range of adjective while on the improvement of verb was higher than improvement of adjective.

From the result above showed that after researcher gave treatment and post test, the students vocabulary mastery (verb) was more higher than vocabulary mastery (adjective).

2. The students’ rate percentage and frequency of reading English magazine in terms vocabulary mastery (Verb).

The following table showed that the percentage of vocabulary mastery through reading English magazine in pre-test and post test Table 4.2 The percentage of vocabulary mastery (verb )

No Classification Score

Pretest Post test

F % F %

1 Excellent 96-100 0 0 10 40%

2 Very Good 86-95 0 0 1 4%

3 Good 76-85 0 0 10 40%

4 Fairly Good 66-75 0 0 4 16%

5 Fair 56-65 0 0 0 0

6 Poor 36-55 13 52% 0 0

7 Very Poor 00-35 12 48% 0 0

Total 25 100% 25 100%

(Depdikbud, 1981:45)

The table above shows about the classification in pre-test and post- test, the classification in pre test where as 13 students (53.33%) got poor and 12 students (46.66%) got very poor. Therefore the classification in post test where as 10 students (23.33%) got excellent, 10 students (%) got Good, 4 students (76.66%) got fairly good and 1 student (%) got very Good.

3. The students’ rate percentage and frequency of reading English magazine in terms of vocabulary mastery (adjective).

Table 4.3 the percentage of vocabulary mastery (adjective)

No Classification Score

Pretest Post test

F % F %

1 Excellent 96-100 0 0 3 12%

2 Very Good 86-95 0 0 9 36%

3 Good 76-85 0 0 10 40%

4 Fairly Good 66-75 0 0 3 12%

5 Fair 56-65 0 0 0 0

6 Poor 36-55 15 60% 0 0

7 Very Poor 00-35 10 40% 0 0

Total 25 100% 25 100%

(Depdikbud, 1981:45)

The table above shows about the classification in pre-test and post- test, the classification in pre test where as 15 students (40%) got poor and 10 students (60%) got very poor. Therefore the classification in post test where as 3 students (33.33%) got excellent, 9 students (%) got Very good.

10 students(%) got Good and 3 students (66.66%) got fairly good.

4. Test of significance (t-Test)

The following table showed the result of t-test calculation : Table 4.4 The T-Test Analysis of the Students‟ Improvement Variable t-test value t-table value Remark

Students‟ score 4.95 1.711 Significantly different

The Table 4.4 above, showed that t-test value was greater than t- table. The result of the t-test was significant difference between t-table and t-test (4.95>1.711), it means that t-table was lower than t-test.

The result of the text statistical analysis showed that there was significant difference between the students‟ pre-test score before got

treatment by using reading english magazine with the students post test score after treatment. The statement was proved by the t-test value (4.95) which higher than t-table value (1.711) at the level of significance 0,5 and the degree of freedom (N-1) = (25-1)=24

In addition the t-test value was greater than t-table value that is (4.95>1.711), it means that the null hypothesis ( ) was rejected and alternative hypothesis ( ) was received.

Based on the result above, it can be concluded that teaching English using reading English magazine can improve students‟ vocabulary mastery at the 11th grade of SMA Muhammadiyah limbung.


This part presents discussion about vocabulary mastery for students using reading English magazine of the research findings derived from the result of statistical to depict the students‟ vocabulary mastery in teaching and learning process through the influence of English magazine.

Based the result of previous research by :

umam in thesis (“Improving students’ vocabulary mastery by using jakarta post newspaper articles”) this research used classroom action research that students mean score in t- test is 4.31 and t-table is 2.01.

Zahrah in thesis (2016) (“The Effect of English Comics on the Students Vocabulary Achievement at Second Year Students of SMP NEGERI 10 KENDARI”) The researcher used an independent T-test

sample in SPSS verse 20 to analyze the research results. The sample t test is performed to compare values in the experimental class and control class.

There were significant differences in values for the experimental class (M

= 2.02, SD = 2.03) and control classes (M = 0.94, SD = 1.32); p = 0.02 Sig. <¥ à or H0 is rejected and H1 accepted. Thus, it can be used in English which has improved students. English comic effects can improve students achievement of vocabulary in second year students of SMPN 10 Kendari.

Amri in thesis (2016) (“Increasing Students Vocabulary Mastery by Using EYE-Spy Game at the Second Grade of SMP Babussalam Selayar”) Found that the research discovers that the students‟ vocabulary mastery increased by the Eye-Spy Game by the increase of mean score of experimental class that is 65.62 in the pre-test and 86.82 in the post-test.

The result of the t-test also shown that the Eye-Spy Game is effective to increase students‟ vocabulary mastery because the t-test, 2.094, is higher than t-table, 2.042 (2.094 > 2.042).

Based on the results above, it can be concluded that teaching using traditional media can improve students vocabulary mastery. Automaticly from the statement above shows that by using jakarta post newspaper articles, English Comics, EYE-Spy Game, can improved vocabulary of students, from the thesis above shows that it has similarities between previous researchers and authors that by using traditional media can improve vocabulary of students, it's just that researchers previously used jakarta post newspaper

articles, English comics, EYE-Spy game as a medium while the author used the English magazine as a media.

The description of data collected from vocabulary mastery in terms verb and adjective of the text. It was supported by mean score and percentage of the students‟ pre-test and post-test result. Based on the findings above, the influence of reading English magazine made students had mean score was higher in vocabulary mastery than before they knew English magazine.

1. The improvement the students’ vocabulary mastery in terms of verb Vocabulary mastery in terms of verb was about the ability to understand about the text. In the first meeting when researcher gave pre-test, the researcher looked the most of students did not know to determined of verb.

It could be seen in the table 4.1 that the students‟ vocabulary mastery in terms the verb in pretest the mean score was very poor, it was 36.4.

In terms the vocabulary (verb) in pretest, the students were confused to determined about verb of the text. Beside that students answer as they know.

Based on the problem above, so the researcher was expected to help the students to improve their vocabulary using reading English magazine.

After students had given treatment of the research, mean score in post test from students become 87.6. It was higher score than pre-test score. Pretest to post test, there was improvement score of the students from low to high by using reading English magazine. The improvement percentage showed 14.65% with the range 51. It means that students have improvement to know the vocabulary of the text.

The improvement of the students mean score in pre-test and post-test proved that using reading English magazine is effective in increasing the students vocabulary mastery (verb). based on the result above, using reading English magazine had improved the students‟ vocabulary mastery.

2. The improvement of the students vocabulary mastery in terms of adjective

Based on findings and discussion in using reading English magazine in the class, the data was by the test as explanation in the previous finding section showed that the students‟ vocabulary mastery in terms of adjective. It could see in mean score of pre-test and post test and improvement percentage on the table 4.1

The data on the table 4.1 showed that the score improved from 37.6 in pretest‟s mean score to 85.8 in post test‟s score. After calculating of the score between pretest and post test, researcher found that reading ability of students improved which was to be 12.6 % with range was 46.8 from mean score 37.6 in pretest to 85.8 in post test .

The improvement of the students mean score in pre-test and post test proved that using reading English magazine is effective in increasing the students‟ vocabulary mastery (adjective). It means that implementation of reading English magazine in treatment of students‟ SMA Muhammadiyah limbung was success to make students understandable and knew about vocabulary (adjective).

3. Test of Significance (t-test)

After calculating the value t-test analysis then it was compared with t- table value so researcher found that the value was greater than t-table value, it mean that null hypothesis ( ) was rejected and alternative hypothesis ( ) was accepted because there was difference significant mean score of test that had given by researcher before and after researcher using reading English magazine to improve vocabulary students.

t-test value was greater than t-table. It was (4.95>1.711), it means that t-table was lower than t-test and there was significant difference between students‟ vocabulary mastery before and after they got reading English magazine at 11th grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah limbung specially for students of XI IPS as a sample in this research.

Beside that, the data showed than null hypothesis ( ) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis ( ) was accepted. The researcher conclude that the influence of English magazine was one a good media that could improve the students‟ vocabulary mastery at 11th grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah limbung in academic year 2018/2019 could improve in terms the verb and adjective.


Based on researcher findings and discussion in the perevious chapter the following conclusions are presented :

1. Using reading English magazine in teaching is able to improve the students‟ vocabulary mastery at the 11th grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah limbung. It is proved by the students‟ achievement in post test is higher than pretest and when the students‟ mean score achievement of vocabulary mastery focused on verb in pretest is 36.4 but after give treatment, in post test is 87.6 the students‟ vocabulary mastery becomes 14.65%.

2. Using English magazine is able to improve the students‟ vocabulary mastery focused in adjective. It is proved by 12.6 % of improvement which indicates that post test is higher than the pretest while pretest was 38.8 and post test was 85.6.


Based on conclusion above, the researcher wants to draw some suggestions are as follows:

1. The English teachers are suggested to apply English magazine as media in learning process especially in teaching reading ability to identifying vocabulary mastery (verb and adjective) of students.

2. The English teachers should maximize in giving guidance to the students in learning and teaching process , especially when using reading English magazine.

3. The students should increase their ability to learn reading by using English magazine.

4. The teachers should be creative and be interested in teaching using English magazine.

5. The result of this research can also be used as an additional references or futher research with different discussion for the next researchers.

6. The next researchers are expected that this finding can be a reference for them to conduct the similar research study about reading English magazine and its testing.

7. The English teachers should be creative to manage the material presentation in the classroom for teaching reading such as using English magazine.


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The following text is for question 1 to 5 ISWAHYUDI (1918-1947)

Iswahyudi Wiryomihardjo is the first Indonesian Air Marshall who died on duty. After graduating from Algemene Middelbare School (AMS), a high school in Malang, he went on to medical school. However, in his third year, he gave up his studies because he became interested in aviation. In 1941, he became a cadet of the Luchvaart Opleidings School, an aviation school. When the Pacific War broke out, he continued his studies in Australia. Returning to Indonesia in 1943, Iswahyudi made a great landing n Lodojo, South Blitar. Soon after the landing, Iswahyudi was arrested by the Kenpetai, the Japanese Military Police. He was first imprisoned in Karangmenjangan, Surabaya, then was put under house arrest, but was later allowed to continue his activities in Surabaya. Iswahyudi played an important role during the Revolution. When Japan was defeated by the Allies, he successfully saved several Japanese airplanes including their equipment. He also promptly assisted Adisucipto as a pilot instructor when the first national aviation school was established.

Please chose the synonym from the underline words bellow!

1. Iswahyudi wiryomiharjo is the first indonesian air marshal who died on duty.

a. First c. Pass away

b. Life d. Air

2. He gave up his studies because he became interested in aviation.

a. Fascinated c. Became b. Remember d. Easy

3. When the pacifific war broke out, he continued his studies in australia.

a. Warm c. Hit

b. Break d. Destroyed

4. Soon after the landing is wahyudi was arrested by the kenpetai, the japanese military police.

A. Catch c. Run

b. Pull d. Push

5. Iswahyudi played an important role during the revolution.

a. Leave c. Enter

b. Necessary d. Enough The following text for question 6 to 10

A “blog”, abbreviated word for weblog, is a webbased journal in which people can publish their thoughts and opinions on the Internet. Anyone can start a blog. First, find a decent blogging provider that appeals to you. The most popular providers include LiveJournal, Blogger, WordPress.com, and Xanga. Second, once you sign up, you will have a gallery of ready-made templates to choose from. With these, you can pick a colour scheme and layout for your blog. Third, add blogging freebies like buttons, images, blog chalks, i-moods, and guestbook.

Fourth, explore other blog sites that offer more features for a small fee, such as Typepad.com and Choselt. Fifth, decide on whether or not you want your blog to be private or public. Sixth, after you have set up your blog, write a few posts to test it out, and make any adjustments to the layout or style that you see fit.

Seventh, visit other blogs to build a blogging circle. (Note: This will not work if your blog is private) The last, publish your blog by sending the URL to your friends or publish the URL on our website.

Please chose the antonym from the underline words bellow!

6. Anyone can start a blog a. Finish c. Forget b. Stupid d. Easy

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