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Academic year: 2023



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Application of Venn Diagram Method to Improve Students' Writing Ability (Classroom Action Research in Class X of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Makassar). The purpose of this research is to find out the improvement of students' writing ability in terms of content and organization through Venn Diagram method in Year X students of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Makassar. Research findings showed that the application of the Venn Diagram method was significant in improving students' writing skills in terms of writing content and writing organization.

Based on the explanation, the researcher concluded that the use of Venn diagram method improves the writing content and organization of students' writing in class X of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Makassar. Alhamdullilahi Rabbil Alamin, the writer would like to express his deepest gratitude to Almighty Allah swt, the only provider, the most merciful, who gives his guidance, inspiration and good health throughout the writing of this thesis. The writer has realized that while writing this assignment, many people have contributed their valuable suggestions, guidance, help and tips to complete this assignment.

My biggest thanks go to my first consultant Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd and my second consultant Hj. Ilmiah, S.Pd., M.Pd who have given their precious time and patience, to support assistance and guidance to complete this thesis.

  • Problem Statement
  • Objective of the Study
  • Significance of the Study
  • Scope of the Study

In this case, students have many ideas, but cannot organize their writing into a piece of writing. In order to overcome the difficulties of students in SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Makassar, especially class X needs a good strategy and it is the teacher's responsibility to increase their strength. Many methods can be used to teach students simple and creative writing.

How is the improvement of students' written content using Venn diagram method in X year students of class SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Makassar. How is the improvement of students' writing organization using the Venn diagram method in Year X students of class SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Makassar. Improving students' written content using the Venn diagram method in Year X students of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Makassar.

Improving Students' Writing Organization Using Venn Diagram Method in Year X Students of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Makassar. Content is a very important component of writing, which must be clear for students to understand the message conveyed and gain information.


Some Partinent Ideas

  • Venn diagram Method
  • The Concept of Writing
  • The Concept of C.A.R

Conceptual Framework

It communicates ideas through conversational symbols that are traced, turned on, drawn, or otherwise formed on the surface or on some materials. Based on the conceptual concept of the Venn diagram method, the researcher wants to use the Venn diagram method as an action research education in the classroom. In cycle 1, the teacher uses free writing for the students to write explanatory exposition texts aimed at giving an opinion and is eager to continue the researcher if there is weakness or if the teacher's goal has not yet been achieved.

The teacher will apply both of the above learning materials to improve students' writing skills.


  • Research Time and Subject
  • Research Variables and Indicators
  • Research Design in Action Research
  • Research Instrument
  • Data Analysis

Content indicators were the unity and completeness of students' writing. Indicators of organization were the coherence and spatial ordering of students' writing. First step, the teacher explained the purpose of the Venn diagram method to the students.

From the result of the research, the researcher can conclude that the Venn diagram method can improve the students'. She also finds that the students can become more comprehensible about the space of the section, for example: the explanatory section on “The difference between the smart students and the lazy students”, the students explain the topic that they can choose one of their friends who has characteristic of the smart and lazy students. The use of Venn Diagram Method in the form of teaching strategy for English Writing skills could improve the students' content.

Based on the percentages above, there is significant improvement in students using the Venn Diagram Method. To clearly see the improvement in students' writing content, the following graphic is presented. To clearly see the improvement in students' writing organization, the following diagram is presented.

After evaluation in cycle I and cycle II there is significant improvement of the students' writing skills where the result of cycle. The researcher came to the conclusion that there was significant improvement of the students' writing in content and organization through the applied Venn Diagram Method. A good description is like a "word picture", the reader can picture the object, place or person in his or her mind.

Capitalized words, names (e.g. A. E. Housman) and titles (e.g. Secretary of State), I pronouns, months (e.g. November), days (e.g. Monday) and holidays (e.g. Remembrance Day), organization names (e.g. Democratic Party) and institution (e.g.

Table 1. The Students’ Improvement in Content
Table 1. The Students’ Improvement in Content



In this part, the discussion that covers the interpretation of the findings derived from the result of the findings is based on the problem statement, they are: 1) How is the improvement of students' writing content through the Venn diagram method? . And 2) how to improve the organization of students' writing through the Venn diagram method. Emi Agusriani Samosir, (2012) in her research, the result of the analysis showed that t-observed was higher than t-table in the level of significance and degree of freedom. Agnes Febrian Harlan, (2016) in his research, the research result showed some changes after the second cycle.

The changes were noted by the better understanding of the text by the students and the increased engagement of the students during group work as observed and noted in the observation sheets. The description of the data collection through the test as explained in the previous section showed that the students' writing ability was better after the treatment using the venn diagram method that the average score of the students in the content and the average score in the organization can be improved . It means that the Venn diagram method can be used as one of the English teacher's alternatives in teaching.

Based on the problem statement in this research were (1) How is the improvement of students' writing content through the Venn diagram method in the Xth grade students of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Makassar. Based on the research findings, the improvement of students' writing ability in content and organization are: 1) The improvement of students' writing ability in content was evident in cycle II was 7.79. It means that by using the Venn Diagram method students can improve their writing ability and 2) The improvement of students' writing ability in organization was evident in cycle II was 7.57.

It is suggested to the English teacher to apply the Venn diagram method as one of the alternative ways in writing skills. The researcher conducts similar research to get better research results so that students can improve their learning. Improving the writing skill of third year students of MAN Wajo through Mind Mapping.

I don't see any evidence that people have made smart decisions based on their knowledge of the past. The main idea is stated in the topic sentences and each supported sentence and is related to that idea of ​​the topic sentences. The organization of writing is about the ways in which the writer arranges and organizes the ideas to organize the message in the words.



Learning about the past is of no value to those of us who live in the present. People often say that those who do not understand history will repeat the mistakes of the past. I totally disagree. According to my way of thinking, politicians should be responsive to changes in the people.

When you write a narrative paragraph or essay, you write about events in the order in which they happened. In the model essay, the writer uses time sequence to divide the essay into paragraphs. A writer with good description is like an artist who paints a picture that can be "seen" .. clearly in the mind of the reader.

Start with the first step and go through all the steps in the order they need to be completed. It is essential that the steps are presented in the correct order and that they are accurate and complete. An effective way to organize an explanatory composition explaining a process is to follow this plan: introduction, steps in the process, and conclusion. . B.).

If a writer wants his writing to be uniform, he or she should not include sentences that do not support the main idea of ​​the topic sentences. B). If the purpose of the paragraph is to tell them something looks most effective, the organization pattern is usually spatial. When the writers write a description of a neighborhood, a room, or a business they want, the readers have a mental image of what they are describing. a house of a building, they are likely to describe the exterior and interior of the building by systematically rather than haphazardly moving across the scene, conveying to the viewer the general floor plan of the scene. If it's hard to describe with an overused or warning modifier, find more interesting synonyms in the dictionary.

Vocabulary as one of the important components of writing should be considered by English and English language.


Table 1. The Students’ Improvement in Content
Graphic 1. The Students’ Improvement in Content
Table 2. The Students’ Improvement in Organization
Graphic 2. The Students’ Improvement in Organization


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