• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

Based on the results of the research that has been carried out by the researcher, the researcher would like to purpose some suggestions which hopefully will be usefull for institution,lectures, students and others.

a. For Institution

For institutions, it is recommended to hold seminars on literacy or interest in writing in order to motivate students about the importance of literacy, and also take part in competitions outside campus to improve the ability of students who have talent in writing.

b. For the lecturer

For the lecturer of English department especially who is teaching paragraph writing are suggested to make students familiar with a punctuation that use in writing a paragraph because some of them seem to be confused about putting full stop and comma.

c. For future researchers

The researcher suggest to the next researcher who wants to conduct similar study. to conduct research on the process implementation of peer assessment in essay writing and because essays consist of several paragraphs that is more complex and which are certainly interesting to study.

e. For Students

For students it is advisable when having a problem ask the teacher what they don't know.

And for those who have low grades, it is advisable to often practice writing in order to improve writing skills.


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assessment/#:~:text=Formative%20peer%20assessment%20involves%20feedback,as%20part%2 0of%20a%20grade.

Appendix 1

English Eduation Lectures and The students of TBI B

Table 2.1 list of English education lecturers

List of English Education Lecturers

NO Name of Lecturer Educational

Background Course

1. Dra. Aries Fitriani, M.Pd. Lektor Kepala Ilmu Bahasa Inggris

2. Drs.Dolar Yuwono, M.Pd. Lektor Kepala Ilmu Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

3. Pryla Rochmawati, M.Pd. Lektor Ilmu Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

4. Nurul Khasanah, M.Pd. Lektor Ilmu Pendidikan Bahasa

Inggris 5. Tintin Susilowati, M.Pd. Lektor Ilmu Bahasa Inggris

6. Andi Susilo, M.Pd. Lektor Ilmu Pendidikan Bahasa


7. Wiwin Widyawati, M.Hum Lektor Ilmu Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

8. Winantu Kurnianingtyas Sri

Agung, M.Hum Lektor Ilmu Pendidikan Bahasa


9. Ahmad Nadhif, M.Pd. Asisten Ahli Bahasa Inggris

10. Dhinuk Puspita Kirana, M.Pd. Asisten Ahli Ilmu Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Table 2.2. list of TBI B students

List of TBI B’ Students

No Name of Student

1. Dinda Quraini Widriastuti 2. Dyah Ayu Tri Kurniawati 3. Elen Oktaviani

4. Elmiyana Five Nur Kumala 5. Enjelita Frisca Azari 6. Enjelya Febriyanti 7. Fahrizal Ferry Widjaya

8. Faizun Nadhifatul Mukaromah 9. Faradia Alya Pratiwi

10. Faris Hidayat 11. Fika Ardila Ristiani 12. Fiky Amrulloh 13. Fina Alfiani Zahro

14. Firzha Ulfiya Ridhwanul Hakim 15. Fitria Kusuma Wardani

16. Galuh Safrida

17. Hanifah Nabila ‘Ullayya 18. Herlina Pratiwi

19. Ihda Nisa Fajryn

20. Imaness Julig’estio 21. Indah Dwi Nurrohmah

22. Indra Ferdiansyah Adi Saputra 23. Indri Kusnita

24. Irma Indriantika 25. Khofifah Alivianti 26. Kinanti Dyah Pratiwi 27. Kinanti Rahayu 28. Krisna

Appendix 2

Field Note Observation


Field’s Note Number 01/O/ /2022

Day/Date Observation Tuesday, 22 February 2022

Time 08:40 – 10 :00

Place MT Room ,TBI B Class Semester 2

Description Time

Description of Observation

Field observations were carried out at the third meeting to be precise on Tuesday, February 22, this meeting was the first meeting that entered learning. In the introductory learning activity, the lecturer asked some questions about the last semester’s writing course. And also review a little material that has been studied in the last semester eg.

Entering the core activity, the lecturer gives instructions to students to make a paragraph consisting of 70-80 words with the theme “one of the family members” in less than 30 minutes. And here the lecturer also began to provide information that at the end of several meetings he would compare the writings of each student.

After the students finished their writing, the lecturer took a few sentences from their writing at random and then wrote them on the blackboard. Each sentence is discussed together. Lecturers begin to review grammar in writing, types of sentences, etc.

Next, the lecturer gives a sheet of paper containing several sentences and instructs the students to analyze the types of sentences including (simple sentences, compound sentences, complex sentences, multilevel compound sentences) by marking SS (Simple sentences) CS (compound sentences), CSN (Sentences). Complex), CCS (Compound Sentences).

At the end, the lecturer instructs the students to exchange the results of the

assignments that have been done to their friends. In the process of correcting, the lecturer instructs that for each task being reviewed, the reviewer is written. Correcting together with several criteria ranging from grammar, punctuartion, spelling.


Field’s Note Number : 02/O/ /2022

Day/Date Observation : Tuesday, 1 March 2022 Time : 08:40 – 10 :00

Place : TBI B Class Semester 2, MT Room , Ma’had IAIN Ponorogo

Description Time :

Description of Observation

At the fourth meeting on March 1, 2022, preliminary activities began by discussing everything related to paragraphs, for example: what is the meaning of paragraphs? What is a paragraph? etc. Next, the lecturer appointed several students and asked about the paragraphs that had been made at the previous meeting. Then discuss together on each part of the paragraph according to the correct paragraph components.

The lecturer distributes material in ppt form which contains what components must be prepared before making a paragraph, and instructs students to read and understand it.

After the material has been read, the lecturer begins to explain each part of the material that has been distributed. After giving an explanation, the lecturer invites students to ask questions about material that has not been understood.

The lecturer instructs the students to form groups. One group consists of 3 people.

Each group is tasked with providing a review/feedback on 4 student writings that have been selected by the lecturer according to the rubric given by the lecturer, including (Organization, Content, Grammar, Vocabulary, and Mechanics) and are given 10 minutes of diving time. After the group discussion is over, the lecturer discusses and discusses together about the 4 paragraphs that have been discussed previously. At the end of the lesson as the closing of the lesson, the lecturer gives a task in the form of improving the initial paragraph in accordance with the components contained in the rubric/components of making paragraphs.


Field’s Note Number : 03/O/ /2022

Day/Date Observation : Tuesday, 8 March 2022 Time : 08:40 – 10 :00

Place : TBI B Class Semester 2, MT Room , Ma’had IAIN Ponorogo

Description Time :

Description of Observation

At the fifth meeting. The lecturer gave a stimulus to the students in the form of a clue component of a good paragraph by asking several students who were appointed. And also ask students what problems they face when making a paragraph. and from this the researcher conclude several problem when students write a paragraph :

1) They still don’t know a good component paragraph.

2) They find it difficult to determine the topic in a paragraph

3) They are still unsure whether to use supporting or explanatory sentences for a one-paragraph topic.

4) Their understanding in grammar is still relatively basic

And the last one asked them whether peer assessment activities were effective according to them. After that, the lecturer began to explain from the start to the end.

At this meeting they had corrected their initial paragraph according to the instructions given by the lecturer. Then they were divided into several groups, 1 group consisting of 4 people. Then in groups they exchange their writings and begin to provide reviews/feedback according to the rubric that has been given and discuss them together.

And the last activity, the lecturer gave the assignment back to the students to re-edit the writing that had been reviewed a second time and submitted it to the lecturer the next day.


Number Observed Aspects

Appearance of Observation Results

Yes No

1. Lecturers give instructions to students regarding the

procedures or steps of peer assessment

2. Assignments are distributed randomly to be then given

feedback by students

3. Assignments are distributed in a structured manner to be

then given feedback by students

4. The assessment given by students is in the form of a

checklist that has been prepared by the lecturer

5. The assessment given by students is in the form of feedback in accordance with the components that have been instructed by the lecturer

6. At the beginning, students are instructed to compose

freely to find out how well students are able to write a paragraph

7. The lecturer has given an explanation to the students how

to make the correct paragraph

8. Assessment instruments include grammar, punctuation,


9. The assessment instrument includes paragraph


10. Lecturer determines student pairs in peer assessment

Appendix 3

Interview Question and Transcript


Interviews Number : 01/I/

Informant’s Name : Dr.Tintin Susilowati M.Pd.

Informant’s Identity : The lecturer of Paragraph Writing Course Day / Date interview : Wednesday , 20 March 2022

Time : 11:00 AM

Place : Mrs.Tintin’s House

Description of interview

1. Since when did you use peer assessment as a teaching technique?

It’s been quite a while. Several times the lecturer tried to find a suitable learning technique

2. What is the reason for using peer assessment as a teaching technique, especially in the paragraph writing course?

Peer assessment makes the atmosphere / atmosphere of the class more relaxed, because when students are in the relaxed zone it is easier for them to catch what they learn. Compared to the students just sitting throughout the lesson, and all assessments are submitted to the lecturer. And according to the lecturer, such a learning process will make the classroom atmosphere stiff, and students just sit back and listen and it will make them passive. And according to him, by using peer assessment, the relationship between students and students and students and lecturers will be good.

And in the process of providing feedback, not all students have good provisions, but when it is done together they indirectly exchange knowledge. And in this process communication between lecturers and students as well as fellow students becomes active.

According to the lecturer, because it is still based on paragraphs, you can still use peer assessment because the paragraphs are still relatively short. Unlike essays. The use of peer assessment is also with all considerations because it all still adjusts to the circumstances and abilities of the student. It doesn’t mean that when teaching essays you can’t use peer assessment. But in teaching essays there are several important points that must be considered.

3. How are student learning outcomes after applying peer assessment?

A good lecturer must know the class map or the condition of the students being taught.

And if the lecturer gives something difficult while the condition of the student has the ability that is still standard, it will make it difficult for both the teacher and the student.

And here the lecturer provides material that has a moderate level of difficulty so that all students can learn it. And it all goes back to the ability of a teacher in choosing material, developing, determining techniques by adjusting the existing class conditions

with the hope that the majority of students can master the material that has been taught.

4. Is there an improvement in the students’ paragraph writing after the implementation of peer assessment, especially in paragraph development?

Most of the writings of the students experienced improvement.

6. Would you recommend peer assessment as a technique used to teach, especially in writing courses?

I would recommend peer assessment as one of the learning techniques because of some of the benefits that I explained earlier but returned to the teacher. The teacher in a class must pay attention to the condition of the students to be taught and also adjust to the appropriate learning method or technique so that they can capture the material that has been delivered by the teacher.


Researchers conducted interviews twice in date 22 february and 15 March ,The first research was only to find out what obstacles students faced when conducting peer assessments and also to find out whether they had ever conducted peer assessments.

Interviews Number : 02/I/ / 2022 Informant’s Name : Dinda Qur’aini W.

Informant’s Identity : The student of Paragraph Writing Course Day / Date interview : Tuesday , 22 February and 15 March 2022 Time : 10:00 AM

Place : TBI B Class Semester 2, MT Room , Ma’had IAIN Ponorogo

Description of interview

1. Has your teacher ever implemented peer assessment before ?

Yes,my teacher ever implemented peer assesstement when I sit at senior high school

2. Does using peer assessment feel difficult for you?

Yes, because I’m still a new student who was just introduced to paragraph writing, so the basic understanding is still lacking.

3. What difficulties did you get in writing paragraph ?

The difficulty that I faced in writing a paragraph was in the use of the grammar.

4. What the alternative solutions do you use to overcome your difficulties in making a paragraph ?

Because I have difficulty in terms of grammar, I overcome it by looking on the internet for appropriate tenses and also vocabulary according to the grammar used.

5. Did you find it easier to write a paragraph after implementing peer assessment?

I feel there is progress because with peer assessment activities in paragraph writing lessons I can find out where the mistakes are in my writing


Interviews Number : 02/I/ / 2022 Informant’s Name : Krisna

Informant’s Identity : The student of Paragraph Writing Course Day / Date interview : Tuesday , 22 February and 15 March 2022 Time : 10:00 AM

Place : TBI B Class Semester 2, MT Room , Ma’had IAIN Ponorogo

Description of interview

1. Has your teacher ever implemented peer assessment before ? Yes, when I was in sehior high school my teacher ever used it 2. Does using peer assessment feel difficult for you?

Actually no , but in the first im still little bit confuse with the step 3. What difficulties did you get in writing paragraph ?

My difficulty in writing a paragraph is in the use of tenses, the use of full stops and commas, spelling, and also determining supporting sentences

4. What the alternative solutions do you use to overcome your difficulties in making a paragraph ?

I often read web novels in English to learn the procedures and writing style.

5. Did you find it easier to write a paragraph after implementing peer assessment?

Yes, I feel there is progress. After applying peer assessment from there, I found the paragraph components as well as my mistakes in writing a paragraph .


Interviews Number : 02/I/ / 2022 Informant’s Name : Fiky Amrulloh

Informant’s Identity : The student of Paragraph Writing Course Day / Date interview : Tuesday , 22 February and 15 March 2022 Time : 10:00 AM

Place : TBI B Class Semester 2, MT Room , Ma’had IAIN Ponorogo

Interview description

1. Has your teacher ever implemented peer assessment before ? Yes, she ever implemented it

2. Does using peer assessment feel difficult for you?

Its quite difficult because we have to follow the existing peer assessment procedures

3. What difficulties did you get in writing paragraph ?

I have difficulties in determining topic and themes, and also compiling paragraph outline.

4. What the alternative solutions do you use to overcome your difficulties in making a paragraph ?

Usually i just write then if I found a difficulties I will ask to the lecture 5. Did you find it easier to write a paragraph after implementing peer


Yes, I did , I feel with that method we know how to write a good paragraph


Interviews Number : 02/I/ / 2022 Informant’s Name : Indri Kusnita

Informant’s Identity : The student of Paragraph Writing Course Day / Date interview : Tuesday , 22 February and 15 March 2022 Time : 10:00 AM

Place : TBI B Class Semester 2, MT Room , Ma’had IAIN Ponorogo

Description of interview

1. Has your teacher ever implemented peer assessment before ? Yes, she has

2. Does using peer assessment feel difficult for you?

Not at all, I think its help the student to study more deeper about the material 3. What difficulties did you get in writing paragraph ?

I find it difficult to express my ideas in determining the topic and supporting sentences, sometimes the supporting sentences I write do not match my main topic. I also have difficulty in grammar when writing pargraphs because of my limited mastery of grammar.

4. What the alternative solutions do you use to overcome your difficulties in making a paragraph ?

I bought a grammar book and learn from it. And hopefully it can improve in my ability in grammar especially in paragraph writing. and to express topics and ideas in writing, I usually re-understand the explanation given by the lecturer so that I can produce better writing.

5. Did you find it easier to write a paragraph after implementing peer assessment?

In my opinion, the implementation of peer assessment is very helpful because with this method I personally can produce paragraphs that initially have writing that can be said to be incoherent into writing that is better and in accordance with the paragraph components.

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