• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan


B. Suggestion

In this section, the researcher provided several recommendations, namely: first, the used of word walls media to improve students' vocabulary mastery skills will be very beneficial for teachers and students of course. As a result, teachers must continue to use word walls as a media of learning when in class teaching and learning vocabulary. Second, learning media is very beneficial for

students because it makes learning more interesting, faster, more fun, and more effective. Therefore, students are advised to use appropriate word walls media to better understand and understand the learning proses.

Third, this research is a teaching process research that has a very broad scope. Another research on the use of word walls media by students is needed. Other researchers can use word walls media to see the effectiveness of certain English categories. Fourth, the researcher recommends that other researchers conduct research on the differences in effectiveness between the word walls application on Google and the word walls Media which can be made by using tools. Finally, the researcher understands that this research has flaws and errors. Therefore, the researcher would greatly appreciate any constructive suggestions for improvement in this research.


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