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One of the media to improve students' vocabulary mastery is to use word wallsin the learning process


Academic year: 2023

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It can be concluded that there is a significant effect of word wall media on students' vocabulary mastery in grade VIII at SMPN 03 South Bengkulu. Is there a significant effect of word wall media on students' vocabulary mastery in SMPN 03 South Bengkulu.


  • Background of Study
  • Research Identification
  • Research Limitation
  • Research Formulation
  • Research Objective
  • Research Significant
  • Definition of Key Terms

One of the media that can be used to improve students' vocabulary comprehension in English is the word walls. Experimental class VIII at mastery (Experiment . "The Effect SMPN 3 South class) with a surname.


Theoretical Reviews

  • The Nature Of Vocabulary
  • The Word Walls Media

According to Azizah (2020), media is a device that can help the teaching and learning process and function to clarify the meaning of the message conveyed so that it can. According to Suprijono (2010), the syntax of the collaborative learning model consists of six stages, namely:.

Conceptual Framework

Based on the diagram above, word wall media are media used by teachers to teach vocabulary to students. Finally, the researcher conducted a post-test to determine the effect of word walls on the vocabulary mastery of Grade 8 students of SMPN 03 South Bengkulu.

Review of Some Previous Studies

First, the researcher administered a pre-test to determine the students' vocabulary mastery skills before they were given treatment. Therefore, the researcher is interested in conducting this research in improving students' vocabulary mastery by using word walls. In each meeting, the researcher uses the word mure media in the experimental class and uses conventional methods in the control class.

In the T-test, the researcher analyzed the data on the comparison of pre-test and post-test scores between the experimental class and the control class. At the beginning of the learning process, the researcher asked pretest questions to the experimental class and the control class. In this chapter, the researcher discussed the results of the vocabulary mastery test given to class VIII students at SMPN 03 South Bengkulu.

The table above describes the results of the data normality test of Students' vocabulary mastery skills (Control-Pretest), Students' vocabulary mastery skills (Control-Posttest), Students' vocabulary mastery skills (Experiment-Pretest) and Students' vocabulary mastery skills (Experiment-Posttest) by the Kolmogorov using Smirnov test. The table above describes the results of the data homogeneity test of Students' vocabulary mastery skills (Experiment) and Students' vocabulary mastery skills (Control) using the Levene test (Test F) with a p-value of 0.296. This means that there is a significant effect on students' vocabulary mastery at SMPN 03 South Bengkulu.

Table 2.3  Previous Study  Name, title,
Table 2.3 Previous Study Name, title,



Research Design

The research design used by the researcher is a pre-experimental design in the form of a group, pre-test and post-test design. The researcher used a research design in the form of a non-equivalent pretest-posttest experimental-control group design. Meanwhile, the reason why the researcher chose junior high school 03 South Bengkulu as the research location was based on the results of the researcher's observations.

In this study, the researcher conducted two classes in Class VIII of SMPN 03 South Bengkulu. The selection of experimental classes and control classes is done randomly by the researcher, and the results of the selected classes are random. Before starting the treatment, the researcher first conducts a pre-test to assess the vocabulary of the students.

The researcher conducted 8 meetings in this research, in the first meeting of the researcher, the students were given pre-test questions. Before the treatment, the researcher explained to the students the media used in the learning process. The research used tests to collect data from students before the researcher teaches them to use word wall media.

Data Analysis Techniques

  • Research Prosedures

According to Cresswell (2013), a posttest is a measure of several attributes or characteristics that are assessed for participants in an experiment. The normality test is used to determine whether the weather standards in the data in the experimental and control classes are normally distributed or not. The homogeneity test determines whether the data obtained from the sample is homogeneous or not.

After the normality test and homogeneity test, the researcher analyzed the data using the T-test. The T-test is used to determine if there is a significant difference between the means of the two classes that may be related to certain characteristics. The researcher consulted with the principal and teacher in class VIII and conducted the research in that class.

The researcher prepared various teaching/learning aids including syllabus, lesson plans, pre-test and post-test questions, worksheets, textbooks, student attendance and learning media (Word Walls). The teaching and learning activity takes place in two classes that are used as research samples, namely class VIII A as an experimental class that teaches with the help of a. After that, the researcher gave the treatment of learning models using word wall media in class VIII A and gave the treatment of conventional learning models in class VIII B.


  • Description of SMPN 03 South Bengkulu
  • Vision and Mission at SMPN 03 South Bengkulu

SM/KP/X/2016. Currently, the number of teachers teaching at SMPN 03 South Bengkulu is 37 subject teachers, 3 BK teachers and another 15 are principals and staff at SMPN 03 South Bengkulu. Also, the number of active students currently registered is 527 students with 18 parallels from class VII to class IX.


  • The Result of Vocabulary Mastery Test

In the table above, the mean values ​​and standard deviation values ​​for students' vocabulary mastery skills (control-pretest VIII B) and students' vocabulary mastery skills (control-posttest VIII B) were described. The above table described the mean values ​​and standard deviation values ​​for the vocabulary mastery skills of the students in the experimental class in VIII A (experiment-pretest) and the vocabulary mastery skills of the students in the experimental class in VIII A (experimental-posttest). The table shows that the student's vocabulary skills (experiment-posttest VIII A) with an average value (mean) of 80.40 and standard.

Because all p>0.05, the data Student Vocabulary Mastery (Control-Pretest), Student Vocabulary Mastery (Control-Posttest), Student Vocabulary Mastery (Experimental-Pretest) and Student Vocabulary Mastery (Experimental) .. Posttest) are said to be normally distributed. The table above was described the mean (Mean) and standard deviation (Std. Deviation) values ​​of students' vocabulary mastery (experiment) and. Due to the value of p>0.05, the data of students' vocabulary mastery (experiment) and students' vocabulary skills (control) are said to be the same or homogeneous.

The table above also describes the test results of the mean difference between the student's vocabulary mastery (experimental) and the student's vocabulary mastery (control) using an independent samples t-test. An independent samples t-test was used because there were data on students' vocabulary mastery (experimental) and students' vocabulary mastery (control). According to many previous studies, word wall media has an impact on students' vocabulary mastery.

Analysis Data

  • Test of Normality
  • Independent Sampe T-Test


From the table, it is known that students' vocabulary mastery (Control-Posttest VIII B) has a mean value (mean) of 56.92 and standard deviation value (standard deviation) of 13.570, while students' vocabulary mastery (Control)-Pretest VIII B) with an average value. Deviation) of 10.890, while students' vocabulary mastery (Experiment – ​​​​Pretest VIII A) with a mean value (mean) of 16.20 and a value of standard deviation (Std.. C. Analysis of data 1) Test of normality. From the table, it is known that the vocabulary mastery skills of students (experiment) with a mean value (mean) of 80.40 and a standard deviation value (standard deviation) of 10.890, while the vocabulary mastery skills of students (control) with an average value of the mean (mean ) is 56.92 and the standard deviation (Std.

Because the t-count > t-loss or p<0.05, it can be said that there is an average difference between the students' vocabulary mastery (Experiment) and the students' vocabulary mastery (Control). Both the experimental group and the control group started with the same level of vocabulary mastery. Based on research conducted at SMPN 03 South Bengkulu in the academic year 2020/2021, the researcher can conclude that first by using word wall media, the researcher can improve students' vocabulary mastery which has been proven by their significantly increased scores, it can be concluded the word wall media can effect students' vocabulary mastery.

It indirectly explained that the use of word wall media in the learning process can increase and influence students' interest in vocabulary mastery class. In this section, the researcher provided several recommendations, namely: firstly, the use of word wall media to improve students' vocabulary mastery skills will be very beneficial for teachers and students of course. The use of Word Walls media to improve students' vocabulary mastery in the eight graders of SMP Negeri 10 Metro.



Second, based on the students' responses to the teaching and learning activities, it is evident that the students are very interested in using word wall media, which is evident in their participation in learning and class discussions. As a result, using word wall media can help students improve and master vocabulary. The students' pre-test scores were low, but their post-treatment scores were higher than their pre-test scores.


Therefore, students are advised to use appropriate word wall media to better understand and understand the learning process. Other researchers may use word wall media to see the effectiveness of certain English categories. Fourth, the researcher recommends that other researchers research the differences in effectiveness between the word walls application on Google and the word walls Media that can be made using tools.

Efektivitas Penggunaan Media Word Wall (jidaru al kalmah) dalam Penguasaan Kosakata Bahasa Arab pada Siswa Kelas x SMA Negeri 1 Pangkep. Pengajaran kosakata menggunakan gambar kepada siswa kelas dua SMP Negeri 1 Embaloh Hilir Kapuas Hulu pada tahun ajaran 2007/2008. Meningkatkan Kosakata Bahasa Inggris Siswa Menggunakan Permainan Tic Tact Toe Pada Tahun Kedua SMP Negeri 7 Satap Maiwa Kabupaten Enrekang.

Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Group Inquiry untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Pada Mata Pelajaran Pemeliharaan dan Perbaikan Sistem Pendingin. Efektivitas penggunaan word wall untuk meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata kelas tujuh di MTS Aswaja Tunggangri Tulungagung pada tahun ajaran 2016/2017. Pengajaran kosakata kepada siswa kelas VIII di Smp Negeri 9 Palu menggunakan Strategi Word Wall.


Table 2.3  Previous Study  Name, title,


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