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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh

The purpose of pre-test and post-test is to know the students' writing ability before receiving the treatment. Intan Carita, S.Pd., the principal of SMP IT BINA INSANI VAN METRO, who allowed the researcher to conduct the research in his school.

Background of The Study

In this research, the writer uses fishbone strategy as an alternative strategy in teaching English to increase the writing skills of the students. The author's research on: "The use of the fishbone strategy to increase students' writing skills in narrative paragraph writing among eighth graders of METRO's SMP IT BINA INSANI.

Problem Identification

Problem Formulation

Objective of The Research

Benefits of the Study

The writer will know the ability of the students in writing narrative paragraphs by using the fishbone strategy. And the writer can improve his knowledge and also the writer will get some experience in mastering the teaching and learning situation.

Prior Research

5Rina Mayasari, "The Use of Herringbone startgy to Increase' Ability in Writing Skills on retelling text", Encounter, (Semarang: IAIN Walisongo Semarang), Vol. So, the other previous research knows that the use of herringbone strategy is to improve students' writing skills.

The concept of Writing

On the other hand, Javed said that writing is one of the basic skills of the English language. Revision is a set of strategies designed to re-examine and evaluate the choices that led to a piece.24”.

The Concept of Narrative Paragraph

It tries to make readers feel like they are there or can visualize in their mind what the writer is describing. Orientation: It is about the opening paragraph where the characters of the story are introduced.

The Concept of Herringbone Strategy

The herringbone technique develops the understanding of the main idea through the use of a visual diagram of the fish skeleton. Second, he or she invents the guiding idea of ​​the paragraph as he or she views his or her main topic in the paragraph.

Action Hypothesis

Setting of The Study

Below, there are 40 students of the eighth grade of SMP IT BINA INSNI of Metro, consisting of 20 males and 20 females. The writer has chosen this class because most of the students have low skills, especially in writing.

Classrom Action Research Procedure

Further, Johnson said that action research in the classroom is a systematic investigation of one's own practice by the teacher for himself.40 Then Burns stated that "the central idea of ​​the action part of action research in the classroom is to intervene in a deliberate way in a problem situation in order to achieve changes and even better improvements in practice". 41. In classroom action research, the writer would like to conduct the research in two cycles. The writer observes the students who will be the subjects of my research, the writer wants to know the problems in the learning process, after the writer faces the problems, the writer will arrange the instructional design, media and evaluation.

The colleague observes the students' activities, in this research the writer acted as a teacher who implemented the strategy in the discussion.

Data Collecting Method

Webster's Collegiate said that: "A test is any series of questions or exercises or other means of measuring the ability, knowledge, intelligence, skill capacity, or of an individual or group"44 Tests are valuable measuring instruments for educational research. A test is a set of stimuli presented to an individual in order to elicit responses on the basis of which a numerical score can be assigned. The type of pre-test is an objective test, the writer uses the objective test in the form of.

The post-test type is an objective test consisting of twenty-five items.

Data Analysis

Field notes refer to qualitative notes recorded by scientists or researchers in the course of field research during or after the study. The notes are meant to be read as evidence that gives meaning and helps to understand the phenomenon. According to the criteria of mastery learning (KML), the class can be successful in achieving the material if 85% of the students in that class get at least 60.

So, if 85% of the students in that class get at least 60 in the post-test, it means that the herringbone strategy can have a positive effect on the students' narrative paragraph.

Brief Description SMP IT Bina Insani of Metro

  • History The establishment of SMP IT Bina Insani of Metro
  • Geographical SMP IT Bina Insani of Metro
  • North Metro SMP IT Bina Insani of Metro Organizational Structure Picture. 1
  • Infrastructures SMP IT Bina Insani of Metro
  • Teachers and Employees SMP IT Bina Insani of Metro Table 6
  • State Junior High School Students SMP IT Bina Insani of Metro Table 7

The implications of this integration of the learning approach require the development of a rich, varied and user-friendly media and learning resource that is broad and flexible. Hence The Champion Lampung Foundation, which tries to present the Integrated Islamic School in Metro City with the name Isam First SMP IT Bina Insani. Facilities and infrastructure present in the SMP IT Bina Insani of Metro sufficient to support the learning process.

Number of teachers with 27 tutors, it will support successful learning in SMP IT Bina Insani from Metro and those who make difference with other schools here is the class teacher who was always there when the class hours start to end, the class teacher is always in the classroom see the state students as well as teachers tahsin Tahfidz for students.

Description of The Research


The table showed that the frequency of students who paid attention to the teacher's explanation was 23 students (88%). This table was described the comparison of the students' activities in cycle I and cycle II. Student activities in cycle 1 and cycle II No student activities cycle 1 cycle II.

Based on the results of students' activities in I. and II.

Graph of Students’ Post-test 2 of SMP IT BINA INSANI   OF METRO
Graph of Students’ Post-test 2 of SMP IT BINA INSANI OF METRO


From the result of students' scores from post-test 2, it can be concluded that there were improvements in scores. Based on the result of the pre-test, after test 1 and after test 2, it was observed that there was an improvement in the results of the students. The students' attention to the teacher's explanation from cycle I to cycle II had increased.

Then it could improve students' ability to write narrative paragraphs after it was trained continuously.




  • Sejarah Berdirinya SMP IT Bina Insani Metro Utara
  • Letak Geografis SMPIT Metro Utara
  • Keadaan Sarana dan Prasarana SMPIT Metro Utara
  • Keadaan Guru dan Pegawai SMPIT Metro Utara Tabel 02

Sekolah Islam Terpadu adalah sekolah yang menerapkan konsep pendidikan Islam yang berlandaskan Al-Qur’an dan As-Sunnah. Istilah “terintegrasi” dalam Pesantren Terpadu dimaksudkan sebagai penguatan nilai-nilai Islam itu sendiri. Sekolah Islam Terpadu juga menekankan keterpaduan dalam metode pembelajaran sehingga dapat mengoptimalkan bidang Kognitif, Afektif dan Psikomotorik.

Oleh karena itu, Yayasan Para Juara Lampung mencoba menghadirkan sekolah Islam terpadu di Kota Metro bernama SMP Islam Terpadu Bina Insani. Sarana dan prasarana yang tersedia di SMPIT Bina Insani Metro Utara cukup mendukung kelancaran proses pembelajaran. Jumlah tenaga pendidik 27 orang tenaga pendidik, hal ini akan sangat menunjang keberhasilan pembelajaran di SMPIT Bina Insani Metro Utara dan yang membedakan dengan sekolah lain disini adalah adanya wali kelas yang selalu ada saat kelas dimulai sampai akhir, guru kelas selalu berada di kelas untuk melihat keadaan siswa serta guru tahsin tahfidz untuk siswa.

Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Kompetensi Dasar

Siswa dapat

Tujuan Pembelajaran

Materi Pembelajaran Teks Narrative Paragraph

  • Orientation
  • Complication
  • Resolution

Strategi Pembelajaran Herringbone Strategy

Kegiatan Inti

Siswa diminta mencatat setiap diskusi yang dianggap relevan dengan materi yang dipelajarinya. Setelah hasil pengumpulan informasi terkumpul, siswa bersama-sama dalam kelompok mendiskusikan temuan atau pemahamannya untuk dikoreksi oleh teman satu kelompoknya.

Kegiatan Penutup

Siswa diminta mencatat hasil temuannya tentang fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari contoh yang diberikan. Siswa diminta untuk mempersiapkan hasil diskusi kelompok pada pertemuan sebelumnya. mempresentasikan) hasil diskusi kelompok yang telah berlangsung pada pertemuan sebelumnya. Setelah semua siswa memahami, siswa secara individu diminta untuk membuat paragraf naratif sesuai dengan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dengan topik yang diberikan oleh guru C.

Alat dan Sumber Belajar

Penilaian Proses dan Hasil Pembelajaran

13-10 Fair to poor: limited range; frequent errors in word/idiom form, choice, usage; means confused or obscured. 25-22 Excellent to very good: effective complex constructions; some errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronouns, prepositions. 5 Excellent to very good: show mastery of conventions, few errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphs.

1 The students pay attention to the teacher's explanation 2 The students ask/answer the teacher's question 3 The students were active in building teamwork 4 The students were fluent in writing Narrative paragraph.

Strategi Pembelajaran

Pada bagian ini Anda akan dikenalkan dengan siapa yang memainkan cerita tersebut atau dalam bahasa lain, karakter dari cerita tersebut dan juga akan dikenalkan dengan setting (di mana, kapan dan bagaimana cerita tersebut terjadi). Deskripsi meningkatnya krisis yang harus dihadapi para peserta Dalam episode ini, konflik antar karakter mulai muncul. Pada bagian ini, karakter dalam cerita Narrative akan mencoba memecahkan masalah yang mereka hadapi, terkadang karakter menyelesaikannya menjadi lebih baik atau lebih buruk ketika mereka menghadapi masalah tersebut.

Kegiatan Pembelajaran Pertemuan I

Siswa secara berkelompok mereview hasil dari contoh yang dibuat secara bersama-sama untuk memperbaikinya menjadi tulisan yang lebih baik sesuai dengan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan. Guru mengikuti kegiatan pada pertemuan berikutnya, masing-masing mempresentasikan hasil kelompok dalam membuat paragraf narasi dan kegiatan individu dalam menulis paragraf narasi. Sekelompok siswa maju untuk menawarkan. layout) Materi paragraf narasi dan hasil tulisan kelompok pada contoh paragraf narasi yang telah.

Guru mengulas materi yang disampaikan siswa dan mengoreksi contoh paragraf narasi yang dibuat oleh kelompok siswa c.

Alat dan Sumber Belajar 1. Kurikulum Bahasa Inggris K-13

21-17 Fair to poor: limited knowledge of subject; little dust; insufficient development of subject 16-13 Very poor: does not show knowledge of subject;. 17-14 Good to average: somewhat choppy; loosely organized but main ideas stand out; limited support; logical but incomplete sequence 13-10 Fair to poor: non-fluent; ideas confused or. 17-14 Good to average: adequate range; sometimes errors of word/idiom form, choice, usage; but meaning not obscured.

1 The students pay attention to the teacher's explanation 2 The students ask/answer the teacher's question 3 The students were active in building teamwork.


Graph of Students’ Post-test 1 of   SMP IT BINA INSANI OF METRO
Graph of Students’ Post-test 2 of SMP IT BINA INSANI   OF METRO


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