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the effect of discovery learning on - Repository IAIN Bengkulu


Academic year: 2023

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  • The Identification
  • Limitation Of The Problems
  • Research Question
  • Research Objectives
  • Significancee of the Research
  • Definition of the Key Terms

According to Syahrul (2018; p.127), the discovery learning model emphasizes students' active participation in the teaching and learning process, which was previously passive. According to Joolingen's (2007) research, the discovery learning paradigm is seen as a promising technique of learning. The adoption of learning models based on the Discovery Learning model has a good impact on student learning, according to the three research findings.

The limitation of the problem in this study focuses on the effect of Discovery learning model on writing ability of students in SMAN 04 South Bengkulu class XI IPA I.


Devinition of writing

  • Writing Proficiency
  • Importance of Writing
  • The Process of Writing
  • Teaching Writing
  • Writing Assessment

Discovery Learning

  • Discovery Learning
  • Purposen of Descovery Learning
  • Advantages of Descovery Learning
  • Implementation of Descovery in Classroom

The first study was conducted by joko suratno (2019) Department of Mathematics Education, University of Khairun, Indonesia “The effect of guided discovery learning on students' mathematical communication skills” Traditional teaching and learning is a classic problem in mathematics. The second study was conducted by Daniar Sofeny (2015), a student of the English Education Program, Darul „Ulum Islamic University, Lamongan, Edulitics 2015 ”the effectiveness of discovery learning in improving the English writing skills of extroverted and introverted students”. This study aimed to describe the effectiveness of discovery learning in improving the English writing skills of extroverted and introverted students, compared to direct instruction as the. And the two ways ANOVA was conducted to test the hypotheses, the two-way analysis of variance with F-test at a significance level of 5% (0.05). The result of this study revealed that the use of discovery learning was effective for extroverts. students than the introverted students.

In this study, the author uses a time series methodology to examine the impact of the Discovery Learning paradigm on students' writing abilities. The next two observations focused more on students' writing skills after the Discovery Learning method was carried out. It can be concluded that there is a significant effect of the discovery learning method of deep language learning to improve students' writing skills.

It can be concluded that there is a significant influence of language learning with discovery learning method on improving students' writing skills. The conclusions are about the effect of discovery learning methods on improving students' writing skills. There are several reasons why the discovery learning method has a significant effect on improving students' writing skills in the experimental classroom.

This shows an increase in student performance after being treated with the discovery learning method. Discovery learning method can be applied at SMA/MA especially in class XI to improve writing skills of students.

The Concept of Descriptive Text

Generic Structere of Descriptive Text

Previous Studies


Ha: there is no significant effect or increase after using the Discovery Learning learning model on the learning outcomes of Grade XII students of SMAN 4South Bengkulu. Ho: there is a significant effect or increase after using the Discovery Learning learning model on the learning outcomes of Grade XII students of SMAN 4 Bengkulu Selatan.


  • Research Design
  • Population and Sample
  • Research Instruments
    • Documentation
    • Writing Test
  • Research Procedure
  • Test Validity and Reliability
    • Validity
    • Reliability
  • Technique of Data Analysis
    • Normality Test
    • Homogeneity Test
    • T-test

It can be said that there was an increase in student scores after the implementation of Discovery Learning in improving writing skills. Graphically, the total score of the students' pre-test and post-test can be seen in Figure 4.2. From the table above it can be seen that the significance value of the pre-test score is 0.612.

From the table above it can be seen that the significance value of the pre-test score is 0.844. The t-test in this study was used to determine the difference between students who were taught by the Discovery learning method and those who were not taught. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the Discovery Learning method in language learning in improving the ability of students and students who were not taught by the Discovery Learning method.

This means that there is a significant effect of the teaching method (discovery learning) in improving the writing skills of students and those who do not. The mathematical representation ability of students who were taught with the Discovery Learning method was better than students who received conventional learning. Students who learn according to the Discovery Learning method are more confident than students who learn conventionally.

The increase in self-confidence of students who learn with the Discovery Learning method is better than that of students who learn conventionally. In addition, the researcher hopes that this research can be better developed when applying the discovery learning method to other language skills.

Tabel 3.3  Score Interpretation
Tabel 3.3 Score Interpretation



  • The Describtion of Pre-testand Post-test
  • The Result of Normality Test
  • The Homogeneity Test
  • Data Nalysis of paired sample T-Test

After the researcher gave the treatment to the students, the students were given a test for eight meetings. Before analyzing the data using the independent sample t-test, the researcher must first analyze the distribution for normality and homogeneity. Pre-test was given to students before conducting the experiment and post-test was given at the end of the experiment.

Then in the post-test score, the lowest score was 40 and the highest score was 80. In the analysis of the normality of the pre-test score data, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test sample was used. Because the significance value (0.612) is greater than 0.05, it can be said that the data is normally distributed.

When analyzing the normality of the post-test score data, the Kolomogrov-Smirnov test sample was used. Since the significance value (0.844) is greater than 0.05, it can be concluded that the data is normally distributed. In the homogeneity test, One-Way ANOVA is used, where if the result of the significance probability is greater than (0.05), the data has homogeneity of variance.

The calculation of the t-test in this study was carried out with the help of the SPSS computer program. To prove that this technique is successful and has a significant effect, the researcher used a T-test to compare students who were taught the discovery learning method and those who were not.

Table 4.3  The score distribution
Table 4.3 The score distribution


In this study, the researcher guided the students by providing learning treatment with the Discovery Learning method and helped the students to develop ideas and compile the students' performance such as responding, explaining and understanding situations. Discovery learning involves the teaching and learning process so that students can understand the text. It can be understood that the discovery learning method has a significant influence on the writing ability among students after receiving treatment and not receiving treatment.

Strengthened by previous research conducted by Nurdinm (2016), students and teachers of Islamic education from their dissertation entitled "The Effect of Discovery Learning Methods to Improvement. Increasing the ability of mathematical representation of students who receive learning with the Discovery Learning method is better than students Education Study Program, PGRI University, West Sumatra, based on the results of her thesis research entitled "The Effect of Using Discovery Learning Models on Writing Exposition Text Skills".

First, the mean of writing expository text skills before using the discovery learning model for grade VIII students of SMP Negeri 2 Lembah Gumanti, Solok Regency, West Sumatra was 17.93 out of 27 total scores or 66.42 percent. Third, based on the paired sample t-test, it was concluded that there was an effect of using the discovery learning model for grade VIII students of SMP Negeri 2 Lembah Gumanti, Solok Regency, West Sumatra Province because t count = 5.621 > t-table = 1.699 so Ho was rejected. The results of this study indicate that the use of discovery learning learning model has a great impact on the teaching and learning process and students' affective, cognitive, psychomotor and skill values.

Second, during treatment, the discovery learning method was successful in helping students explore their learning abilities through a deeper understanding of concepts relative to curriculum material. The discovery learning method can make learning fun for students, they will not be bored when learning by solving their own problems because they really think critically, the learning learning method can be an option for English teachers to help students improve their writing skills.



Following the above approach, the research hopes that children will be able to understand all Discovery Learning applications introduced in schools. As a result, students' knowledge can be developed and the introduction of discovery learning can be applied. This study aimed to determine the impact of guided discovery learning on students' ability to communicate mathematically.

The variables in this study consist of independent variables namely guided discovery learning and the dependent variable was students' mathematical communication ability. Based on the research data, it was found that there was an effect of learning factor on students' ability of mathematical communication between students taught with guided discovery learning and students taught traditionally. In other words, the result of using discovery learning had a greater influence on the extroverted students rather than introverted students.

Based on some results of the above research, it is sufficient to explain the research on the application of language learning models using the discovery learning method to determine the effect on students' writing skills, here the researcher wants to make a difference from previous research. Previous research focused on the discovery learning method of learning strategies on other related variables, while this study examined the effect of discovery learning on students' skills. 34; The influence of discovery learning on students' writing ability at SMAN 04 Bengkulu Selatan Class XI Science I.

Research used a writing test to find out if there is a difference in students' writing scores before and after applying the flipped classroom model using language learning. using the Discovery Learning method. This chapter discusses relationship with the effect of discovery learning on students' writing of class XI Ipa I SMAN 4 Bengkulu Selatan. Data analysis was conducted to determine if there were significant differences in student achievement taught through the discovery learning method.


For further researchers, the researcher hopes that this research can be used as a reference in conducting further research.


Tabel 3.3  Score Interpretation
Table 4.3  The score distribution


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