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3. Interview

Interview is one of the methods of collecting data most applicable in social research.

According to Creswell interviews is one of popular way to observation in qualitative research47. And it occurs when the researchers ask one or more participant and write their answer to complete research data in observation.

There are type of interview 1. One on one Interview

One on one interview is a data collecting method in which the researcher asks a single participant in the study a question and notes their responses.

2. Focus Group Interviews

Focus on group discussion is the technique of collecting data from a group of four to six persons through interviews. The researcher asks a modest number of generic questions to which everyone in the group responds.

3. Telephone interviews

The process of collecting data using the telephone and asking a small number of general question.

4. E mail Interviews

Email linterviews consist of gathering open ended data by conducting interviews with people who use computers and the internet to do so.

47 Ibid page 218

8. Assessment instruments include grammar, punctuation, spelling

9. The assessment instrument includes paragraph components

10. Lecturer determines student pairs in peer assessment 11. Students choose their own partner in providing feedback

At this time, the researcher used one-on-one interviews to collect the data. Researchers will conduct interviews with students as participants and also lecturer of paragraph writing courses.

Table 1.2 interview questions for lecturer


No Question Answer

1. Since when did you use peer assesstement as a teaching technique


What is the reason for using peer assesstemnt as a teaching technique, especially in paragraph writing course ?

3. How are student learning outcomes after applying peer assestement ?


Is there an improvement in the students’ paragraph writing after the implementation of peer assesstement , especially in paragraph development ?


Would you recommend peer assesstement as a technique used to teach, especially in writing courses?

Table 1.3interview questions for students


No Question in 1st interview Answer

1. Has your teacher ever implemented peer asesstement before ?

2. Does using peer assesstemnt feel difficult for you ? No Questions in 2nd interview

1. What difficulties did you get in writing paragraph ? 2. What the alternative solutions do you use to

overcome your difficulties in making a paragraph ? 3. Did you find it easier to write paragraph after

implementing peer assessment ?

1. Checking Validiy and Findings

Throughout the processs of data collection and analysis . in qualitative research the data can be categorized as a good data when the data is accurate and valid.

The three primary form used in qualitative research48

1. Triangulation is the process of collaborating evidence from different individuals ( e.g a principal and a student ) ,types of data ( e.g observational fieldsnote and interviews) ,or methods of data collection ( e.g. Document and interviews).

2. Member checking is a process in which the researcher ask one or more participants in the study to check the accuracy of the account. This check involves taking the findings back to the participants and asking them ( in writing or interviews ) about the accuracy of the report.

3. External audit which the researcher hires or obtains the services of an individual outside the study to review different aspects of the research.the auditor reviews the projevct and writes obr communicates an evaluation of the study.

Based on three data validity above the researcher used triangulation of data source.in another definition according to Maxwell states that triangulation reduces the risk of having the conclusions of a study impaired due to the shortcomings and limitations of a single method and, for this very reason, ends up producing more credible conclusions

The first data source is observation and interview the document is used as a data support to know how students’ process during the implementation of peer assesstment the document in the form of students’ draft in writing paragraph in Paragraph Writing Course . The technique of collecting data is observations in the form content analysis.

48 Ibid page 259-260 (2012)

2. Research Procedures

In the first stage, the researcher will conduct a field observation regarding the variables to be studied. This stage is carried out by conducting short interviews with lecturer of the paragraph writing course regarding the application of peer assessment.

The next stage the researchers ask data

After the researchers analyzed the existing data. Researchers will compile research findings that contain an explanation of the data that has been processed. Here the researcher will describe the results of the study in the form of an explanation and also the answer to the research question, that is the implementation of peer assessment can improve student’s writing component on paragraph development at the second semester of IAIN Ponorogo.

F. Organization of Study

According to Creswell there are six step in organization of research.that are 49 1. Identifying a research problem

Identifying a research problem consist of specifying an issue to study, developing a justification for studying it, and suggesting the importance of the study for select audiences that will read the report. By specifying the “problem” can limit the subject matter and focus attention on a specific aspect of study.

2. Reviewing the literature

Reviewing the literature means locating summaries, books, journals, and indexed publications on a topic, selectively choosing the source that related to the research and the summarizing the literature in written report.

3. Specifying a purpose of research

49 Ibid , page 11

In research problem covers a broad of topic concern. And the researcher need to focus it. So the purpose of research consist of identifying the major intent or objective for a study and narrowing it into specific research question or hypotheses . the purpose statement contains the major focus of study, the participants in research, and the location of the inquiry.

4. Collecting data

Collecting data means identifying and selecting individuals for a study, obtaining their permission to study them, and gathering the information by interviewing or observing behavior. This step will produce a collection of words ( responses, opinion, field notes) 5. Analyzing and interpreting qualitative data

Analyzing the data it involves drawing conclusion about it, representing it and explaining the conclusion in the words to provide answer to the research queston of the research. Then report the analysis and on iterpretation in sections of a research.

6. Reporting and evaluating research

Reporting research involves deciding on audiences structuring the report in format acceptable to these audiences, and then writing the report in a manner that is sensitive to all readers. Evaluating research involves assessing the quality of a study using standards advanced by individuals in education.



This chapter consists of main information are found in the field, such as Profile of IAIN Ponorogo , English Departement , vision and mission of the institute, the process of peer assesstment in every meeting class, the interview with the English teacher, the students’

questionnaire, description of findings, and summary of findings.

A. General Data Description 1. Profile of IAIN Ponorogo

As stated in IAIN Ponorogo‘s official website, the existence of IAIN Ponorogo is strongly related to Akademi Syari‘ah Abdul Wahab (ASA) as the main point which is built in 1st February 1968 by the idea of two important figures, KH. Syamsuddin and KH. Chozin Dawoedy. The academy then became Syari‘ah Faculty Ponorogo IAIN Sunan Ampel lead by R.M.H. Aboe Amar Syamsuddin in 12nd May 1970 and held a scholar program. The faculty developed rapidly and held a complete scholar program or undergraduate study by opening Qodlo‘ and Muamalah Jinayah major in 1985/1986.

According to Kepres No. 11 tahun 1997, Fakultas Syari‘ah IAIN Sunan Ampel had to separate from the main office, IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. From that year, it became STAIN Ponorogo (Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri) that had no relationship between IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. STAIN Ponorogo was a dependent organization which had its own administration, office, system, and leader. STAIN Ponorogo opened three majors, Syari‘ah, Tarbiyah, and Ushuluddin, in 21st March 1997.50

In 2016, STAIN Ponorogo changed the status from Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri to Institut Agama Islam Negeri. According to Perpres 75 tahun 2016, the changing

50 “ Sejarah Singkat IAIN Ponorogo” https://iainponorogo.ac.id/sejarah-singkat/ accessed on Monday 11 April 2022.


status was aimed to held professional education and academic. Besides increasing the quantity of facilities, IAIN Ponorogo increased also the quality of institution. IAIN Ponorogo was accredited B by Government in 2015. Now, IAIN Ponorogo is led by Hj.

S. Maryam Yusuf, M. Ag. since 2010. It has 5 faculties; Syari‘ah Faculty, Education and Teachers Training Faculty, Ushuluddin Faculty, Economy and Islam Business Faculty, and Postgraduate with 21 majors and 10.349 students.

2. Profile of English Departement

English Education Department is one of the majors provided by IAIN Ponorogo.

This department built in 2007 and since 2018 until 19th September 2020, it is accredited B. Alumni of English Education Department are aimed to be an English teacher in Junior High School and Senior High School who are good at personality and creativity, they are also hoped to be innovative and responsible. Besides, they are hoped to be able to be good translator who can apply the basic principles of translation theories. Those purposes are stated in vision and mission of English Education Department in its official website.

In order to conduct a good teaching and learning process, IAIN Ponorogo provides good lecturers that are expert in their field. One of Java‘s popular words, ‗Guru, digugu lan ditiru‘ means that teacher is someone who is obeyed and imitated. Form this word, it is really important to study from qualified teacher like the lecturer in English Education Department. And the table of lecturer of English Education Department51, can see in appendices :

The researcher took TBI B class on second semester based on lecturer’s suggestion.

Another reason is the lecturer of second semester applies peer assesstment as a teaching method of paragraph writing course. There were 28 students’ in that class. This is the list of the students

51 “ Dosen Tetap “ https://tarbiyah.iainponorogo.ac.id/akademik/dosen-tetap/ accessed on Monday 11 April 2022.


B. Specific Data Description

In this specific data description, the researcher will present the data obtained from observations, interviews, and also students' draft of paeagraph writing. There will be three points according to the research question in this study.

1. The data of implementation of peer assessment for improving writing component on paragraph development at second semester of IAIN Ponorogo in academic year 2021- 2022

Data regarding the implementation of peer assessment was obtained by researchers through observations. In this case, the researcher conducted the research three times. First on Tuesday, 22 February 2022, second on Tuesday, 1 March 2022, third on Tuesday ,8 March 202252.

Field observations were carried out at the third meeting to be precise on Tuesday, February 22, this meeting was the first meeting that entered learning. In the introductory learning activity, the lecturer asked some questions about the last semester’s writing course.

And also review a little material that has been studied in the last semester eg. Entering the core activity, the lecturer gives instructions to students to make a paragraph consisting of 70- 80 words with the theme “one of the family members” in less than 30 minutes. And here the lecturer also began to provide information that at the end of several meetings he would compare the writings of each student. After the students finished their writing, the lecturer took a few sentences from their writing at random and then wrote them on the blackboard.

Each sentence is discussed together. Lecturers begin to review grammar in writing, types of sentences, etc. Next, the lecturer gives a sheet of paper containing several sentences and instructs the students to analyze the types of sentences including (simple sentences, compound sentences, complex sentences, multilevel compound sentences) by marking SS (Simple sentences) CS (compound sentences), CSN (Sentences). Complex), CCS (Compound

52 See Appendix 2 Pg 76

Sentences). At the end, the lecturer instructs the students to exchange the results of the assignments that have been done to their friends. In the process of correcting, the lecturer instructs that for each task being reviewed, the reviewer is written. Correcting together with several criteria ranging from grammar, punctuation, spelling.

At the fourth meeting on March 1, 2022, preliminary activities began by discussing everything related to paragraphs, for example: what is the meaning of paragraphs? What is a paragraph? etc. Next, the lecturer appointed several students and asked about the paragraphs that had been made at the previous meeting. Then discuss together on each part of the paragraph according to the correct paragraph components. The lecturer distributes material in ppt form which contains what components must be prepared before making a paragraph, and instructs students to read and understand it. After the material has been read, the lecturer begins to explain each part of the material that has been distributed. After giving an explanation, the lecturer invites students to ask questions about material that has not been understood. The lecturer instructs the students to form groups. One group consists of 3 people. Each group is tasked with providing a review/feedback on 4 student writings that have been selected by the lecturer according to the rubric given by the lecturer, including (Organization, Content, Grammar, Vocabulary, and Mechanics) and are given 10 minutes of diving time. After the group discussion is over, the lecturer discusses and discusses together about the 4 paragraphs that have been discussed previously. At the end of the lesson as the closing of the lesson, the lecturer gives a task in the form of improving the initial paragraph in accordance with the components contained in the rubric/components of making paragraphs.

Figure 2.1 Selected paragraph in the fourth meeting

At the fifth meeting. The lecturer gave a stimulus to the students in the form of a clue component of a good paragraph by asking several students who were appointed. And the last one asked them whether peer assessment activities were effective according to them. After that, the lecturer began to explain from the start to the end.

At this meeting they had corrected their first paragraph according to the instructions given by the lecturer. Then they were divided into several groups, 1 group consisting of 4 people.

Then in groups they exchange their writings and begin to provide reviews/feedback according to the rubric that has been given and discuss them together. And the last activity, the lecturer gave the assignment back to the students to re-edit the writing that had been reviewed a second time and submitted it to the lecturer the next day

2. The data of problems found in writing a paragraph during the implementation of peer assessment in improving writing component on paragraph development at second semester of IAIN Ponorogo in academic year 2021-2022

At this point the researcher obtained data from observation notes and also interviews with students and lecturers regarding the problems they face in writing a paragraph.

In the observation note on March 8, 2022, in the beginning of learning the lecturers ask to the student what are the problems that they face when they are making a paragraph. from this activity the researcher concluded several problems that students' face when writing a paragraph.They still don’t know the component of a good paragraph.

1. They find it difficult to determine the topic in a paragraph.

2. They are still unsure whther to use supporting or explanatory sentences for one-paragraph topic.

3. Their understanding in grammar is still relatively basic.

And the second data was obtained from interviews conducted by researchers to several students. Here the researcher selected six students who were interviewed. Based on the researcher's question "What the difficulties did you get in writing a paragraph" on the interview sheet53, some students answered as follows:

Dinda Qur’ani said that ; “ The difficulty that I faced in writing a paragraph is in the use of the grammar”

Krisna said that : “ my difficulty in writing a paragraph is in the use f tenses, the use of unctuation, spelling, an also difficult to determining the topic sentence.”

Fiki Amrullah said that: “ I have difficulties in determining topic and themes, and also compiling a paragraph outline”

Indri Kusnita said that : “ I find it difficult to express my idea in determining the topic and supporting sentence, and also in using a grammar in writing a paragraph”

Imanes Julig’estio said that : “ he just difficult in the use of punctuation”

Faizun Nadhifatul Mukaromah said that “ she having a hard time finding a appropriate vocabulary and also using aproper grammar in writing”

Elmiyana Fivi said that “ she difficult in determining a topic sentence, and make a supporting sentence matches with the topic, also in using appropriate grammar.

53 See Appendix 3 Pg. 81

3. The data of students’ alternative solutions in facing their problems in writing a paragraph during the implementation of peer assessment in improving writing component on paragraph development at second semester at IAIN Ponorogo

Data regarding alternative solutions for students in dealing with their problems in writing paragraphs were obtained from interviews54 conducted by researchers.

Dinda Qur’ani said that ; “she overcome her problems by looking on the internet for appropriate tenses and also vocabulary according to the grammar used.”

Krisna said that : “He often read web novels in English to learn the procedures and writing style.”

Fiki Amrullah said that: “Usually he just write, then if he found a difficulties. he will ask to the lecture ”

Indri Kusnita said that : “ She bought a grammar book and learn from it. and to express topics and ideas in writing, she usually re-understand the explanation given by the lecturer.”

Imanes Julig’estio said that : “he usually see references by looking at examples of similar paragraphs.”

Faizun Nadhifatul Mukaromah said that “In overcoming the difficulties she faced, she learned by reading a lot of articles or English books and also using a dictionary to find the right word. And in grammar she look for the appropriate tenses by looking for it on the internet and also asking the lecturer directly regarding the grammar of her writing.”

Elmiyana Fivi said that “Looking for reference examples of sentences/paragraphs on google, examples of material that has been given by the lecturer in class and to overcome difficulties in using grammar she use a browser to find tenses that match the paragraphs that she are going to make.”

54 See Appendix 3 Pg :184

C. Discussion

In this section, the researcher will present the data based on the field observations note55 and also the documents obtained during the research. In accordance with the research objectives, in this discussion the researcher will correlated with each of the three research questions that contained in first chapter. The first how the implementation of peer assessment for improving the writing component in paragraph development in the second semester of IAIN Ponorogo in the academic year 2021–2022, the second question is what are the problem found during the implementation of peer assesstement in improving writing component on paragraph development at second semester of IAIN Ponorogo , and the last question is what are the alternative solutions of students’ in facing the problem during the implementation of peer assesstment.

1. The implementation of peer assesstement for improving writing component on paragraph development at second semester of IAIN Ponorogo in academic year 2021- 2022

Peer assessment is an assessment technique where students are involved in evaluating each other's assignments. And this technique is widely used by several teachers. Mrs. Dr. Tintin Susilowati, M.Pd, is one of lecturer who used peer assestement in the learning process. And now she teach the paragraph writing course at IAIN Ponorogo. Based on interviews conducted by researchers with Mrs. Tintin In the interview, she revealed that she had applied the peer assessment method for a long time. Because, according to Mrs. Tintin, peer assessment has many benefits. Peer assessment makes the atmosphere of the class more relaxed, because when students are in the relaxed zone it is easier for them to catch what they learn. Compared to the students just sitting throughout the lesson, and all assessments are submitted to the lecturer and such a learning process will make the classroom atmosphere stiff, and students just sit back and listen and it will make them passive. And according to Mrs

55 Appendix no. 2 Page ; 76

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