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English Education Study Program – STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat (2016)




Suci Andari Maesty*), Yulmiati, S.S, M.Pd**), Yendra, S.S, M.Hum***)

*)Program Studi Bahasa Inggris, STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat email: sucyviolet@yahoo.co.id

**)Staf Pengajar Program Studi Bahasa Inggris, STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat email: yulmiati66@yahoo.com

***)Staf Pengajar Program Studi Bahasa Inggris, STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat email: yendra_brutus@yahoo.com


The purpose of this research is to know and to investigate the students’ ability in using generic structure and language to make sentences in every paragraph in recount text. Participants of this research focus on three English Teachers who teach at nine classes with MIPA and IS programs. The researcher give interview to the participants about the steps of process tasks given that give by each teacher based on indicator. Observation data and interview show that, participants do some procedures with consistent, then avoid some procedure based consider students skill in completing the task. So, this process tasks given were helped the participants to know learn students achievement and give independent activity on students of SMA N 2 Sijunjung in 2015/2016 academic year.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan melihat proses pemberian tugas selama proses belajar mengajar yang dilakukan oleh bahasa Inggris. Partisipan penelitian ini difokuskan pada ketiga guru ini yang hanya mengajar pada sembilan kelas dengan program MIPA dan IPS. Penulis melakukan pengamatan pada setiap kelas yang diajarkan partisipan dan kemudian mewawancarai partisipan mengenai langkah-langkah pemberian tugas yang diberikan masing-masing guru berdasarkan indikator yang telah dinyatakan oleh ahli. Data pengamatan dan wawancara menunjukan bahwa, partisipan melaksanakan beberapa langkah-langkah pemberian tugas dengan konsisten, kemudian menghindari beberapa langkah-langkah tersebut dengan pertimbangan kemampuan siswa dalam menyelesaikan tugas tersebut. Dengan demikian, proses pemberian tugas ini telah membantu partisipan mengetahui ketercapaian belajar siswa dan menyediakan latihan belajar mandiri pada siswa SMAN 2 Sijunjung tahun pelajaran 2015/2016.

Keywords: students’ ability; generic structures


Writing is an important skill in English beside listening, speaking and reading that should be learned by any language learners. It can be alternative way to carry out communication, because through writing, people can communicate a variety of messages in along distance. The explanation is supported by Boardman and Frydenberg (2002:2) who state that the purpose of writing is to communicate a message.

Teaching writing in the senior high school level curriculum is set in KTSP 2006, which is applied recently at Indonesia. In the standard competency and base competency of curriculum in KTSP, students are required to be able to express thoughts and ideas in the correct sentences in writing. Based on the researcher experiences and observations, while the

researcher did practice teaching at senior high school.

There were some phenomenon appear when the students learn to write a personal recount text. related to the curriculum, recount text is learnt at the beginning of the first semester in the tenth grade level of senior high school.

In reality, there are also some problems found in the students’ recount text, primarily in the arranging content of the text. The students write many ideas that they are thinking about their own experience during their holiday. But, the ideas were not clearly explain in clear sequence, so their recount text got in confusing understanding by the reader.

This case appears because the students ignore the important to consider generic structure during they


English Education Study Program – STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat (2016)

2 write their experience during holiday into recount text. Thus, the text appears in unclear plot of the story from begin until the end, or in other words the recount text has unclear orientation, event, and also re-orientation.

Generally, The purpose of this research is to know how the tenth grade students of SMAN 2 SIJUNJUNG West Sumatra in writing recount text.

In specifically, the purpose of this research is to describe the tenth grade students of SMAN 2 Sijunjung West Sumatera to follow each part of generic structure in writing recount text.

According to Corbett and Strong (2011:49) recount text is one of texts which should be a retelling of events that have actually happened: in the first person if it is a personal recount, an in the third person if recounting events that have happened to others. On the other words, a recount can be said as a text which should tell about something that happened in the past. The details in a recount can include what happened, who was involved, where it took place, when it happened and why it occurred.

Some experts are proposed explanation about generic structures of recount text. First, Davies (2000:8) explains recount text generally follows a similar structure, but students should be guided by the purpose for and audience of their text in their use of the following structure: orientation, series of events and re-orientation of conclusion. Second, Hook (2006:5) point outs that a recount focuses on a sequence of events and follows three stages such as orientation, sequence of events with personal or evaluative comment and re-orientation. Last, Richard (2009:124) defines the structures of recount text such as an orientation providing information about who, where and when. Then, a record of events usually recounted in chronological order.

In sum, generic structures of recount text can be explained as follow: first, orientation - Provides readers about the background or information necessary to understand a text. For example the introduction of the figure, time, and major events that will happen. Second, sequence of events - Provides a series of events in the story that is in the text.


The design of this research was descriptive research. It was also related to the purpose of this research is describing the students ability in writing recount text by considering generic structures by tenth grade students of SMAN 2 SIJUNJUNG West Sumatera.

The participants of this research would the tenth grade students of SMAN 2 SIJUNJUNG West Sumatera are divided into 7 classes which consisted

of 3 classes for social or IPS program and 4 classes for science or IPA program. A research is also begin by gathering some data from a sample that were gained from the entire of participants. According to Gay and Airasian (2000:212) stated that, sampling is the process of selecting a number of individuals who represent the large group from which they were selected.

In collecting the data of this research, the researcher would ask students to write personal recount text by considering the structure of the text.

Then, they would invite to making the sentence based on the each generic structure of the text needed to inform their experience during the holiday in 90 minutes time. The test would be held into 3 test. It caused in order to get validity and normality of the test toward the sample of this research. The researcher would supervise the test process. Finally, the researcher would collect the students’ work to analyze the students’ work by using indicators of each generic structures of recount text.

After collecting the data, the researcher analyzed the data through some steps. First, the researcher checked the generic structures of students’ recount text by analyze the functions of each part of generic structures of the students work. Second, researcher analyzed language features of students’ recount text by identifying each language features used and occur in the text written by the students. examining of the writing recount text analyzed by using writing recount text indicators classification rubric which is described by Richard (2009:124) and Oprey (2003) FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION

The researcher used percentage formula which was proposed by Richard (2009:124) and Oprey (2003) to analyze students mean score to get ability percentage based on three classification of the students writing recount text test result such as: First, the orientation which was related to the goal of the text, information about who, where, and when, then background information about briefly event. Second, the event which was related to the chronological event, personal comment about the event, and evaluative remark. Third, re-orientation consisted of the re-state introduction or background, briefly state the series of event, and conclusion or the writer opinion about the topic.

In this part, the students wrote the recount text by paying attention to some order of the generic structures of the text, such as recount text generic structures like orientation, series of the event, and re- orientation. Detail description was described based on recount text writing rubric.


English Education Study Program – STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat (2016)

3 In conclusion, all the students wrote unclear purpose of their recount text like little state the goal in orientation, little information about who, where, and when. Students also stated unclear background information about briefly event in the orientation.

Students stated few explanations about the facts needed to be used to support the main purpose of the recount text in the series of event of the text. But, the students had little mistakes with chronological event with the words sign. The students rarely stated personal comment about the event, and then almost no stated the evaluative remark in the event part. In the re-orientation of recount text, the students had re- state introduction or background clearly. Students also stated the series of the event briefly in the re- orientation, but the students rarely state the conclusion or the writer opinion about the topic.

There were students who have inappropriate sentences during constructing paragraphs for orientation, series of event, and re-orientation. Then, the purpose of each generic structure of recount text stated few information in detail to interest the reader in writing recount text that had been analyzed by the researcher in their writing result. Every inappropriate the using of linking devices make the sentences in the body have not clear ideas, because the students did not know how to connect one sentence to another in each generic structure developed, thus the each paragraph did not connect to other paragraph in the recount text. Thus the students could write recount text in GOOD ability based on the classification of recount text writing based on the generic structures.

From the analyzing and classifying of the data above, the researcher assumed that the students who still faced difficulties in writing recount text appropriately in constructing some sentences related to the orientation and re-orientation in writing an recount text. According to Davies (2000:8) explains a good recount text generally follows a similar structure, but students should be guided by the purpose for and audience of their text in their use of the following structure: orientation, series of events and re-orientation of conclusion.


The writing recount text, students’ in tenth grade students of SMAN 2 Sijunjung West Sumatera in considering generic structures of recount text. It can be proved by students’ writing recount text documents which were gotten by the researcher from the English teacher. In these documents, students write a recount text and as the result, the researcher found that the students have FAIR in considering each generic structure of recount text. It can be showed in their qualification during completing each

paragraph for each generic structures of the text. The analysis of the data was showed that from 20 documents that were gotten by the researcher from the students’ documents, the students had FAIR qualification in considering generic structures during writing recount text.

Thus, the researcher would like to offer some suggestion and recommendation in effort of the increasing writing ability and for the further research, such as: First, the teacher should enrich the students about some explanation and example of the recount text, primarily in organizing the generic structures part of recount text, which includes producing text, grammar and punctuation, spelling, and context which also consist of topic, ideas, issues, structures, past tense, action verb, chronological conjunctions, punctuations, common words of recount text, meaning, themes, plot, setting, characters, point of view, and message. Besides, teachers should asks students to search some information from many sources about how to write recount text before learn to write the text.


The researcher expresses her gratitude to her advisor Yulmiati, S.S, M.Pd and Yendra, S.S, M.Hum who have guided her in complementing this thesis and corecting the draft till become a thesis.

Finally, the researcher hopes that this will be useful for the readers and people who choose teacher as their profession. The researcher realizes that this research report is not perfect yet; therefore the researcher accepts advices, critics and suggestions in order to make this thesis become perfect.


Boardman, Marks and Fryndenberg, Canepary, Khamkein. 2002. Grammar: An Introduction.

Adaped from:

http://www.skillsyouneed.com/write/gramma r1.html#ixzz3eak6uYri at June 2015

Corbett, Pie and Strong Julia. 2011. Talk for Writing Across the Curriculum: How to Teach Writing. New York: McGraw hill Education Davies. 2000. Targeting Text Information: Recount

Information report and Explanation.

Liverpool: Blake Education

Gay and Airasian, 2000. Educational Research Competences for Analysis and Application.

New Jersey: Prentice Hall Company


English Education Study Program – STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat (2016)

4 Hook. 2006. Targeting Text: Photocopiable Units

Based on English Text Types. Blake



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