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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh

This study was conducted to improve the writing skills of the students through the metacognitive strategy of SMP SMP N 7 Metro. Therefore, this study is titled “Using Metacognitive Strategy to Improve Student Writing Skills in SMP N 7 Metro Eighth Graders.”

Table 1. The result of Pre Survey data on May 8, 2019  SMP N 7 Metro
Table 1. The result of Pre Survey data on May 8, 2019 SMP N 7 Metro

Identification of The Problem

One of the responsibilities of teachers is to help their students learn collaboratively by using a metacognitive strategy. Based on the above explanation, the researcher is interested in the research for the use of metacognitive strategy.

Problem Limitation

They thought that they have nothing to write about and when they have ideas about what to write, their ideas could not be delivered properly because of their lack of vocabulary, grammar and sentence organization.

Problem Formulation

Objectives and Benefits of The Problem 1. The Objectives of the Problem

The Benefits of the Problem

The research is useful for future researchers who wish to use a metacognitive strategy to improve their students' writing skills. Second, the results of the research are expected to be references for the students of the English department to improve their writing skills for the mistakes they have made.

Prior Research

Skills Needed in Writing

Then, paragraph production is a "substitute-practice" style of procedure to encourage students to write a paragraph that is almost. Based on the above explanations, four skills are needed in writing such as spelling and punctuation skills, writing mechanics and handwriting skills, sentence, paragraph and text production skills.

The Process of Writing Skill

The topic sentence is the most common in a paragraph, and it expresses the main focus of the paragraph. 2 The topic is complete and clear, but the details are not related to the topic.

Table 2. The Rubric Score of Writing Skill
Table 2. The Rubric Score of Writing Skill

The Concept Metacognitive Strategy 1. Definition of Metacognitive Strategy

  • The Principles of Metacognitive Strategy
  • The Procedures of Metacognitive Strategy
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Metacognitive Strategy
  • The Steps of Metacognitive Strategy in Teaching Writing Skill

The second is to inform students of the usefulness of metacognitive activities to make them make the extra effort, and c. The third is to provide students with extensive long-term . instruction to ensure the maintenance of the metacognitive activities. 25 Mohammed Khzaiyem Alshammari, "The effect of using metacognitive strategies on achievement and the trend towards social studies of middle school students in Saudi Arabia", (European Center for Research Training and Development UK, Vol.3, No.

Action Hypothesis

They asked their instructor to mark a serious mistake and then find the correct form by helping each other and using reference material and;.

Variables and Definition of Operational Variable

The setting of the Research

The subject of the Research

Action Plan

From the above definition, the researcher concludes that action research is an activity of teachers to improve their classroom effectiveness and teaching skills. The researcher gave the conclusion of the material and gave the motivation for the activity during the lesson in the speech performance of the students. In this step, the researcher observed the teaching learning process using format observation.

In this step, the researcher used the data for evaluation to improve the second cycle. Next, the researcher prepared the format to evaluate the students' activities after the teaching-learning process. In this step, the researcher observed the process of teaching-learning by using observation to collect the data action plan II.

The researcher reviewed and reflected on the activities of the students and the performance of the teachers, whether it is positive or negative, the second cycle is enough or the next step is needed.

Figure 1.Kurt Lewin’s Action Research Design  (Adapted from Jean McNiff, 2002). 36
Figure 1.Kurt Lewin’s Action Research Design (Adapted from Jean McNiff, 2002). 36

Data Collecting Technique

The instruments of the research research instrument in this research are: The research instruments in this research are:.

The instrument of the Research Research instrument in this research are: Research instrument in this research are

Data Analysis Method

Then, the data scores match the minimum standard criteria (MSC) in the school at least 75. To know the benefit of the data, the researcher analyzed the test result by taking the average score of pre-test and post-test. In addition, the score must reach the minimum standard of writing ability in this class of at least 75.

If the average of the post-test fulfilled at least 75, and 70% of the students passed, the researcher will not continue to the next cycle.

The Description of Research Setting

The total of Teachers and the Total of the Students in SMP N 7 Metro a. The Total of Teachers

There are 167 students in class VII, 150 students in class VIII and 189 students in class IX.

Cycle 1

Before the start of the first meeting, the researcher greeted the students and checked the attendance list of the students. Then the researcher gave the students a worksheet and told them to do it themselves. There were only 14 students of the students who achieved the score above (≥75) while the other 15 students were below that criterion.

The researcher and the English teacher were collaborators who helped the researcher to observe the students' activities during the teaching-learning process. The Table 9 showed that the students who paid attention to the teacher's explanation were 18. In addition, there were 11 students' ask/answer question, 12 students active in class, and 14 the students who could do the task.

Table 9 showed that the frequency of students paying attention to the teacher's explanation was 18 or 62%.

Table 6. Frequency of Students’ Grade in Pre test  NO  Score  Frequency  Percentage (%)  Criteria
Table 6. Frequency of Students’ Grade in Pre test NO Score Frequency Percentage (%) Criteria


Cycle II

Based on the result of cycle 1, the researcher realized that there were improvements in the students' writing ability, but still found some problems that the students faced. Here the researcher has to prepare the student exercise and the student worksheet for cycle II after the test. Based on Table 12, students' writing product score, there was better improvement of students' average score from students' writing ability.

Table 14 showed that there were 25 students who paid attention to the teacher's explanation. Table 15 showed that the frequency of students who paid attention to the teacher's explanation was 25 students (86%). The percentage of student activity in II. cycle Figure 7 showed that the students' activities in II.

Based on the result above, the researcher indicated that the learning process in cycle II was successful because the students' activities percentage got >75%.

Table 12. The Students’ Writing Skill Grade of Post Test in Cycle II  NO  Name
Table 12. The Students’ Writing Skill Grade of Post Test in Cycle II NO Name



Comparison of grades in the pre-exam, after exam I in cycle I and after exam II in cycle II. Comparison of students' grades in the pre-exam, after exam I in cycle I and after exam II in cycle II. Based on Table 19, the results of pretest, posttest I and posttest II, it was found that there was a positive significant improvement of the students.

Based on the Figure 10, it can be deduced that metacognitive strategy can improve the students' mastery of writing skill. This is supported by the improvement of the grade of the students from pre-test to post-test I and from post-test I to post-test II. The students' attention to the teacher's explanation from cycle I to cycle II improved in cycle 1 was only 62% and in cycle II 86%, it improved 24%.

Students' writing ability improved with the use of a metacognitive strategy, improved from cycle 1 to cycle II. cycle, in the 1st cycle only 38% and in the II. cycle 72%, improved by 34%.

Table 18. The Comparison of Students’ Grade on Pre Test, Post  Test I in Cycle I and Post Test II in Cycle II
Table 18. The Comparison of Students’ Grade on Pre Test, Post Test I in Cycle I and Post Test II in Cycle II


Merefleksikan proses dan hasil belajar. unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks. perilaku yang terkandung dalam AI Pembelajar mampu. Jelaskan perbandingan jumlah dan sifat orang, benda, binatang yang muncul menjadi dua. gambar berbeda - Tanya jawab untuk membandingkan orang, benda, hewan yang mereka kenal di rumah, di sekolah, dan di lingkungan. memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks. intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan.

Kompetensi Inti

Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator

Mengidentifikasi struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dalam teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis terkait tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal di Indonesia (Taman Nasional Kelimutu) dengan konteks penggunaannya. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dalam teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis terkait tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal di Indonesia (Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon) dengan konteks penggunaannya. 3 4.5 Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, terkait tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal, dengan.

Tujuan Pembelajaran 1. Pertemuan Pertama

  • Pertemuan Kedua

Siswa mampu menyusun deskriptif teks terkait tempat wisata dang bangunan bersejarah di Indonesia (Ujung Kulon National Park)

Tujuan dari teks deskriptif adalah untuk mendeskripsikan dan mengungkapkan orang, tempat, benda atau lainnya secara spesifik. Guru mempersiapkan mental dan fisik siswa untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan cara mengucapkan salam, mempersilakan siswa untuk mengatur kelas dan penampilan, mengajak siswa untuk memulai kegiatan dengan doa dan memeriksa kehadiran siswa. Di bawah bimbingan guru, siswa mengajukan pertanyaan tentang fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari setiap teks.

Secara berkelompok, siswa berdiskusi tentang teks deskripsi objek Ekowisata di Indonesia yang telah dibuat di depan kelas dengan menggunakan teknik Tea Party. Guru dan siswa bersama-sama membuat rangkuman materi yang telah dipelajari pada pertemuan ini. Guru mengajukan pertanyaan kepada siswa untuk membantu mereka melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan pembelajaran yang telah mereka lakukan.

Membaca referensi teks dari berbagai sumber, termasuk buku LKS, untuk mengetahui fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks deskriptif yang berkaitan dengan tempat wisata terkenal dan bangunan bersejarah di Indonesia (Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon).

Gambar Kelimutu National Park dan Ujung Kulon National Park  2.  Alat/Bahan
Gambar Kelimutu National Park dan Ujung Kulon National Park 2. Alat/Bahan




In this unit, you will learn about an ecotourism destination in Indonesia in the form of a descriptive text. You can see an example of descriptive text about Ujung Kulon National Park in your book. This national park is located at the extreme southwestern end of the Java and Sunda shelves, includes the Ujung Kulon peninsula and several offshore islands, and includes the Krakatau Nature Reserve.

In addition to its natural beauty and geological interest, especially the lowland rainforest area of ​​the Java Plain. Ujung Kulon National Park, located in Banten Province on the extreme southwestern tip of the heavily populated island of Java, has the best and most extensive lowland forest left on the island. The property, including the Ujung Kulon Peninsula and several offshore islands, retains its natural beauty and treats a very poor flora and fauna, demonstrating the ongoing evolution of geological processes since the Krakatao eruption in 1883.

The Krakatau volcano as part of the property formation is the best known and most studied of all modern volcanic eruptions, mainly because of the.



Table 1. The result of Pre Survey data on May 8, 2019  SMP N 7 Metro
Table 2. The Result of Pre Survey  at the Eighth Graders of SMP N 7 Metro
Table 2. The Rubric Score of Writing Skill
Figure 1.Kurt Lewin’s Action Research Design  (Adapted from Jean McNiff, 2002). 36


Dokumen terkait

3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait legenda rakyat, sederhana,