• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan


B. Suggestion

Based on the analysis and the conclusion above, the writer would like topropose the following suggestions as follows:

1. Students need more practice speaking English so that they can deliver their speeches correctly on the basis of good English.

2. The students must expand their English vocabulary to master English as well as possible.


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No Nama NIM Bulan/Tanggal

Maret 22 29

1. Aditya Rachman 1811230003  

2. Aleka Suryati 1811230007  

3. Dani Sholahudin 1811230034  

4. Denti Zentia Putri 1811230001  

5. Devi Indah Permata 1811230019  

6. Eliza Dwi Utami 1811230023  

7. Eliza Kartika 1811230024  

8. Friska Agustin 1811230020  

9. Friska Cindy Attiyah 1811230030  

10. Hanin Anin Ika Maharani 1811230016  

11. Iis Siti Nurjana 1811230029  

12. Mardhatillah 1811230033  

13 Medio Arton Senna 1811230022  

14 M. Alief 1811230028  

15 Neta Melasari 1811230032  

16. Neti Suryani 1811230012  

17. Noni Purnama Sari 1811230009  

18. Penti Anggraini 1811230011  

19. Perla Mei Kasema 1811230021  

20. Rahma Dinda 1811230005  

21. Restina Sri Fajarni 1811230025  

22. Ridho Satrio Atmojo 1811230010  

23. Shella Vionita 1811230017  

24. Silvia Lusianti 1811230013  

25. Sindang Marli W 1811230008  

26. Tiara Sella Sutrisno 1811230015  

27. Tita Asmara 1811230002  

28. Tri Suwarni 1811230004  

29. Wendy Pramana P 1811230031  

30. Yulia Agustina 1811230027  

31. Zetry Agustin 1811230026  



No Nama NIM Tanggal/Bulan

Maret April 25 1

1. Andika Putra 1811230052  

2. Anggun Kurniati 1811230044  

3. Anisa menti ulandari 1811230056  

4. Bella Dwi Santika 1811230050  

5. Cita Samsurin 1811230035  

6. Chindy Yulia Permatasari 1811230051  

7. Chista Riyanda Putri 1811230039  

8. Deo prancisco 1811230061  

9. Detta silvia 1811230055  

10. Diana anggraini 1811230046  

11. Fadly Hidayat 1811230047  

12. Harianti 1711230078  

13 Hesy Dwi Fitriyanti 1811230066  

14 Inka Meliza 1811230057  

15 Meilana Raisyahdi Gita 1811230068  

16. Melu sudarmi putri 1811230058  

17. MuhammadFebliyansyah 1811230053  

18. M. Riyadi 1811230045  

19. Nanda nur asa h 1811230065  

20. Nurul Aulia 1811230042  

21. Rizki Adi Kurniawan 1811230054  

22. Sisi Suherman 18112300  

23. Tias Wiji Lestari 1811230064  

24. Uswatun Nur Khasanah 1811230059  

25. Vesi putri adini 1811230041  

26. Vharadina Putri Utami 1811230060  

27. Yezzie Amelia 1811230038  

28. Yorin Ramadina 1811230040  

29. Yuliza 1811230062  

Transcript observation sheet Student’s

The table below illustrates on what the researcher observed from the students' presentation and discussions . First language interference in speaking English is identified in the table.


R : Respondents

S.1 : Student one, S.2: Student two - S.14: Student fourteen S.1.1-S.14.2 : Multiple Subject Error Pronunciation

P : Phonology L : Lexicon

No Date R Utterance Code

Interference of First Language

Students Prononciations

Oxford Dictionary


1. 22th march


S.1 I would like to share about sosiolinguistick


Sosiolinguistik /soʊsioʊlɪn‟gw ɪstɪks/

2. S.1 It is khonsernd on how people use the language in social context

S.1.2  Khonsernd /Kǝn‟sʒ:rnd/

3. S.1 Iventou many

varities Language


Iventou /„i:vǝnðǝʊ/

4. S.2 I wan try answers your questions, about factor sociolinguistics


 wan /wɒ:nt/

5. S.2 Repus should be deposited in the respectable



 Repus /ri‟fjʊz/

6. S.3 Put your rubbis in the bin

S.3.1 Rubbis /rᴧbɪʃ/

7. S.3 this factors because most budaya and masyarakat menggunakan variasi bahasa yang berbeda.


8. S.3 look at the initial motivasyen for its development, sociolinguistics

S.3.3  Motivasyen /moʊtɪ‟veɪʃn/

9. 25th

march 2021

S.4 Akkording to Jendra (2010) Sociolinguistics is a branch of linguistics that takes language as an subject of study

S.4.1  Akkording /ǝ'kɔrdɪŋ/

10. S.4 It is often shocking to realize how extensively we may judge a person


S.4.2  Person /Pɜ:rsn/

11. S.5 like their region, social, or ethnic origin or perhep even their gender

S.5.1  Perhep /pǝr‟hæps/

12. S.5 their nowledc of most other aspects of language.

S.5.2  Nowledc /nɑ:lɪdʒ/

13. S.6 of the interaction (informative, social) may be importan

S.6.1  Importan /Im‟pɔ:rtnt/

14. S.6 The participant S.6.2  Participant /pɑ‟tɪsɪpǝnts/

15. S.7 to identify clearly the linguistic variation involved (e.g. vokabulary, sounds,

grammatical constructions, styles, dialects, languages)

S.7.1  Vokabulary /Vǝ‟kæbjǝleri/

16. 29th march


S.8 Partikularlanguage variations that have a pleasing tone, full of pretense

S.8.1  Partikular /Pǝr‟tɪkjǝlǝr/

17. S.8 For example

different between language yang di gunakan orang berpendidikan dan yang tidak berpendidikan


18. S.8 ektually a

person's speaking style, such as firm tone, enjoy tone, in a high tone or with a flat face.

S.8.3  Ektually /„æktʃuǝli/

19. S.9 It is a term where someone has similar

vocabularies, similar features of intonation

S.9.1  Features /Fifʃǝ,/

20. S.9 Pidgin : is a language that arises when people that dont have a common languages

S.9.2  Arises /ǝ‟raɪzɪz/

21. S.10 as a language

which is used habitualy by peope whose mother tongues are different in order to facilitate communication between them.

S.10.1  Habitualy /Hǝ‟bɪtʃuali/

22. S.11 Praktis

Someone‟s point of view in offering his/her judgement about language issues.

S.11.1  Praktis /ˈpræktɪs/

23. S.11 Assumed to be coming frome a Chinase

S.11.2  Assumed /ǝ‟su:md/

24. S.11 The baby-talk


S.11.3  Teori /ˈθɪǝri/

25. 1th April 2021

S.12 The terms of variety language are emerged due to different systems reflecting different varieties of the human condition.

S.12.1  Emerged /i‟mǝ:dʒd/

26. S.12 which we can

connect with some external factor apparently , a geographical area or a social group

S.12.2  Apparently /ǝ‟pærǝntli/

27. S.13 Standardization Codification of language:

grammars, spelling books,

dictionaries, literatsur

S.13.1  Literatsur /lɪtrǝtʃǝr/

28. S.13 To make

standarsesion, it requires choosing

one elite

vernacular and it can be prestigious.

S.13.2  Standarsesion /,stændǝrdǝ‟zeɪ ʃn/

29. S.14 Temporal dialects :varieties of a language used at particular stages in its historical development.

S.14.1  Temporal /Tempǝrǝl/

30. S.14 sertain differences from geographical area one to another in pronunciation, in the selecting and constructing of words

S.14.2  Sertain /‟sʒ:rtn/

Transcript of Student’s Interview

Respondents : S.1 Class : VI A


1. how do you often use Bahasa or your own vernacular when speaking in daily life?

Answer: Very often, almost every day

2. Do you have difficulty in phonology when speaking English?

Answers: Yes, because it is rarely sounded everyday and difficult to pronounce

3. What is your difficulty in phonology if you speak English ?

Answers: The mention of every word that is rarely used, and the results of the sound that are strange if I say it

4. What the factor that caused the interference of first language in vowel Phonological when you speak in English ?

Answers: Difficulty in pronouncing every word and the lack of unfamiliarity in pronouncing it

5. what the factors the caused the interference of first Language in lexical when you speak in English ?

Answer : I lack English vocabulary

Respondents : S.2 Class : VI A


1. How do you ofen use bahasa or your own vernacular when speaking in daily life ?

Answer: Most of the time, I feel that within an hour or in a few minutes I am using bahasa or my own vernacular often. especially when meeting and talking with other people.

2. Do you have difficulty in phonology when speaking english ?

Answer: Yes i do. sometimes I have difficulty especially in phonology when speaking english.

3. What is your difficulty in ponologhy if you speak english ?

Answer: I guess there are some difficulties in phonology such as vowels and consonant sounds,. The main problem with vowels occurs when you mix long and short vowel sounds. For example, a long 'ee' sound in 'seat' which means kursi with a short 'i' sound in 'sit which means duduk. 'the voices sound the same and are difficult to pronounce.

4. What the factor that caused the interference of first language in vowel phonologhycall when you speak in english?

Answer: It is usually caused by intralingual factors, namely factors within the English system itself. The vowel sound system in English has more variations than the sound system in Indonesian. In addition, the inconsistency of the English vowel sound system also causes learners to make mistakes. and also the difference between the spelling of the word and its pronunciation makes learners make mistakes, such as when pronouncing the word actually, the letter t which should be pronounced / ʧ / but pronounced / t / by the learner. This is what often causes learners to make mistakes.

5. What the factors the caused the interference of first Language in lexical when you speak in English ?

Answer : lack of vocabulary, and rarely speak English

Respondents : S.3 Class :VI A


1. How do you often use Bahasa or your own vernacular when speaking in daily life?

Answer: Very often

2. Do you have difficulty in phonology when speaking English?

Answer: Yes i do

3. What is your difficulty in phonology if you speak English ?

Answer: difficulty distinguishing similar sounds, lack of mastering vocabulary, while being afraid of making mistakes' was the prime cause of problem which hindered to speak

4. What the factor that caused the interference of first language in vowel Phonological when you speak in English ?

Answer: The interlingual factor,The overextension of analogy, and Transfer of structure.

5. What the factors the caused the interference of first Language in lexical when you speak in English ?

Answer: lack of vocabulary

Respondents : S.4 Class : VI A


1. How do you often use Bahasa or your own vernacular when speaking in daily life?

Answer: Very often

2. Do you have difficulty in phonology when speaking English?

Answer: Yes i do

3. What is your difficulty in phonology if you speak English ?

Answer: stress on words,vowel and consonant sounds,combined sound,translation between languages

4. What the factor that caused the interference of first language in vowel Phonological when you speak in English ?

Answer: the cause of the problem is the inappropriate phonology made by the when i produce english sounds

5. What the factors the caused the interference of first Language in lexical when you speak in English ?

Answer: lack of vocabulary

Respondents : S.5 Class : VI A


1. How do you often use Bahasa or your own vernacular when speaking in daily life?

Answer: often

2. Do you have difficulty in phonology when speaking English?

Answer: Yes

3. What is your difficulty in phonology if you speak English ?

Answer: articulation disorder, disfluency, and voice disorders

4. What the factor that caused the interference of first language in vowel Phonological when you speak in English ?

Answer: I‟am influenced by my Indonesia, so I say that word as in my Indonesian and I don‟t know the correct pronounciation.

5. What the factors the caused the interference of first Language in lexical when you speak in English ?

Answer: lack of vocabulary

Respondents : S.6 Class : VI A


1. How do you often use Bahasa or your own vernacular when speaking in daily life?

Answer: often

2. Do you have difficulty in phonology when speaking English?

Answer: Yes

3. What is your difficulty in phonology if you speak English ?

Answer : difficult to distinguish similar sounds of English and difficult to practice English in everyday life because of the unsupportive environment

4. What the factor that caused the interference of first language in vowel Phonological when you speak in English ?

Answer: different phonemic system, different pronunciation of equivalent phonemes

5. What the factors the caused the interference of first Language in lexical when you speak in English ?

Answer: lack of vocabulary

Respondents : S.7 Class : VI A


1. how do you often use Bahasa or your own vernacular when speaking in daily life?

Answer: Very often, almost every day

2. Do you have difficulty in phonology when speaking English?

Answers: yes

3. What is your difficulty in phonology if you speak English ? Answers: difficult to distinguish similar sounds

4. What the factor that caused the interference of first language in vowel Phonological when you speak in English ?

Answers: factor habit dan mother tongue

5. what the factors the caused the interference of first Language in lexical when you speak in English ?

Answer : lack English vocabulary

Respondents : S.8 Class : VI B


1. How do you often use Bahasa or your own vernacular when speaking in daily life?

Answer: Very often, especially our tribal language. Because all people in the village use that language to communication each other.

2. Do you have difficulty in phonology when speaking English?

Answer: Yes

3. What is your difficulty in phonology if you speak English ?

Answer: Sometimes there are words that are difficult to pronounce or there are certain rules, which make us not understand the pronunciation well, that is the reason why that person difficulty in phonology when they are speak English

4. What the factor that caused the interference of first language in vowel Phonological when you speak in English ?

Answer: The factor that influences the ability to speak, in this case that affects the ability to speak is the lack of my confidence and lack of mastery of most types of grammar, then the factors that influence are the low interests they have and lack of support in the environment around me.

5. What the factors the caused the interference of first Language in lexical when you speak in English ?

Answer: The first factor, because I'm not used to speaking English, the second factor, lack of speaking practice and the lack of vocabulary collection and the third factor, lack of confidence and fear of making mistakes when we want to speak English. So that it makes the first language spoken frequently when speaking English.

Respondents : S.9 Class : VI B


1. How do you often use Bahasa or your own vernacular when speaking in daily life?

Answer: I very often even speak in everyday languages such as regional or Indonesian when I meet friends from different regions so that others understand we are using Indonesian.

2. Do you have difficulty in phonology when speaking English?

Answer: Yes, I have difficulty in phonology, especially in speaking English because it is difficult to understand the words or sounds they say if we have not fully mastered English.

3. What is your difficulty in phonology if you speak English ?

Answer : Difficulty in 'listening' to utterances because English is not solely due to a person's limited vocabulary, but is also related to the individual's ability to perceive utterances phonologically.

4. What the factor that caused the interference of first language in vowel Phonological when you speak in English ?

Answer : One of the factors that is often cited as the cause of the difficulty in understanding English utterances is the limited vocabulary a person has

5. What the factors the caused the interference of first Language in lexical when you speak in English ?

Answer : limitations in mastering vocabulary

Respondents : S.10 Class : VI B


1. how do you often use Bahasa or your own vernacular when speaking in daily life?

Answer: very often I use Indonesian language every day

2. Do you have difficulty in phonology when speaking English?

Answer: Yes

3. What is your difficulty in phonology if you speak English ?

Answer: Words that are not used often. For example formal language

4. What the factor that caused the interference of first language in vowel Phonological when you speak in English ?

Answer: Dialect spoken in the first language

5. what the factors the caused the interference of first Language in lexical when you speak in English ?


1. English is not the first language 2. lack of vocab

3. inconvenience in using English

Respondents : S.11 Class : VI B


1. How do you often use Bahasa or your own vernacular when speaking in daily life?

Answer: often. I even use Indonesian or the local language completely to communicate with other people. if I am use a language other than Indonesian only at certain times such as when are in college or are taking an English course.

2. Do you have difficulty in phonology when speaking English?

Answer: Yes, it is a little difficult because I rarely practice, and I am not used to it so when I speak English I have a little difficulty, besides the factor of rarely practice, other factors are also afraid of mispronunciation so that I am afraid to try to speak English.

3. What is your difficulty in phonology if you speak English ?

Answer: The difficulty with phonology is the lack of understanding of English vocabulary

4. What the factor that caused the interference of first language in vowel Phonological when you speak in English ?

Answer: The factors that cause language disorders are the way it is pronounced and the accent is different from Indonesian

5. What the factors the caused the interference of first Language in lexical when you speak in English ?

Answer: Factors that cause first language disorder in lexical are lack of vocabulary, lack of guidance, lack of language teaching, and lack of motivation to speak.

Respondents : S.12 Class : VI B


1. How do you often use Bahasa or your own vernacular when speaking in daily life?

Answer : very often.

2. Do you have difficulty in phonology when speaking English?

Answer : Yes

3. What is your difficulty in phonology if you speak English ?

Answer : The lack of vocabulary mastery is one of the difficulties and obstacles for me to be able to speak English fluently.

4. What the factor that caused the interference of first language in vowel Phonological when you speak in English ?

Answer : habit factors and our lack of always trying and trying, train us to speak English more fluently.

5. What the factors the caused the interference of first Language in lexical when you speak in English ?

Answer :lack of vocabulary

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