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CHAPTER I - IAIN Repository - IAIN Metro

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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Tata bahasa memiliki peran penting dalam semua aspek keterampilan berbahasa yang penting untuk dipelajari, karena tanpa tata bahasa yang memadai, kemampuan menulis tidak dapat terbentuk dan siswa akan menemukan banyak kesulitan jika tidak menguasai tata bahasa yang baik. Oleh karena itu, guru harus membuat atau menggunakan media yang dapat meningkatkan motivasi siswa untuk mempelajari struktur tata bahasa. Majalah pemuda dapat digunakan dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar untuk membuat siswa tertarik dan senang dalam belajar bahasa Inggris, terutama dalam belajar tata bahasa untuk memperkaya pengetahuan mereka.

Bahkan, peneliti menemukan bahwa penguasaan struktur tata bahasa siswa kelas VII di SMP N 5 Metro masih rendah, hal ini disebabkan guru tidak menggunakan media yang efektif dalam pengajaran tata bahasa. Tujuan dari tesis ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh media majalah remaja terhadap penguasaan tata bahasa siswa.




The author realizes that this thesis is far from perfect and therefore corrections, suggestions, comments and criticisms will be fully appreciated for the improvement of this thesis. Finally, I hope that the results of the research will make a significant contribution to the teaching of English at the secondary school 5 Metro.


Background of the Study

Most Indonesian English learners sometimes find it difficult to master English grammar even though they have been studying for some time. They had studied English grammar from primary school to university because students had difficulty memorizing the form in the grammar formula. The difficulties of acquiring English grammar were also subjected to the students of Junior High School 5 Metro, especially in the seventh grade.

Based on the data of a pre-survey conducted at Junior High School 5 Metro in the seventh grade, it appears that students still experienced many problems in mastering grammar. The English grammar mastery score of the seventh grade students of Junior High School 5 Metro in academic year 2016/2017.

Table 1 The Data of
Table 1 The Data of

Problem Identification

In this research, the writer assumes that the English teacher's use of the medium is inadequate. In this research, the writer used Teens magazine as a medium in teaching English, especially grammar material. Using the medium of a magazine for teenagers will make the process of teaching grammar more enjoyable and interesting.

The teen magazine brings relaxation and fun to students, thus helping them learn and retain new knowledge about sentence structure.

Problem Limitation

Problem Formulation

The Concept of Grammar Mastery 1. Definition of Grammar Mastery

  • Form and Function Grammar
  • Procedure for Teaching Grammar
  • The Concept of Teaching Grammar
  • The Measurement of Simple Sentence Mastery
  • Types of Magazines
  • Definition of Medium
  • Kinds of Medium
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Teens Magazine Medium
  • Teaching Grammar Through Teens Magazine Medium
  • Procedure of Teaching Grammar Through Teens Magazine Medium Teens magazine are an important source of knowledge about the

This step provides students with a clear description of the use of language focus so that students can use language focus appropriately in communicative settings. In teaching English grammar, there are some considerations and reasons that relate to teaching grammar as one of the important elements of the language. Based on the quote above, this means that the importance of teaching grammar is more emphasized in adults as it is very useful and also one of the essential elements that can be achieved.

In addition, teaching grammar mastery used teenagers magazine medium of the seventh grade of Junior High School 5 Metro in the academic year has the material, such as simple sentence. Sentences are acceptable if they follow the rules set out by the grammar of the language.

Theoretical Framework and Paradigm 1. Theoretical Framework

  • Paradigm

The teacher reviews grammatical form and understands the power of secondary sources in developing reading and writing with grammatical structure. The paradigm is a simple scheme, but it contains the main research element that highlights the research indications and their relationships with each other. Reference to figure 1 above shows that if the medium of magazine usage for teenagers is high, then their grammatical mastery is also high.

Thus, there is some positive and significant influence of the use of teen magazines on the student's grammar skills.

Research Hypothesis


Research Design

Operational Definitions of Variables

  • Independent Variable
  • Dependent variable
  • Sample
  • Sampling Technique
  • Observation
  • Documentation

It is an observed aspect of the behavior of an organism that has been stimulated. The dependent variable is that factor that is observed and measured to determine the effect of the independent variable.30 Dependent variable is a variable that can be influenced by an independent variable. To measure students' grammar mastery, the author will use written test in structured essay formula.

According to Paul, population is the term used to describe all possible cases of interest.31 The population of this study is the seventh grade of Junior High School 5 Metro consists of 175 students. The writer would like to take one of the seventh graders of Junior High School 5 Metro as an example. The author has chosen this class because most students still have little mastery of grammar and students' motivation to learn English is also still low.

In this research, tests will be used as data collection method to measure both variables. Furthermore, the author used tests to collect data to measure students' grammar mastery. The pre-test will be administered in the first meeting before doing treatments to know the students' grammar mastery before using the teenage magazine medium.

The post-test will be administered in the last session after doing treatments to find out if the treatments make any impact using the teen magazine on students' grammar mastery. Observation is the most commonly used method, especially in studies related to behavioral science.34 The author used this method to get data information about the teacher's use of teenage magazine media and brief history about the condition of the school, teachers and staff, students. learning facilities, and location sketch of the school. The author used this method to get data information about the history of the school, students' grammar mastery after the teacher's use of the teenage magazine media, and documentation of the students' learning activity while the implementation of the teenage magazine media in the learning process.

Research Instrument

  • Observation Guidance
  • Item Test Blueprint
  • Documentation Guidance

The tool used in the current study is in the form of using teen magazines. The writer explained more about how to formulate grammar to students because the form is very important for students to make complete simple sentences. When applying experimental research to find out the differences between two samples, Chi-Square formulation is used.

Thus, Chi-Square is appropriate for nominal data that fall into either real or artificial categories.35 The Chi-Square formula is used to find significant differences between observed and expected frequencies. To investigate whether there is any influence of using the medium of teenage magazine on the grammar mastery of students in the seventh grade of Junior 5 Metro Secondary School in the Academic Year 2016/2017.

Description of the Research Location 1. Research Setting

  • Research Data

The results of students' grammar mastery in seventh grade pretest at Junior High School 5 Metro. Frequency distribution of the pupils' mastery of grammar in the pre-test in seventh grade at junior high school 5 Metro. The diagram of the frequency distribution of the students' mastery of grammar in the seventh grade pretest at junior high school 5 Metro.

The post-test was conducted to know the performance of the students after treatments. The result of the students' grammar mastery in the seventh grade posttest of Junior High School 5 Metro. Frequency distribution of students' grammar mastery in the seventh grade posttest of Junior High School 5 Metro.

Based on the table division above, it shows that the post-test result after using teen magazine medium can fulfill the grammar mastery of the students. In addition, the graph below illustrated the frequency distribution of the students' grammar mastery in the post-test. The graph of the frequency distribution of the students' grammar mastery in the seventh grade posttest of Junior High School 5 Metro.

Hypothesis Testing

Contingency table of the expected frequency on the result of the student's mastery of grammar in the pre-exam and after the exam. In order to find out whether there is a positive and significant influence of using the medium of teenage magazines on the grammar proficiency of students in the seventh grade of 5 Metro Secondary School, the writer used the T-test formula. First, the writer prepared a table and put the data into the T-test formula as below to get "t_observation".

The score Pretest and Posttest Result of the Students' Grammar Mastery at the Seventh Grade of Junior High School 5 Metro. To know the critical value of T-test (t_table), the author first warned df (degree of freedom). After considering the T-test table using df 26 (26 is higher than 20 and lower than 30), it was done by interpolation below.

From the value above, it can be inferred that there is a positive and significant influence of Using Teens Magazine Medium towards students' grammar mastery in the seventh grade of Junior High School 5 Metro.

Table 13  The Testing of Data
Table 13 The Testing of Data






We suggest them to use a magazine for teenagers as a medium in learning English to add to their knowledge. The principal is suggested to support the English learning process by fully preparing the facilitation and the instrument.

Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

  • Penilaian Hasil Pembelajaran 1. Teknik Penilaian : Tes Tertulis

Jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, tanggung jawab, peduli, kooperatif dan cinta damai dalam pelaksanaan komunikasi. Kata ganti berfungsi untuk menghindari pengulangan kata benda atau frase kata benda yang sama yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya. Guru menunjukkan gambar benda, kegiatan atau tindakan dan kemudian memunculkan pengetahuan bahasa Inggris siswa dari kosakata tersebut.

Guru menyampaikan garis besar ruang lingkup materi dan penjelasan tentang kegiatan yang akan dilakukan siswa untuk menyelesaikan latihan dan tugas dalam pembelajaran. Siswa melihat, mendengar dan mendengarkan guru menjelaskan kalimat-kalimat sederhana yang berkaitan dengan be, pronoun, pertanyaan WH dan kalimat afirmatif. Siswa melengkapi kalimat sederhana pada majalah anak dengan menggunakan be, pronoun, pertanyaan WH dan kalimat afirmatif.

Siswa membaca kalimat dan melengkapi kalimat menggunakan to be, kata ganti, pertanyaan WH dan kalimat afirmatif.

Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Materi pembelajaran

  • Kegiatan Pembelajaran
  • Write your identity on the answer sheet
  • Check and read the questions before answering
  • Fill the blanks with correct words on your answer sheet Choose the right pronoun in the brackets !
  • Write your identity on the answer sheet
  • Check and read the questions before answering
  • Fill the blanks with correct words on your answer sheet Complete the simple sentences below with pronoun !!!

Guru mengecek kesiapan fisik dan psikis siswa untuk belajar (berdoa, mengecek kehadiran siswa, dll). Bantuan: Silakan isi titik-titik dengan jawaban yang benar pada lembar jawaban. Lengkapi kalimat sederhana dengan kata ganti. Di kotak jawaban, tulis kata yang benar di bagian yang kosong, pilih kata ganti yang benar di dalam tanda kurung.

Fill in the blanks with the correct words on the answer sheet. Complete the simple sentences below with a pronoun.





Table 1 The Data of
Diagram II
Table 13  The Testing of Data
Table 16  Interpolation


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