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In this specific data description, the researcher will present the data obtained from observations, interviews, and also students' draft of paeagraph writing. There will be three points according to the research question in this study.

1. The data of implementation of peer assessment for improving writing component on paragraph development at second semester of IAIN Ponorogo in academic year 2021- 2022

Data regarding the implementation of peer assessment was obtained by researchers through observations. In this case, the researcher conducted the research three times. First on Tuesday, 22 February 2022, second on Tuesday, 1 March 2022, third on Tuesday ,8 March 202252.

Field observations were carried out at the third meeting to be precise on Tuesday, February 22, this meeting was the first meeting that entered learning. In the introductory learning activity, the lecturer asked some questions about the last semester’s writing course.

And also review a little material that has been studied in the last semester eg. Entering the core activity, the lecturer gives instructions to students to make a paragraph consisting of 70- 80 words with the theme “one of the family members” in less than 30 minutes. And here the lecturer also began to provide information that at the end of several meetings he would compare the writings of each student. After the students finished their writing, the lecturer took a few sentences from their writing at random and then wrote them on the blackboard.

Each sentence is discussed together. Lecturers begin to review grammar in writing, types of sentences, etc. Next, the lecturer gives a sheet of paper containing several sentences and instructs the students to analyze the types of sentences including (simple sentences, compound sentences, complex sentences, multilevel compound sentences) by marking SS (Simple sentences) CS (compound sentences), CSN (Sentences). Complex), CCS (Compound

52 See Appendix 2 Pg 76

Sentences). At the end, the lecturer instructs the students to exchange the results of the assignments that have been done to their friends. In the process of correcting, the lecturer instructs that for each task being reviewed, the reviewer is written. Correcting together with several criteria ranging from grammar, punctuation, spelling.

At the fourth meeting on March 1, 2022, preliminary activities began by discussing everything related to paragraphs, for example: what is the meaning of paragraphs? What is a paragraph? etc. Next, the lecturer appointed several students and asked about the paragraphs that had been made at the previous meeting. Then discuss together on each part of the paragraph according to the correct paragraph components. The lecturer distributes material in ppt form which contains what components must be prepared before making a paragraph, and instructs students to read and understand it. After the material has been read, the lecturer begins to explain each part of the material that has been distributed. After giving an explanation, the lecturer invites students to ask questions about material that has not been understood. The lecturer instructs the students to form groups. One group consists of 3 people. Each group is tasked with providing a review/feedback on 4 student writings that have been selected by the lecturer according to the rubric given by the lecturer, including (Organization, Content, Grammar, Vocabulary, and Mechanics) and are given 10 minutes of diving time. After the group discussion is over, the lecturer discusses and discusses together about the 4 paragraphs that have been discussed previously. At the end of the lesson as the closing of the lesson, the lecturer gives a task in the form of improving the initial paragraph in accordance with the components contained in the rubric/components of making paragraphs.

Figure 2.1 Selected paragraph in the fourth meeting

At the fifth meeting. The lecturer gave a stimulus to the students in the form of a clue component of a good paragraph by asking several students who were appointed. And the last one asked them whether peer assessment activities were effective according to them. After that, the lecturer began to explain from the start to the end.

At this meeting they had corrected their first paragraph according to the instructions given by the lecturer. Then they were divided into several groups, 1 group consisting of 4 people.

Then in groups they exchange their writings and begin to provide reviews/feedback according to the rubric that has been given and discuss them together. And the last activity, the lecturer gave the assignment back to the students to re-edit the writing that had been reviewed a second time and submitted it to the lecturer the next day

2. The data of problems found in writing a paragraph during the implementation of peer assessment in improving writing component on paragraph development at second semester of IAIN Ponorogo in academic year 2021-2022

At this point the researcher obtained data from observation notes and also interviews with students and lecturers regarding the problems they face in writing a paragraph.

In the observation note on March 8, 2022, in the beginning of learning the lecturers ask to the student what are the problems that they face when they are making a paragraph. from this activity the researcher concluded several problems that students' face when writing a paragraph.They still don’t know the component of a good paragraph.

1. They find it difficult to determine the topic in a paragraph.

2. They are still unsure whther to use supporting or explanatory sentences for one-paragraph topic.

3. Their understanding in grammar is still relatively basic.

And the second data was obtained from interviews conducted by researchers to several students. Here the researcher selected six students who were interviewed. Based on the researcher's question "What the difficulties did you get in writing a paragraph" on the interview sheet53, some students answered as follows:

Dinda Qur’ani said that ; “ The difficulty that I faced in writing a paragraph is in the use of the grammar”

Krisna said that : “ my difficulty in writing a paragraph is in the use f tenses, the use of unctuation, spelling, an also difficult to determining the topic sentence.”

Fiki Amrullah said that: “ I have difficulties in determining topic and themes, and also compiling a paragraph outline”

Indri Kusnita said that : “ I find it difficult to express my idea in determining the topic and supporting sentence, and also in using a grammar in writing a paragraph”

Imanes Julig’estio said that : “ he just difficult in the use of punctuation”

Faizun Nadhifatul Mukaromah said that “ she having a hard time finding a appropriate vocabulary and also using aproper grammar in writing”

Elmiyana Fivi said that “ she difficult in determining a topic sentence, and make a supporting sentence matches with the topic, also in using appropriate grammar.

53 See Appendix 3 Pg. 81

3. The data of students’ alternative solutions in facing their problems in writing a paragraph during the implementation of peer assessment in improving writing component on paragraph development at second semester at IAIN Ponorogo

Data regarding alternative solutions for students in dealing with their problems in writing paragraphs were obtained from interviews54 conducted by researchers.

Dinda Qur’ani said that ; “she overcome her problems by looking on the internet for appropriate tenses and also vocabulary according to the grammar used.”

Krisna said that : “He often read web novels in English to learn the procedures and writing style.”

Fiki Amrullah said that: “Usually he just write, then if he found a difficulties. he will ask to the lecture ”

Indri Kusnita said that : “ She bought a grammar book and learn from it. and to express topics and ideas in writing, she usually re-understand the explanation given by the lecturer.”

Imanes Julig’estio said that : “he usually see references by looking at examples of similar paragraphs.”

Faizun Nadhifatul Mukaromah said that “In overcoming the difficulties she faced, she learned by reading a lot of articles or English books and also using a dictionary to find the right word. And in grammar she look for the appropriate tenses by looking for it on the internet and also asking the lecturer directly regarding the grammar of her writing.”

Elmiyana Fivi said that “Looking for reference examples of sentences/paragraphs on google, examples of material that has been given by the lecturer in class and to overcome difficulties in using grammar she use a browser to find tenses that match the paragraphs that she are going to make.”

54 See Appendix 3 Pg :184

C. Discussion

In this section, the researcher will present the data based on the field observations note55 and also the documents obtained during the research. In accordance with the research objectives, in this discussion the researcher will correlated with each of the three research questions that contained in first chapter. The first how the implementation of peer assessment for improving the writing component in paragraph development in the second semester of IAIN Ponorogo in the academic year 2021–2022, the second question is what are the problem found during the implementation of peer assesstement in improving writing component on paragraph development at second semester of IAIN Ponorogo , and the last question is what are the alternative solutions of students’ in facing the problem during the implementation of peer assesstment.

1. The implementation of peer assesstement for improving writing component on paragraph development at second semester of IAIN Ponorogo in academic year 2021- 2022

Peer assessment is an assessment technique where students are involved in evaluating each other's assignments. And this technique is widely used by several teachers. Mrs. Dr. Tintin Susilowati, M.Pd, is one of lecturer who used peer assestement in the learning process. And now she teach the paragraph writing course at IAIN Ponorogo. Based on interviews conducted by researchers with Mrs. Tintin In the interview, she revealed that she had applied the peer assessment method for a long time. Because, according to Mrs. Tintin, peer assessment has many benefits. Peer assessment makes the atmosphere of the class more relaxed, because when students are in the relaxed zone it is easier for them to catch what they learn. Compared to the students just sitting throughout the lesson, and all assessments are submitted to the lecturer and such a learning process will make the classroom atmosphere stiff, and students just sit back and listen and it will make them passive. And according to Mrs

55 Appendix no. 2 Page ; 76

Tintin, by using peer assessment, the relationship between students and students, students and lecturers will be good.

In this observation, the researcher will explain what activities are carried out during the learning process. The researcher started the observation at the third meeting on February 22, 2022. At the beginning of the learning or preliminary activity, the lecturer reviewed a little of the material taught in the last semester of the integrated learning focused on writing 1 was still there with writing courses.

The lesson was opened with several questions to the students, such as, "What is a paragraph?" As a warm-up for learning and also to find out the extent of the students' basic understanding of paragraph writing, the lecturer gave an assignment in the form of freewriting with the theme "One of the Family Members" 50-80 words. The lecturer give time 30 minutes to do it. Before the students start working, the lecturer explains that at the end of several meetings, the lecturer will compare the results of their writing at the beginning and the end.

After they finished writing, the lecturer collected it, and the lecturer chose four sentences randomly from the students' writing and instructed several students who were assigned to write it on the blackboard. Then the lecturer starts to review the grammar of the four sentences or make corrections together. After finishing, the lecturer began to explain the different types of sentences once more. The next activity includes the introduction of the peer assessment instrument. The lecturer distributes an assignment sheet containing several tasks that must be completed by students. Students are instructed to translate the sentences in the questions into English and determine the type of sentence by giving a sign in the form of:

SS ( Simple Sentence) CS ( Compound Sentence) CSN ( Complex )

CCS ( Compound Complex)

After completing the tasks that have been instructed by the lecturer, The lecturer instructs the students to exchange their assignments with a friend sitting next to them. Then the lecturer began to conduct a discussions and review one by one the questions contained on the assignment sheet that had been given. In the assessment session, some of the students were still confused about determining the score. In this time, the lecturer invited the students to consult with lecturer. After the assessment is complete, the lecturer records the grades of the students.

The researcher made the 2nd observation, precisely on March 1, 2022. This time, the lecturer started the learning activities with a simple discussion about paragraphs. Starting from understanding, core paragraph, etc. This discussion is carried out by appointing one student to express what they understand about the paragraph. And in this discussion, the lecturers also refer to the paragraphs they wrote at the previous meeting. At the end of this activity, the lecturer also asked students about the obstacles they faced in making a paragraph.

In the second activity, the lecturer provides material in the form of power points56 and instructs students to read it first before entering the explanation and discussion together. The material given by the lecturer contains the following:

Components of Paragraph (Organization) a. Unity in Writing (Content)

b. Sentence Expressions (Grammar, Sentence types) c. Diction (Vocabulary)

d. Mechanics (Punctuation and Capitalization)

56 See Appendix 4 Page : 91

In the third activity, the lecturer instructs to make groups of 3 people per group. The formation of this group aims to make them complement each other in terms of grammar, spelling etc. as well as when determining the assessment. Then the lecturer gives an assignment in the form of reviewing four paragraphs that have been chosen randomly by the lecturer. The students’ should assess the assigntmen in less than 10 minutes. And the students reviewed and discussed in groups according to the assessment rubric provided by the lecturer Then, as a closing of teaching and learning activities, The lecturer instructs the students to improve the paragraphs that they made at the beginning of the lesson according to the components that have been studied at this meeting.

The fourth meeting, to be precise on March 8, 2022. The learning activity began with a question and answer session and discussed the components that must be in a paragraph. The lecturer gives some clues to stimulate the students' thinking about the components that must be in a paragraph. Then the lecturer also asked about what obstacles the students encountered in making a paragraph. In the question and answer, the researcher concluded that the students had some difficulties when writing a paragraph, including

1. They still don’t know a good component paragraph.

2. They find it difficult to determine the topic in a paragraph

3. They are still unsure whether to use supporting or explanatory sentences for a one- paragraph topic.

4. Their understanding in grammar is still relatively basic

After the Q&A session is over, the lecturer provides a detailed explanation of how to make a good paragraph. followed by the next activity in the form of peer assessment activities. They were divided into groups, each consisting of four people. And then they started do a peer

assessment activity according to the rubric provided by the lecturer57. The lecturer invites each group to ask questions if there is confusion when conducting a peer assessment.

After the time for the peer assessment is complete, the results of the assessment are collected by the lecturer to record the assessment of the peer assessment. and in the figure 2.2 - 2.4 below showed one of student writing draft and also peer assessment activity up to lecturer assessment :

The first draft contains their first writing in writing a paragraph which will be given feedback from the peer assessment activities. Like in figure 2.2 From the picture below, it can be seen that there are many components of student writing that do not match the paragraph components, it can be seen from the feedback given by friends.

57 See Appendix 5 Pg. 97

Figure 2.2 student first draft in writing paragraph

Name : Elen Oktafiani Class : TBI B


Hi ! I’m Elen

Let me guys to introduct my one and only big brother. His name is Rismawansyah but we ( My mom, My dad and all close fa,ily) call him Evan. As ai remember, when I was child he always pick me up from my elementary school. Also after we grow up he often takes me on trips. Actually since childhood to paragraph we are often at odds and fight but, now we never fight again cause he goes.

Reviewer : Dinda Qur’aini

Organization : 1

Because without sufficient supporting sentences Content : 1

Because discusses some ideas silmutaneously Grammar :2

2 mistakes in using sentence exspressions Vocabulary :2

Because 1 mistakes in using relevant word Mechanics :2

Because p1 mistakes in using punctuation.

Total Score : 8

The second draft of students is a draft that has been revised after getting feedback from friends/ peer assessment activity.like in figure 1.2 below. At this meeting, students corrected

their first draft paragraph according to the feedback given by their friends during the peer assessment activity.

Figure 2.3 student second draft in writing a paragraph

Name : Elen Oktafiani Class : TBI B


Ma Bro!

I have a big brother who like to treat me like a princes. He always pick me up when I come home and buys me food. He always puts my interest before his own, also when I was child. He used to carry me, he always takes me for a travel. He always gives me pocket money. He also often buys me a bag, shoes, and clothes. He cooks me delicious food too.

Reviewer : Ihda Nisa Fajrin

Organization : 3

A topic sentence is supported by three supporting sentences.

Content : 2

The paragraph also talks something else out of the main topic.

Grammar :3

No mistakes in using sentence expression Vocabulary :3

Use relevant word Mechanics :1

More than 2 mistakes in using capitalization and punctuation.

Total Score : 12

Third draft is a draft that has been given 2 times feed back by the peer. And in draft 3, the lecturer will provide feedback. Like in figure 2.3 below. At this meeting, the students again corrected their writing according to the feedback from their friends on the previous second draft. And in this third draft, the lecturer will provide the final feedback.

Figure 2.3 student third draft in writing a paragraph

Name : Elen Oktafiani Class : TBI B


Ma Bro!

I have a big brother who like to treat me like a princes. He always pick me up when I come home and buys me food. When I was child, he used to carry me , he always takes me for atravel too. He always puts my interest before his own, also he always gives me pocket money. He often buys me a bag, shoes, and clothes. He cooks me delicious food too.

Reviewer : Mrs.Tintin Susilowati

Organization : 3 Content : 3

Grammar :3 Vocabulary :3 Mechanics :3 Total Score : 15

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