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Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh

This research was designed to find out whether the Divergent Thinking method can enhance the creativity of the students in writing XI IPA 1 of SMA Negeri 2 Takalar. Rahman Rahim, S.E., MM., the chancellor of the Muhammadiyah University of Makassar, who gave the opportunity to study at the University of Muhammadiyah Makassar the Education and Teaching Faculty of the University of Muhammadiyah Makassar.


Writing can also be an interactive expression or expression of feelings as expressed in writing. Generally, students only use or rely on convergent thinking, but in writing, students need to think creatively.

Problem Statement

Objective of Research


It was expected that this research would help and become an input for the students introduced by the teacher to overcome the difficulties in the thinking process, especially in generating creative ideas using divergent thinking. It is expected that this research will help other researchers gain new experiences, insights, and understanding about using divergent thinking to improve students' writing creativity.

Scope of The Research

In this study, divergent thinking is implemented from the perspective of music, which shows the improvement of musicians' creativity. In his research, Runco (1992) found that children's creative thinking is often assessed with divergent thinking tests.

Some Pertinent Ideas

The Concept of Writing a. Definition of Writing

In express writing, the writer's purpose or goal is to put thoughts and feelings on the page. Description allows the audience to feel a thought that they are part of the author's experience of the subject.


And the last is originality, students must produce creative ideas from their own minds so that their writing can be accounted for authenticity. Therefore, to produce creative writing, students must be in the category or aspect of creativity and follow the divergent thinking procedure so that students can easily write down and organize their ideas so that their creativity and writing abilities can be improved.


Research Design

  • Creativity in Writing

Independent variable was a variable that affects or causes the emergence of the dependent variable. Divergent thinking in this study refers to a method used to discover students' ability to think broadly by generating ideas and solve a problem by exploring many solutions. Creativity in writing, in this study, were ideas that arise through the process of divergent thinking.

Population and Sample

  • Population
  • Sample

Research Instrument

Procedure of Collecting Data

Technique of Data Analysis

In this research, data analysis techniques were used to determine the extent of the use of divergent thinking on students' creativity in writing. There was procedure to do the data analysis which used test and the data of students performance in writing argumentative essay. 3 The results of students' essays show Fluent fluency if within 80 minutes the number of words used in the essay is between Enough.

2 The results of an essay show Fluency Less if the number of words Fluent used in the essay within 80 minutes is between 50-99. 1 Student essay scores did not show fluency if the fluency number of words used in the essay within 80 minutes was. If there is flexibility in the content or ideas, which includes (1) imagination, that is, whether or not the sample shows a rich imagination, or (2) imagination, the extent to which the essay contains only facts or imaginations.

3 Student Essay Results Adaptable indicate adaptability if they meet criteria 3 Sufficient. After obtaining the students' significance scores (t-value), it was compared with the t-table value. When the t-test value is found to be equal to or greater than the t-table value, it means that the null hypothesis (H0) has been rejected and the alternative hypothesis (H1) has been accepted because there is a significant difference between the pre-test and the post-test and after learning to write using the divergent thinking method.

Table 3.3 Criteria for the hypothesis testing  Testing
Table 3.3 Criteria for the hypothesis testing Testing


  • The Students’ Creativity In Terms of Fluency
  • The Students’ Creativity In Terms of Flexibility
  • The Students’ Creativity In Terms of Originality
  • The Improvement of Students’ Creativity in Writing
  • Hypothesis Testing

Pre-test score Percentage of students' writing creativity in terms of thinking fluency. Overall, this means that students' pre-test scores and percentages were still low because more than half of students did not receive fluent scores. In the post-test, the researcher presented the result of the percentage of students' points in essay writing in terms of fluency after using divergent thinking as a teaching method.

Overall, this means that the scores and percentages of the students on the pre-test improved slightly, as half of the students achieved very fluent results. In the pre-test, the researcher presented the result of students' percentage values ​​in writing an essay in terms of flexibility before using divergent thinking as a teaching method. In a post-test, the researcher presented the result of the percentage of students' essay writing scores in terms of adaptability after using divergent thinking as a teaching method.

Overall, this means that the students' scores and percentages in the pretest improved slightly, because half of the students got very flexible scores. In the post-test, the researcher presented the result of the percentage of students' scores in writing essay in terms of originality after using divergent thinking as a method in teaching. Overall, this means that the students' scores and percentages in the pretest improved slightly.

Table 4.1. The Pre-Test Score Percentage of Students‘ Creativity  Writing in Terms of Fluency of Thinking
Table 4.1. The Pre-Test Score Percentage of Students‘ Creativity Writing in Terms of Fluency of Thinking


It showed that there is a significant difference between the student's pre-test and post-test results using divergent thinking as a teaching method. As discussed in the previous findings section, it showed that the use of divergent thinking method improved students' writing creativity. The students' creativity in writing the results after the implemented divergent thinking method was better than the students' treatment.

Therefore, the result can be concluded that there was a significant improvement in students' creativity after performing the treatment using the divergent thinking method. Anggatasari et al (2012) in their research found that divergent thinking had positive effect and influence on students' creativity in improving writing skills. Similarly in this research, the researcher improved students' creativity in writing by using the divergent thinking method.

Correspondingly in this research, that students should be able to develop and improve their thinking skills by using divergent thinking in their thought processes. Based on the result of the t-test, researcher found that there was a significant improvement between students' creativity in writing before and after teaching and learning processed using divergent thinking. Therefore, it can be concluded that by using divergent thinking method in eleventh grade in SMA Negeri 2 Takalar, students' creativity in writing was improved.



Seorang guru bahasa Inggris perlu lebih memahami apa saja yang dibutuhkan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran agar siswa lebih kreatif dalam menulis. Penilaian kreativitas siswa SMA menggunakan tugas portofolio online melalui jaringan facebook pada konsep sistem lokomotor manusia. Pengaruh penggunaan strategi berpikir divergen terhadap kreativitas siswa, (online), (http://journal.unnes.ac.id. Diakses 29 April 2019).

Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia Nomor 3 Tahun 2017 tentang penilaian hasil pembelajaran oleh pemerintah dan penilaian hasil pembelajaran oleh satuan pendidikan. Pengembangan kreativitas siswa dalam proses pembelajaran, (online), (http://ejournal.uin-suska.ac.id. Diakses pada 29 April 2019) Kim, Kyun Hee. Meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir divergen melalui penerapan inkuiri bebas termodifikasi dalam pembelajaran matematika, (online), (http://eprints.ums.ac.id/20884/14/naskah_publikasi_Q.pdf.

Pengembangan Kreativitas Siswa Dalam Proses Pembelajaran, (Online), (http://ejournal.iain-jember.ac.id/index.php/edmislamika/article/download/28/21. Dostopano 29. aprila 2019).


Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator

Memahami struktur teks opini dan pernyataan opini Memahami unsur kebahasaan opini dan pernyataan opini 2.

Learning Materials 1. Social Functions

  • Rubric of Writing Assessment

Students determine the function of expressing the text of questioning and giving opinions by connecting new knowledge with previously acquired knowledge. Students are asked to compose sentences into paragraphs, which are formed into simple texts asking questions and giving opinions at the same time. Students determine the generic structure of expressing the text of questioning and giving opinions by connecting new knowledge with previously acquired knowledge.

Students are asked to compose the sentences into paragraphs, which are formed into a simple expression of the text of asking questions and giving opinions at the same time. Students determine the purpose of expressing the text of questioning and giving opinions by connecting new knowledge with previously acquired knowledge. The teacher gives the students the task to explain the content of the questioning and opinion expression text.

The teacher explains the process of the divergent thinking method that the expression asks and gives an opinion. Students are asked to compose sentences into paragraphs that are formed into a simple expression that simultaneously asks a question and gives an opinion. The teacher explains how to arrange an idea to form an expression that asks questions and gives an opinion.


Find your best ideas based on the topic and write them in a paragraph using the divergent thinking procedure.


  • Students’ Creativity Score Achievement in Writing Of Fluency
  • Students’ Creativity Score Achievement in Writing Of Flexibility No. Code Score Flexibility
  • Students’ Creativity Score Achievement in Writing of Originality No. Code Score Originality
  • Rate Percentage of Students’ Score
  • Mean Score of The Pre-Test and Post-Test Pre-Test of Fluency

Average scores of the pre-test and post-test pre-test of fluency pre-test of fluency.



Giving the Pre-Test to the Students

The First Treatment Explained about Subject Material

The Second Treatment Explained How to Use Divergent Thinking Method

The Third Treatment Explained How to Write an Opinion into Paragraph

The Fourth Treatment the Students Write the Kinds of Expression Opinion and Thoughts

The Fifth Treatment the Students Write Their Opinion about the Topic with Use Divergent Thinking Ways

In the sixth treatment, the students write their opinion on the other topic using different ways of thinking.

The Sixth Treatment the Students Write Their Opinion about the Other Topic with Use Divergent Thinking Ways

Giving the Post-Test to the Students

She is the second daughter of three sisters from Sahir and Sawiah's marriage. At the end of her studies, she was able to complete her thesis entitled The Use of Divergent Thinking to Enhance Students' Creativity in Writing (A Pre-Experimental Research). The fourth treatment: the students write the types of speech, opinion and thoughts, speech and thoughts.

The fifth treatment the students write their opinion on the topic using divergent ways of thinking Topic using divergent ways of thinking. The sixth treatment the students write their opinion on the other topic using divergent ways of thinking Other topic using divergent ways of thinking. At the end of her studies, she was able to complete her thesis with the title The Use of Divergent Thinking to Improve Students' Creativity in Writing (A Pre- . Experimental Research).


Table 3.3 Criteria for the hypothesis testing  Testing
Table 4.1. The Pre-Test Score Percentage of Students‘ Creativity  Writing in Terms of Fluency of Thinking
Table 4.2. The Post-Test Score Percentage of Students‘ Creativity  Writing in Terms of Fluency
Table 4.3. The Pre-Test Score Percentage of Students‘ Creativity  Writing Essay in Terms of Flexibility


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