• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

Sustainability Policy) merupakan integrasi dari kebijakan mutu, keselamatan, kesehatan, dan

Dalam dokumen Laporan Keberlanjutan 2017 PT Pertamina Gas (Halaman 188-195)

lingkungan hidup perusahaan.

PT Pertamina Gas Sustainability Policy is an integration of the company's quality, safety, health and environmental policies.


Semakin Kokoh Melayani Negeri Become Strong to Serve The


Berperan Aktif Mewujudkan Kelestarian Lingkungan

Active Role to Achieve Environmental Sustainability

Tumbuh dan Berkembang dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Terbaik

Grow and Develop with The Best Human Resource

Kecelakaan Kerja Nihil Sebagai Prioritas Zero Work Accident

as Priority

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas Customer Satisfaction

as Priority

Untuk memenuhi komitmen tersebut, kami menerapkan sistem manajemen yang berkelanjutan PEGASSUS “Pertamina Gas Sustainability System”

dengan cara:

1. Melaksanakan pencegahan terjadinya;

kecelakaan, kebakaran/ledakan, penyakit akibat kerja, pencemaran lingkungan dan kerusakan mutu produk serta masalah keamanan yang dapat mengakibatkan pengaruh negatif terhadap reputasi perusahaan dan kerusakan properti, cedera pada orang-orang yang bekerja untuk perusahaan, pencemaran lingkungan serta dampak terhadap masyarakat sekitar.

2. Mematuhi semua ketentuan, peraturan dan standar lain yang relevan terhadap Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja, Lindungan Lingkungan, Pengendalian Mutu serta Keamanan.

To fulfill this commitment, we apply PeGASSUS sustainable management system "Pertamina Gas Sustainability System" by:

1. Implementing preventions from; accidents, fire/

explosion, occupational diseases, environmental pollution and damage to product quality and security and issues with adversely affect on the company's reputation and property damage, injury to persons working for the company, environmental pollution and impacts on surrounding communities.

2. Complying with all relevant provisions, regulations and other standards relevant to Occupational health and Safety, environmental Protection, Quality Control and Security.

3. Melaksanakan perbaikan sistem manajemen secara berkelanjutan dan penggunaan sumber daya alam secara bijaksana serta menghindari pemakaian produk yang berpotensi menimbulkan kerusakan lingkungan.

4. Mengidentifkasi, mengevaluasi dan mengendalikan risiko yang dapat mengakibatkan kerugian, kecelakaan besar/bencana.

5. Menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang positif, bebas dari rasa takut atau dipersalahkan atas pelaporan insiden termasuk near miss/kejadian hampir celaka serta tindakkan pekerja yang berisiko/tidak aman.

6. Memenuhi atau melebihi harapan pelanggan serta menciptakan nilai bersamadan hubungan yang harmonis dengan masyarakat sekitar operasi perusahaan.

7. Mengelola pencapaian standar operasional terbaik, menerapkan praktik terbaik yang telah terbukti dan menetapkan target yang dapat diukur.

8. Transparansi pelaporan kinerja perusahaan tahunan untuk semua pemangku kepentingan.

3. Improving sustainable management system and wise use of natural resources and avoiding the use of products potentially causing environmental damage.

4. Identifying, evaluating and controlling risks that may result in major, catastrophic loss.

5. Creating a positive work environment, free from fear or blame for incident reporting including near miss/hazard events and risky/insecure workers.

6. meeting or exceeding customer expectations and creating shared values and a harmonious relationship with the community surrounding the company's operations.

7. managing the achievement of best operational standards, implementing proven best practices and setting measurable targets.

8. The Company's annual performance reporting transparency for all stakeholders.


Semakin Kokoh Melayani Negeri Become Strong to Serve The


Berperan Aktif Mewujudkan Kelestarian Lingkungan

Active Role to Achieve Environmental Sustainability

Tumbuh dan Berkembang dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Terbaik

Grow and Develop with The Best Human Resource

Kecelakaan Kerja Nihil Sebagai Prioritas Zero Work Accident

as Priority

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas Customer Satisfaction

as Priority

Pertamina Gas telah menyusun programprogram sepanjang tahun untuk memastikan diterapkannya praktik-praktik terbaik HSE dengan benar, terarah, dan berkelanjutan. Berikut adalah garis besar program-program HSE PT Pertamina Gas.

Pertamina Gas has made programs throughout the year to ensure that hSe practices are properly applied, directed, and sustainable. here is an outline of hSe programs of PT Pertamina Gas.


Application of K3LL Best Practices





evaluation Health (H) Medical

Check Up Pelaksanaan MCU East Region = 82,72%

Pelaksanaan MCU West Region = 70,47%

Total Pekerja 370 orang

Angka keluhan tertinggi berdasarkan hasil MCU Pekerja:

• 61.35% Pekerja menderita obesitas (overweight) rendah s.d tinggi.

• 40.81% Pekerja menderita kolesterol tinggi.

• 40.00% Pekerja menderita gangguan pandangan jauh.

• 37.84% Pekerja menderita pelemakan hati atau peningkatan kerja hati.

• 25.14% Pekerja menderita asam urat berlebih

• 8.37% Pekerja mengalami perubahan pada tulang belakang (skoliosis)

Conducting mCU in east region = 82,72%

Conducting mCU in West region = 70,47%

Total 370 workers

number of the highest complaints based on result of the worker mCU:

61.35% Workers have low to high overweight.

40.81% Workers have high colesterol.

40.00% Workers have long vision problems.

37.84% Workers have fatty liver or increased liver work.

25.14% Workers suffer from excessive uric acid8.

37% Workers experience changes in the spine (scoliosis)

Penyuluhan Kesehatan health Talk

Beberapa kali Healthy Talk dapat memberikan edukasi positif dan membuka wawasan Pekerja terkait kondisi kesehatan.

Several times healthy Talk could provide positive education and open the worker's insight regarding health condition.

Wellness Center (Pusat Kebugaran)

Minat Pekerja dan Mitra dalam memanfaatkan fasilitas pusat kebugaran khususnya di Oil Center Building Jakarta semakin meningkat walaupun persentase nya masih kecil.

Masih terkendala pada ketersediaan waktu disela pekerjaan.

Workers and Partners' Interests in utilizing the fitness center facilities, especially in Oil Center building Jakarta increased even though the percentage was still small. The problem was still availability of time between working hours.

Olahraga Bersama Sports Together

Kelas rutin mingguan selalu diadakan secara berselingan seperti kelas Zumba, Body Jam, Aerobic, Bootcamp Training, Senam Jumat pagi.

Weekly routine classes are always held alternately such as Zumba class, body Jam, Aerobic, bootcamp Training, Gymnastics Friday morning.

Safety (S) Assesment / Audit Sertifikasi

Peningkatan capaian melebihi target tahunan dimana ditargetkan rata-rata Area Operasional berada di Level 4 ISRS Assesment, namun perolehan menunjukkan 4 dari 6 Area memperoleh peringkat Level 6.

Increased performance exceeded the annual target where the Operational Area is targeted at Level 4 ISrS Assessment, but the results showed that 4 of the 6 Areas were rated Level 6.


Semakin Kokoh Melayani Negeri Become Strong to Serve The


Berperan Aktif Mewujudkan Kelestarian Lingkungan

Active Role to Achieve Environmental Sustainability

Tumbuh dan Berkembang dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Terbaik

Grow and Develop with The Best Human Resource

Kecelakaan Kerja Nihil Sebagai Prioritas Zero Work Accident

as Priority

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas Customer Satisfaction

as Priority





evaluation Scheduled

Inspection Inspeksi rutin menunjukkan peningkatan dan berupaya untuk penerapan secara konsistensi terutama dalam mendukung pencapaian asesmen.

routine inspections showed improvement and strive for consistent application especially in support of assessment achievement.

Management Walk Through (MWT)

Sebanyak 14 kali kunjungan

manajemen ke lokasi kerja. A total of 14 management visits to the work site.

Sosialisasi &

Publikasi Sosialization &


Frekuensi broadcast HSE meningkat menjadi 3-4 kali per minggu.

Safety Talk mulai diadakan di banyak kesempatan.

hSe broadcast frequency increased to 3-4 times per week. Safety Talk began to be held on many occasions.

Training &

Workshop 18 kelas training dan Workshop QHSE menunjang pengetahuan dan konsolidasi pelaksanaan program HSE perusahaan.

18 training classes and QhSe

Workshops supported the knowledge and consolidation of the company's hSe program implementation.

Coaching Clinic Coaching clinic menujukkan hasil positif diman pembimbingan kepada Area dan Anak Perusahaan dapat meningkatkan pencapaian peringkat asesmen.

Coaching clinic showed positive results where coaching to Area and Subsidiaries could improve the achievement of assessment ratings.


(E) Pengurusan

Ijin Lingkungan environmental Permit

12 ijin lingkungan diajukan ke Badan Lingkungan Hidup di lokasi kerja terkait.

12 environmental permits were submitted to the environment Agency at the work site concerned.

energy Audits have been increasingly being implemented.

Audit Energi

energy Audit Audit Energi semakin giat diterapkan. energy Audits have been increasingly being implemented.

Pemeringkatan PROPER PrOPer rating

Tahun ini 2 area menjadi kandidat emas dalam pencapaian peringkat PROPER dari KemenLH.

This year 2 areas became gold candidates in achieving PrOPer ranking from environmental ministry.

Pertamina Gas bersama Serikat Pekerja PT Pertamina Gas telah mencantumkan perihal ketentuan mengenai praktik-praktik HSE dalam Perjanjian Kerja Bersama (PKB). Hal ini merupakan wujud komitmen bersama ada penerapan aspek HSE di lingkungan perusahaan. 403-4

ChapterBab Bagian

Section Pasal

Article Perlindungan, Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja

Protection, health and Safety of Work BAB/ Part IV 39, 40, 42 Fasilitas & Kesejahteraan

Facility & Wellfare BAB/ Part IV 28, 31, 32, 41

Perusahaan juga telah membentuk Panitia Pembina Keselamatan, Kesehatan, Kerja dan Lindung Lingkungan (P2K3LL) atau disebut dengan Komite HSE. Sebagai komite bersama antara Manajemen dengan Pekerja dalam menyampaikan langsung berbagai hal terkait dengan pelaksanaan aspek HSE di lingkungan Pertamina Gas.

Sampai dengan akhir periode pelaporan, jumlah karyawan yang mewakili pekerja dalam Komite HSE adalah 80 orang. Jumlah tersebut mencakup 16%

dari total pekerja Pertamina Gas. 403-1


Area Perwakilan Manajemen

representative of management Perwakilan Pekerja representative of Workers

Perlindungan, Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja Protection, health and Safety of


Jumlah number

Persentase terhadap Total Pekerja Percentage of Total


Jumlah number

Persentase terhadap Total Pekerja Percentage of Total


20 5.4% 60 16%

Pertamina Gas and PT Pertamina Gas's Workers Union have stated the provisions of hSe practices in Collective Labor Agreement (PKb). This is a form of mutual commitment that there is application of aspects of hSe in the corporate environment. 403-4

The Company has also established a Safety, health, employment and environmental Protection Committee (P2K3LL) or referred to as the hSe Committee. As a joint committee between management and Workers in conveying various matters related to the application of hSe aspect in Pertamina Gas environment.

Until the end of the reporting period, the number of employees representing workers in the hSe Committee has been 80 persons. Such number covers 16% of total Pertamina Gas workers. 403-1



Setting the HSE Aspects in PKB

HSE Committees


Semakin Kokoh Melayani Negeri Become Strong to Serve The


Berperan Aktif Mewujudkan Kelestarian Lingkungan

Active Role to Achieve Environmental Sustainability

Tumbuh dan Berkembang dengan Sumber Daya Manusia Terbaik

Grow and Develop with The Best Human Resource

Kecelakaan Kerja Nihil Sebagai Prioritas Zero Work Accident

as Priority

Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Prioritas Customer Satisfaction

as Priority

Selama tahun 2017, Area Operasi PT Pertamina Gas secara konsisten menjaga Quality, Health, Safety, &

Environment System dengan pengembangan dan implementasi sistem manajemen terintegrasi yang disebut dengan Pertamina Gas Sustainability System disingkat menjadi Pegassus. Pegassus merupakan sistem manajemen QHSE yang terintegrasi. Untuk terus menjaga konsistensi, PT Pertamina Gas melakukan sertifkasi sistem manajemen ISO Series dan mengukur implementasinya dengan International Sustainability Rating (ISRS) System Assesment. Tabel Sertifkasi ISO Series dan hasil assessment ISRS 2017 tertera dalam tabel berikut:

During 2017, PT Pertamina Gas Operations Area consistently maintained Quality, health, Safety,

& environment System with the development and implementation of an integrated management system called Pertamina Gas Sustainability System shortened to Pegassus. Pegasus is an integrated hSe management system. To maintain consistency, PT Pertamina Gas certified the management system of ISO Series and measured its implementation with the International Sustainability rating (ISrS) System Assessment.

The ISO Series Certification table and the ISrS 2017 assessment results are listed in the following table:

Dalam dokumen Laporan Keberlanjutan 2017 PT Pertamina Gas (Halaman 188-195)