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Principles of Character Education Implementation 1 Basic Philosophical Character Building

Islamic Moderation Model in Managing Mosque to Increase Philanthropy Fund at Jogokariyan Mosque Yogyakarta

D. Discussion

D.3. Principles of Character Education Implementation 1 Basic Philosophical Character Building

As James A. Beane thought that the philosophical foundation is one of the three main foundations in curriculum planning.Character building on SDIT Ukhuwah students based on the following thoughts.

ْسَيَو اَهيِف ُدِسْفُ ي ْنَم اَهيِف ُلَعْجَتَأ اوُلاَق ًةَفيِلَخ ِضْرلأا يِف ٌلِعاَج يِّنِإ ِةَكِئلاَمْلِل َكُّبَر َلاَق ْذِإَو ا اَم َُُلْعَأ يِّنِإ َلاَق َكَل ُسِّدَقُ نَو ََِدْمَِْب َُُِِّّسُن ُنَْْنَو ََاَمِّدلا ُكِف

( َنوُمَلْعَ ت ٠٣ )

30. Remember when your Lord said to the Angels: "I would make a caliph in the earth."

they say: "Why do You want to make the (Caliph) on earth the one who will make damage to him and shed blood, yet We always celebrate by praising You and purifying You?" The Lord said: "I know what you do not know."

Students need others to hone their social life, leadership, cooperation, communication skills, lead skills, led skills, ability to comply with rules set by the group, whether written or not.

Character education, values and discipline within the framework of Islamic values (shahsiyyaIslamiah) become the essence of student development standards.

Organization is one means to get the opportunity to learn to lead, be led, organize, take responsibility, self-organize, put yourself, work and cooperate in spirit ukhuwahislamiyah.

D.3.2. Character Building Standards

Standard Character building guidance SDIT Ukhuwah students proclaimed to achieve the following objectives.

1. Development of Leadership and Character of the Nation 2. Social skills development

3. Entrepreneurship Development

4. Development of Islamic Healthy Living Behavior Pattern

5. Development of Lifestyle Pattern of Worship and Proud of Islamic Personality 6. Development of Interest and Talent

7. Development of reasoning and research skills

D.3.3. Implementation Character Building Based on the Curriculum as an Idea

Character building of students of SDIT Ukhuwah is implemented through extracurricular and co-curricular activities as follows.

Table 1.implementation of character building on activities at school

No Character

Development Goals Character

Development Model Character Building

Activities Execution Time 1. Development of

Leadership and Character of the Nation

1. Training 2. Habituation 3. Active partipation

1. Scouting

2. Organization 1. Weekly 2. Weekly

2. Social skills

development 1. Active participation

2. Direct experience

1. Community service camp

2. Social Care (visits to orphanages, baksos, etc.)

3. Care for humanity globally (concern for Bosnian Muslims, Palestinians, Rohingyas, etc.)

1. Yearly 2. Weekly 3. Weekly

3. Entrepreneurship

Development 1. Get in the habit of investing 2. Simulation 3. Observation 4. Busines Games 5. Practice of buying and selling 6. Investment

1. Household Production Skills 2. Marketing skills 3. Business planning


4. Training fosters an

1. Monthly 2. Monthly 3. Monthly 4. Monthly

D.3.2. Character Building Standards

Standard Character building guidance SDIT Ukhuwah students proclaimed to achieve the following objectives.

1. Development of Leadership and Character of the Nation 2. Social skills development

3. Entrepreneurship Development

4. Development of Islamic Healthy Living Behavior Pattern

5. Development of Lifestyle Pattern of Worship and Proud of Islamic Personality 6. Development of Interest and Talent

7. Development of reasoning and research skills

D.3.3. Implementation Character Building Based on the Curriculum as an Idea

Character building of students of SDIT Ukhuwah is implemented through extracurricular and co-curricular activities as follows.

Table 1.implementation of character building on activities at school

No Character

Development Goals Character

Development Model Character Building

Activities Execution Time 1. Development of

Leadership and Character of the Nation

1. Training 2. Habituation 3. Active partipation

1. Scouting

2. Organization 1. Weekly 2. Weekly

2. Social skills

development 1. Active participation

2. Direct experience

1. Community service camp

2. Social Care (visits to orphanages, baksos, etc.) 3. Care for humanity

globally (concern for Bosnian Muslims, Palestinians, Rohingyas, etc.)

1. Yearly 2. Weekly 3. Weekly

3. Entrepreneurship

Development 1. Get in the habit of investing 2. Simulation 3. Observation 4. Busines Games 5. Practice of buying and selling 6. Investment

1. Household Production Skills 2. Marketing skills 3. Business planning


4. Training fosters an

1. Monthly 2. Monthly 3. Monthly 4. Monthly

E. Conclusion

SDIT Ukhuwah is a primary educational institution that integrates national curriculum system (Kemendikbud) with an integrated system of Islamic education curriculum (JSIT) which is influenced by Hassan Al-Bana’s idea on Tarbiyah.

Implementation of character education is integrated into all subjects, taught as an integrated curriculum model. Character education is developed with the model of habituation, coaching, training, mentoring, observation, simulation and experiment.This research indicates that SDIT Ukhuwah targets its graduates to have good character, that is having leadership and character of the nation, possessing social skill, life skill and

experiments entrepreneurial spirit

4. Development of Islamic Healthy Living Behavior Pattern

1. The practice of Islamic behavior 2. Mentoring

1. Healthy blessed food program together

2. Optimizing UKS, Clean healthy self (BSD), Clean healthy environment (BSL)

1. Daily 2. Daily

5. Development of Lifestyle Pattern of Worship and Proud of Islamic


1. Aqidah Guidance 2. Guidance of Morals

3. Development of Worship

4. Habituation

1. Islamic character building

2. The habit of worship

3. Understanding and implementation of the Qur'an

4. Community service

1. Daily 2. Daily 3. Daily 4. Monthly

6. Development of

Interest and Talent. 1. Training 2. Mentoring 3. Habituation

1. Islamic art and culture

2. Martial arts 3. Sports achievements 4. Journalism

1. Weekly 2. Weekly 3. Weekly 4. Weekly

7. Development of reasoning and research skills Development of reasoning and research skills

1. Training

2. Mentoring 1. Science Club 2. Science Olympiad

and Humanities 3. Technology lover


1. Weekly 2. Weekly 3. Weekly

entrepreneur spirit, having healthy Islamic lifestyle pattern, having lifestyle of worship and proud of islamic personality (owning aqidah the righteous, perform the worship according to the Qur'an and sunnah, strong personality and noble character), able to develop themselves according to interests and talents, have reasoning and research skills.This study found that SDIT Ukhuwah developed the concept of integral holistic education based on tauhidvalue. Students not only teach the content of basic education and Islamic science written in the curriculum, but also taught to be a complete Muslim personality, equipped with the skills, characters and knowledge needed. The teachings are conducted in the religious routine activities that are vertical (element of ritual worship) and horizontal (element of worship associated with others). Activities are conducted in four stages, namely daily, weekly, monthly and yearly.


e-journal.uajy .ac.id, accessed on April 26, 2017".

http://liputan6.com/tag/kenakalan-remaja," [Online]. Available: http:// liputan6.com /tag/kenakalan-remaja. [Accessed 27 September 2017].

D. K. A, Pendidikan Karakter Utuh menyeluruh, Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 2016,

D. Koesoema, Pendidikan Karakter Utuh dan Menyeluruh, Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 2016, d. Muchlas Samani, Konsep dan Model Pendidikan Karakter, Bandung: Rosdakarya, 2013, Fihris, Pendidikan Karakter di Madrasah Salafiyah, Semarang: PUSLIT IAIN Walisongo,


L. Hasibuan, Kurikulum dan Pemikiran Pendidikan, Jakarta: GP Press, 2010, L. J.Moleong, Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif., Bandung: Rosdakarya, 2013.

M. Wahid, "Pengembangan Model Pendidikan Afeksi beroriantasi Konsiderasi Untuk Membangun Karakter Siswa ang Humanis di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan," in The 4th International Conference on Teacher Education; Join Conference UPI & UPSI, Bandung, 2010.

O. Hamalik, Pengembangan Kurikulum Lembaga Pendidikan dan Pelatihan, Bandung:

Trigendakarya, 1993

S. Sabda, Pengembangan Kurikulum Tinjauan Teoritis, Yogyakarta: Aswaja Pressindo, 2016,

T. Lickona, Educating for Character: How Our Schools can Teach Respect and Responsibility, New York: Bantam Book, 1992

entrepreneur spirit, having healthy Islamic lifestyle pattern, having lifestyle of worship and proud of islamic personality (owning aqidah the righteous, perform the worship according to the Qur'an and sunnah, strong personality and noble character), able to develop themselves according to interests and talents, have reasoning and research skills.This study found that SDIT Ukhuwah developed the concept of integral holistic education based on tauhidvalue. Students not only teach the content of basic education and Islamic science written in the curriculum, but also taught to be a complete Muslim personality, equipped with the skills, characters and knowledge needed. The teachings are conducted in the religious routine activities that are vertical (element of ritual worship) and horizontal (element of worship associated with others). Activities are conducted in four stages, namely daily, weekly, monthly and yearly.


e-journal.uajy .ac.id, accessed on April 26, 2017".

http://liputan6.com/tag/kenakalan-remaja," [Online]. Available: http:// liputan6.com /tag/kenakalan-remaja. [Accessed 27 September 2017].

D. K. A, Pendidikan Karakter Utuh menyeluruh, Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 2016,

D. Koesoema, Pendidikan Karakter Utuh dan Menyeluruh, Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 2016, d. Muchlas Samani, Konsep dan Model Pendidikan Karakter, Bandung: Rosdakarya, 2013, Fihris, Pendidikan Karakter di Madrasah Salafiyah, Semarang: PUSLIT IAIN Walisongo,


L. Hasibuan, Kurikulum dan Pemikiran Pendidikan, Jakarta: GP Press, 2010, L. J.Moleong, Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif., Bandung: Rosdakarya, 2013.

M. Wahid, "Pengembangan Model Pendidikan Afeksi beroriantasi Konsiderasi Untuk Membangun Karakter Siswa ang Humanis di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan," in The 4th International Conference on Teacher Education; Join Conference UPI & UPSI, Bandung, 2010.

O. Hamalik, Pengembangan Kurikulum Lembaga Pendidikan dan Pelatihan, Bandung:

Trigendakarya, 1993

S. Sabda, Pengembangan Kurikulum Tinjauan Teoritis, Yogyakarta: Aswaja Pressindo, 2016,

T. Lickona, Educating for Character: How Our Schools can Teach Respect and Responsibility, New York: Bantam Book, 1992

Implementation of Da'wah Tabligh