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A. Theoretical Reviews

2. The Word Walls Media

Literally, the media means an intermediary, namely an intermediary between the source of the message and the recipient of the message. According Azizah (2020), media is a device that can help the teaching and learning process and the function to clarify the meaning of the message conveyed so that it can

achieve a better learning purpose. Learning media is also a tool to improve teaching and learning process activities.

Based on the sentences above, it can be said that learning media is a tool used in the teaching and learning process to deliver messages so that learning can work well.

Learning media is everything that can convey messages, and can stimulate the thoughts, feelings, and volition of students so that it can encourage the creation of a learning process in students. Generally, the benefit of learning media is to facilitate interaction between teachers and students so that learning activities are more effective and efficient, and the learning process becomes clearer and more attractive.

b. The Definition of Word Walls Media

One of the media that can be used to improve students' vocabulary understanding in English is the word walls. According to Tompkins et al. (2015), a word wall is a list of words arranged alphabetically by the teacher in

class to develop words and vocabulary. The visual of word walls is able to help the students to remember the vocabulary or the relationships between word. According to Wilsana et al. (2015), Word Wall is a literacy tool consisting of an organized collection of words displayed in large letters visible on a wall, bulletin board, or other display surface in the classroom. It helps facilitate students to improve their vocabulary.

The word walls is a learning media used not only to be displayed or shown but this media is also designed to improve group learning activities of students and this media can involve the students in the active production of media-making. Furthermore, the words are written in the bigger fonts to be easily seen from all students' elbow space.

Word walls are the media that can improve students’ vocabulary mastery. These word walls media can see the development of students' abilities. This media

can be designed to improve groups’ study activities and also implicate students in its production or use activities.

By using word walls media students can develop critical and active reading and writing. Students who have difficulty finding the right vocabulary can look to word walls as their reference material.

c. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Word Walls Media

Word wall media are creative, innovative, and beneficial media. Therefore, there are some advantages and disadvantages proposed by several experts.

According to Anwar (2019), here are several advantages and disadvantages of word walls media, namely: 1) This media is flexible, can be used for several levels of students 2) Interesting and not monotonous 3) Creative and able to increase student interest in learning English vocabulary. There are several disadvantages of this word

wall media, namely: 1) It takes more time to make it 2) This media can only be seen because it is a visual media.

According to Solikah (2017), there are several advantages of using word walls media, namely: 1) In order to support the teaching of general principles needed in teaching about words. 2) In order to be able to develop a word that developed into part of reading and writing. 3) In order to make students applythe language to communicate, especially in English. 4) In order to make the word walls with the words of the teacher itself.

However, the disadvantage of using word walls media is taking a long time in making, requiring equipment, color, imagination, and the ability to provide smart words in the word walls.

Furthermore, the teacher can choose the topic of vocabulary or grammatical items from an oversized database of exercises. All exercises are interactive and

simple in learning English, such as matching words, word associations, and missing letters.

d. Steps to Use Word Walls Media

The word walls media are designed to improve students group learning activities and also designed to involve students in the production and its use activities.

According to Anwar (2019), ways or steps to use word wall media, namely:

1) Make it memorable by using favorite words on a particular theme.

2) The teacher requested students to notice word wall media on the classroom wall.

3) The teacher asks students to listen, then divides students into the groups.

4) The teacher asks students to write vocabulary in English according to the theme given on the word wall media.

Media word walls are simple media, and how to use them is very simple and easy to do but interesting to learn.

e. Cooperative Learning Used as a Model to Implement Word Walls Media

Cooperative learning comes from the word

"cooperative" which means doing something together by helping each other and assisting as part of the group. This is in line with some expert opinions. According to Arends (2012), cooperative learning is a learning model that requires cooperation and is characterized by the structure of tasks, goals, and cooperation benefits. Students in cooperative learning situations are encouraged and requested to work on the same task together, and also have to coordinate their efforts to complete the task.

Furthermore,According to Afriani (2021), cooperative learning is learning that can take place in small, large groups or between two students who work together.

Students learn from each other and the teacher's job is to pair students who will work together effectively.Cooperative learning is a group model of learning in which students study/discuss, work and collaborate in small groups of 4-6 people with a heterogeneous group structure.

From the above understanding, it can be concluded that cooperative learning is a model of small group-based learning, where each student will depend on each other and work together to achieve learning objectives through their understanding of the learning material provided. In line with the usefulness of Word Walls media, this cooperative learning strategy will greatly assist the researcher in carrying out her research.

f. Cooperative Learning Characteristics

Basically, group learning or cooperative learning can be defined as working together in groups or groups, but not all group work is called cooperative learning

because there are certain things that distinguish it.According to Hasan et al. (2017), describes some of the characteristics of cooperative learning, namely as follows:

a) Students learn thoroughly.

b) Students have a sense of interdependence.

c) Students learn to interact cooperatively.

d) Students are asked to be responsible for the task.

e) Students have interpersonal communication skills.

g. Cooperative Learning Steps

Cooperative learning strategy has several phases.

According to Suprijono (2010), the syntax of the cooperative learning model are composed of six phases, namely:

Table 2.2

Phases in Cooperative Learning

Phase Teacher Activities

Phase 1: Present goals and set.

Delivering goals and preparing students.

Explain learning objectives and prepare students to be ready to learn.

Phase 2: Present information.

Presenting information.

To present information to the students verbally.

Phase 3:Organize the students into learning teams.

Organizing the students to study teams.

To explain to the students how to form a learning team and help groups make efficient


Phase 4: To help teamwork and students.

Helping team work and learning.

Helping learning teams while students are doing their assignments.

Phase 5: To test the materials.


To test the students' knowledge of various learning materials in groups and to present their work.

Phase 6: To provide recognition.

Giving recognition or appreciation.

Prepare ways to recognize individual and group efforts and achievements.

Suprijono(2010) a) First Phase

Communicate goals and prepare students. The teacher classifies the goals of cooperative learning. It is important to do because students must obviously understand the procedures and rules of the learning.

b) Second Phase

The teacher delivers information because the information is academic content.

c) Third Phase

The teacher must explain that students must work together in groups. The settlement of group assignments must be a group goal. Every group member has individual accountability to support the achievement of group goals.

In this third phase, it is important that there should be no free-riders or members who only depend on group work for other individuals.

d) Fourth Phase

The teachers need to accompany the learning team and remind them of the tasks performed by students and the time allocated. In this phase, the assistance provided by the teacher can be in the form of instructions, directions, or asking some students to repeat what has been displayed.

e) Fifth Phase

The teacher evaluates using evaluation strategies that are consistent with learning objectives.

f) Sixth Phase

The teacher prepares a gift structure that will be given to students. Variations in reward structures can be achieved regardless of what others are doing. A competitive reward structure is if students are recognized for their individual efforts based on comparisons with others. Cooperative reward structures are awarded to teams even though the members of the teams compete with each other.

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