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Copyright © 2021 Benjamin Scott Tellinghuisen

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Academic year: 2023

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As my own children began to grow in and out of the toddler stage, I began to experiment with catechetical instruction. At first I was overjoyed when Crossway published the New City Catechism, but after using it for over a year in our home and church, I began to notice some glaring shortcomings—especially if I wanted to convey my distinctly Baptist beliefs. With incredible faculty and classes that deepened my knowledge of systematic theology, the DMin program deeply enriched the New Baptist Catechism.

These men each contributed greatly to the final product of the NBC with their insightful comments and edits. I am also very grateful for the only church in which I have ever served as a vocational minister: First Baptist Church of Farmington. Those who participated in the project were especially delighted when we studied the NBC together and reaped the benefits of meditating on sound.

FBCF Elders Rick Bogusky, Paul Held, Matt Hilbert, and Tony Nagle have also been a tremendous help, taking responsibilities off my plate so I could devote more time to studying and writing, and supporting of the integration of NBC in church services. That we are not our own, but belong, body and soul, both in life and in death, to God and to our Savior Jesus Christ."


The foundations for establishing the use of the catechism were laid in several ways in the recent history of the Church. This recitation of the New City Catechism took place in our church services in 2018 and 2019. The ministry context shows that FBCF benefited from the writing and use of NBC.

Each passage continues to provide a Scriptural rationale for the composition and use of the NBC. Therefore, a carefully crafted catechesis used to train generations of Christians should be repeated regularly in the life of the church. The legacy of revivalism in the wake of the Second Great Awakening certainly contributed to the slow decline of catechetical use.

And great efforts were made to introduce a consistency and comprehensiveness in the use of the Bible. Furthermore,' the only authority for belief and practice among Baptists is the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. The catechism enjoyed a fruitful period from the Reformation to the end of the eighteenth century.

Other historical catechisms referenced by the NBC lineup were: Catechism for Girls and. The TKAS results will be discussed in a later project assessment, in Chapter 5. Several members mentioned that their favorite part of the project was the catechism review class.

Figure 1. New Baptist Catechism outline
Figure 1. New Baptist Catechism outline

Would do Differently


  • NBC 26 5. NBC 37
  • NBC 48 14. NBC 52

All citations below indicate a reference to the source, not a complete version of the question and answer. Furthermore, we have an abundance of ancient documents that demonstrate God's preservation of the Bible in the original languages ​​with few significant variations (Isa 40:6-8; Matt 5:18). What is the summary of the law contained in the 10 commandments, and how are they divided.

Christ's death is the first fruits of the redemption and renewal of every part of fallen creation. The redeemed will walk in the ways of the Spirit, gradually grow in righteousness and display this fruit (Gal 5:22-25; Eph 5:18-20). Historical evidence, especially in the 20th century, points to the continuation of the gifts for the church today.

Being born again is the work of the Holy Spirit, whereby He removes our dead hearts and gives us a living heart, and thus we are born again. The Holy Spirit makes reading, and especially preaching the Word, an effective tool. In connection with the work of the Spirit in being born again, Christ baptizes us by the Spirit into His body and the Father seals us with the Spirit so that we can belong to God.

Conversion happens in an instant, when the Father draws us to the Son through the regenerating work of the Spirit as we repent and believe for the first time. Biblically qualified men proved blameless and able to teach, guide, shepherd, and protect the teachings of the Church in the love of Christ (1 Tim 3:1-7; 1 Pet 5:1-3). Christians who are biblically qualified have proven themselves blameless and able to organize, administer, serve, and protect the unity of the church in the love of Christ (1 Tim 3:8-13, Acts 6: 1-7).

The confirmation of the gospel message and church discipline, by which heaven is opened to the born-again and closed to the. The keys are held by all members of the church who affirm the gospel and exercise church discipline (Matt. By showing our Redeemer through our redeemed lives, praying for the effective movement of the Holy Spirit, and compassionately using God's Word to communicate God's gospel (Col 4:3-6; Heb 4:12).

No, distinct roles and responsibilities are not a result of the curse, but God's created order. God has three states, God as Father in the Old Testament, God as Son in the New Testament and God the Holy Spirit in the life of the church.

Situational Apologetics

Short Answer

Produce another printout of the NBC which may be available for distribution and/or purchase as deemed most appropriate. A short devotional and/or explanation of the one-year NBC recited in the service can be included in the children's church hour after the children have arrived. Sparks students are expected to start with Foundations NBC and then, depending on a discussion with parents, they can choose to move either to a particular section (ie the Theology section proper) or to the one-year Catechism.

For two years, he may teach NBC Sunday School for adults, where either the entire catechism or parts of it are reviewed, depending on what the pastors-elders of the FBCF deem necessary. Do your best to update the statement of faith and include parts of the catechism in that update. My hypothesis is that if you faithfully use and study the Catechism over the next few months, you will be better prepared to understand the Bible and apply that knowledge to various life situations.

Participate in 3 discussion-based reviews of the Catechism, each lasting no more than two hours. Every effort will be made to meet schedules for the discussion-based revisions of the entire Catechism. By agreeing to participate in this project, you intend, as God's providence permits, to participate fully and for the duration of the project.

A note to parents of minors participating in the project: Because one aspect of the project is working with groups of children (ages 7-13) and teenagers (ages 14-20), I need parental or guardian consent for minors under 18 year. to participate. Catechism will be read to the children, and secondly, the 3 discussion-based reviews of the entire NBC will be shorter, held at a separate time and adapted to the level of the children in attendance. The structure of the catechism is designed to guide you through the main points of theology.

2 The New Baptist Catechism reviews some questions and answers from some of the best catechisms in history. The following NBC evaluation survey was sent to and completed by those who completed the NBC project, following the publication of the final TKAS. The content of the KKB and revision classes was understandable and presented at an appropriate level.



Three Changes in Theological Institutions: Inaugural Address to the Board of Trustees of Furman University. Treatises on the Sacraments: Catechism of the Church of Geneva, Forms of Prayer and Confessions of Faith. Minutes of the Philadelphia Baptist Association from A.D. 1707 to A.D. 1807: The First Hundred Years of Its Existence.

For Children in Yeeres and Children in Understanding': The Emergence of the English Catechism under Elizabeth and the Early Stuarts." Journal of. By His Grace and to His Glory: An Historical, Theological, and Practical Study of the Doctrines of Grace in Baptist Life. DEVELOPMENT OF THE NEW BAPTISM CATECHISM FOR USE IN THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF FARMINGTON, MICHIGAN Benjamin S.

Although contained in only one appendix, the project's crowning achievement is the composition of The New Baptist Catechism (Appendix 1).

Table A1. Pre- and post-project TKAS results
Table A1. Pre- and post-project TKAS results


Figure 1. New Baptist Catechism outline
Table 2. TKAS comparison by age-group
Table A1. Pre- and post-project TKAS results
Table A3. T-test: paired two sample for means (adult participants only)


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