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Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh

First of all, the writer would like to express his gratitude to Mr. Allah SWT. So, on this occasion, the writer would like to express all special thanks to these special people. All the great readings of the English program that the writer has already learned during her studies in IAIN Parepare.

All the people who have given their help in writing this thesis which the writer could not mention one by one. Finally, the author realized that this thesis still has a lot of weakness and far from perfection.


Research Question

Also, Amalia Yahya Muliasri Arifin in her research entitled "The Influence of Arabic Sound towards English Pronunciation at English Department". Furthermore, Rosalin Ismayoeng Gusdian & Riski Lestiono said in their research titled "The Use Of Arabic Consonant Sounds To Arrive At English Pronunciation: A Case Study On Indonesian Efl Students In Tertiary Level" This finding reveals that as students become aware of their knowledge of the Hijaiyah letter, they can use this knowledge to help them pronounce the targeted. 9 Amalia Yahya and Muliasri Arifin, "Influence of Arabic Sound towards English Pronunciation at English Department" (IAIN PALOPO), p.19.

10 Rosalin Ismayoeng Gusdian & Riski Lestiono, "Using Arabic Consonants to Achieve English Pronunciation: A Case Study on Indonesian EFL Students at the Tertiary Level" (Erudio Journal Department of English Language Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia, 2018), p. And as stated by Amalia Yahya Muliasri Arifin in her research titled "Effect of Arabic Sound on English Pronunciation in English Department", the participants admit that their ability to pronounce the Arabic sound can help them to pronounce English fricative pronunciation.

The Objective of The Research

Significance of The Research

This research is expected to know how good students sound in English pronunciation when they have good Arabic pronunciation. This research is also expected to provide information to English teachers, especially in pronunciation. This research will provide experience and knowledge to other researchers regarding the correlation between Arabic pronunciation mastery and English sound pronunciation.


Some Pertinent Ideas

Descriptive phonetic classification relies on the relationships between a number of technical terms that describe the way sounds are made; and one of the. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Place_of_articulation". The back part of the tongue (aqsâ al lisan) at the level of the pharynx and the upper part of the palate forms the point of articulation of the letter qâf ق. b). The upper part of the tongue slightly below the point of articulation of the qâf ق with the upper part of the palate forms the point of.

The Arabic language is also called the "Z language" because it is a specific letter for the Arabic language and the most difficult to pronounce. e) One of the ends of the tip of the tongue that rests on the mucous membrane of the palate forms the point of articulation of the letter lâm ل. f) The tip of the tongue just above the lam pressing the mucous membrane of the palate forms the point of articulation of the letter noun ن. g). The tip of the tongue under the point of articulation of noûn ن by pressing the mucous membrane of the palate and making the back of the tongue oscillate forms the point of articulation of râ ر. h). The /p/ sound does not appear in Arabic, but it is for the /b/ sound. However, when you use /b/ instead of /p/, the meaning of the sounds changes.

Arabic /w/ /و/ is considered one of the Labiovelar sounds produced when using the upper and lower lips with the soft palate22. Dental sounds are articulated with the tip, or the blade of the tongue makes contact with the upper incisors26. Alveolar sounds are articulated with the tip or blade of the tongue against the alveolar ridge located behind the upper teeth.28 English and Arabic alveolar sounds are /d/, /t/, /s/, /z/, /l/ , / n/, /r/. Although Arabic follows from /r/ر/, L/ لand /n/ ن.

They are pronounced using the back of the tongue and the uvula in addition to Arabic having the only consonant it produces using the Uvular31 which is represented by the symbol /q/ق/. 8) Pharyngeal. Pharyngeal sounds are pronounced using the back of the tongue and pharynx.32 Usually, the sound systems of all languages ​​from around the world are. According to Bite, however, /ḥ/ and /ς/ are categorized as one of the epiglottal sounds in many varieties.33.

Conceptual Framework

In this research, the researcher wanted to determine the influence of the Arabic sound on English pronunciation, especially the sounds /ð/-/ذ/, /θ/-/ث/, /ʃ/-/ش/, which the researcher found to be very much different from our native language pronunciation. It is possible that the researcher found students who are good at pronouncing Arabic sounds and good at pronouncing English sounds without studying English in depth. Or the researcher might find students who were good at pronouncing the Arabic sound but not good at pronouncing the English sound.

In the final stage, after all the students' recording tests were collected, the researcher reviewed each student's recordings to find the correct way to pronounce the sound of each word and the correlation between the students' Arabic and English sounds.

Operational Definition of Variable

Arabic is one of the languages ​​in the word that has a difficult sound of pronunciation and is one of the key areas of Arabic pronunciation, because in Arabic, a wrong pronunciation can lead to a different meaning. Indonesia is one of the countries closely related to Arabic, as Indonesians have been learning to read the Holy Quran since childhood. It is the pronunciation and circulation of certain sounds, the symbols and sounds of which are different.

When used for communication, the pronunciation can cause the speaker to be misunderstood if someone does not master it. In this study, the researcher focused on students who already had basic Arabic sound pronunciation skills, which were pondok pesantren students. Regarding the sounds studied, there are 3 letters that the researcher found problems due to pronunciation differences with Indonesian because the sounds did not exist in the Indonesian language.

This part deals with the description of research design, research setting, research variable and operational definition, research instrument, data collection procedure and data analysis technique.

Research Design and Variables

Based on the above distinction, it can be concluded that correlation research is a study done to find out whether there is a relationship between two variables with existing data without manipulating the data, variable X and variable Y. In this case, variable X is the students' Arabic pronunciation skills and variable Y is the students' English pronunciation skills.

Location and Duration

Population and Sample

The Instrument of the Research

The Procedure of Collecting Data

The Technique of Data Analysis

Untuk mengetahui korelasi keterampilan pengucapan bahasa Inggris dan keterampilan pengucapan bahasa Arab, peneliti menggunakan rumus koefisien korelasi product moment. 44Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan, (pendekatan kuantitatif, kualitatif dan R&D), cet:2, hal.257. Sumber : Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan : 257).

Table 3.1 The classifications of students score 42
Table 3.1 The classifications of students score 42



After reaching the court, the researcher started to do the analyzed students' proficiency in English by talking to them with English. The researcher gave the correct way to pronounce the words and followed the students obediently. The fluency and the correct way in which the students pronounced that sound were different from each other.

The researcher called the students one by one and recorded the way the students pronounced the English text. The most important score that the researcher found after calculating all the students' scores was 86.31 and the classification of the students' scores was very good. The final said that in Pondok Pesantren Al-Urwatul Wutsqaa Benteng Sidrap, students had a very good skill in pronouncing English sound.

The researcher then gave the instrument to the students so they could read it aloud and record it on a telephone. From the result that the researcher got from the outspoken students, the researcher described the score that the students obtained as shown in Chapter IV in Table 4.4. The researcher believed that by practicing it daily and continuously, the students will pronounce it correctly and perfectly.

Table 4.7 showed how the researcher calculated the total score that the students got from their English and Arabic placement tests and the correlation between their Arabic and English pronunciation skills. The most important score found by the researcher after calculating the scores of all the students was 86.31 with the classification was very good. It can be said that the students of Pondok Pesantren Al-Urwatul Wutsqaa Benteng Sidrap had a very good ability to pronounce English sound.



Based on the above conclusions and based on the research that has been done, the writer would like to make some suggestions to teachers, students and other researchers. The teacher should find an easier way to teach English language to students so that they will not be troubled while teaching. Familiar with the similarity of the two languages, Arabic and English, in the way the sound is pronounced, this can be one of the solutions to learn English pronunciation.

Students must continue to practice the way each sound came out of the mouth because they already know how to deliver it in the correct way and the knowledge that students know, they continue to share with other students. An investigation of the differences between English and Arabic consonants and vowels: A contrastive study with pedagogical implications. Using Arabic consonants to achieve English pronunciation: A case study of tertiary level Indonesian EFL students.

Arriving at English pronunciation using Arabic consonant sounds: A case study of EFL students in Indonesian context. The relationship between students' English movie watching habit and their vocabulary mastery at MTs Islamiyah YPI Batang Kuis in the academic year 2016/2017. The relationship between students' pronunciation mastery and their speaking ability in the first semester of eleventh grade of Sma N1 Abung Pekurun Kotabumi North Lampung in the academic year 2017/2018.http://repository.radenintan.ac.id/3124/ 1/SKRIPSI_NURLAILA.

L1 Arabic learners' pronunciation errors of L2 English: The role of modern standard Arabic and local dialects. 45 Suci Ramadayanti, The Correlation between Students' Habit of Watching English Movies and Their Vocabulary Mastery at MTs Islamiyah YPI Batang Kuis in Academic Year 2016/2017.

Table 4.8 Standard Categories of “r” Product Moment Value  The value of “r” Pearson product  Interpretation
Table 4.8 Standard Categories of “r” Product Moment Value The value of “r” Pearson product Interpretation


Table 3.1 The classifications of students score 42
Table 3.2 The quality of correlation based on the value of r product moment 44 No.  The value of r Product
Table 4.2 The classification  of students English pronunciation skill
Table 4.3 The mean score of students English pronunciation skill


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