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JUNE 2022



State Islamic Institute of Ponorogo In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement For Research on English Language Teaching






JUNE 2022


DEDICATION This thesis dedicated for

1. Most respect and loving parents, father “ MUDJIONO H.S” who had passed away and mother “ DEWI NUR AINUROCHMAH” who have nursed, educated and guided me from childhood to the present time, your little princess can only give this deep gratitude through this humble thesis that could no be compared to your sincere pray and whole hearted care.

2. My two lovely old brother M.ALFIAN AUFA ZAMS and M.ABID AL MAHBUBIN thank you for being my support system.

3. My lecturers and teachers. Thanks for your guidance so that I can finish this thesis

4. To all my beloved friends at TBI A and the big family of IAIN ponorogo for all precious experiences and knowledge that bring me to the best.

5. To my beloved sister and bestie NAJAH FIRDAUS YUMNA who always give me support from the first until the last fight.

6. To my beloved friends at “MUMTAAZA” and “FINE FELLOW”, who always being my support system.

7. Last but not least I wanna thank me, I wanna thank me for believing in me, I wanna thank me for doing all this hard work, I wanna thank me for having nodays off, I wanna thank me for, for never quitting, I wanna thank me for always being a giver and tryna give more than I receive, I wanna thank me for tryna do more right than wrong, I wanna thank me for just being and me all the times.




C.S Lewis



KHUSNA, AUFA AMALIA. A study about : Peer Assessment for improving writing component on paragraph development at IAIN Ponorogo. A Thesis, English Education Departement Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, State Institute of Islamic Studies Ponorogo (IAIN Ponorogo). Advisors ( I ) , ( II )

Keywords : Peer Asessment, Component of Paragraph , Paragraph Development, Writing Writing is one of the most important skills. Because writing is a second form of communication, which is made in the form of something that can be read. In academic, writing is one of the most crucial things for students because students will be faced with everything related to writing. New paragraphs are indented in writing to indicate where they begin. To teach writing a teacher must be good at determining appropriate learning methods. And there are several methods that can be used one of the techniques is peer assessment. Peer assessment is an assessment technique that involves students in assessing work results. That is where a student assesses the work of his friend.

The aim of this study is to know 1.) the implementation of peer assessment in improving writing component on paragraph development at IAIN Ponorogo, 2.) Students’ problems found in writing paragraph 3.) the alternative solutions of students to face it.

This research applied qualitative descriptive method. The subject of this study was the students' of TBI B at second semester of IAIN Ponorogo. The data collection were observations, interviews and students' draft of writing paragraphs. The researcher used Miles and Huberman Technique of data analysis. There are three activities that occur simultaneously, that are : data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing / verification.

The result of this study is the steps in implementing peer assessment 1.) Basic discussions about paragraphs. 2.) The lecturer is instructing the students to do freewriting. 3.) Simulating peer assessment activities can be started by giving simple tasks such as sentence analysis, 4.) Provide material about the components of writing a good paragraph. followed by a discussion.5.) The lecturer selects several paragraphs that have been written at the beginning to be discussed / corrected together according to the peer assessment rubric. 6.)The lecturer instructs the student to revise their first written. 7.) The last activity was peer assessment activity. The sixth and seventh activities can be done sequentially and repeatedly until students produce a good paragraph. and during the writing paragraph course there were difficulties found by the students. In overcoming the difficulties they face, each individual has a different way according to the difficulties they face. starting from difficulties in terms of grammar, there are those who look for tenses on the internet and then they use it according to the paragraph they are going to make, or consult directly with the lecturer. The difficulty in terms of punctuation, their way to overcome it is by looking at examples of paragraphs similar to the ones they made and some of them reviewing the material and examples given by the lecturer regarding paragraph writing. difficulty in determining the right vocabulary by looking at the dictionary and also looking at examples of sentences that are similar to the sentences they will make. The point is that each of them has an alternative solution that is different for each individual.



Alhamdulillah, all praises to Allah, who has given us merchy and blessings and the blessings so the eriter is able to accomplish this thesis. Peace and salutation always be upon to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. His relatives and companions, guidance brought us to the brighteness.

This thesis is presented to the English Education Departemen of state institute Islamic studies of Ponorogoas partial fulfillment of the requiremens for Sarjana degree. This thesis can not be completed without a great deal of guidance, motivation, and help from many people. The writer would like to express her great gratitude to the following honorable person.

1. Dr.Hj.Evi Mu’afiah,M.Ag. as the head of State Institute of Islamic Studies Ponorogo (IAIN) Ponorogo for her advices during study in University

2. Dr.H.Moh.Munir,LC,M.Ag. as a dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training for his advices and motivation.

3. Dr.Dhinuk Puspita M.Pd. as the head of English Education Department State Institute of Islamic Studies Ponorogo ( (IAIN) Ponorogo and also as my advisors who always give valuable help, guidance, correction and suggeston in completing this thesis.

4. Dr.Tintin Susilowati M.Pd. who has given permission to conduct research on the subjects that she teaches, and also guides me in carrying out at every stage of the research.

5. Dr. Ahmadi M.Pd. and Drs.Aries Fitriani M.Pd. , as my advisors who always give a support in completing this thesis.

The researcher relizs that without their motivation, prayer,help and guidance, this thesis would not be finished. The researcher also relizes that the thesis still far from perfect ion,


hopes this thesis gives some advantages for all readers. Allahumma Aamiin.

Ponorogo, 10 June 2022 The researcher




















1. TEFL ( Teaching English For Foreign Language ) In Indonesia ... 8

2. Writing ... 17

3. Paragraph ... 18

4. Writing Paragraph ... 21

5. Peer Assessment ... 24








3. Interview ... 37

a. Checking Validiy and Findings ... 39

b. Research Procedures ... 40









Table 1.1 Obserations Checklist 36

Table 1.2 Interview Questions for Lecturer 38 Table 1.3 Interview Questions for Students 38


Figure 1.1 Component of Paragraph 19 Figure 2.1 Selected Paragraph in The Fourth Meeting 47 Figure 2.2 Student First Draft in Writing Paragraph 56 Figure 2.3 Student Second Draft in Writing Paragraph 58 Figure 2.4 Student Third Draft in Writing Paragraph 60



This chapter presents the general account of the present study, it covers the background of the study, focus of research, research question, research objective, significance of study, and last organization of the study.

A. Background of Study

In a learning , there are many things that must be prepared and considered in order to create effective learning. Teachers need to have adequate knowledge about students and their characteristics, theories and principles of learning, design and development of instructional systems, selection of effective teaching methods, student learning outcomes, problems that may be encountered in the learning process, as well as how to assessing the students. This is very important for a teacher in directing and facilitating the learning process of students. From the explanation, one things that must be prepared in learning is determine the technique of assessment. Choosing the appropriate technique in assessing learning is one of the important things. Because the assessment tehnique used to measure how far student learning outcomes are. There are various kinds of techniques that teachers can choose according to the conditions and circumstances of students.

Many new techniques of assessing in the learning , one of the techniques is peer assessment. Peer assessment is an assessment technique that involves students in assessing work results. That is where a student assesses the work of his friend. Peer assestment has long been used as a method of writing assessment. Students are required to read their peers' papers and make notes or comments on concept organization, grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, structure, and other issues. Students can learn from one another in all aspects of


writing, including content accuracy, grammar and sentence construction, vocabulary mastery, and idea organization.

The step of peer assessment is first the teacher gives the instruction to the student to submit the assignment then share the students’ assignment randomly or as teacher instructed to them. And last, the teacher gives the instruction to give feedback to their friends’

assignments as the teacher instructed it can be about the grammar, components of writing etc.

The propose of peer assessment is as a assessing technique that can help teachers improve their students' writing skills.With peer assestment, they would be able to interact with their classmates. Comments from their peers is sometimes more acceptable than feedback from their teachers.1 In one of research state that Self and peer assessment can positively affect student learning by helping them develop their reflective and critical thinking skills, as well as their self-confidence as learners.2 Therefore self and peer assessment teach students how to learn, which “should be a key element of higher education course.

In addition,some of the students still don’t know or confuse how to write the paragraph.

Sometimes they difficult how to make a good paragraph. it because they just write without paying attention to the basic component of writing a paragraph. And also student difficult to learn how to write sometimes because some of teachers still used traditional technique which is difficult for students to understand so that they still find it difficult to write.

Therefore, in a writing lesson, teachers must also pay attention to the techniques that used in teaching so that students can understand.

Writing is a process of expressing ideas and thoughts that are used as communication in the form of something that can be read. According to Cole and Feng writing is fundamental

1 D. Spiller, “Assessment matters: self-assessment and peer assessment”, Hamilton, New Zealand: Teaching Development, The University of Waikato, 2012, pp. 1-19

2 Abdue Ndonye . “ Self and peer assestemnt and student learning”, international journal of teaching and learning in higher education. .Vol. 29, 2017


component of language3. The other definition of writing.according to Elhabiri, writing is an act of communication , it is considered as a skill that needs study and practice to be developed4. Writing is one of the most important skills. Because writing is a second form of communication, which is made in the form of something that can be read. In academic, writing is one of the most crucial things for students because students will be faced with everything related to writing such as papers, theses, journals etc. Therefore writing is a skill that must be mastered by students.

New paragraphs are indented in writing to indicate where they begin. A new indentation begins each new paragraph.The paragraph must have a topic and a developing sentence.

Developing sentences are used for additional or detailed explanations of the main sentence or topic sentence. There are several components that must be present in the paragraph that will be made in order to produce good writing. That are unity, coherence and adequate development. Unity is all of the sentences are about the core topic, thesis, or paper.

Coherence is the process in which the parts of sentences and paragraphs interact to form meaning. In writing, coherence is the logical link between words.the last is adequate development it happened when a paragraph describes, explains, and supports the topic sentence in paragraph.

From the background above shows that writing is one of the most difficult, and most of the students still have difficulty expressing their thoughts in a paragraph, therefore determining the appropiate technique for a students is something that must be considered by a teacher so that students can understand how to write a good paragraph.

In this study, the researcher also conducted preliminary research in the form of short interviews with the lecturers of the Paragraph Writing to find out how peer assesstment used

3Jenny Cole and Feng ,Jay , Effective Strategies for improving Writing Skills of Elementary English Laguage Learners . (2014) Page 4

4 Elhabiri , Teaching the writing sjkills through literary text : case of 2nd year EFL students at Djilali iabes Univercity, Magister Dissertations (2013 : 19)


in their learning. Based on the interview, it was found that there were still many students who had not been able to make good paragraphs. many of them are still confused about how to put the main idea into a paragraph. Therefore, the lecture apply one of the learning techniques. That's peer assestment. Because previously the lecturer had applied peer- assessment techniques in teaching writing as well and from that, there were increasing in student learning outcomes. And the researcher wants to know the implementation of peer assessment in improving writing component in paragraph development in the second semester of IAIN Ponorogo, and students’ problem and also their alternative solution when they write a paragraph.

B. Research Focus

From background of study above, it is important to make limitation to clarify the problem.

In student writing, there are many components that must be considered in order to produce a good paragraph. in this research, the researcher focus on how the implementation of peer assestment at second semester of IAIN Ponorogo in academic year 2021/2022

C. Research Questions

From the research focus the researcher formulated the following research questions

1. How is the implementation of peer assessment in improving writing component on paragraph development at the second semester students of IAIN Ponorogo ?

2. What are the problems found in students’ writing a paragraph during the implementation of peer assesstement in improving writing component on paragraph development at second semester of IAIN Ponorogo ?

3. What are the students’ alternative solutions in facing their problem in writing a paragraph during the implementation of peer assesstement in improving writing component on paragraph development at second semester of IAIN Ponorogo ?


D. Research Objective

Based on the research question above, the goals of this study are to determine

1. How the impelementation of peer assesstement in improving writing component on paragraph development at second semester of IAIN Ponorogo in academic year 2021- 2022

2. To find out what are the students’ problems found in writing a paragraph during the implementation of peer assessment

3. To find out what are the students’ alternative solutions in facing the problems in their writing paragraph during the implementation of peer assesstement in improving writing component on paragraph development at second semester of IAIN Ponorogo

E. Significance of Study

The results of this research hopefully can give significance especially for teachers and future researchers.

1. Theorical Significance

The result of this study hopefully can give contribution and also benefit. The first it allows the educator to take an active role in applying peer assessment as a learning strategies especially on writing course. Moreover, in peer assessment student not just assess their friend’s writing but in peer assessment the students also learn from it.

2. Empirical significance a. For teachers

It hopefully can give benefit and also contribution for English teachers to help in learning. It help teacher to determine appropriate learning strategies especially in writing course.

b. For students


Hopefully can make the student more brave to express their opinions and also they can learn from the feedback they have given to their friends. And as the knowledge that peer assessment is one of appropriate strategies to learn writing.

c. Readers

The researchers hopefully can give recommendation for all readers. All readers who are looking for recommendation for strategies that used to overcome students’

problem especially in writing course, and also as a general knowledge.

d. Institution

For the institution hopefully can give contribution as recommendation for lecturer to use this strategy for their learning process especially in writing course.

e. The future researchers

For the future research expected to give reference to conducted similar research and also the future researcher can learn from this study and hopefully can make a better research.

F. Organization of The Study

The organization of study to make the reader easier to understand and know the content that consist in this thesis. This thesis consist of six chapters :

Chapter I : this chapter is an introduction of the research that consist background of study, the research focus, research question, research objective, significances of study, and organization of study.

Chapter II : this chapter is a teorical background consist of the explanation of each variable in this research and also several previous study. The explanation of writing, writing paragraph, component of paragraph, peer assessment, the advantages of peer assessment


Chapter III : Research methodology covers research approach and design, researcher’s role, research setting, data and data source, data collection and technique, checking validity and findings.

Chapter IV : Research findings, this is important information in this study. Because in research findings the researchers will give the explanation of data analyzing. It contain the interview of lecturer, the observation during the process of peer assessment and the analysis of student’s writing.the data description of the research findings and also the summary of findings.

Chapter V : this chapter covers the conclusion of the research and also suggestion for the further study.




In the teorical background the researcher will explain some theories that related to the research. First the researcher will explain the definition of writing, paragraph, paragraph writing ,component of paragraph, the definition of peer assessment, the step of peer assessment, advantages of peer assessment. Second, the researcher will show several previous study.

A. Literature Review

1. TEFL ( Teaching English For Foreign Language ) In Indonesia a. Definition of TEFL

Teaching English For Foreign Language is teaching English for people whose first language is not English. TEFL in Indonesia Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) has a long history in Indonesia, which has been marked by a search for more efficient techniques of teaching second or foreign languages. For almost a century, debate and discussion within the teaching profession has frequently focused on themes such as the role of grammar5.According to Andi6, over the years, the field of teaching foreign or second languages (eg, TESL, TEFL, or TESOL) has undergone many changes and upheavals. In this regard, various critical modifications in the approach to teaching English classes have been highlighted, which are aligned with the objectives of meeting the learning objectives as well as the skill level and desires of the students. (In TEFL there are learning methods that have been prepared and adapted for students. And this of

5 Yanrini Martha Anabokay, I wayan Suryasa, “TEFL Method in Indonesia”, International journal of linguistics, literature and culture vol 05 No.2 ,2019

6 Andi Susilo , “TEACHING ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE" English Study Program State Islamic Collage (STAIN Ponorogo) Pg.1


course makes it easy for various countries to learn English, considering that English is an international language.

The development of correctness and fluency in teaching, the choosing of syllabus frameworks in the language curriculum learning theories, course design, the function of vocabulary in language learning, teaching productive and receptive skills and their use in teaching, memorizing, and learning, as well as inspiring students and developing successful learning methodologies.7

To comprehend TEFL approach, we must understand some fundamental terminology, such as first, second, and foreign language. A child's first language is the language that they learn when they are born. Mother tongue, native tongue, or L1 are all terms used to describe the first language.8 The term'mother tongue' refers to the language spoken by a child's mother, which is often the first language learned by the newborn. The term 'native tongue' refers to the language spoken by those who surround the kid.

It is considered that the baby's first language is the language spoken by those who surround him or her. L1 stands for first language, which is the language that a child learns first.

ENL, ESL, and EFL are other terms associated with TEFL. ENL stands for English as a first language. ENL is a language that is spoken in the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, and New Zealand. English as a second language is referred to as ESL.

Singapore, Malaysia, India, Brunei, and the Philippines all provide ESL programs.

English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Indonesia, Thailand, Japan, China, Korea, Argentina, and other countries speak a foreign language countries9. Other abbreviations used in the field of English teaching include TESL, TESOL. Teaching English as a foreign language is referred to as TEFL. Teaching English as a Second Language is

7 Yanrini Martha Anabokay, I wayan Suryasa, “TEFL Method in Indonesia”, International journal of linguistics, literature and culture vol 05 No.2, 2019

8 Dr. Zuliati Rohmah, M.Pd., “ Teaching English as A Foreign Language” A Handbook For English Department Undergraduate StudentsFaculty of Letters and Humanities UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Pg 8

9 Ibid Pg .10


abbreviated as ESL. TEAL is another term that could be used in the context of TESOL (Teaching English as an Additional Language).

TESL is Teaching English as a Second Language . This course is designed for people who want to teach in a country where English is the first language. Teachers of TESL frequently work in private native English language schools in English-speaking countries.10

TESOL is teaching English to speakers of other languages. TESOL is often used to mean the same thing as TEFL, but it is also used to describe English language teaching to people living in an English speaking country who are not native English speakers – such as refugees and first generation immigrants.11

In TEFL there are several traditional methods that have been developed by predecessors. This is mandatory for teachers to know because based on traditional methods can then be developed into methods that follow the progress of the times, so teachers can apply to carry out a learning method by adjusting the situation and students.

That are12

a. Grammar Translation Method

From the 1840s until the 1940s, grammar translation dominated European and foreign language education. To begin, a grammar translation method is an extension of the classical language teaching methodology to current language instruction. It concentrates on learning a language in order to read literature written in that language or to profit from the mental discipline and intellectual development that comes with studying a foreign language. In another definition According to Tetzner,

10 https://www.teachaway.com/tefl-certification/tefl-vs-tesl-vs-tesol

11 Dr. Zuliati Rohmah, M.Pd., “ Teaching English as A Foreign Language” A Handbook For English Department Undergraduate StudentsFaculty of Letters and Humanities UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Pg 10

12 Andi Susilo , “TEACHING ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE" English Study Program State Islamic Collage (STAIN Ponorogo) pg. 14


the Grammar Translation Method (GTM) for teaching foreign languages dominated from the mid-nineteenth century through the start of World War Two13.

Example of Grammar Translation Method Activity

1.) Translation of a literary passage—students are asked to translate a text from the target language into their native language;

2) Reading comprehension questions—students answer questions in the target language based on their understanding of the reading passage.

3) Antonyms/synonyms—students are provided one set of words and then asked to find antonyms or synonyms in the reading passage;

4) Deductive application of rule—grammatical rules are presented with examples followed by practice;

5) Fill-the-blank exercise—students are given a series of sentences with word missing and further asked to fill the blanks with new lexical or grammatical items;

b. Direct Method

The direct method was developed in response to the grammar translation method's failure to teach students how to communicate in the target language they were learning. In another definition direct technique that has an impact on the target language, such as the best training for teaching skills, thorough information, including classroom communication language.14 The purpose of this method is to educate students, usually adults, how to communicate in another language in everyday situations. The direct technique was created as an opposition to the grammar-translation approach based on this concept.

The activity of direct method activity

13 Rene.Tetzner Grammar Translation Method. Louton.(Online ) avalaible at http://www.grin.com/en/e book/


14 Nadia Batool,Muhammad Anosh, Anam Batool, Nadeem Iqbal “ The direct method : A Good start to tech Oral Language” International Journal of English Language Teaching . Vol 5 No 1, 2017.


1) Reading aloud students take turns reading sections of a passage, play, or dialog out loud; gestures, pictures, realia, or other means are employed to clarify the meaning of the section;

2) Question-and-answer exercise students are asked to pose and answer questions in full sentences using the target language;

3) Clarification check—students are given certain clues;

4) Conversation practice—students are asked a number of questions in the target language;

5) Fill-the-blank exercise—students are given a series of sentences with word missing and asked to fill the blanks with new lexical or grammatical items;


 This is a quick way for students to learn basic conversation skills.

 This teaching method is helpful to teachers who do not know their stu dents’

first language (L1).


 Some students may be overwhelmed with out access to their first language.

 Higher-or der dis course is not likely to be learned through this method.

 Not appropriate for learning academic literacy skills

c. Audio-Lingual –Method

ALM was heavily influenced by behavioral psychology concepts, which led to the view that language was a set of habits that could be taught by rewarding correct replies and punishing erroneous ones. Students are required to repeat the word or phrase that the teacher has said correctly in an ALM class. Students are applauded for imitating the teacher correctly, or they are prompted to repeat the statement until it is correct.

The activity of audio-lingual method


1.) Dialog memorization—students are asked to act out a dialog;

2.) Repetition drill—students are asked to repeat the teacher’s model as accurately and as quickly as possible;

3.) Chain drill—students ask and answer questions in turns;

4.) Single or multiple-slot substitution drill—the students repeat the line(s) the teacher has given and then substitute the clue(s) into the line(s) in its or their proper place(s);

5.) Transformation drill—students are asked to transform one rule form into another (i.e. changing a positive sentence into a negative sentence;


 Controlled drills may encourage shy students to speak.

 Because ALM lessons and drills tend to go very quickly, they may help create a sense of fluency for some students.


 Students who need the written word to reinforce their speaking and listening may find “pure” ALM very confusing.

 ALM frequently uses no authentic language. Some students may be unable to make the transition from

 Controlled drills to more open-ended and creative language use.

The above is the traditional method for teaching languages. In addition, TEFL has several alternative approaches that can also be used in teaching languages:

a. The Silent Way


The silent way is the name given to the pedagogical approach developed by Caleb Gattegno when it is applied to the teaching of foreign languages. It was proposed as an alternative to traditional language education methods, in which teachers perform the majority of the talking and have a strong control over classroom activities.15

The awareness of what language is includes the use of nonverbal components of language such as intonation, melody, breathing, inflection, the convention of writing, and the combinations of letters for different sound/colors. Charts, rods, pictures, objects, pointers, or situations are aids used for linking sounds and meanings in the Silent Way.

In the classroom, the silent way method may be done through the following activities16:

1) Sound-color chart

This contains blocks of color, each one representing a sound in the target language. The teacher and later the students points to the blocks of color on the chart to form syllables, words, and even sentences;

2) Teacher’s silence

The teacher gives just as much help as is crucial and then is silent.

Although there is any error correction, the teacher finally supplies a verbal answer as a last resort;

3) Peer correction

Students are encouraged to assist another student when s/he is experiencing difficulty. In this sense, any help is offered cooperatively, not competitively;

b. The De-Suggestopedia or Suggestopedia

15 Yuksel.I and Caner,M. “The Silent Way “ Approach and Principles in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Education. Ankare, Turkey (2014)

16 Andi Susilo , “TEACHING ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE" English Study Program State Islamic Collage (STAIN Ponorogo) Pg.30


Suggespedia or De-Suggestopedia is a teaching system based on current knowledge of how the human brain works and how we learn best. Georgi Lozanov, a Bulgarian doctor and psychologist, created it in the 1970s.

This is a suggestion for a learning method. Lozanov devised this method in the hopes of making teaching and learning, particularly foreign language learning, more enjoyable for learners. Suggestopedia was developed primarily for the purpose of teaching foreign languages, and it is sometimes stated that it can teach languages three times faster than traditional methods.17

c. Total Physical Response

Total Physical Response (TPR) is a language learning method on the basis of the coordination of speech and action. It was created in the 1960s and 1970s by James Asher, a psychology professor at San Jose State University in California.

It's related to the trace theory of memory, which states that the more frequently or intensively a memory connection is traced, the stronger the memory. He believed that learning new vocabulary in conjunction with corresponding motor activity would reinforce the learning of words and expressions—especially in children, but he also advocated its use with adults. Active participation also keeps students interested.

A teacher in TPR takes on an active and direct role as the director of a stage play in which the students are the "actors." It is the teacher who chooses what to teach, who models and presents new materials, and who chooses classroom support tools. As a result, the instructor must be properly prepared and planned in order for the class to run smoothly and reliably.18

17 Ragil Kharismawati ,” Suggestopedia Method in Teaching and Learning Process, English Educational Departement,State University of Indonesia

18 Andi Susilo , “TEACHING ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE" English Study Program State Islamic Collage (STAIN Ponorogo) Pg.38


In TEFL there are four skills that will be taught. as we adhere to, that are listening, speaking, reading and writing.

a. Listening

Receiving and responding to spoken (and occasionally unspoken) messages is the active activity of listening. In another definition Listening is an active process of giving meaning to the message someone is talking aboutListening does not work automatically; it is a process that involves selective attention and meaning.

In the process of listening, high concentration and attention are needed to the message conveyed, because it is not only receiving the message but also having to understand the content of the message conveyed by the other person, so listening is not as easy as imagined.It is a subject researched in the fields of language arts and conversation analysis.this skill is very important because we get the information from other people with listening to what people said.

b. Speaking

The English language is widely spoken around the world and has earned the title of global language. English is widely used in scientific study, education, industry, the internet, and other fields.travel and tourism, newspapers and media, software, medicine, engineering, and information and communications technology, entertainment, banking, and other fields are examples19. Speaking is one skill to communicate with others in order to attain specific goals or to convey their thoughts, intentions, hopes, and perspectives. Furthermore, persons who are fluent in a language are referred to as "speakers." And this skill is very important especially for English language learners because with this they can communicate easily.

c. Reading

19 Parupalli Srinivas Rao, The Important of English Speaking in the Classroom”, Alford Council of International English & Literature Journal Vol 02, (2019)


As a source of knowledge , reading is one of the most important academic abilities that learners require. Reading as skill that can make the students better to study about English20 Reading is the most crucial ability a kid can learn in order to succeed in school and in life. Furthermore, in the context of English foreign learners, reading has been a difficult difficult skill.

2. Writing

In EFL writing is one of important aspects because either learning or teaching writing in an EFL context is complex and challenging21. The teachers must prepare some requirements to undertake in the classroom22. Such a learning method, instrument, technique because in teaching writing many challenge that must be faced by teacher to teach student. And in writing there are many things that must be pay attention.

a. The definition of writing

Writing is a skill that combines three skills that are listening, reading, and speaking. in another reference define writing is a form of communication that lets students to express their thoughts and ideas on paper, organize their understanding and beliefs into acceptable arguments, and transmit meaning via well-constructed compositions that respect the norms, standards, and traditions of a certain genre. 23 Hammad Stated that writing is a cognitive process that involves skills effort and entails developing ideas, planning goal-setting, monitoring, analyzing what will be written as well as what has

20 S.Saori. (Influence of collaborative strategic reading (csr) in teaching reading comprehension. Jo-ELT (Journal of English Language Teaching) Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa & Seni Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris IKIP, 2(1), 48- 57. Google Scholar (2020).

21 Kong Yunjun. TEFL Theachers’ conception of Writing : A case of China. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 285-294, (2018 )

22 Ariyanti, The Teaching of EFL Writing in Indonesia , (2016) Widya Gama Mahakam University,Samarinda , vol .16

23Sonny Elfiyanto . The effect of peer assestment on students’ performance in writing narrative essays. Education and humanities research ,Hirosima , Japan vol.434. (2019)


already been written, and utilizing language to express specific meaning24. Therefore, in writing, students must really determine the objectives for their writing, make layouts, make plans. because in writing not only convey existing ideas, but they also have to pay attention to the components that must exist in writing so that their writing can be understood by readers.

Writing is one of skill that must be mastered especially for language learners.

Because they often faced with writing assigntment such as writing paragraph essay, paper, thesis etc., writing can improve their communication skill, broadens students’

knowledge, therefore this skill is very important to be mastered.

In the process of language learning, writing ability has its own spectrum. Language learners with the capacity to write may easily share any thoughts in written form, which readers can read and comprehend (Permana)25 Writing is a gem to pick. If someone has the ability to write, they can always express themselves. The 'hard copy' of our intellectual level, or the level of your expression, that is writing ability. 26

3. Paragraph

a. The definition of paragraph

As we know a paragraph is a collection of several sentences. The first sentence of the paragraph is indented by 7 spaces. Another definition A paragraph is a group of related sentences that discuss one (and usually only one) main idea. A paragraph can be as short as one sentence or as long as ten sentences.

24E.A Hammad, Palestinian University Students’ problem with EFL Essay writing in an instructional setting. In : Ahmed Abouabdelkader,H. (Eds.). Teaching EFL Writing in the 21st Century Arab World

25 Siti Syafi’atul Qomariyah dan Dira permana “Journal Process Based Approach towards Students’ Creativity in Writing English Paragraph” ,(2016) Vol 1

26 PhD Cand. Lorena Manaj Sadiku,”The Importance of Four Skills Reading, Speaking, Writing, Listening in a Lesson Hour”, Aleksander Xhuvani University Elbasan Albania, 2015 ,Vol 1


The number of sentences is unimportant; however, the paragraph should be long enough to develop the main idea clearly.27 In another definitions paragraph is defined as

“a group of sentences or a single sentence that forms a unit” (Lunsford and Connors 116).

Moreover, paragraph is a collection of sentences that have one main idea. In writing paragraphs there are rules that must be considered in order to produce a good paragraph.

b. Component of paragraph

There are three component that must included in paragraph. That are topic sentence, supporting sentence and last conclusion

Figure 1.1 component of paragraph

1. Topic Sentence

The topic sentence is the most important sentence in a paragraph28. This sentence is also the main idea of a paragraph. This topic sentence limits the topic to the sentences covered in one paragraph. So this will be very helpful for writers as well as readers. Authors can see the information that must be included and also the

27 Alice Oshima , Ann Hogue “Writing Academic English”Fourth Edition , Pearson Longman Page 2

28 Ibid Page 4


Topic Sentence

Supporting Sentence

Concluding Sentence


limitations in the discussion. And for readers to make it easier to read, the essence of the discussion of a paragraph

2. Supporting Sentence

Supporting sentences are the development of the topic sentence. In this case, the supporting sentence is an explanation of the topic sentence. And in a paragraph usually consists of four or more supporting sentences as needed by the writer.

3. The concluding sentence29

The concluding sentence also know as closing statement is a sentences that are found at the end of a paragraph. This sentence describes the conclusion of a paragraph and is a closing in a paragraph.

A concluding sentence serves two purposes:

1. It signals the end of the paragraph.

2. It leaves the reader with the most important ideas to remember.

It can do this in two ways:

• By summarizing the main points of the paragraph or

• By repeating the topic sentence in different words

A paragraph does not always need a concluding sentence. A ending sentence is helpful to the reader for single paragraphs, especially long ones, because it serves as a reminder of the main elements. In a multiparagraph essay, however, a conclusion phrase is not required for each paragraph.30

c. Type of paragraph

There are four types of paragraph . that are descriptive, narrative, expository, and persuasive.

a. Descriptive

29 Ibid Page 13

30 Ibid Page 14


Basically, descriptive text is a text that aims to explain, describe, or describe something. This thing can take the form of anything, be it animals, objects, locations, and so on.

Descriptive texts are usually characterized by the use of the easy tense and focus on one specific object.

b. Narrative

Narrative text is one type of text that tells about a series of events chronologically and connected to each other. The nature of narrative text is imaginative or in the form of a fictional story (composition) that has the aim of entertaining the reader.

c. Expository

Expository text is a form of writing that explains or describes an idea, main idea, opinion, information, or knowledge without the intention of influencing. You could say the purpose of this exposition text is a way for the writer to convey what he wants to convey from a certain point of view. This text can also be rhetoric used in conveying scientific explanations and various questions. Texts in textbooks or encyclopedias are included in this type of text.

d. Persuasive

Persuasive text is text that aims to persuade or invite others to follow certain thoughts or actions. In other words, persuasive texts try to convey certain intentions to the reader so that they can carry out or accept what the author's idea of an opinion is.

4. Writing Paragraph

According to Boardman in writing a paragraph there are three paragraph components must be considered in producing paragraphs in order to produce a good essay. Writing is


said to be coherent when determining the correlation between one sentence and another sentence, or one paragraph to other sentences. Writing is said to be cohesive if all support sentences connect with each other to support the topic sentence. So, a good paragraph consists of groups related sentences that represent one main idea.

Nunan in Khairy stated that there are elements of a paragraph that determine the quality of the paragraph. Paragraph should have three main elements to be achieved i.e. unity, coherence and adequate development.

a. Unity

It is about oneness of the idea. To have a unity, a paragraph should be developed by only one main idea. The main idea is then developed by sufficient supporting details from at least two or more sentences. A main idea is used to control unity of the paragraph by its topic sentence. In addition, supporting details are used to develop the topic sentence by giving more explanation to it. They have to be sufficient enough to develop the topic sentence in order to give the readers good comprehension of the paragraph.

b. Coherence.

It's the connection between sentences within a paragraph. Coherence can be achieved by having transitional words and phrases, pronoun reference, repeated key terms and parallelism. Using linking words is one of them. Linking words include coordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions, prepositions, and transitional.

They are helpful for connecting sentences.

c. Adequate development

Adequate development is the last element of a paragraph to be achieved. A paragraph should be thoroughly developed and should not leave the reader with any substantial questions. By giving the appropriate level of supporting details, selecting the


appropriate type of evidence, and following the proper development pattern, an author can ensure that the paragraph develops properly.

According to Hussen, In writing a paragraph there are some procedure of paragraph writing 31. that are brainstorming, Planning, Drafting, Revising and Editing.

a. Brainstorming

The first stage in drafting a paragraph is brainstorming. It is an idea-gathering strategy that serves as both a thought organizer and a collection of ideas. It's a pre- writing task that's provided. According to Sudiyono Dkk.32, Brainstorming is a learning approach that encourages learners to consider as many ideas as possible. Students are encouraged to develop thoughts or ideas as rapidly as possible during brainstorming without having to consider the quality of their perspective.

b. Planning

After the writer has finished brainstorming, the second step is planning. When authors plan, they sketch out their thoughts and write them down in a notebook. After brainstorming, planning is the process of selecting meaningful ideas to develop into paragraphs.

c. Drafting

The third step in composing a paragraph is drafting. The process of drafting is when authors lay down their thoughts on paper, focusing on substance rather than procedure.

d. Revising

This the fourth step in writing paragraph. Students revise their work to see if their concepts are well-constructed and organized. In this level, students examine how the

31 M.Hussen . Assessing Students’ Paragraph Writing Problems: The Case of Bedeno Secondary School, Grade 10 English in Focus. Thesis. Haramaya University. (2015)

32 Sudiyono Dkk. Strategi Pembelajaran Partisipatory di perguruan Tinggi Malang ( UIN Malang Press p.136 Eralingua : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Asing dan Sastra Vol.1 No,2 Agustus 2017


sequences of concepts are presented in greater detail. They should use reasoning to figure out how the paragraph will go.

e. Editing

Editing is the process of students checking and correcting the text in its final form. It may be defined as the process of revising a piece of writing's sentence structure, word choice, spelling, punctuation, grammar, and capitalization

5. Peer Assessment

a. Definition of peer assestment

Peer assessment is an assessment technique that involves students in assessing work results. That is where a student assesses the work of his friend. Some expert also define peer assestment according to Keith J Toping state that peer a ssessement is an arrangement in which learners consider and specify the level, value, or quality of a product or the performance of other equal-status learners, then learn more by providing detailed feedback to and discussing their appraisals with those who were evaluated in order to reach a mutually agreed-upon outcome. Moreover, Peer assessment is an educational system in which students evaluate the performance of their peers statistically and/or qualitatively, allowing them to reflect, discuss, and contribute.33

According to Dr Cheryl A Jones state that Benefits of organising peer assessment activities include:

learners clarifying their own ideas and understanding of the learning intention

checking individuals’ understanding of the assessment criteria and how it is to be applied to learners’ work.

33 J. W. Strijbos, and D. Sluijsmans, “Unravelling peer assessment: methodological, functional, and conceptual developments”, in Learning and Instruction, vol. 20, no. 4 pp. 265-269. (2010)


1. As with teacher assessment, learners should only be judged and thereby assessed using the published assessment criteria. It must be stressed that peer assessment must be managed carefully. If peer-assessment activities are not appropriately managed by the teacher.

2. learners will be publicly ranked according to their performance – this will only serve to demotivate less able learners.

3. learners who are performing well will not find peer-assessment activities challenging and therefore their learning will not be extended, which defies the very principles upon which the Assessment for Learning philosophy is based.

Kollar and Fischer contend that peer assessment is "fundamentally a collaborative activity that happens between at least two peers," as well as "an important component of a more participatory culture of learning" that aids "the design of learning environments."34.

Peer assessment is regarded as particularly valuable in terms of providing additional formative feedback. It is argued that students demonstrate a greater acceptance of observations about their work when they come from a peer rather than from a teacher.35

Propose peer assessment as a teaching approach which beneficial for lecturers to improve students’ writing performance. By applying peer assessment in the classroom, students can practice their writing and receive immediate feedback.

Besides, they could interact with their classmate. Feedback from their peers can sometimes be more acceptable than the teacher’s feedback.36 Another benefit of peer assetment also stated by Peer assessment has been found to be beneficial in a number

34 Kollar,I.,& Fischer, F.. Peer assestment as collaborative learning : A cognitive perspective, learning instruction, 2010

35 Black, P., Harrison, C., Lee, C., Marshall, B., Wiliam, D. (2010)

36 D. Spiller, “Assessment matters: self-assessment and peer assessment”, Hamilton, New Zealand: Teaching Development, The University of Waikato.pp. 1-19,(2012)


of contexts and with students of all ages and abilities, especially when it is well designed and presented to achieve the intended objectives (although of course, this latter is true of other pedagogical techniques as well).37

b. Type of Peer Assesstment 38 1. Formative Feedback

Students provide formative and constructive comments on drafts so they can make changes to before submitting the final product. This can be done in class or via a variety of online resources, such as UBC's Canvas. The teacher or TA assigns the final grade. This can also be accomplished with a collection of assignments. Students receive peer feedback after each activity, which they can apply to subsequent assignments in order to improve over time.

2. Peer Grading

Students assign grades to their peers depending on assessment criteria. Peer grading is frequently done with the help of internet tools that randomly assign tasks to a group of students. Students use an online rubric to review their peers, and final grades are frequently derived by taking the median of all peer grades received for that project.

3. Peer Assesstemnt of Group Work Participation

It can be hard for teachers to grade group work since evaluating the contributions of individual students is difficult. Many instructors use peer evaluation to improve teacher grades by integrating a participation component in group activities. Based on criteria specified by the teacher, students utilize a rubric to assign a participation score and general remarks to each group member. The

37Keith J. Topping, Peer Assessment : Learning by Judging and Discussing the Work of Other Learners, University of Dundee, Dundee, Scotland, UK, 1 : 7,( 2017)




instructor then assigns each student an overall participation grade for the assignment based on these ratings.

c. Procedure of Peer Assessment

In peer assessment there are procedures or steps that must be taken so that the peer assessment goes well. here are the steps to do39 :

1. Step One: Preparing Students for Peer Assessment

• Think about what you would like students to accomplish in the session. Explain to students at each step of the way the pedagogical reasoning for the activity.

Let them know they can improve their own work by critically analyzing the work of others.

• Facilitate the marking or evaluation process by giving students practice in providing assessment and feedback:

• Give them a sample assignment and assessment (ideally similar to assignment that will be peer assessed)

• Ask students to individually grade and give feedback on the sample assignment using specific rubrics, criteria, or worksheets (see below). Students will contribute more if they can write directly into an electronic form or document, rather than simply listing responses on the board.

• Discuss and compare evaluations in a group setting (or through activities such as think pairshare).

2. Step Two: Planning the In-Class Peer Assessment Session

• Choose an appropriate assignment to undergo peer review - aim for three pages or less in terms of assignment length. Plan enough time for reading and assessment.

• Ask student to bring in sufficient copies of their assignment to share with their peers.

• Either allow students to choose who they exchange their assignments with or anonymize the process.

3. Step Three: Facilitating the In-Class Peer Assessment Session

• Actively facilitate, ensuring that students have access to the rubric to be used.

• Model how to use the evaluation form or rubric. This will help students understand expectations.

• Adhere to a strict timetable, but give enough time for the assessment process.

39 Paulina Rousseau ,Best Practices,Peer Assessment , (2018) Ryerson University


• Explain to students what they should do, and for how long - give students x minutes per assignment.

• You can read a sample and see if feedback is on track



In this chapter the researcher will show several related study about this research. The first was conducted by Lokita Purnamika Utami. She investigate about the effect of peer assestment on students’ writing achievement with differing achievement motivation. This research was conducted in the English Education Departement at Ganesha University of Education in Singaraja, Bali. The result of this study was students who are treated by using peer assessment have a significantly better achievement that the students who are treated by using conventional assessment. The similarity with the research conducted by the researcher is that this research also has the same variable, namely peer assessment. The difference in this study is the research method this time using qualitative descriptive while what is done by Lokita is quantitative using tests and questionnaires. And also examine between conventional assessment and peer assessment.

Moreover there is study that was conducted by Faudi. The title was the implementation of peer assestment technique in teaching writing. The population of his research in MAN Kuto Baro Aceh Besar. The researcher used quantitative research design. The result of this study peer assesstment technique has the alternative hypothesis is accepted and the null hypothesis is rejected. Therefore, the application of Peer Assessment Technique proved a significant improvement in the students’ writing achievement of a narrative text. The similarity in this research is that it focuses on the implementation of peer assessment, the second variable also examines writing. The difference between Faudi's research and this research lies in the research method used by Faudi quantitatively while the researcher uses qualitative descriptive. And Faudi examined the writings of students in writing narrative texts, while the researchers were more specific to paragraphs and their development.

Furthermore there was study by Rizqi Ramadhani it was investigated the effectiveness of peer feedback in improving students’ skill in writing hortatory exposition text. The result of the study shown that the peer feedback was effective improving students’ skill in writing


hortatory exposition text it was prove by the score of experimental group is higher than control group. The similarities found in this study are in the first variable, which is both doing research on peer assessment and also the second variable discussing students' writing abilities. The difference in this study is that the research method used by Rizki is quasi- experimental, where he will try out the peer assessment method to students hopefully there will be changes after its implementation. The second variable is writing hortatory text, while the researcher focuses more on one paragraph and its development.

Furthermore there was journal by Sonny Elfiyanto ,title of this journal was the effect of peer assestment on students’ performance in writing narrative essay. The result of this study showed that the students who were taught by peer assessment had a better score (performance) than the students who were taught by teacher assessment. Therefore, the use of peer assessment is effective to be used for improving students’ performance in writing English narrative essays, especially in EFL country like Indonesia. During the observation, peer assessment also can help the lecturers save time and make them and the students to be more active in the teaching learning process.40 The similarity in this study is in the first variable, that is Peer Assessment. and also the second variable also discusses students' abilities in writing skills. The difference is in the research method applied, Sonny uses a quasi-experimental method, by testing the effectiveness of peer assessment on students whether there will be changes or not. Sonny focus on students’ skill in writing narrative essay the researcher just focus on one paragraph.

Last there was study by Ekvindar Diliana , the title of the study was The effectiveness of peer assessment to teach descriptive writing for high and low profiency students. The researcher used quasi experimental design. The result of the study was the null hypotheses showed that peer assessment does not give more significant effect on students’ writing performance than teachers. The similarity in this study is in the variables studied, namely

40 Elfiyanto.Sonny . “The effect of peer assestment on students’ performance in writing narrative essay” 2019, Graduate School of Education – Hiroshima University Hiroshima, Japan . Vol 434


peer assessment and also the second variable is also related to students' writing abilities. the difference is in the research method applied and in this study the researcher used descriptive qualitative while Ekvindar used quasi-experimental. Ekvindar focuses on students' ability on low and high prevalence in writing descriptive text, while this study focuses on only one paragraph.


Figure 1.1  component of paragraph
Table 1.1 observation checklist
Table 1.2 interview questions for lecturer
Figure 2.1  Selected paragraph in the fourth meeting


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